Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
I saw that when I tried searching.
Apparently his Mom called the police last year claiming that he had a rifle and was suicidal in the back shed. They took him in on a 5150 and took the rifle away. Of COURSE because of current NON common sense gun laws, once he was cleared by those evaluating his mental health, they returned the rifle. Now...... The rifle they confiscated apparently wasn't the one used in the shooting so it's safe to say that he was then allowed to buy weapons after this.

Not saying that it's this kid that I posted, but does that really matter? Because it could be and how are our current laws working out for folks?

I'm SO. FUCKING. ANGRY. right now.

My husband from Ireland is asking how this shit keeps happening and this was my response:

Because we live in a country where the goverment puts Corporations before people. They protect the gun manufacturers and patronize the NRA. They ALSO patronize the Health Insurance folks so that mental health services are FAR FAR. FAR out of reach. Therefore, this will keep happening. Because Corporations are > than the actual people.

What's sick is that they use those SAME PEOPLE'S money to support those SAME CORPORATIONS over the people. Again and again. Rinse and repeat. It's completely FUCKED.