Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
Just because you're not within reproductive age, this ruling will absolutely directly impact you. This has nothing to do with saving the lives of "babies" and everything to do with keeping Women in check. Before you know it, you'll have to get a man's permission to open a bank account again and don't think that they won't try to take away various other rights that we have.
Well yeah. There is all of that. And of course, there's all the medicine that will no doubt become illegal. Anything stem cellish, or tested using fetal cell technology, and on and on and on.

The only bright spot is the idea that if this doesn't motivate progressives to get out and vote for the progressive candidate with the best chance to win, we deserve what happens. All the Nadar, Stein, and Bernie folks who couldn't dirty their hands with a less than perfect lefty, well, here we are.