Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
I hate to say it, but it's possible that they were looking for drugs and came across the wrong people. I might be wrong, but think about it. If they traveled by plane they couldn't take any with them and if they normally partook in them and were on vacation, they'd want them. The friends that they were visiting should be grilled about it because other than finding someone off the street as a stranger that led them to the wrong people, you would think their friends would have pointed them on where to go.

Way back when i first moved to CA, I didn't know anyone and was hoping to find someone I could trust to get weed. It was a long process until I found a trusted source and today I cringe at the danger I put myself in being too trusting. I had my money stolen a few times. Crazy knowing that now it's legal.
Yeah I had to fly once and was in my addiction...I was too scared to put the pills in my luggage so I literally just put them in my skirt pocket and hoped they wouldn't find them if I got patted down. I was super lucky not to get caught, but damn I would never try that again lol.