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Thread: Jacob Blake (29) shot by Kenosha, WI Police and protests are under way

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    Jacob Blake (29) shot by Kenosha, WI Police and protests are under way

    Protests have erupted in the US state of Wisconsin after police shot a black man many times while responding to what they said was a domestic incident.

    The man, identified as Jacob Blake, was taken to hospital for surgery and is now in intensive care, his family said.

    Video posted online appears to show Mr Blake being shot in the back as he tries to get into a car in Kenosha.

    Authorities in the city declared an emergency overnight curfew after unrest broke out following the shooting.

    Hundreds of people marched on police headquarters on Sunday night. Vehicles were set on fire and protesters shouted "We won't back down".

    In a public safety alert, police urged 24-hour businesses to consider closing because of "numerous" calls about armed robberies and shots being fired.

    On Twitter, President Donald Trump's son Donald Trump Jr decried the protests as "anarchy", and reposted a series of videos depicting burning buildings and cars, purportedly filmed in Kenosha.

    Officers used tear gas to try to disperse hundreds of protesters who defied the county-wide curfew, which is in place until 07:00 on Monday (12:00 GMT).

    Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers condemned the shooting of Mr Blake, who was reportedly unarmed.

    "While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country," he said in a statement.

    "I have said all along that although we must offer our empathy, equally important is our action. In the coming days, we will demand just that of elected officials in our state who have failed to recognise the racism in our state and our country for far too long."

    Jacob Blake's name was trending on social media and thousands signed a petition calling for the officers involved to be charged. He is now out of surgery and in stable condition, according to family and friends on social media.

    The shooting comes amid heightened tensions in the US over racism and police brutality following the death of African-American man George Floyd earlier this year.

    Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Monday released a statement calling for a "full and transparent investigation" of the shooting.

    "This morning, the nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage that yet another Black American is a victim of excessive force," Mr Biden said. "The officers must be held accountable."

    What happened?
    Kenosha Police Department said the "officer involved shooting" happened shortly after 17:00 on Sunday. It added that officers had provided "immediate aid" to Mr Blake, who was taken to a hospital in Milwaukee in serious condition.

    It said police had been responding to a "domestic incident" but gave no details about what led to the shooting. It is so far unclear who called police and what happened before the video recording began.

    The Wisconsin Department of Justice is investigating the incident. It said the officers involved had been placed on administrative leave.

    As of Monday morning local time, more than 18,000 people had signed a petition on calling for the officers involved to be charged.

    In video footage shared on social media, three officers can be seen pointing their weapons at a man identified as Mr Blake as he walks around a parked SUV. As he opens the door and leans into the car, one officer can be seen grabbing his shirt and opening fire. Seven shots can be heard in the video, as witnesses shout and scream.

    The officers involved have not been officially named.

    Prominent civil rights lawyer Ben Crump told CNN that Mr Blake's family had reached out to him for assistance.

    In a tweet, he said Mr Blake's three sons were in the car he was getting into when he was shot.

    "They saw a cop shoot their father. They will be traumatized forever. We cannot let officers violate their duty to PROTECT us," he wrote.

    He said the shooting happened after Mr Blake tried to break up a fight between two women.

    Witnesses also told local news site Kenosha News that Mr Blake had tried to break up a fight between two women and that police had attempted to use a Taser on him prior to the shooting.

    Clyde McLemore, a spokesman with a nearby chapter of Black Lives Matter, told reporters "the frustration is boiling to the top and we're sick and tired".

    Black Lives Matter protests were held across the US and around the world after African-American man George Floyd was killed in police custody in Wisconsin's neighbouring state of Minnesota in May.

    A white police officer knelt on Mr Floyd's neck for almost nine minutes before he died. The officer, Derek Chauvin, has been charged with murder.

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    KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — Two people were shot to death and another was wounded during a third night of protests in Kenosha over the police shooting of a Black man, Jacob Blake, and authorities Wednesday hunted for a possible vigilante seen on cellphone video opening fire in the middle of the street with a rifle.

    The gunfire was reported just before midnight, and Sheriff David Beth said one victim was shot in the head and another in the chest, the Milwaukee Journal Sentine l reported. The third victim's wounds were not believed to life-threatening.

    He said that investigators had reviewed footage of what happened and that he was confident a man would be arrested soon.

    Beth told the Journal Sentinel that armed people had been patrolling the city's streets in recent nights, but he did not know if the shooter was among them.

    “They’re a militia,” Beth said. “They’re like a vigilante group.”

    Cellphone video of at least two of the shootings that was posted online shows what appears to be a white man with a semi-automatic rifle jogging down the middle of a street as a crowd and some police officers follow him. Someone in the crowd can be heard asking “What did he do?” and another person responds that the man had shot someone.

    The man with the gun stumbles and falls, and as he is approached by people in the crowd, he fires three or four shots from a seated position, hitting at least two people, including one who falls over and another who stumbles away to cries of “Medic! Medic!”

    With the crowd scattering, the shooter stands up and continues walking down the street as police cars arrive. The man puts up his hands and walks toward the squad cars, with someone in the crowd yelling at police that the man had just shot someone, but several of the cars drive past him toward the people who had been shot.

    Protester Devin Scott told the Chicago Tribune that he witnessed one of the shootings.

    “We were all chanting ‘Black lives matter’ at the gas station and then we heard, boom, boom, and I told my friend, `'That’s not fireworks,'” said Scott, 19. “And then this guy with this huge gun runs by us in the middle of the street and people are yelling, ‘He shot someone! He shot someone!’ And everyone is trying to fight the guy, chasing him and then he started shooting again.”

    Scott said he cradled one of the lifeless victims in his arms, and a woman started performing CPR, but “I don't think he made it.”

    At a news conference earlier Tuesday, Ben Crump, the lawyer for Blake's family, said that Blake was shot multiple times by police on Sunday and that it would “take a miracle” for him to walk again. He called for the officer who opened fire to be arrested and for the others involved to lose their jobs.

    The shooting of Blake — apparently while three of his children looked on — was captured on cellphone video and ignited new protests over racial injustice in the U.S. just three months after the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police touched off a wider reckoning on race.

    Kenosha police have said little about what happened, other than that they were responding to a domestic dispute. They have not said why the officers opened fire or whether Blake was armed, and they have not disclosed the race of three officers who were on the scene.

    The 29-year-old Blake underwent surgery Tuesday, according to Crump, who added that the bullets severed his spinal cord and shattered his vertebrae. Another attorney said there was also severe damage to organs.

    Blake’s father, also named Jacob Blake, told the Chicago Sun-Times that his son had eight holes in his body. At a news conference, he said police shot his son “seven times, seven times, like he didn’t matter.”

    “But my son matters. He’s a human being and he matters,” he said.

    Blake's mother, Julia Jackson, told CBS “This Morning” in an interview that aired Wednesday that she feels as if she is in a “bad dream” and that it felt “unreal” that her son's name has been added to the list of Black people who were shot by police.

    “Never in a million years did I think we would be here in this place. Him being alive is just a miracle in itself,” she said.

    During the latest round of unrest Tuesday, police fired tear gas for the third straight night to disperse protesters who had gathered outside Kenosha's courthouse, where some shook a protective fence and threw water bottles and fireworks at officers lined up behind it.

    Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers called in up to 250 members of the National Guard and declared an emergency ahead of Tuesday night's violence. The night before, crowds destroyed dozens of buildings and set more than 30 fires downtown.

    “We cannot allow the cycle of systemic racism and injustice to continue,” said Evers, who is facing mounting pressure from Republicans over his handling of the unrest. “We also cannot continue going down this path of damage and destruction.”

    Anger over the shooting has spilled into the streets of other cities, including Los Angeles and Minneapolis, the epicenter of the Black Lives Matter movement this summer following Floyd's death.


    Bauer reported from Madison, Wisconsin. Associated Press reporters Todd Richmond in Madison, Wisconsin, Jeff Baenen in Minneapolis, Aaron Morrison in New York, and Tammy Webber in Fenton, Michigan, contributed.

    Update 2 people are killed in the Jacob Blake Protests in Wisconsin.

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    A GoFundMe created for a Wisconsin man who was shot by police on Sunday afternoon raised more than $1 million in about 24 hours.

    The campaign was launched by Julia Jackson late Monday morning.

    "Jacob Blake is a loving father of 6 that deserves proper medical attention and legal representation," Jackson wrote. "We are looking to raise funds to supplement the moral support and prayers we have been receiving. These funds will go toward Jacob’s medical bills, legal representation, support for his children and therapy costs."

    By Monday afternoon, the campaign had broken the $50,000 mark.

    Jackson has continually raised the fundraising goal as donations poured in. By Tuesday afternoon, the goal was set at $2 million.

    More than 37,000 people have provided donations to the campaign since it was launched.

    Click here to view the GoFundMe for Jacob Blake.

    Jacob Blake was shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Sunday. Kenosha police did not say what happened leading up to the shooting, but that officers had responded to the area for a "domestic incident."

    A video circulating on social media shows Blake, 29, walking toward an SUV and attempting to get into it before being grabbed by an officer and being shot several times in the back. Two officers have been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation, the Wisconsin Department of Justice said.

    The Wisconsin Department of Justice has not released additional information. The investigation is ongoing.

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    Update Officer Rusten Sheskey is named as the accused of shooting Jacob Blake

    Police in Kenosha, the Wisconsin city rocked by protests and deadly violence since the shooting of Jacob Blake, have named the officer who fired multiple bullets into Blake’s back.

    Rusten Sheskey, who has been employed by the Kenosha police department for seven years, was named as the officer caught on video firing seven times into Blake’s back at almost point-blank range as he held him by his shirt.

    The shooting of Blake, 29, was seen as the latest incident of the police using potentially lethal force against African Americans amid weeks of Black Lives Matter protests sparked by the issue.

    As the US Department of Justice said it was launching a civil rights investigation into the shooting to be led by the FBI, the Wisconsin governor, Tony Evers, authorised the deployment of 500 members of the national guard to Kenosha, doubling the number of troops in the city.

    Blake’s shooting, when he was not carrying a weapon at the time or apparently offering any threat to officers, has been contrasted by many to the police response to 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who is accused of shooting three people – two fatally – at a protest in Kenosha and was seen walking past police vehicles with his weapon and arms raised ignored by officers.

    A statement from the Wisconsin Department of Justice identifying Sheskey raised as many questions as it answered, as it said a knife was also recovered from the driver’s side floor of the car where Blake was apparently reaching when he was shot.

    “During the incident, officers attempted to arrest Jacob S Blake, age 29. Law enforcement deployed a taser to attempt to stop Mr Blake, however the taser was not successful in stopping Mr Blake.

    What's happening in Kenosha, Wisconsin?
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    “Mr Blake walked around his vehicle, opened the driver’s side door, and leaned forward. While holding onto Mr Blake’s shirt, officer Rusten Sheskey fired his service weapon seven times. Officer Sheskey fired the weapon into Mr Blake’s back.

    “During the investigation following the initial incident, Mr Blake admitted that he had a knife in his possession. Division of criminal investigation agents recovered a knife from the driver’s side floorboard of Mr Blake’s vehicle. A search of the vehicle located no additional weapons.”

    Among issues that remain unclear is when Blake told officers he had a knife and why police reacted with such force amid what was essentially a domestic incident.

    The man who said he made the widely circulated cellphone video of Blake’s shooting has said he heard officers yell: “Drop the knife! Drop the knife!” before the shots were fired. He said he didn’t see a knife in Blake’s hands.

    State authorities also did not say that Blake threatened anyone with the knife.

    The latest details came as the city of Kenosha, located 40 south of Milwaukee, reeled after three nights of violence and damage, that followed peaceful protests.

    Donald Trump has dispatched hundreds of federal agents to the city, and the governor has deployed the state national guard, as violence failed to abate, despite the imposition of a curfew.

    With protests elsewhere in America still lingering over the 25 May death of George Floyd, whose neck was pinned to the ground by a Minneapolis police officer, the Kenosha events revived debates about racism in the criminal justice system, casting a shadow over the Republican national convention.

    The Blake shooting prompted members of the National Basketball Association, led by the Milwaukee Bucks, to strike against racial injustice during the playoffs. Other players in Major League Baseball, Major League Soccer and the Women’s National Basketball have also followed with their own wildcat strikes.

    The naming of Sheskey came a few hours after police announced the arrest of a white teenager after two people were shot dead during the third night of protests in Kenosha.

    Rittenhouse, 17, of Antioch, Illinois, was taken into custody in Illinois on suspicion of first-degree intentional homicide. Antioch is about 15 miles from Kenosha.

    Two men were killed on Tuesday night and a third was wounded in an attack apparently carried out by a young white man who was caught on cellphone video opening fire in the middle of the street with a semi-automatic rifle.

    Rittenhouse had allegedly travelled with a weapon to Kenosha after calls on social media for armed vigilantes to protect businesses following the police shooting of Blake.

    Following the fatal shootings late on Tuesday night, Wednesday’s protests in Kenosha were smaller and mostly peaceful with both police and the militia members staying away from protesters.

    Protesters marched past the intersection where two people were shot on Tuesday night, stopping to gather at the spot where one person was shot, and to pray and lay flowers. Daijon Spann said he decided to join the demonstration because one of those killed the night before was a friend.

    Multiple threads on Facebook and Reddit urged militias and other armed people to head to the protests, researchers at the Atlantic Councils Digital Forensic Lab said in a blog post on Wednesday.

    The Atlantic Council researchers said that before the attack some of the online discussions encouraged acts of violence while the conspiracy website InfoWars amplified the call to arms, potentially encouraging more armed people to head to Kenosha.

    Facebook confirmed on Wednesday that it took down a page called Kenosha Guard for violating its policy against militia organisations.

    The company said it also was in the process of removing other accounts and material tied to the shootings that violate its policies, such as for glorifying violence, and it was in contact with local and federal law enforcement on the matter.

    Facebook later said it removed the suspected shooter’s accounts from Facebook and Instagram.

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    Update Kyle Rittenhouse (17) is accused of shooting at Protesters in Wisconsin due to the Jacob Blake fallout

    A teen accused of opening fire on a group during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last night, killing two, is in custody in Illinois, the Antioch police department announced in a Facebook post. The post did not name the 17-year-old, who they said is an Antioch resident. But the State's Attorney's office in Lake County, Illinois, said Kyle Rittenhouse was in bond court this morning regarding being a fugitive from justice in Wisconsin, and is being held on no bond. He was due back in court for an extradition hearing on Friday.

    Cellphone video that circulated on social media showed what appeared to be a White man with a semi-automatic rifle opening fire on a group of people during demonstrations over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

    The video shows the man jogging down the street as a crowd follows him. Someone can be heard asking "What did he do?" and another person responds that the man had shot someone. The man with the gun stumbles and falls, and as he's approached by people in the crowd he fires several shots, hitting at least two people.

    The man with the gun is then seen walking toward responding police vehicles, at times with his hands in the air, as some police vehicles drive past him.

    Kenosha police identified the two people killed only as a 26-year-old from Silver Lake, Wisconsin, and a 36-year-old from Kenosha. Police said one person was wounded, a 36-year-old from West Allis, Wisconsin who was expected to survive.

    The warrant out of Kenosha County, Wisconsin, charges the teen with first-degree intentional homicide, according to the Antioch Police.

    The shooting came as clashes again erupted between demonstrators and law enforcement during a third night of unrest, looting and vandalism in Kenosha, where on Sunday a police officer was seen on disturbing video shooting Jacob Blake multiple times in the back. Attorneys for Blake's family said he is paralyzed from the waist down.

    Tension also arose earlier Tuesday between protesters and an armed group purportedly organized to protect property, reports CBS Milwaukee affiliate WDJT-TV.

    The Anti-Defamation League, which tracks extremist activity, told CBS News there were militia members at the Kenosha protest but found no indication from Rittenhouse's social media footprint that he is connected to any extremist movements. His posts indicate he is extremely pro-police and appears to have been a former police explorer, a career-oriented program for youth considering a career in law enforcement. Many of his social media posts use the phrase, "Blue Lives Matter," according to the ADL.

    Arrest documents indicate Rittenhouse is employed by the YMCA as a lifeguard.

    In a statement, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul said the "violence and destruction that took place in Kenosha last night was despicable."

    "Kenosha residents deserve the opportunity to grieve, come together, peacefully protest, call for change, and heal," Kaul wrote. "The heavily armed vigilantes, arsonists, and other opportunists who have come to Kenosha to attempt to spur chaos have interfered with that and caused drastic harm to people. If those engaging in violence and destruction of property believe they are furthering some broader goal, they are wrong. They should leave Kenosha."

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    LOS ANGELES - The Major League Baseball game scheduled for Wednesday night between the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants was postponed in the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

    It was the third MLB game to be postponed Wednesday in the wake of Blake's shooting, which has prompted protests and marches across the nation. The game between the Milwaukee Brewers and Cincinnati Reds was the first in the majors to be postponed. The game between the Seattle Mariners and San Diego Padres soon followed.

    In a joint statement, the Dodgers and Giants said, "Throughout our country's history, sport has been a powerful vehicle towards change. The Dodgers and Giants proudly join our players in the shared goal for a more equitable and just society."

    Numerous MLB players spoke about the shooting and postponement on social media.
    "Given the pain in the communities of Wisconsin and beyond following the shooting of Jacob Blake, we respect the decisions of a number of players not to play tonight. Major League Baseball remains united for change in our society and we will be allies in the fight to end racism and injustice," MLB said in a statement.

    Wednesday night's game was rescheduled as part of a doubleheader Thursday, beginning at 1:05 p.m. PT, according to the Dodgers. Both games will be seven-inning regulation games.

    Blake was shot several times in the back Sunday as he tried to enter his vehicle after a confrontation with police. Authorities have not provided any information about what led to the shooting, which was captured on video. A federal civil rights investigation into the shooting was opened Wednesday night, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

    RELATED: DOJ opens federal civil rights investigation into shooting of Jacob Blake

    Blake remains hospitalized with serious injuries.

    Earlier in the day, all three NBA playoff games scheduled for Wednesday night, including that of the Los Angeles Lakers, were postponed, due to a boycott initiated by players on the Milwaukee Bucks over Blake's shooting.

    RELATED: NBA postpones playoff games after Milwaukee Bucks refuse to take court in protest after Jacob Blake shooting

    "The NBA and the NBPA today announced that in light of the Milwaukee Bucks' decision to not take the floor today for Game 5 against the Orlando Magic, today's three games -- MIL-ORL, HOU-OKC and LAL-POR have been postponed. Game 5 of each series will be rescheduled," the league tweeted.

    Shortly after the MLB announcement, Major League Soccer players announced they would be boycotting all five games scheduled for Wednesday night in a collective statement against racial injustice.

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    LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Clippers voted to boycott the remaining few games of the NBA season Wednesday night, in their strongest statement yet against racial injustice following the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

    According to ESPN, the vote was described more as a poll than a binding action. NBA teams and players met in Orlando to discuss whether to continue with the season at all. Most other NBA teams voted to continue, sources told FOX 11's Liz Habib.

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    The owners are expected to meet to continue the discussion Thursday morning.

    Game 5 of the Lakers' playoff series against the Portland Trail Blazers was postponed Wednesday -- along with the NBA's two other scheduled playoff games, three Major League Baseball games, including the Dodgers-Giants game and five Major League Soccer matches, including the LA Galaxy.


    • NBA postpones playoff games after Milwaukee Bucks refuse to take court in protest after Jacob Blake shooting
    • 5 Major League Soccer games postponed amid professional sports protest against racial injustice
    • Dodgers, Giants game postponed in wake of police shooting of Jacob Blake

    "The NBA and the NBPA today announced that in light of the Milwaukee Bucks' decision to not take the floor today for Game 5 against the Orlando Magic, today's three games -- MIL-ORL, HOU-OKC and LAL-POR have been postponed. Game 5 of each series will be rescheduled,'' the NBA tweeted Wednesday afternoon.

    LAKE BUENA VISTA, FLORIDA - JULY 30: The Los Angeles Lakers and the LA Clippers wear Black Lives Matter Shirt and kneel during the national anthem prior to the game against the LA Clippers at The Arena at ESPN Wide World Of Sports Complex on July 30, (Getty Images)

    The Lakers-Trail Blazers game had been scheduled for 6 p.m.

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    There was no immediate word on the timetable for the rescheduled games. The entire NBA postseason is being played at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, without spectators due to the coronavirus pandemic.

    Fans react to sports boycotts
    Fans in Los Angeles reacted to the sports boycotts over racial injustice.

    Blake was shot several times in the back Sunday as he tried to enter his vehicle after a confrontation with police. Authorities have not provided any information about what led to the shooting, which was captured on video. A federal civil rights investigation into the shooting was opened Wednesday night, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

    RELATED: DOJ opens federal civil rights investigation into shooting of Jacob Blake

    Blake remains hospitalized with serious injuries.

    Lakers star LeBron James expressed his feelings shortly after the postponement was announced with a stark, all-caps tweet, writing: "F--- THIS MAN!!!! WE DEMAND CHANGE. SICK OF IT."

    Lakers CEO Jeanie Buss, who is also a part-owner of the team, offered her support for the move.

    "I was excited to see us play -- and hopefully close out our series -- tonight," she tweeted. "But I stand behind our players, today and always. After more than 400 years of cruelty, racism and injustice, we all need to work together to say enough is enough. #JusticeForJacobBlake #WeHearYou."

    The Lakers later sent out a tweet with the words "Demand justice" and the phone numbers and email address for Kenosha's mayor and Kenosha County's district attorney, and the phone number for the Wisconsin Department of Justice.

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    Here is fallout from the Jacob Blake Protests

    MILWAUKEE – Two videos. Two men. Two police responses on the streets of Kenosha.

    In the first video, taken Sunday afternoon, a Kenosha police officer fires seven shots at point blank range from behind 29-year-old Jacob Blake, a Black man, as Blake attempts to enter a gray SUV. A woman witnessing the scene can be heard screaming over and over: "Don't you do it! Don't you do it!"

    Police have said Blake had a knife though it cannot be seen in the video. Blake remained at Froedtert Hospital as of Friday, paralyzed from the waist down, according to a lawyer for his family.

    In the second video, taken Tuesday night, Kyle Rittenhouse, a white 17-year-old, approaches officers shouldering an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle after allegedly shooting three people. Rittenhouse raises his arms in a gesture that appears to be surrendering, or possibly signaling that his hands are not on his weapon. Witnesses shout: "Hey, he just shot them! Hey, dude right here just shot them!"

    Four armored vehicles, lights flashing, pass Rittenhouse, and several police cruisers can be seen nearby. No one stops Rittenhouse. He was charged Thursday with intentional and reckless homicide.

    'People's worst fears' came alive in Kenosha:Guns, militia inject chilling dimension into protests

    The differences between the two videos have prompted a fierce national debate over race and justice.

    To some, the videos show clear racism.

    In the Blake video, less than three minutes elapse from the time police arrive on the scene to the moment Officer Rusten Sheskey shoots Blake. Those viewers say police made an inadequate effort to de-escalate the conflict or settle it by other means.

    In the Rittenhouse video, gunfire is heard after the city-imposed curfew, and a white teenager with an AR-15 semiautomatic walks past law enforcement vehicles. No one stops him, despite the cries from witnesses trying to alert police that he has just shot people.

    To others who view the two videos, the blame lies not with Rittenhouse, but state and local authorities who allowed the protests in Kenosha to devolve into anarchy, leaving citizens to defend property and themselves.

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    Still others say it is too early to draw conclusions from video of the Blake shooting. They say Blake did not follow orders from the officers and reached into a vehicle where, according to the Wisconsin Department of Justice, a knife lay on the floor.

    The Kenosha Professional Police Association issued a statement Friday saying Blake was armed and wanted on an open warrant. The union also said he was tased twice by officers to no effect.

    The Blake and Rittenhouse videos have their limitations and ambiguities, as brief snapshots of longer incidents always do. Neither shows the viewer what happened in the minutes before the video opens.

    The Blake video does not show what happened when police arrived and displays little interaction between Blake and two officers prior to the shooting; any police orders to Blake cannot be heard.

    The Rittenhouse video is just one of a number involving him. But it's unclear whether any of the officers in the video taken after the gunfire recognized him as he approached their vehicles.

    About 600 people chanting "Black live matter" march peacefully Wednesday, August 26, 2020 near downtown in Kenosha, Wis. Violent unrest broke out after video of the shooting of Jacob Blake, 29, was widely disseminated on social media Sunday. Blake was shot in the back several times by a Kenosha police officer and left paralyzed.
    Experts on race and justice weigh in
    The contrast between the two scenes is neither new nor surprising, said Gloria J. Browne-Marshall, professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and author of the book, "Race, Law, and American Society: 1607 to Present."

    "How long are Black people supposed to drop to their knees and put their face to the dirt because a police officer wants to play gun and cop? We've been doing this for 400 years," Browne-Marshall said after viewing the video of the Jacob Blake shooting.

    "I'm deeply concerned," she said of the second video, showing an armed Rittenhouse being allowed to pass police. "This is not implicit bias. These disparities demonstrate blatant racism."

    Michael German, a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School and a former FBI agent, said it was "certainly fair" to compare the two videos.

    "Obviously, each circumstance will have its own surrounding facts that need to be addressed. But there's no doubt that there's a stark difference in the way law enforcement reacts to a white suspect vs. a Black suspect."

    German has worked undercover in domestic terrorism cases involving white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups and has lobbied on civil rights and national security issues for the ACLU.

    He called the lack of police response to Rittenhouse "astonishing," even if the officers did not see who had fired the shots.

    "They know there was a shooting, and there's a person walking toward them with a rifle," he said. "It's odd that they would not at least try to ascertain that person's identity. He's trying to surrender."

    Police in riot gear confront protestors outside the Kenosha Police Department in Kenosha on Sunday, Aug. 23, 2020. Kenosha police shot a man Sunday evening, setting off unrest in the city after a video appeared to show the officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back
    Jim Palmer, executive director of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, watched both videos and said, "We need to know more about both incidents — but perhaps the best explanation for the different treatment stems from the fact that they're different situations."

    Palmer stressed that the night of the video involving Rittenhouse "was chaotic."

    "In that video," he continued, "it does appear that (police) are saying 'Injury ahead, get out of the road,' and they seem more focused on responding to that than to the fact that someone is walking towards them, granted with a weapon, but with his hands in the air.

    "They are potentially receiving information about the report of a shooting and they are more focused on getting to that and rendering aid, and in the process, (overlooked) the fact that the person who committed that act was so close, walking toward them."

    Palmer added that there is no indication that police heard or were aware of the witnesses shouting that Rittenhouse had shot people.

    Ralph Richard Banks, a professor at Stanford Law School, and director and founder of Stanford Center for Racial Justice, said that watching the Rittenhouse video, "it was hard for me to make out what was going on."

    Still, he added, "It's hard for anyone to avoid some very sobering conclusions. ... While law enforcement is meant to protect, and we think of law enforcement as (having the job) to serve anyone, it's hard not to wonder if they are protecting and serving some people and see their job as keeping them safe from other people."

    Banks also stressed that it's important not to lose sight of the larger picture by focusing too much on a single incident.

    "There are always ambiguities in what happens in any particular case," he said. "The evidence that something is wrong with society is the whole run of cases."

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    CHICAGO (AP) ? A man known for his love of skateboarding, a Texas transplant to the state and a college student acting as a volunteer medic were killed or wounded this week by a 17-year-old gunman during a night of protests on the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin.

    Kyle Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, has been charged with fatally shooting two protesters and wounding a third. Attorneys representing Rittenhouse have said he acted to defend himself.

    Kenosha County prosecutors said in court records this week that the first person shot around 11:45 p.m. on Tuesday has been identified as Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, of Kenosha.

    Prosecutors said Rosenbaum followed Rittenhouse into a used car lot, where he threw a plastic bag at the gunman and attempted to take the weapon from him.

    The medical examiner found that Rosenbaum was shot in the groin, back and left hand. The wounds fractured his pelvis and perforated his right lung and liver. He also suffered a superficial wound to his left thigh and a graze wound to his forehead.

    Friends have told local media that Rosenbaum was originally from Texas and previously lived in Arizona before moving to Wisconsin this year, where his young daughter lives. According to his Facebook page, he worked at a Wendy?s restaurant in Kenosha.

    The Associated Press was unable to reach family members by phone this week.

    Rittenhouse then ran down the street and was chased by several people shouting that he just shot someone before he tripped and fell, according to the complaint and video footage.

    Anthony Huber, 26, of Silver Lake, was shot in the chest after apparently trying to wrest the gun away from Rittenhouse, the complaint said.

    Hannah Gittings, Huber?s girlfriend, told WBBM-TV that he pushed her out of the way before chasing after the man others on the street had identified as the shooter.

    Huber?s friends gathered at a Kenosha skate park this week to remember him and his passion for skateboarding. According to court records, Huber had a skateboard in his right hand and used it to ?make contact? with Rittenhouse?s left shoulder as they struggled for control of the gun.

    Other protesters remembered Huber on Wednesday night near the spot where he was shot, and Gittings told the group that he was an amazing person.

    ?He took down an armed gunman with nothing but his (profanity) skateboard,? Gittings said, according to the Chicago Tribune.

    The Kenosha News reported that local protest organizers said both Rosenbaum and Huber had participated in demonstrations this spring and summer, beginning with the May death of George Floyd after a Minnesota police officer pressed his knee into the handcuffed man?s neck.

    ?They came out here every time with us,? said Porche Bennett, a Kenosha resident who has organized protests. ?Sweet. Loving. They were the sweetest hearts, souls. I called Anthony my hippie guy. They were sweet guys.?

    Bennett said she was particularly grateful to Huber, who stood in front of her when authorities used tear gas during protests outside the Kenosha County Courthouse this week.

    The third man to be shot was wounded in the left arm. Court records said Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, appeared to be holding a gun when he approached Rittenhouse after he shot at Huber.

    Grosskreutz is an activist who volunteered as a medic during the Kenosha demonstrations, according to Milwaukee activist Bethany Crevensten.

    She said Grosskreutz was part of a group of roughly two dozen activists who have demonstrated around Milwaukee in the wake of Floyd?s death and went to Kenosha to protest. Grosskreutz, who was wearing a backpack and cap labeled ?paramedic,? was shot in the arm, Crevensten said.

    ?He was a hero and he is a hero,? she said.

    Grosskreutz, of West Allis, was recovering after surgery and was not yet giving interviews, Crevensten said this week.

    The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Grosskreutz is a senior at Northland College in Ashland and the college registrar?s office said he is set to graduate in December.

    The paper also reported that he previously worked as a special events coordinator, wilderness medical instructor and sea kayak guide at Lost Creek Adventures in Cornucopia, according to an online LinkedIn profile. The company offers kayak tours, rentals and programs on wilderness skills within the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.

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    This is happening as protests over Jacob Blake and Trump are happening all over the USA.

    Officers responded Sunday to reports of possible shots fired on a Woodland Hills street where a large caravan of Trump supporters was passing through Sunday morning, according to LAPD.

    A woman driving past the caravan on Ventura Boulevard said she heard what sounded like gunshots around 11:30 a.m. and then noticed her tire went flat after being damaged by a projectile, possibly a bullet, Los Angeles Police Department spokesman Officer Will Cooper said.

    Another person then told police that a person with a firearm was in a balcony in a nearby apartment building in the 20600 block of Ventura Boulevard, according to LAPD spokesman Josh Rubenstein.

    It’s still unclear whether any shots were fired and officers had not yet been able to make contact with any suspects, Rubenstein said around 4 p.m.

    LAPD armored vehicles in Woodland Hills on Aug. 30, 2020. (OC Hawk)
    Officers locked down the building and evacuated nearby units, LAPD said.

    Three suspects were still barricaded at the Ventura Boulevard location as of 3:30 p.m., according to the department.

    Officers have set up a perimeter and a SWAT team responded to the scene.

    LAPD Valley Bureau Deputy Chief told the L.A. Times that the department obtained a photo of man with a rifle on the balcony of an apartment unit.

    Police previously said the initial reports were of someone who was throwing bottles at passing vehicles brandished a gun in the area of Ventura Boulevard and Chalk Hill Court. They later said there were reports of shots fired.

    The pro-Trump caravan was passing through the area, going from Woodland Hills to Studio City. Video showed hundreds participating in the rally.

    There were no reports of any injuries and the caravan continued on its planned route, police said.

    No further details were immediately available.

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    Jacob Blake speaks on the Brutality by Police

    MILWAUKEE (AP) — Jacob Blake has spoken publicly for the first time since a Kenosha, Wisconsin, police officer shot him seven times in the back, saying he’s in constant pain from the shooting, which doctors fear will leave him paralyzed from the waist down.

    In a video posted Saturday night on Twitter by his family’s lawyer, Ben Crump, Blake said from his hospital bed that, “Twenty-four hours, every 24 hours it’s pain, nothing but pain. It hurts to breathe, it hurts to sleep, it hurts to move from side-to-side, it hurts to eat.”

    Blake, a 29-year-old father of six, also said he has staples in his back and stomach.

    “Your life, and not only just your life, your legs, something you need to move around and forward in life, can be taken from you like this,” Blake said, snapping his fingers.

    He added: “Stick together, make some money, make everything easier for our people out there, man, because there’s so much time that’s been wasted.”

    Blake, who is Black, was shot in the back by a white police officer on Aug. 23 after walking away from the officer and two others who were trying to arrest him. The officer, Rusten Sheskey, opened fire after Blake opened his own SUV’s driver-side door and leaned into the vehicle. The shooting was captured on video and posted online, sparking several nights of protests and unrest in Kenosha, a city of about 100,000 between Milwaukee and Chicago.

    Sheskey and the other officers who were at the scene were placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Justice. None of them have been charged.

    Blake, who had an outstanding arrest warrant when he was shot, pleaded not guilty Friday to charges accusing him of sexually assaulting a woman in May and waived his right to a preliminary hearing. Blake appeared remotely via video conference from his Milwaukee hospital bed, wearing a dress shirt and tie. He spoke only to respond to the judge’s questions.

    The state Justice Department has said a knife was recovered from Blake’s vehicle, but it has not said whether he was holding it when officers tried to arrest him.

    The man who made the widely seen cellphone video of the shooting, 22-year-old Raysean White, said he saw Blake scuffling with three officers and heard them yell, “Drop the knife! Drop the knife!” before gunfire erupted. He said he didn’t see a knife in Blake’s hands.

    The Kenosha police union said Blake had the knife and refused orders to drop it. Blake fought with police, including putting one officer in a headlock, the union said. Police twice used a Taser, which did not stop Blake.

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    Protesters continue to take to the streets in Kenosha, following the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

    The nation?s eyes are now on the southeastern Wisconsin city, three months into the daily demonstrations across the country that were sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

    In a cell phone video that has gone viral, Blake, who is African American, is shown walking away from two police officers toward the driver?s side of his SUV. The 29-year-old appears to be unarmed. As Blake opens the door, an officer is seen pulling at the back of Blake?s shirt and firing into his back. Seven gunshots can be heard, although it?s not clear how many bullets hit Blake. He remains hospitalized in stable condition.

    A Black married couple sat on their porch Monday, watching their neighbors and media gather not far from Bradford High School. It was in this neighborhood that Jacob Blake was shot by Kenosha police Sunday evening. Tamika and Donnell say not long before Blake was shot, he was at their home.

    Then they left to go to the store and saw police at the scene when they came back.

    ?Right here in front of that big wheel at, this pink big wheel right here on the side. His kids was in the car with him when they shot him,? says Donnell.

    Police were there to respond to a domestic dispute. Blake?s attorney says Blake was trying to break up an argument between two women when officers arrived. Police did not immediately say why they opened fire on Blake.

    Donnell told me situations like this are seldom in Kenosha. He says because Black people are so terrified of police, they try to keep down confrontation.

    ?You don?t know what we go through in these trenches, in these here woods, these here ? this jungle. It?s a jungle out here,? he says.

    Donnell and Tamika have three children ? all boys. Tamika says she?s scared for them.

    ?How they supposed to live they life? In fear? They ain?t supposed to just be in fear. They supposed to be able to live they life comfortably like everybody. It?s terrible that we, us as a Black people, we can?t,? she says.

    Quentin Pompy speaking at the Lake County Black Lives Matter press conference.
    Other residents shared similar thoughts during a press conference hosted by the Lake County chapter of Black Lives Matter. One of the people who spoke was Quentin Pompy.

    ?We, Black people, are tired of the police always attacking us. Why do you guys wanna attack us? We have a life too. And we would like to live our life. But we can?t. We can?t even walk down the street at night without the police messing with us,? he says.

    Pompy doesn?t live in the immediate neighborhood, but says he lives in the area and he?s speaking for those who have been shot by police and aren?t present to tell their stories.

    The Lake County chapter of Black Lives Matter is calling for the officers involved to be arrested and prosecuted for shooting Blake. They?ve been suspended while an investigation is underway.

    ?They think after a week or so it?s gon? be over with and that?s how they look at it. And we have to stay on their neck. We have to keep our foot on their neck in order to get this done. This can?t be done like this,? says chapter founder Clyde McLemore.

    And dozens of organizations are sharing similar thoughts, condemning the police?s actions and asking for a swift and full investigation into the matter. Leaders of the National Urban League say the video showing police shooting Blake at point-blank range shows an ?especially egregious example of the need for transformative change in police procedures and culture.?

    And Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden weighed in, saying justice has not been real for Black Americans and ?We must dismantle systemic racism.? The state GOP offered its thoughts to the family but says ?we must have a thorough accounting of the facts.?

    The Kenosha police union accuses politicians of rushing to judgment.

    Meanwhile, Gov. Tony Evers and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes announced an executive order calling the Legislature into a special session on police accountability and transparency.

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    By BERNARD CONDON | Associated Press

    The way lawyers for Kyle Rittenhouse tell it, he wasn’t just a scared teenager acting in self-defense when he shot to death two Kenosha, Wisconsin, protesters. He was a courageous defender of liberty, a patriot exercising his right to bear arms amid rioting in the streets.

    “A 17-year-old citizen is being sacrificed by politicians, but it’s not Kyle Rittenhouse they are after. Their end game is to strip away the constitutional right of all citizens to defend our communities,” says the voice-over at the end of a video released this week by a group tied to Rittenhouse’s legal team.

    “Kyle Rittenhouse will go down in American history alongside that brave unknown patriot … who fired ‘The Shot Heard Round the World,”’ lead attorney John Pierce wrote this month in a tweet he later deleted. “A Second American Revolution against Tyranny has begun.”

    But such dramatic rhetoric that has helped raise nearly $2 million for Rittenhouse’s defense may not work with a jury considering charges that could put the teen in prison for life. Legal experts say there could be big risks in turning a fairly straightforward self-defense case into a fight for freedom that mirrors the law-and-order reelection theme President Donald Trump has struck amid a wave of protests over racial injustice.

    “They’re playing to his most negative characteristics and stereotypes, what his critics want to perceive him as — a crazy militia member out to cause harm and start a revolution,” said Robert Barnes, a prominent Los Angeles defense attorney.

    Rittenhouse’s high-profile defense and fund-raising teams, led by Los Angeles-based Pierce and Atlanta attorney Lin Wood, respectively, refused to speak to The Associated Press about their strategy ahead of the teen’s next court appearance Friday, a hearing in Illinois on whether to return him to Wisconsin.

    But in a TV appearance and a blizzard of social media posts, they doubled down on the hero theme, describing Kenosha as a “war zone” and the young shooter as an “American patriot” and a “shining symbol of the American fighting spirit.”

    “This is the sacred ground in Kenosha where a 17-year old child became a Minuteman and said ‘Not on My Watch,’” Pierce tweeted above a photo of the city where rioters burned and looted just days before.

    Eric Creizman, a former partner at Pierce’s firm, said the heated language in the tweets is not surprising because of his former boss’ tendency toward hyperbole, though he wonders if it will backfire.

    “The question really should focus on whether this guy is guilty of what they’re charging him with,” he said, “instead of making it into a political issue.”

    One politically charged tactic critics have attacked as a longshot is Pierce’s promise to fight a charge of underage firearm possession, a misdemeanor, by arguing U.S. law allows for an “unorganized militia.” Rittenhouse wielded a semi-automatic rifle.

    Some experts have even questioned whether the teenager’s team of four attorneys will feel pressure to hold back from making a plea bargain out of fear of disrupting the patriotic narrative and disappointing donors.

    There is a temptation to shape court arguments to “keep the money flowing while the battle is ongoing,” said Richard Cayo, a Milwaukee attorney who helps other lawyers in ethics cases. “It puts lawyers at risk of trying to serve two masters.”

    Both Pierce and Wood have ties to Trump’s orbit and his brand of GOP politics, though it’s not clear if that played any role in their involvement in Rittenhouse’s case and how it is being handled. For his part, Trump has made statements appearing to support Rittenhouse’s claim of self-defense, saying the young man “probably would have been killed.”

    Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani hired Pierce’s firm late last year when he was reportedly under investigation for possibly breaking lobbying laws for his work in Ukraine for the president, as did Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, former Trump advisers caught up in the Russia investigation.

    Wood, a defamation lawyer who represented falsely accused security guard Richard Jewell in the 1996 Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta, is also a lawyer for Sean Hannity, the Fox News host with close ties to Trump.

    And Wood made headlines recently representing Nicholas Sandmann, the Kentucky teen in the “Make America Great Again” hat, in his lawsuits against news organizations over their coverage of his encounter with an American Indian protester in Washington last year.

    Both attorneys moved quickly after Rittenhouse was arrested in his hometown of Antioch, Illinois, two days after the Aug. 25 shootings that came amid raucous protests in Kenosha over the police shooting that paralyzed a Black man, Jacob Blake. Rittenhouse, who is white, was charged with first-degree intentional homicide in the killing of two white protesters and attempted intentional homicide in the wounding of a third.

    Pierce flew to Illinois to meet Rittenhouse and his family that same day, according to his tweets, which included appeals for donations to the #FightBack Foundation that was started with Wood a few weeks earlier to fund lawsuits aimed at the “lies” of the “radical left.”

    In Pierce’s telling on a Fox News appearance and an 11-minute #FightBack Foundation documentary, the real Rittenhouse is not the wild-eyed vigilante critics have painted him. He is instead portrayed as a model citizen who had just gotten off his shift as lifeguard and was cleaning graffiti from a vandalized high school before he received word from a business owner seeking help to protect what was left of his property after rioters had burned two of his other buildings.

    According to prosecutors, Rittenhouse shot and killed Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, after the protester threw a plastic bag at the teenager, missing him.

    But to Pierce, the situation was far more dire. Rosenbaum was the head of a “mob that had become enraged” at the sight of Rittenhouse trying to put out a fire set by arsonists and decided to chase after him, “relentlessly hunting him as prey.” Rittenhouse, in Pierce’s telling, fired only after Rosenbaum began to “assault him from behind” and attempted to take his rifle away.

    “I just killed somebody,” Rittenhouse says into his cellphone, according to the complaint filed by prosecutors, as he starts running and several people give chase. “Beat him up!” one person in the crowd says. Another yells, “Get him! Get that dude!”

    What happened next, as Pierce put it in a statement, were a series of clear signs captured on cellphone video that Rittenhouse was in possible mortal danger.

    A man strikes Rittenhouse as he runs down the street, chased by several people trying to stop him. Rittenhouse falls to the ground and another protester kicks him. Back on his feet and a bit farther down the street, he is struck by a skateboard. He shoots, killing the man with the skateboard, Anthony Huber, 26, and wounding a third person holding a handgun, Gaige Grosskreutz, 26.

    George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said he wouldn’t be surprised if the patriotic language that has wooed online donors were eventually be abandoned for the most obvious defense, that “Rittenhouse was a confused kid who got in over his head.”

    Still, Turley said, those who give the most tend to gravitate to the extremes of the political spectrum.

    “There is danger that social media campaigns can alter your narrative,” he said.

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    MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin’s attorney general announced Monday that he has selected a former Madison police chief to serve as an independent consultant for prosecutors weighing whether to file charges against the officer who shot Jacob Blake, a Black man who was left paralyzed from the waist down.

    The shooting of Blakeon Aug. 23 by a white Kenosha police officer made Wisconsin the epicenter of the nation’s ongoing debate over police violence and racial injustice. It came three months after the death of George Floyd in the custody of Minneapolis police.

    Noble Wray, the expert who will review the file, is Black. Following his retirement as Madison’s chief in 2013, Wray has become a national leader in working on police reform, fighting racism and educating about implicit bias. Wray was chief for nine years and worked 30 years as a police officer, experience that Attorney General Josh Kaul and Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Gravely said would be crucial when reviewing the file.

    Gravely said he requested the consultant but that he asked the Department of Justice to choose.

    Kaul said his department’s investigation of the shooting is in its final stages. When it’s done, he will turn it over to Wray for review and an analysis. It will then be up to Gravely about whether to file charges. Gravely said Monday that he had not made any decision about filing charges yet.

    Gravely said Wray would bring “diverse” and “abundant” perspectives to the case.

    Wray said he will provide insight and perspective to the case but not prejudge it. Wray said he will complete his review as quickly as possible, but he has not been given a timeline once he receives the investigative file.

    “I have not prejudged the case,” Wray said.

    Blake was shot in the back seven times after walking away from the officer and two others who were trying to arrest him. The officer, Rusten Sheskey, shot Blake after Blake opened an SUV’s driver-side door and leaned into the vehicle. Three of Blake’s children were in the back seat. The shooting was captured on video and circulated quickly online, fueling protests hours later.

    The state Justice Department has said a knife was recovered from Blake’s vehicle, but it has not said whether he was holding it when officers tried to arrest him.

    Blake’s attorney, Ben Crump, has said that Blake was only trying to break up a domestic dispute and did nothing to provoke police. Crump has called for the arrest of Sheskey, the officer who shot Blake, and for the two other officers involved in the shooting to be fired.

    Sheskey and the other officers who were at the scene — Vincent Arenas and Brittany Meronek — were placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Justice. None of them have been charged.

    The Kenosha police union has said that officers were dispatched on Aug. 23 because of a complaint that Blake was attempting to steal the caller’s keys and vehicle. Union attorney Brendan Matthews said officers were aware that Blake had an open warrant for felony sexual assault before they arrived.

    Blake pleaded not guilty on Sept. 4 to charges accusing him of sexually assaulting a woman in May. A trial date was set for Nov. 9.

    Kenosha is a city of about 100,000 people on the shores of Lake Michigan midway between Milwaukee and Chicago.

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    . CHICAGO (AP) — The mother of a 17-year-old accused of killing two demonstrators in Kenosha, Wisconsin, is among those slated to testify Friday during a hearing in Illinois to decide if her son should be extradited across the border to stand trial on homicide charges.

    Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers also planned to call an expert on self-defense, a prison-safety consultant and two former homicide detectives in a long shot bid to convince Judge Paul Novak in Waukegan, Illinois, not to turn their client over to Wisconsin authorities.

    The case has become a rallying point for some conservatives who see Rittenhouse as a patriot who was exercising his right to bear arms during unrest in Kenosha following the shooting of a Black man by a white police officer. Others portray him as a domestic terrorist who incited protesters by showing up wielding a rifle.

    State-to-state extraditions are typically formalities and judges rarely refuse to OK another state’s request to transfer a suspect. Efforts to fight extradition are nearly always in vain but can help attorneys to buy time to compile evidence and prepare a defense.

    A recent defense filing listing witnesses it wants to call at the hearing in the Lake County Courthouse in Waukegan names Rittenhouse’s mom, Wendy Rittenhouse. The documents didn't offer details, saying she would discuss the circumstances of her son’s arrest.

    Prosecutors aren’t expected to call anyone to the witness stand, saying in filings of their own that it's the role of a Wisconsin judge, not one in Illinois, to gauge whether there are sufficient grounds for charges.

    The most serious charge Rittenhouse faces in Wisconsin is first-degree intentional homicide for fatally shooting two protesters, which carries a life prison sentence. He is also charged with attempted intentional homicide in the wounding of a third protester, as well as a misdemeanor charge of underage firearm possession.

    The killings occurred Aug. 25, two days after a police officer trying to arrest Jacob Blake shot him seven times in the back after a brief scuffle, leaving Blake paralyzed from the waist down. A video of the shooting posted online sparked outrage and helped spur on the protests.

    Rittenhouse and the man he allegedly injured are white, as were the two men killed.

    A day after the shooting, Rittenhouse surrendered to police in his Illinois hometown of Antioch, just across the Wisconsin border and some 10 miles (16.09 kilometers) southwest of Kenosha.

    Lawyers for Rittenhouse have argued he was acting in self-defense and that extraditing him to Wisconsin would violate his constitutional rights.

    In one filing, they complained that Rittenhouse had been “publicly branded a ‘mass murderer,’ a ‘terrorist,’ a ‘racist,’ and more.” At a hearing in the case in early October, Rittenhouse attorney John Pierce said "this is not a legitimate criminal prosecution, it is a political prosecution.” Defense lawyers have also said his extradition would be akin to turning him “over to the mob.”

    The Rittenhouse defense team was broaching “irrelevant and inflammatory ‘facts’ which are solely meant to sway sympathy and public opinion through the media in favor of the defendant,” Lake County Assistant State’s Attorney Stephen Scheller responded in one recent filing.

    Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker has signed a warrant to return Rittenhouse to Wisconsin after a request from Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a fellow Democrat. Mike Nerheim, the Lake County state’s attorney, has said he’s never seen anyone fight extradition after the governor signed a warrant for it.

    Legal experts say that on the rare occasions when state extradition cases have been contested, defense lawyers usually argue that either no crime was committed in the other state or that the defendant was not the person who committed whatever crime did occur.

    According to prosecutors and court documents, Rittenhouse shot and killed 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum, of Kenosha, after Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag at Rittenhouse, missing him, and tried to wrestle his rifle away.

    While trying to get away in the immediate aftermath, Rittenhouse was captured on cellphone video saying, “I just killed somebody.” According to a complaint filed by prosecutors, someone in the crowd said, “Beat him up!” and another yelled, “Get him! Get that dude!”

    Video shows that Rittenhouse tripped in the street. As he was on the ground, 26-year-old Anthony Huber, of Silver Lake, hit him with a skateboard and tried to take his rifle. Rittenhouse opened fire, killing Huber and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz, of West Allis, who was holding a handgun.

    Here is more in the Kyle Rittenhouse hearing. This is in response to the Jacob Blake protests too.

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    KENOSHA — Kyle Rittenhouse, accused of shooting and killing two people during protests in Kenosha, has been released from jail on bond Friday.

    A spokesperson with the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department announced that Rittenhouse's attorney paid the $2 million cash bond that was set by a judge earlier this month.

    Rittenhouse, thus, is no longer in custody at the Kenosha County Jail, according to the spokesperson.

    On Oct. 30, an Illinois judge OK'ed the extradition of Rittenhouse back to Wisconsin to face homicide charges.

    Rittenhouse is charged with first-degree intentional homicide for the death of Anthony Huber, 26 of Silver Lake, attempted first-degree intentional homicide for the shooting of Gauge Grosskreutz, 26 of West Allis, and first-degree reckless homicide for the death of Joseph Rosenbaum, 36 of Kenosha, according to a criminal complaint.

    Rittenhouse is also charged with two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety for shooting his AR-15-style rifle toward other people in a crowd, and with possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.

    The shooting happened on Aug. 25, after a white police officer shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back, paralyzing him from the waist down. The police shooting sparked massive protests in Kenosha and across the country. They also led to unrest in Kenosha, which brought Rittenhouse to Kenosha in the first place. He says he went with a friend, Dominick Black, to protect local businesses on the night he allegedly shot three people.

    The case has become a rallying call for some, who see Rittenhouse as a patriot who was exercising his 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. Others accuse him of being a domestic terrorist who provoked violence by bringing a rifle to downtown Kenosha.

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    Hell No!! not again the MyPillow guy. Boycott this shithead.

    Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen accused in the fatal shooting of two people in August during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was released from custody after posting $2 million in bail, according to the county's sheriff's department.

    Rittenhouse was released Friday afternoon after the $2 million was posted through his attorney, Kenosha County Sheriff's Department spokesman Sgt. David Wright told CNN.

    CNN has reached out to attorneys for Rittenhouse for comment.

    Attorney Lin Wood said in a tweet on Friday that Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, Inc., and actor Ricky Schroder helped raise the "required $2M cash bail" for Rittenhouse.

    "God bless ALL who donated to help #FightBack raise required $2M cash bail. Special thanks to Actor Ricky Schroder @rickyshroder1 & Mike Lindell @realMikeLindell for putting us over the top. Kyle is SAFE. Thanks to ALL who helped this boy," read the tweet.

    Rittenhouse faces charges that he allegedly killed Anthony M. Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum and wounded Gaige Grosskreutz during protests that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha in August.

    Kenosha County Commissioner Loren Keating said in setting the bond earlier this month that the court considered Rittenhouse a "flight risk," because he could face a "mandatory life sentence or at least significant amounts of time, likely decades of time period of incarceration" if convicted.

    Rittenhouse was afraid he would spend the rest of his life in prison after turning himself in to authorities, a friend of the teenager told police in a recorded interview that CNN obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

    "The dude's sweating like a pig. He's just freaking out. His face is white. He's like, 'I'm going to jail for the rest of my life. I'm done.' He's just scared," the friend, Dominick Black, is seen explaining to a detective in the video recorded on August 26 in Antioch, Illinois, where Rittenhouse was arrested.

    Black said he tried to calm both himself and Rittenhouse, telling Rittenhouse, "from what you're telling me, you were defending yourself, as far as I believe. Just calm down, we're going to go home, you're going to go turn yourself in, it will all be fine," he said.

    After hearing gunshots about two or three blocks away, Black said he got a call from Rittenhouse.

    "He's like, 'I just shot somebody! I just shot somebody!' And I tried to ask him why, what happened, where are you, and he hung up the call," Black said.

    Black told Antioch Police detectives that Rittenhouse told him what happened when he was confronted by police in Kenosha. "He said he walked up to her and was like 'I just shot somebody' and the lady, she told him, 'no, go' and then she threatened to pepper spray him," Black said.

    Rittenhouse faces two felony charges of homicide in the death of Rosenbaum and Huber, and a felony attempted homicide charge in the case of Grosskreutz.

    He is also charged with possession of a dangerous weapon while under the age of 18, a misdemeanor, according to court records.

    An attorney for Rittenhouse has claimed that there is evidence that the teen acted in self-defense.

    Black, who is charged with two counts of intentionally giving a weapon to a person under the age of 18 causing death, allegedly bought and stored the alleged murder weapon for Rittenhouse.

    Black's attorney claims there is no evidence he gave a firearm to Rittenhouse, according to a hearing Thursday where the attorney's motion to drop charges against Black was denied. Black is due back in court on January 13, according to court records.

    The Chicago Tribune first reported on the police interview recording.

    Rittenhouse is due back in court for a preliminary hearing on December 3.

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    KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — An Illinois 17-year-old accused of killing two people during a protest in Wisconsin was seen smiling in a photo with his lawyer and “Silver Spoons” actor Ricky Schroder after being released from custody by posting a $2 million bond.

    Kyle Rittenhouse is accused of fatally shooting Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz during a demonstration Aug. 25 that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha. He posted bond through his attorney at about 2 p.m. Friday.

    Hours after being released, L. Lin Wood of Atlanta, a member of Rittenhouse’s defense team tweeted a photo of Rittenhouse, Ricky Schroder and attorney John Pierce, under a title of “FREE AT LAST!!!”

    Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, told police he was attacked while he was guarding a business and that he fired in self-defense.

    He faces multiple charges, including intentional homicide, reckless endangerment and being a minor in possession of a firearm. Wisconsin law doesn’t permit minors to carry or possess a gun unless they’re hunting. He is due back in court on Dec. 3 for a preliminary hearing.

    His case has taken on political overtones. Supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement have painted Rittenhouse as a trigger-happy white supremacist. Conservatives upset over property destruction during recent protests have portrayed him as a patriot who was exercising his right to bear arms during unrest. A legal defense fund for Rittenhouse has raised millions of dollars in donations, and his mother got a standing ovation from women at a Waukesha County GOP function in September.

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    A 17-year-old from Illinois accused of killing two men during an August protest in Wisconsin was due in court Thursday for a preliminary hearing in the case.

    Kyle Rittenhouse, of Antioch, is also charged in the wounding of a third person on Aug. 25 during a night of unrest in Kenosha that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a local Black man.

    Rittenhouse told police he was attacked while guarding a business and that he fired in self-defense. He was freed from jail last month after posting $2 million bond, with most of the money raised through a legal defense fund set up by conservatives portraying him as a patriot protecting other people's property.

    Supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement have painted Rittenhouse as a trigger-happy white supremacist.

    Rittenhouse is charged with homicide and attempted homicide for fatally shooting Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and wounding a third man, Gaige Grosskreutz.

    A preliminary hearing is the stage at which a court decides whether enough evidence exists to proceed to trial. The Kenosha County district attorney's office didn't respond to interview requests, and Rittenhouse attorney Mark Richards declined an interview ahead of Thursday's hearing.

    In a filing this week, Richards asked the court to dismiss two of the six counts against Rittenhouse. He argued that a misdemeanor count of possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18 isn’t supported by the law — an argument that the court already rejected once.

    Richards also sought the dismissal of a felony count against Rittenhouse for recklessly endangering the public's safety by using a dangerous weapon. Richards said the state offered no proof to substantiate that charge, which was based on witness Richard McGinnis’ account of Rittenhouse firing his gun with McGinnis in the line of fire.

    The shootings happened two days after a white police officer trying to arrest Blake shot the 29-year-old seven times in the back, paralyzing him from the waist down. Video of the shooting sparked several nights of protests in Kenosha, a city of about 100,000 near the Wisconsin-Illinois border.

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    Kenosha County prosecutors have added a seventh charge against Kyle Rittenhouse — violating curfew.

    The new count appeared in online court records after prosecutors on Monday filed the information in the case — a later form of the criminal complaint issued after the preliminary hearing and before the arraignment, scheduled for Jan. 5.

    The formal charge is failure to comply with an emergency management order of state or local government. It's a citation and carries no criminal penalty.

    Sheriff David Beth declared the 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. curfew on Aug. 24, the day after a Kenosha police officer fired seven shots at Jacob Blake, leaving him paralyzed and setting off protests, arson and vandalism.

    RELATED:More than 250 arrests in Kenosha unrest; most have been from the surrounding area

    Rittenhouse, 17, was armed with an AR-15-style rifle on the night of Aug. 25, when he fatally shot two men and wounded a third. He was charged two days later with two homicides, an attempted homicide, two counts of endangering safety and illegal possession of a firearm. His lawyers say he acted in self-defense.

    Kyle Rittenhouse's defense team now selling branded merchandise after raising millions through donations
    'I'm going to jail for the rest of my life': What Kyle Rittenhouse told the friend who supplied rifle used in the Kenosha protest shooting
    'I shot two white kids': New records detail Kyle Rittenhouse's surrender to hometown cops
    Witnesses describe the night Kyle Rittenhouse opened fire during protests after the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha
    Until now, only protesters had been charged with curfew violations, and many of them and their supporters had complained that none of the dozens of armed men at the events were ticketed.

    The ACLU of Wisconsin had called for all the citations to be dismissed, arguing that Beth had no legal authority to declare a curfew, and that once the City of Kenosha declared one the next day, it was too vague to be lawfully enforced.

    Four people arrested for curfew violations have made the same claims of discrimination in a federal lawsuit against the city and County of Kenosha.

    While a 10-day curfew was in place, police arrested about 150 people for being in the streets in violation of the order.

    As President Donald Trump issued some controversial pardons before Christmas, some people mistakenly, or jokingly, speculated that Trump might do the same for Rittenhouse, which led to a flurry of social media discussion.

    But lawyers and others quickly reiterated what has been explained several times since Rittenhouse was charged — that the president can pardon only those convicted of federal crimes and can't halt state prosecutions like the one against Rittenhouse.

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    No police officer will face charges over the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin - an incident which sparked protests in the US.

    Mr Blake was left paralysed from the waist down after being shot several times in the back as he got into a car where his three children were sitting.

    The shooting of Mr Blake, a black man, by white policeman Rusten Sheskey on 23 August aggravated racial tensions.

    Two people died and one was injured in another shooting in Kenosha days later.

    Should Wisconsin police have used different tactics?
    Paralysed Jacob Blake 'released from handcuffs'
    Kyle Rittenhouse, now 18, denied six charges including first-degree reckless homicide over those shootings when he appeared at a virtual arraignment with his lawyer, Mark Richards, on Tuesday.

    He was among many armed civilians who descended on the city in answer to calls from right-wing militia after Jacob Blake was shot.

    Why were police not charged?
    Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley announced that no criminal charges would be brought against Officer Sheskey.

    The shooting was captured on video by a bystander.

    The district attorney said he "would have to disprove the clear expression of these officers that they had to fire a weapon to defend themselves".

    "I do not believe the state... would be able to prove that the privilege of self-defence is not available," he said, quoted by the Associated Press.

    Mr Graveley added that he had informed Mr Blake of the news before announcing his decision publicly.

    Was Jacob Blake armed?
    The Kenosha police union said Mr Blake had been armed with a knife and Officer Sheskey had ordered him several times to drop it but he had refused.

    The police officer's lawyer, Brendan Matthews, said Officer Sheskey had fired because Mr Blake had started turning towards him while holding a knife.

    However, state investigators said only that officers had seen a knife on the floor of the car and and did not say whether Mr Blake had threatened anyone with it.

    The police officers involved were not equipped with body cameras.

    media captionJacob Blake's sister: 'I have been watching police murder people that look like me for years'
    The person who shot the video, Raysean White, told CNN that before he had begun filming, he had seen police wrestle, punch and Taser Mr Blake.

    It was then that he started recording. Mr Blake is shown walking around the front of the SUV. The two officers closest to Mr Blake at this point on the video are white males.

    As he opens the door and leans into the car, one officer can be seen grabbing his shirt and opening fire. Seven shots can be heard in the video, as witnesses shout and scream.

    Mr White told AP he had heard police officers shout "Drop the knife!" before gunfire erupted but said he had not seen a knife in Mr Blake's hands.

    What happens now with Kyle Rittenhouse?
    He is accused of shooting dead Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and wounding a third man, during street unrest - in incidents also partially captured on video.
    Mr Rittenhouse says the three men attacked him and he fired in self-defence.

    Jury selection for his trial starts in late March.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses View Post
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??
    Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
    Happy Birthday! I hid a dead body in your backyard to celebrate. Good luck finding it under the cement. You can only use a stick to look for it.

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    Signs, signs, everywhere are signs, blocking up the scenery and wasting my time....

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