I admit that I was very hesitant to get the vaccine. I'm not a Trumper. I did like him on TV (Celebrity Apprentice) because he was so pompous that it made for a great comedy show. My problem was that I'm allergic to a lot of stuff. When I told a friend who has the same problem (she can't even get a flu shot), she suggested that I call a doctor that I really trust, who is also my allergy and asthma doctor. He told me to get it and that he would sign anything I needed to get pushed up to the top of the line because I didn't meet age requirements. Another friend who works at a hospital and has the same allergy problems got me on the list quickly.

Sure enough, I had an allergic reaction that made me very miserable but it didn't kill me. I proudly carry a vaccine card (laminated). Even though I'm vaccinated, I still try to be careful because I don't think this is over. I have a variety of masks so I always have one available. Those damn things are hard on my asthma, but not as hard as COVID would be!