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Thread: OPP officer guilty of sexual assault on unconscious woman and recording it to 'teach her a lesson'

  1. #1
    Senior Member jennafyre's Avatar
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    OPP officer guilty of sexual assault on unconscious woman and recording it to 'teach her a lesson'

    Spoiler alert: he has been on PAID LEAVE since 2015 after being convicted of drug trafficking, making over 100k/year.

    An Ontario Provincial Police officer in Leeds County was convicted of sexual assault for having sex with an unconscious woman and recording it on his phone.

    Jason Redmond, a constable with the Ontario Provincial Police in Leeds County, was found guilty of sexual assault in a Brockville courtroom last month for having sexual intercourse with a woman while she was unconscious.

    A judge found Redmond also made a video of the assault on his phone to ?prove? the victim had a drinking problem, and to ?teach her a lesson? about how irresponsible she was when consuming alcohol.

    ?He made the video to show that anybody could rape her,? Ontario Court Justice Janet O?Brien read in her ruling last month, recalling the testimony of one Crown witness.

    Redmond, who has been on paid leave from the provincial police service since 2015 after being involved in a local drug trafficking operation, was charged with sexual assault in 2021.

    He pleaded not guilty. His trial took place over two days this past August at the Brockville courthouse, and the decision was handed down on Feb. 16 in a judge-alone trial.

    The OPP did not inform the public of the charge.

    While the trial took place last summer, the assault itself happened in December 2017.

    On the day in question, the victim had been drinking alcohol, the court heard, while both she and Redmond did cocaine many times throughout the day, as well.

    The judge found the victim, over the course of a long day of drinking and drug use, eventually lost consciousness ?either because she went to sleep or as a result of the effects of alcohol, or a combination of these.?

    The next day, Redmond told her about what he?d done ? that he had sex with her while she was passed out, that he knew she wasn?t aware of it, and that he had recorded it on his phone.

    He tried to show her the video to prove how intoxicated she had been, she testified in trial, but she was embarrassed that she couldn?t remember it, pushed his hand away, and went about her day as normal.

    As time went on, the existence of the video eventually became known to many people in Redmond?s inner circle, including several people who took the stand.

    Over the course of the two-day trial, the court heard from several Crown witnesses, all of whom testified Redmond told them he had sex with the victim while unconscious, and made a video to ?teach her a lesson,? a court transcript reads.

    Three witnesses testified to Redmond bragging and trying to show them the video, while a fourth testified to inadvertently finding the recording.

    One of the witnesses, while testifying, said Redmond ?was kind of laughing? when talking about the incident.

    ?He appeared to find what he had done funny and was making fun of (her),? one of the witnesses testified.

    The OPP eventually became aware of the video?s existence, prompting a criminal investigation in 2021, which led to the sexual assault charge against the officer.

    Redmond argued the victim?s inability to remember was not proof she did not consent. The judge found, however, that the Crown proved beyond a reasonable doubt that she ?did not consent to the sexual touching either because she was unconscious or she was incapable of consenting.?

    The video was not shown as evidence in the trial, but the judge found the Crown had done its job proving its existence.

    ?Based on the circumstantial evidence, I find the only reasonable inference is that Mr. Redmond recorded himself having sexual intercourse with (the victim) while she was unconscious or in a state of near unconsciousness,? the judge ruled.

    This was further solidified when the victim testified she had no memory of the assault.

    ?(She) was unaware of any sexual touching. Mr. Redmond knew that (she) was unaware he had sexual intercourse with her.?

    The victim?s identity and some of the circumstances surrounding the sexual assault are protected by a publication ban.

    Redmond, who started working with the OPP in the mid-2000s, was involved in another high-profile case after being convicted of drug trafficking in 2015 stemming from his involvement with Project Arrowtown.

    Project Arrowtown was a case where police ?conducted an 18-month investigation into criminal activity by police officers in Leeds County,? where an undercover officer posed as a petty criminal to connect Redmond and other officers with illegal drug activity.

    Redmond pleaded guilty to a pot-trafficking charge and was found guilty of forging documents in 2018, but was not given jail time for his crimes.

    He has remained on paid leave from the force ever since. On Wednesday morning, an OPP spokesperson confirmed that despite his several convictions, Redmond is still employed.

    ?I can confirm that Jason Redmond?s employment with the OPP remains the same at this time. He is still on paid leave,? Acting Sergeant Erin Cranton said in an email.

    His name was included on the 2021 public sector salary list, where the province annually publishes the names of all public sector employees who were paid $100,000 or more.

    He made $121,047.96 that year, according to the province.

    Redmond is due back in court Apr. 14 for sentencing.

  2. #2
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    What the fuck? Why didnt they show the tape at trial? How was he on paid leave for that long?

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  3. #3
    Senior Member curiouscat's Avatar
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    This rapist should have to give all his pension to his victim.
    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    I don't have a thousand dollars hanging around to buy a fart in a jar lol.

  4. #4
    Moderator Bewitchingstorm's Avatar
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    Tax payers are allowing this? I guess crime pays up there.

  5. #5
    Moderator raisedbywolves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    What the fuck? Why didnt they show the tape at trial? How was he on paid leave for that long?
    I am glad they didn't show it. That poor woman doesn't need anyone else to see it. Fuck this asshole!

  6. #6
    Senior Member jennafyre's Avatar
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    I am guessing it got deleted at some point but there was enough evidence for the judge to believe it existed. I would love to think that they wanted to protect the victim by not showing it...but I doubt it.

    I also doubt the garbage hole human will get any jail time.

  7. #7
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    I am glad they didn't show it. That poor woman doesn't need anyone else to see it. Fuck this asshole!
    You're right, Im an idiot and didnt think of the revictimization. Im not as dumb as he is though that I would commit a crime and film evidence of it, then brag about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jennafyre View Post
    I am guessing it got deleted at some point but there was enough evidence for the judge to believe it existed. I would love to think that they wanted to protect the victim by not showing it...but I doubt it.

    I also doubt the garbage hole human will get any jail time.
    No jail time when there is this much evidence!?!

    At least stop paying the man for God's sake!
    Last edited by Angiebla; 03-31-2023 at 11:09 AM.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  8. #8
    Senior Member jennafyre's Avatar
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    11 more charges for this piece of garbage. Charges include: assault causing bodily harm and failing to provide the necessities of life.

    Among the charges were six counts of assault, three counts of assault causing bodily harm, one count of assault with a weapon and one count of failing to provide the necessaries of life.

    Author of the article:Sabrina Bedford • The Recorder and Times
    Published Apr 19, 2023

    BROCKVILLE — An embattled Ontario Provincial Police officer was back in court again this week, this time being accused of nearly a dozen violent crimes.

    Jason Redmond, a Leeds County OPP officer recently convicted of sexual assault for having sexual intercourse with an unconscious woman in 2017, is facing 11 additional charges stemming from a criminal investigation involving multiple allegations of abuse.

    Among the charges were six counts of assault, three counts of assault causing bodily harm, one count of assault with a weapon and one count of failing to provide the necessaries of life.

    He pleaded not guilty.

    Redmond was originally charged with 17 offences when the investigation began in 2021, but six of the charges were dropped before making it to trial.

    The alleged victim, whose identity was protected by a publication ban, is not the same woman from Redmond’s sexual assault conviction earlier this year.
    In this most recent case, the Crown alleges Redmond violently assaulted the woman on multiple occasions, claiming he choked, punched, pushed, hit, and cut her with a knife.

    This abuse often left bruises and cuts on her body, the Crown claimed.

    Crown attorney Lorne Goldstein described Redmond as a violent and angry man. He consumed cocaine and alcohol often, a factor that oftentimes exacerbated the abuse, he said.

    The court heard the alleged victim was also a drug user who often consumed cocaine and crack.

    “We have a victim who was in the grips of a profound addiction,” Goldstein told the court.

    “That does not give Mr. Redmond licence to abuse her.”

    Multiple graphic photos of the woman’s alleged injuries were shown in court, but defense attorney Karin Stein said it was impossible to know when the photos were taken or how the injuries occurred.

    The photos, even though they depicted injuries to the woman’s face, “simply can’t be relied on,” she argued.

    Several Crown witnesses were called to the stand over the course of the trial in March, many of whom claimed they saw the woman’s injuries after the alleged abuse happened. One person testified to witnessing the abuse first-hand, Goldstein said.

    The defence denied the allegations of abuse, and said the Crown had not sufficiently done its job proving the charges.

    Stein said in her closing arguments that the alleged victim had serious reliability and credibility issues, lending significant doubt to her testimony.

    She was a “self-proclaimed crack addict,” Stein said, leading to intense memory problems over long periods of time.

    This led to her often lying to everyone in her life, Stein said, including doctors, family, friends and police.

    Stein said because nobody saw the alleged abuse happen — casting doubt on the one person who claimed they’d witnessed it because the witness is a child — the judge can’t convict Redmond based on the woman’s word alone.

    “We can’t rely on her evidence, and all we have is her evidence,” Stein said.

    “We have her saying this is how she got the injury, but we don’t have any independent evidence. Nobody saw, obviously, any of these incidents occur between the two of them. People saw injuries to her, but we don’t know, beyond (her) word, how she obtained these injuries.”

    The Crown said, however, that just because the woman had an addiction, it doesn’t mean it’s enough to dismiss her account of what happened.

    Stein claimed if the abuse actually happened, that she would have called the police. Goldstein said, however, that the woman didn’t come forward because Redmond himself was an OPP officer.

    “She regrets not calling the police. She was afraid,” he said.

    In February, a judge in Brockville found Redmond guilty of sexual assault after raping an unconscious woman in 2017 and making a video of it on his phone to “prove” she had a drinking problem and to “teach her a lesson” about how irresponsible she was when consuming alcohol.

    He was also convicted in October 2018 for trafficking a controlled substance and using a forged document.

    Despite these multiple convictions, he remains on the OPP’s payroll because the Police Services Act currently says an officer charged with a criminal offence can only be suspended with pay.

    His name was included on the 2021 public sector salary list, where the province annually publishes the names of all public sector employees who were paid $100,000 or more.

    He made $121,047.96 that year, according to the province.

    In order for someone to be suspended without pay, the person must be convicted and be sentenced to a term of incarceration. Redmond was not given jail time for his 2018 crimes.

    He will be sentenced for his sexual assault conviction on May 31.

    Redmond was not physically in the courtroom Tuesday; he and his lawyer, along with the Crown attorney and judge, all attended the hearing by videoconference.

    Sitting in a dimly lit room wearing a light-coloured dress shirt, Redmond’s camera cut out many times during his lawyer’s arguments. The court proceedings were briefly paused to address the issue after the Crown attorney pointed out Redmond’s absence.

    Redmond and his lawyer went into a private meeting, and when they came back said the reason he kept turning off his camera was because he was blowing his nose and coughing. He didn’t want to be a distraction, Stein said, despite the fact his microphone was muted.

    He was instructed to keep his camera on.

    Ontario Court Justice Donna Hackett will give her ruling on all 11 charges on June 9 at the Brockville courthouse.

    It is a judge-alone trial.

  9. #9
    Senior Member jennafyre's Avatar
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    Oops, double.

  10. #10
    Moderator Bewitchingstorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennafyre View Post
    11 more charges for this piece of garbage. Charges include: assault causing bodily harm and failing to provide the necessities of life.

    Among the charges were six counts of assault, three counts of assault causing bodily harm, one count of assault with a weapon and one count of failing to provide the necessaries of life.

    Author of the article:Sabrina Bedford • The Recorder and Times
    Published Apr 19, 2023

    BROCKVILLE — An embattled Ontario Provincial Police officer was back in court again this week, this time being accused of nearly a dozen violent crimes.

    Jason Redmond, a Leeds County OPP officer recently convicted of sexual assault for having sexual intercourse with an unconscious woman in 2017, is facing 11 additional charges stemming from a criminal investigation involving multiple allegations of abuse.

    Among the charges were six counts of assault, three counts of assault causing bodily harm, one count of assault with a weapon and one count of failing to provide the necessaries of life.

    He pleaded not guilty.

    Redmond was originally charged with 17 offences when the investigation began in 2021, but six of the charges were dropped before making it to trial.

    The alleged victim, whose identity was protected by a publication ban, is not the same woman from Redmond’s sexual assault conviction earlier this year.
    In this most recent case, the Crown alleges Redmond violently assaulted the woman on multiple occasions, claiming he choked, punched, pushed, hit, and cut her with a knife.

    This abuse often left bruises and cuts on her body, the Crown claimed.

    Crown attorney Lorne Goldstein described Redmond as a violent and angry man. He consumed cocaine and alcohol often, a factor that oftentimes exacerbated the abuse, he said.

    The court heard the alleged victim was also a drug user who often consumed cocaine and crack.

    “We have a victim who was in the grips of a profound addiction,” Goldstein told the court.

    “That does not give Mr. Redmond licence to abuse her.”

    Multiple graphic photos of the woman’s alleged injuries were shown in court, but defense attorney Karin Stein said it was impossible to know when the photos were taken or how the injuries occurred.

    The photos, even though they depicted injuries to the woman’s face, “simply can’t be relied on,” she argued.

    Several Crown witnesses were called to the stand over the course of the trial in March, many of whom claimed they saw the woman’s injuries after the alleged abuse happened. One person testified to witnessing the abuse first-hand, Goldstein said.

    The defence denied the allegations of abuse, and said the Crown had not sufficiently done its job proving the charges.

    Stein said in her closing arguments that the alleged victim had serious reliability and credibility issues, lending significant doubt to her testimony.

    She was a “self-proclaimed crack addict,” Stein said, leading to intense memory problems over long periods of time.

    This led to her often lying to everyone in her life, Stein said, including doctors, family, friends and police.

    Stein said because nobody saw the alleged abuse happen — casting doubt on the one person who claimed they’d witnessed it because the witness is a child — the judge can’t convict Redmond based on the woman’s word alone.

    “We can’t rely on her evidence, and all we have is her evidence,” Stein said.

    “We have her saying this is how she got the injury, but we don’t have any independent evidence. Nobody saw, obviously, any of these incidents occur between the two of them. People saw injuries to her, but we don’t know, beyond (her) word, how she obtained these injuries.”

    The Crown said, however, that just because the woman had an addiction, it doesn’t mean it’s enough to dismiss her account of what happened.

    Stein claimed if the abuse actually happened, that she would have called the police. Goldstein said, however, that the woman didn’t come forward because Redmond himself was an OPP officer.

    “She regrets not calling the police. She was afraid,” he said.

    In February, a judge in Brockville found Redmond guilty of sexual assault after raping an unconscious woman in 2017 and making a video of it on his phone to “prove” she had a drinking problem and to “teach her a lesson” about how irresponsible she was when consuming alcohol.

    He was also convicted in October 2018 for trafficking a controlled substance and using a forged document.

    Despite these multiple convictions, he remains on the OPP’s payroll because the Police Services Act currently says an officer charged with a criminal offence can only be suspended with pay.

    His name was included on the 2021 public sector salary list, where the province annually publishes the names of all public sector employees who were paid $100,000 or more.

    He made $121,047.96 that year, according to the province.

    In order for someone to be suspended without pay, the person must be convicted and be sentenced to a term of incarceration. Redmond was not given jail time for his 2018 crimes.

    He will be sentenced for his sexual assault conviction on May 31.

    Redmond was not physically in the courtroom Tuesday; he and his lawyer, along with the Crown attorney and judge, all attended the hearing by videoconference.

    Sitting in a dimly lit room wearing a light-coloured dress shirt, Redmond’s camera cut out many times during his lawyer’s arguments. The court proceedings were briefly paused to address the issue after the Crown attorney pointed out Redmond’s absence.

    Redmond and his lawyer went into a private meeting, and when they came back said the reason he kept turning off his camera was because he was blowing his nose and coughing. He didn’t want to be a distraction, Stein said, despite the fact his microphone was muted.

    He was instructed to keep his camera on.

    Ontario Court Justice Donna Hackett will give her ruling on all 11 charges on June 9 at the Brockville courthouse.

    It is a judge-alone trial.
    I know it is the defense's job to attack the credibility of the witness, but this is too far. Thank goodness the court didn't buy into that crap.

  11. #11
    Senior Member jennafyre's Avatar
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    He hasn't been convicted on any of these charges yet. Sadly I think he will get away with this. Originally he was charged with 17 offences and 6 were dropped before he even went to trial. I feel terrible for the victim who has to testify. At least he's not physically in the courtroom.

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