Quote Originally Posted by puzzld View Post
I'm going to drop this here. Twitter used for good, rather than for evil.

Good video.
When Arnold compared Proud Boys to the Nazis, I thought of Trump as Hitler. He may not say it loudly, but the people he surrounds himself with makes me feel that if he got another four years, what would stop him from trying to rule another four or to make himself king?

I'm glad that Georgia turned blue. I'm sure all the women and minorities that normally don't vote stood up and said, enough is enough. We're not going to live another four years with this narcissistic tyrant in charge.

I must confess, I don't care about politics normally. I usually just go along with whatever candidate my husband likes, because to me, all the presidential candidates have sucked. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican or a Liberal.
But this time, I decided not to go with my husband's choice. I voted Biden.

My husband thinks of Trump as a businessman and not a politician. He says Trump doesn't feed us the same bull as politicians and he's done a lot of good. I'm not sure what good he's done?! Can someone play devil's advocate and tell me what good he's done?