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Thread: Right Wing extremists charged in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

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    Right Wing extremists charged in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

    DETROIT (FOX 2) - Federal authorities have arrested six men who they said were conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

    In a complaint filed in federal court, authorities announced the charges against six men, Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta, all are accused of conspiring to kidnap Whitmer.

    All men with the exception of Croft are residents of Michigan. Croft lives in Delaware.

    Federal authorities and Michigan Attorney General held a press conference at 1 p.m. on Thursday to discuss the operation and arrests of seven other men connected to a Michigan militia group, Wolverine Watchmen.

    DETROIT (FOX 2) - Federal authorities have arrested six men who they said were conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

    In a complaint filed in federal court, authorities announced the charges against six men, Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta, all are accused of conspiring to kidnap Whitmer.

    All men with the exception of Croft are residents of Michigan. Croft lives in Delaware.

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    Federal authorities and Michigan Attorney General held a press conference at 1 p.m. on Thursday to discuss the operation and arrests of seven other men connected to a Michigan militia group, Wolverine Watchmen.

    According to the complaint, Croft, Fox, and about 13 other men gathered in Dublin, Ohio, on June 6 to form a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights in an effort to be self-sufficient. The group discussed ways to achieve this through violent means, the complaint says, and discussed plans.

    "Several members talked about murdering 'tyrants' or 'taking' a sitting governor," the FBI wrote. "The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message. "

    The FBI said Fox then reached out to a Michigan-based militia group and was focusing on Governor Whitmer.

    "Fox said he needed '200 men' to storm the Capitol building in Lansing, Michigan, and take hostages, including the Governor. Fox explained they would try the Governor of Michigan for 'treason,' and he said they would execute the plan before the November 2020 elections," according to federal officials.

    Governor Gretchen Whitmer said she will hold a press conference to discuss the arrests at 3 p.m. on Thursday.

    According to the FBI, it learned of the plan through confidential sources and undercover agents over several months who attended militia group meetings. The FBI said the militia group would hold field training exercises on private property in remote areas of Michigan, where they would engage in firearm training and tactical drills.

    At one point, the FBI said the group had a meeting in Grand Rapids in the basement of a shop that was accessed through a trap door hidden under a rug on the main floor. At that business, the FBI said they discussed the plan for the Capitol and planned to use "Molotov cocktails" to destroy police cars.

    The FBI said Fox called Whitmer a "tyrant b****" and asked the group to be linked with other systems and asked for ideas of what they can do.

    The militia group also met in Ohio and Wisconsin, the FBI reported, and on July 11 in Wisconsin, Croft and another member tried to make an improvised explosive device using black powder, balloons, a fuse, and BBs for shrapnel.

    According to the FBI, there are recordings of a discussion to attack a Michigan State Police facility and shooting up the Governor's vacation home. Fox said in a recording that the best opportunity was to "kidnap her outside her vacation home", the FBI said.

    "Snatch and grab, man. Grab the f*****? Governor. Just grab the b****. Because at that point, we do that, dude -- it?s over,? the FBI quoted Fox as saying.

    The FBI also said they would take her somewhere in Wisconsin for a "trial."

    On July 27, 2020 Fox asked in an encrypted group chat, which included Garbin, Harris and Franks ?Okay, well how?s everyone feel about kidnapping?? No one responded to the question. On July 28, 2020, Fox told CHS-2 over the phone that he had narrowed down his attack targets to the vacation home and the summer residence. The call was not recorded. The same day, Fox posted the following to a private Facebook page: ?We about to be busy ladies and gentlemen . . . This is where the Patriot shows up. Sacrifices his time, money, blood sweat and tears . . . it starts now so get f---ing prepared!!?

    According to the FBI, the group found her vacation home in late August, took pictures and video as they drove by, and found out how close police were to the home.

    In a mid-September meeting, the group met, made, and detonated an IED that was surrounded by human silhouette targets, the FBI said, and planned to put an IED under an overpass to divert police from the vacation home along M-31.

    According to documents, Fox wondered whether the group just needed to ?party it out, make a cake and send it,? in what CHS-2 believed was a coded reference to sending a bomb to the Governor.

    Fox spoke about explosives, saying ?In all honesty right now . . . I just wanna make the world glow, dude. I?m not even f---ing kidding. I just wanna make it all glow dude. I don?t f---ing care anymore, I?m just so sick of it. That?s what it?s gonna take for us to take it back, we?re just gonna have to everything?s gonna have to be annihilated man.

    "We?re gonna topple it all, dude. It?s what great frickin? conquerors, man, we?re just gonna conquer every f---ing thing man.? Fox and Garbin further discussed the need for the government to collapse because it has become so tyrannical."

    During the planning, the group had a conversation with an undercover officer that it would cost about $4,000 to get the explosives they want to blow up the bridge leading to the vacation home and they agreed to use the next few weeks to raise money, the FBI said.

    In a recorded call, Fox told an FBI source that he bought an 800,000-volt taser that he was planning to use in the kidnapping, the FBI said.

    On Wednesday, Oct. 7, Fox allegedly made plans to meet with an undercover officer to pay for explosives and exchange tactical gear.

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    Some of the Mugshots are now released. At this point these Trump terrorists are basically the like people that assassinated congressman Leo Ryan because Jim Jones told them to do that or in this case because Donald Trump Ordered them to do that.

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    The Whitmer Cabinet has issued a response on the assassination/kidnapping attempt on the Governor

    (WXYZ) — In the wake of the thwarted plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, state leaders are calling out President Trump's inability to denounce white supremacy and its possible connection to domestic terrorism.

    Whitmer on kidnapping plot: 'This is not a militia, this is a domestic terror organization'
    Thursday night, Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II took to twitter in response to the president's tweets saying Whitmer's "done a terrible job."

    "Governor Whitmer of Michigan has done a terrible job. She locked down her state for everyone, except her husband’s boating activities," President Trump tweeted. "The Federal Government provided tremendous help to the Great People of Michigan. My Justice Department and Federal Law Enforcement that they foiled a dangerous plot against the Governor of Michigan. Rather than say thank you, she calls me a White Supremacist—while Biden and Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, Anarchists, Looters and Mobs that burn down Democrat run cities..."

    Photo shows two suspects in alleged kidnapping plot targeting Governor Whitmer inside Michigan Capitol
    Gilchrist tweeted blatantly: "Just stop. Enough is enough. You are a threat to the safety of every American."

    A few of the men arrested in the kidnapping plot were photographed were frequently seen at local demonstrations, including at a rally in protest of Governor Whitmer’s stay-at-home order held in Grand Rapids last May.

    After doubling down on her assertion that President Donald Trump is complicit in extremist behavior during a GMA interview Friday morning, the governor tweeted the men behind the plot were not a militia, but "domestic terrorists endangering and intimidating their fellow Americans."

    The Lt. Governor joined 7 Action News This Morning for an interview on the aftermath of the kidnapping plot and President Trump's response. Watch the full interview below:

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    Update Rumors of the 25th Amendment is floating on Trump

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is questioning President Donald Trump’s fitness to serve, announcing legislation Thursday that would create a commission to allow Congress to intervene under the 25th Amendment to the Constitution and remove the president from executive duties.

    Just weeks before the Nov. 3 election, Pelosi said Trump needs to disclose more about his health after his COVID-19 diagnosis. She noted Trump’s “strange tweet” halting talks on a new coronavirus aid package — he subsequently tried to reverse course — and said Americans need to know when, exactly, he first contracted COVID as others in the White House became infected. On Friday, she plans to roll out the legislation that would launch the commission for review.

    “The public needs to know the health condition of the president,” Pelosi said, later invoking the 25th Amendment, which allows a president’s cabinet or Congress to intervene when a president is unable to conduct the duties of the office.

    Trump responded swiftly via Twitter.

    “Crazy Nancy is the one who should be under observation. They don’t call her Crazy for nothing!” the president said.
    The president’s opponents have discussed invoking the 25th Amendment for some time, but are raising it now, so close to Election Day, as the campaigns are fast turning into a referendum on Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. More than 210,000 Americans have died and millions more infected by the virus that shows no signs of abating heading into what public health experts warn will be a difficult flu season and winter.

    Trump says he “feels great” after being hospitalized and is back at work in the White House. But his doctors have given mixed signals about his diagnosis and treatment. Trump plans to resume campaigning soon.

    Congress is not in legislative session, and so any serious consideration of the measure, let alone votes in the House or Senate, is unlikely. But the bill serves as a political tool to stoke questions about Trump’s health as his own White House is hit by an outbreak infecting top aides, staff and visitors, including senators.

    In a stunning admission, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday that he had stopped going to the White House two months ago because he disagreed with its coronavirus protocols. His last visit was Aug. 6.

    Pelosi says she won’t visit White House for stimulus talks, calls it ‘one of the most dangerous places’ in U.S. after outbreak
    Next Trump-Biden debate now uncertain as rival campaigns argue following change in format
    Trump calls catching COVID-19 a ‘blessing from God’ in latest video from White House
    “My impression was their approach to how to handle this was different from mine and what I insisted we do in the Senate, which is to wear a mask and practice social distancing,” McConnell said at a campaign stop in northern Kentucky for his own reelection.

    On Friday, Pelosi along with Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., a constitutional law professor, plan to roll out the legislation that would create a commission as outlined under the 25th Amendment, which was passed by Congress and ratified in 1967 as way to ensure a continuity of power in the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

    It says the vice president and a majority of principal officers of the executive departments “or of such other body as Congress” may by law provide a declaration to Congress that the president “is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” At that point, the vice president would immediately assume the powers of acting president.

    Trump abruptly halted talks this week on the new COVID aid package, sending the economy reeling, his GOP allies scrambling and leaving millions of Americans without additional support. Then he immediately reversed course and tried to kickstart talks.

    It all came in a head-spinning series of tweets and comments days after he returned to the White House after his hospitalization with COVID-19.

    First, Trump told the Republican leaders in Congress on Tuesday to quit negotiating on an aid package. By Wednesday he was trying to bring everyone back to the table for his priority items — including $1,200 stimulus checks for almost all adult Americans.

    Pelosi said Thursday that Democrats are “still at the table” and her office resumed conversations with top negotiator Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

    She said she told Mnuchin she was willing to consider a measure to prop up the airline industry, which is facing widespread layoffs. But that aid, she said, must go alongside broader legislation that includes the kind of COVID testing, tracing and health practices that Democrats say are needed as part of a national strategy to “crush the virus.”

    Normally, the high stakes and splintered politics ahead of an election could provide grounds for a robust package. But with other Republicans refusing to spend more money, it appears no relief will be coming with Americans already beginning early voting.

    Democrats have made it clear they will not do a piecemeal approach until the Trump administration signs off on a broader, comprehensive plan they are proposing for virus testing, tracing and other actions to stop its spread. They have scaled back a $3 trillion measure to a $2.2 trillion proposal. The White House presented a $1.6 trillion counter offer. Talks were ongoing when Trump shut them down.

    “There’s no question that the proximity to the election has made this much more challenging,” McConnell said.

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    Update 2 of the accused served in the Marines.

    DETROIT (AP) — The U.S. Marine Corps confirmed Saturday that two men charged in plots against Michigan’s governmentspent time in the military.

    Officials are “aware of the circumstances surrounding” Daniel Harris and Joseph Morrison and will assist in any way in the investigation, the Marine Corps said in an emailed statement.

    Harris is one of six men charged federally with conspiring to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer before the Nov. 3 elections. Morrison, 26, is one of seven men charged under the state’s anti-terrorism law for allegedly seeking to storm the Michigan Capitol and ignite a “civil war.” Authorities say he was a founding member of the “anti-government, anti-law enforcement” Wolverine Watchmen.

    Harris’s military file shows he was a rifleman, serving from 2014 until last year. He attained the rank of corporal E-4 in 2019 and his final duty assignment was at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

    Morrison was a lance corporal and served in the Marine Corps Reserve from 2015 until Thursday, the day he was arraigned on state charges. The Marine Corps said his departure from the reserves is “unrelated to (his) current situation.”

    Morrison’s last assignment was with the 4th Marine Logistics Group in Battle Creek, Michigan.

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    GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Accused conspirators charged in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also discussed "taking" Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, an FBI agent testified at a court hearing Tuesday.

    During the hearing here in Grand Rapids to discuss the charges filed last week against members of a self-proclaimed militia accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic governor, FBI Special Agent Richard Trask revealed that months ago some of the suspects met in Dublin, Ohio, where Northam, also a Democrat, was discussed as a potential target.

    “At this meeting they discussed possible targets, taking a sitting governor, specifically issues with the governors of Michigan and Virginia, based upon the lockdown orders,” Trask told the court, referring to state-mandated restrictions implemented to combat the spread of coronavirus.

    No one has been charged with plotting to kidnap Northam, but like Whitmer, Virginia’s governor was the target of intense criticism from some conservatives over the summer. President Trump has been sharply critical of both governors, tweeting all-caps demands that their states be “liberated.”
    Northam spokeswoman Alena Yarmosky said the FBI “alerted key members of the Governor’s security team throughout the course of their investigation,” but to keep tight control of information about such a sensitive matter, neither the governor nor other members of his staff were told.

    “At no time was the Governor or his family in imminent danger,” said Yarmosky, adding that extra security measures “have been in place for Governor Northam and his family for quite some time, and they will remain.”

    The spokeswoman also faulted Trump for fueling anger.

    “Here’s the reality: President Trump called upon his supporters to ‘LIBERATE VIRGINIA’ in April — just like Michigan. In fact, the President regularly encourages violence against those who disagree with him. The rhetoric coming out of this White House has serious and potentially deadly consequences. It must stop,” said Yarmosky.
    Tuesday’s hearing is to determine if some of those charged in the alleged Whitmer plot can be released on bond. Separately, seven others are charged by state authorities in Michigan with providing support to terrorist acts.

    Trask, the FBI agent, described in great detail how federal agents became concerned about the accused, particularly after a June meeting in Dublin, Ohio, where self-styled militia members from four or five states gathered to discuss possible plans.

    It was at that meeting, Trask said, that the notion of grabbing governors was raised, specifically mentioning the governors of Virginia and Michigan. One of the suspects, Adam Fox, then returned to Michigan and began recruiting possible accomplices for such a kidnapping, Trask said.

    Fox and others conducted surveillance on the governor’s lakeside vacation home, Trask said, and at one point Fox told the others that he wanted to abduct the governor, take her away from the home by boat, and then “leave her out in the boat” so others would have to come rescue her, according to testimony at the hearing. Another option discussed was to take Whitmer to a secret location where they would put her “on trial,” Trask said, possibly in Wisconsin.

    From left, Kaleb James Franks, 26; Daniel Joseph Harris, 23; Brandon Caserta, 32; Adam Dean Fox, 37; Ty Gerard Garbin, 24. All are charged with conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
    From left, Kaleb James Franks, 26; Daniel Joseph Harris, 23; Brandon Caserta, 32; Adam Dean Fox, 37; Ty Gerard Garbin, 24. All are charged with conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. (Kent County Sheriff/Handout/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)
    The hearing began with five of the defendants being led into the courtroom in handcuffs, all but Fox wearing masks due to the coronavirus.


    Trask also detailed the ways in which the half-dozen suspects repeatedly discussed plans to attack law enforcement. At one point, a member of the group mentioned the possibility of attacking Michigan State Police buildings.

    At another point, one of the defendants, Brandon Caserta, became irate that he had been pulled over and ticketed for driving without insurance.

    “An injustice just happened to me,” Caserta messaged the other suspects, according to evidence introduced at the hearing, and he wrote he could find out where the two police officers lived and “tap them,” which the FBI agent said was slang for killing them.

    Even as the FBI closed in on the group, the defendants became increasingly concerned they might be under investigation by federal agents. At one point, the accused collaborators scanned each other’s bodies for radio signals, to see if anyone was wearing a recording device, the agent said. While the scans turned up nothing, the group’s alleged plot was infiltrated by two informants and two undercover agents, Trask said, and the FBI secretly recorded more than 100 hours of the suspects’ conversations.

    Laura Vozzella and Gregory S. Schneider in Richmond contributed to this report.

    Update Governor Northam of Virginia was also a target of kidnapping too besides Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

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    Trump goes on a rant against Whitmer.

    Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan who was the subject of a rightwing plot to kidnap and possibly kill her over coronavirus lockdown measures, has accused Donald Trump of “inspiring and incentivising domestic terrorism”.

    Whitmer spoke after Lara Trump, a campaign surrogate for her father-in-law, insisted the president was merely “having fun” when he attacked Whitmer and responded to chants of “Lock her up!” at a rally in Muskegon.

    “Lock ’em all up,” the president said.

    On Sunday, on NBC’s Meet the Press, Whitmer was asked about the coronavirus situation in her state and Trump’s encouragement of the chants against her.

    “It’s incredibly disturbing,” she said, “that the president of the United States, 10 days after a plot to kidnap me, put me on trial and execute me was uncovered, the president is at it again and inspiring and incentivising and inciting this kind of domestic terrorism.

    “It is wrong. It’s got to end. It is dangerous not just for me and my family, but for public servants everywhere who are doing their jobs and trying to protect their fellow Americans. People of goodwill on both sides of the aisle need to step up and call this out and bring the heat down.

    “This is the United States of America. We do not tolerate actions like he has given comfort to and that’s why we all have to be in this together.”

    In Muskegon, Trump targeted Whitmer several times, criticising state rules on the coronavirus, calling the governor “dishonest” and making light of the plot that was foiled by the FBI.

    Thirteen men have been charged in connection with the plot, which included plans to storm the state capitol and hold some kind of trial. Trump took credit for federal law enforcement’s role in foiling the plot.

    “They said she was threatened,” he said. “And she blamed me. Hopefully you’ll be sending her packing pretty soon.”

    The chant of “Lock her up!” was a reprise of chants Trump supporters aimed at Hillary Clinton throughout the 2016 campaign.

    Whitmer’s digital director, Tori Saylor, responded on Twitter, writing: “Every single time the president does this at a rally, the violent rhetoric towards her immediately escalates on social media. It has to stop. It just has to.”

    Lee Chatfield, the Republican speaker of the Michigan house, wrote: “Trump didn’t chant ‘lock her up’ about our governor. But others did and it was wrong. She was literally just targeted. Let’s debate differences. Let’s win elections. But not that.”

    But Lara Trump told CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday the president “wasn’t doing anything I don’t think to provoke people to threaten this woman at all. He was having fun at a Trump rally and quite frankly, there are bigger issues than this right now for everyday Americans people … he wasn’t encouraging people to threaten this woman, that’s ridiculous.”

    The president’s daughter-in-law also said: “Well gosh I would like to show people my social media and the threats against me, the threats against my children.”

    Michigan added 1,791 new Covid-19 cases on Saturday, bringing its seven-day total past 10,000, a record. Wisconsin, where Trump campaigned later, reported 3,861 new cases on Friday, also a record. Trump slammed anti-coronavirus measures.

    “You got to get your governor to open your state and get your schools open,” he said in Muskegon. “The schools have to be open, right?”

    More than 8 million people have been infected in the US and nearly 220,000 have died. Joe Biden continues to hammer Trump for his response.

    “All President Trump is offering the people of Michigan is more lies and distractions,” the Democratic nominee said. “No plan to get the virus under control, no strategy for pulling our economy out of this recession, no vision for uniting the country.”

    Trump told both his rallies Biden would “shut down the country, delay the vaccine and prolong the pandemic”, and insisted the country was turning the corner.

    Michigan and Wisconsin are key battleground states in the fight for the electoral college. Trump won both as he took the presidency despite losing the national popular vote to Clinton by nearly 3m ballots. He is behind in both states this year.

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    Update a 14th person has been charged with Terrorism

    CNN)A 14th person has been charged in the alleged domestic terrorism plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, according to the Michigan attorney general's office.

    Brian Higgins, 51, of Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, has been charged with material support of an act of terrorism for his "alleged participation in a plan of domestic terrorism that included storming the Michigan Capitol building and harming government officials," Attorney General Dana Nessel's office said in a release.
    Seven other people, all associated with the extremist group Wolverine Watchmen, were charged by the state of Michigan last week, and the federal government has charged an additional six people.
    "While the political rhetoric in our nation may at times be divisive, I am encouraged by the united front our law enforcement community has displayed in response to this indescribable act of terror," Nessel said.
    "These were very credible and very serious threats to our elected officials and the public in general, and the swift actions taken by state and federal authorities this past week are nothing short of heroic," she said.
    Higgins has been charged with "material support or resources to a terrorist organization," according to the arrest warrant.
    Higgins is thought to have "provided material support and resources in the furtherance of terrorist acts," according to the affidavit.
    Higgins provided his night-vision goggles for surveillance of Whitmer's vacation home and used a dash camera in his vehicle to record the surveillance "to aid in kidnapping plans," the affidavit said.
    Those charged in Michigan last week are suspected of attempting to identify the addresses of law enforcement officers "in order to target them," Nessel said after those arrests.

    They "made threats of violence intended to instigate a civil war, and engaged in planning and training for an operation to attack the capitol building of Michigan and to kidnap government officials, including the governor of Michigan," Nessel said.
    CNN is trying to determine whether Higgins has an attorney.
    Higgins and seven other individuals were charged with a total of 20 state felony charges filed by Nessel.
    If convicted, Higgins faces up to 20 years in jail for the act of terrorism charge.
    Higgins was arrested in Wisconsin on Thursday and will be extradited to Michigan, according to the news release.
    No court dates have been scheduled yet, according to the release.

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    "Playing Army". Right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post

    Lawyer for accused domestic terrorist says suspect was just 'playing army'
    Ends with "I was just Sarcastic" type rants.

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    A Delaware man accused of plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also threatened to hang President Donald Trump and posted a hit list on Facebook targeting other elected leaders, including former President Barack Obama, according to an unsealed search warrant affidavit obtained by The Detroit News.

    The affidavit provides new details about how the FBI thwarted the alleged plot to kidnap Whitmer, a Democrat, and kill police officers by enlisting the help of confidential informants. One of the informants was a militia member who met a group of men accused in the kidnapping plot and became so concerned that the individual agreed to become an FBI confidential informant, according to the court filing.

    The affidavit gave federal agents permission to search a Facebook account belonging to Barry Croft, 44, of Bear, Delaware, who was one of six men charged in federal court with conspiracy to kidnap. Evidence collected by FBI agents portrays his Facebook account as a virtual bulletin board filled with violent imagery, including a noose and a list of grievances in which he mulled killing Democrats and Republicans including South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, Muslims and liberals.

    "I say we hang everything currently governing us, they're all guilty!!!," Croft wrote in May on his Facebook page, which also included an image of Trump. "Wanna hang this mf'er too..."

    The affidavit helps trace the roots of an investigation that drew national attention earlier this month when FBI agents said they thwarted a plot to violently overthrow the government as well as kidnap and harm Whitmer. The conspiracy included surveillance visits to the governor's home in northern Michigan and training with firearms and explosive devices.

    The FBI started investigating in March after an unidentified police department learned about members of the militia group who were trying to obtain the home addresses of local police officers, according to court filings.

    “At the time, the FBI interviewed a member of the militia group who was concerned about the group’s plans to target and kill police officers, and that person agreed to become a (confidential human source),” FBI Special Agent Kristopher Long wrote.

    • Adam Fox, 37, of Potterville, known as "Alpha F--- You"

    * Kaleb Franks, 26, of Waterford, known as "Red Hot."

    • Ty Garbin, 25, of Hartland Township, known as "Gunney"

    • Daniel Harris, 23, known as "Beaker"

    • Brandon Caserta, 32, known as "Debased Tyrant"

    The 40-page filing gave FBI agents permission to search a Facebook account belonging to Croft.

    In late June, Croft posted a photo of a noose and a caption that listed people and groups that should "hang." The list included references to Obama; former President Bill Clinton and his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; Democratic U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York; as well as Democrats, liberals, Muslims and "all anti-Americans."
    On May 8, the FBI obtained a federal search warrant to go through Croft’s Facebook account. The review found messages “plotting potential acts of violence.” On May 3, Croft messaged another user “he may be first.” The user responded, “SC.” The FBI contends that the individual referenced was McMaster, the Republican governor of South Carolina.

    Yup. I’m going. With Sword,” Croft replied.

    The following day, Croft wrote “I’ll die in defense of the constitution” and “I’ll be in Columbia, SC, on Friday. They say they want their governor in custody.”

    “I want to grab them all and hold trial,” he added.

    McMaster spokesman Brian Symmes declined comment, citing a practice of not commenting about the governor's security issues.

    McMaster is the third governor linked to the alleged conspirators. During a bond hearing earlier this month in federal court, an FBI agent testified that plotters discussed "taking out" Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat.

    Croft’s social media posts could be viewed as constitutionally protected free speech but likely would raise concerns within the law enforcement community, said Jon Lewis, a research fellow at the Program on Extremism at George Washington University.

    “It certainly looks like what you would expect from a typical anti-government extremist ideology where, to them, anyone who represents the government is inherently a bad actor and someone acting in bad faith,” Lewis said.

    On May 17, Croft targeted 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in a Facebook post, saying her noose “for war crimes against humanity awaits.”

    “Please, don’t get me twisted, I want to hang them all, not 1 or a picked 10, all of them. They all victimize God’s people.”

    On May 25, he posted, “Which governor is going to end up dragged off and hung for treason first? It’s really a spin the bottle match at this point, and I’m sure a few mayors are in the running.”

    The post included the image of a noose, according to the FBI.

    On or about June 24, Croft posted, “I’m for hanging Democrats, Republicans and Libertarians.”

    Croft often expressed on social media the desire to hang Trump, Obama, the Clintons and anyone else serving in government, according to the FB
    “Please, don’t get me twisted, I want to hang them all, not 1 or a picked 10, all of them. They all victimize God’s people.”

    On May 25, he posted, “Which governor is going to end up dragged off and hung for treason first? It’s really a spin the bottle match at this point, and I’m sure a few mayors are in the running.”

    The post included the image of a noose, according to the FBI.

    On or about June 24, Croft posted, “I’m for hanging Democrats, Republicans and Libertarians.”

    Croft often expressed on social media the desire to hang Trump, Obama, the Clintons and anyone else serving in government, according to the FB

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    This group is going on a Reign of Terror and a new name has popped up the Governor of South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster was named in a Kidnapping threat by the same group planning to go after Governor Whitmer of Michigan.

    He wanted to “go to war against the government of North Carolina,” while also discussing making a citizen’s arrest of McMaster, according to the search warrant affidavit.

    “There is not one ------------ serving in this bull---- government that I don't want to take, stick to a ------------- tree, and dangle...," Croft said in a Facebook video on May 28, according to the FBI.

    The Delaware suspect first came to the attention of the FBI in October 2019, when he “attempted to provide support to Kevin Massey, who had been convicted of firearms offenses following his involvement in a ‘militia patrol’ on the border of Texas and Mexico,” according to the affidavit.

    “Massey’s status as a fugitive became a symbol of government oppression for individuals, like Croft, who harbored anti-government and anti-federal law enforcement views," the FBI agent wrote.

    Croft and Massey conversed several times on Facebook after Massey failed to appear for a supervised release hearing and became a fugitive, the FBI agent wrote.

    “In those messages, Croft stated ‘They will have to pay for what they have done’ and ‘I don't care if we destroy this whole planet in the fight that is coming, but a reckoning is necessary."

    In an exchange with someone identified by the government as “Facebook User #2,” Croft further expressed disdain for Trump. He also said a "total offensive" was planned for April 25.

    Facebook closed Croft’s account for violating its “policy prohibiting certain speech or actions” in late April, according to the affidavit.

    Croft opened a new account and continued posting anti-government rhetoric, the FBI said.

    CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Gov. Henry McMaster was one of several people allegedly targeted by a group suspected of planning to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, according to The Detroit News.

    The newspaper published an article on Wednesday detailing 44-year-old Barry Croft’s alleged plans to target additional elected leaders including South Carolina’s governor.

    The report cited an unsealed search warrant affidavit that detailed other targets including former President Barack Obama.

    This past May, the FBI obtained a federal search warrant to look through Croft’s Facebook account and found a message by Croft to another user saying,"he may be first." The user then responded “SC,” which the FBI said referenced McMaster.

    In addition, the Detroit News reported that Croft wrote the following day,"I’ll die in defense of the constitution" and “I’ll be in Columbia, SC on Friday. They say they want their governor in custody.”

    Paul Edward Bellar, one of the people charged with the plot to kidnap Whitmer was arrested in South Carolina. It’s unclear if Bellar was a part of the plan to target McMaster.

    Earlier this month, prosecutors provided enough evidence to move toward trial for five Michigan men accused of plotting to kidnap Whitmer.

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    Rudy Giuliani accused of inciting beheadings

    Rudy Giuliani suggested someone 'cut the head off' Democratic leaders in Fox News interview
    Joshua Bote

    Mere hours after an embarrassing press conference, President Donald Trump?s attorney Rudy Giuliani suggested that someone should ?cut the head off? Democrat leaders.

    Speaking to Fox News host Sean Hannity, Giuliani used a throat-slitting gesture after making baseless claims about the electoral process, including a conspiracy that a German company coordinated with the Biden campaign to ?come up? with votes.

    ?Somebody?s gotta cut the head off,? Giuliani said as he made the gesture on the show, aired Thursday night.

    His comments during the segment bear a resemblance to the falsehoods he made during the press briefing Thursday, which was held at the Republican National Committee headquarters on Capitol Hill. Throughout, he alleged he had evidence of ?voter fraud? despite not having proof.

    The press briefing went viral, in large part due to an apparent mishap in which Giuliani's hair dye leeched off his scalp.

    Critics roast Rudy Giuliani for apparent hair dye mishap: 'Hire union hair and makeup professionals'

    A day after the conference, his son and a Trump staffer, Andrew Giuliani, tested positive for COVID-19.

    ?If we don?t fix this, Sean, we?ll never have a free and fair election ? at least for the next 30 or 40 years,? he said.

    Giuliani added: "Somehow the Democrat party was hijacked by Clinton and since then it's gone more corrupt.?

    Soon after, Hannity cut Giuliani off mid-sentence ? and quickly apologized: ?I?m not trying to cut you off.?

  17. #17
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    I'm just here to post the obligatory fuck Trump and all of his supporters. He's made America hate again. Not that there wasn't hate before Trump, then they seemed to keep it confided to their own homes, churches and online groups. Now it's just a shit show of hate.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Queena View Post
    I'm just here to post the obligatory fuck Trump and all of his supporters. He's made America hate again. Not that there wasn't hate before Trump, then they seemed to keep it confided to their own homes, churches and online groups. Now it's just a shit show of hate.
    I'll also say we were in the leading stages for having a Genocide in this country. We need to learn how other countries faced Genocide and it came from hate speech like this. Yes an influential Rwandan media mogul was accused of spreading hate on their airwaves prior to the 1994 Rwandan Genocide.

  19. #19
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    2nd guilty plea made in alleged kidnapping plot of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

    Airplane mechanic sentenced to 75 months in prison for plot to kidnap Michigan governor
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 11-11-2022 at 06:03 PM.

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    Jury convicts two men of conspiring to kidnap Michigan governor
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 12-03-2022 at 12:36 PM.

  21. #21
    Moderator puzzld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post

    Jury convicts two men of conspiring to kidnap Michigan governor
    Good news! Need to hold all of these idiots accountable.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

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