View Poll Results: Who's gonna win the election?

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  • Biden

    7 77.78%
  • Trump

    0 0%
  • Biden, but Trump will legally steal it from him

    1 11.11%
  • Pelosi, because it will go into legal proceedings until after the inauguaration

    1 11.11%
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Thread: Election 2020-get your popcorn ready!

  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    I think it's him that hates her. He has hounded her whereever she goes and attacked her.

    I am just glad I don't have kids that will inherit this earth after all the changes the current administration are making with their rollback and giveaways to corporate polluters.

    Whether you want to believe what science has proven about climate change or not, why in the world would you want your kid to breathe in the pollution in the air, drink the pollution in the water, and live in the pollution the current administration is doing everything in its power to encourage?

    I'll be honest with you, I really don't give a fuck anymore. I don't have kids. I will be gone by the time it really becomes an issue. I used to fight it all, but then I realized why bother fighting, just give up and stop stressing myself out...and be selfish about's not my kids that will be living with it.
    Climate change, global warming....whatever we wanna call it it had zero influence in my decision to have a kid. At 38 I decided I did want to be a father so I made a baby. I am with you though, I don't give a fuck either bcz there's nothing I can do to fight science the earth will warm then cool then warm then cool just as its been doing for billions of years.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    If you all don't vote for Bernie, send him to Australis please, all of ours need replacing.
    They're trying to push Bernie out just like they did in 2016. He'll be available for Australia!

  3. #53
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    These people are spending millions just to try and beat Trump. And they will lose again. Four more years of democrat crying. Four more years of hearing "He's tearing our country apart". Lmfaooooo.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post

    Super Tuesday results: Biden projected to win Maine, Bloomberg suspends race
    Pocahontas will be next, she has no chance to win anything.

  5. #55
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Ugh the pmurt signs are up everywhere around the damn twilight zone. Good thing trump flag with his 5 yard signs is gone.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  6. #56
    Moderator raisedbywolves's Avatar
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    They're counting votes here in Florida, and Biden has 4 times the votes Bernie does at 48% counted. If the same thing happens in the other states tonight, I hope Bernie gets the message.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    They're counting votes here in Florida, and Biden has 4 times the votes Bernie does at 48% counted. If the same thing happens in the other states tonight, I hope Bernie gets the message.
    Watching Biden on tv is hilarious, something is def wrong with him. They need to get rid of him, Cuomo should take over.

  8. #58
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    Just to really piss the RWNJ's off, I'd like to see him pick Michelle Obama as his VP.

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    Just to really piss the RWNJ's off, I'd like to see him pick Michelle Obama as his VP.
    She's not interested. He will probably go with Harris bcz she's black but that would backfire bcz we dont like Harris.

  10. #60
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    WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Donald Trump on Friday called protesters in Minneapolis ?thugs? and said that ?when the looting starts, the shooting starts? ? drawing another warning from Twitter for his rhetoric. Trump tweeted after protesters outraged by the death of a black man in police custody torched a police station.

    Earlier Thursday, Trump said, ?I feel very, very badly? about George Floyd?s death while handcuffed and in the custody of Minneapolis police. ?That?s a very shocking sight.?

    It was the kind of personal statement expected from a president in response to the disturbing video of a black man gasping for help as a white policeman pinned him to the street by the neck. But it was a very different tone for Trump, who has often been silent in the face of white-on-black violence and has a long history of defending police.

    Trump?s language got more aggressive as violence boiled over in Minneapolis on Thursday night. ?These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won?t let that happen,? he tweeted. ?Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!?

    Twitter added a warning to Trump?s tweet about the Minneapolis protests, saying it violated the platform?s rules about ?glorifying violence.? Earlier this week, it applied fact checks to two of his tweets about mail-in ballots.

    Once more likely to hew to the ?blue lives matter? mantra, Trump and his allies have been questioning an officer?s conduct and calling for justice for Floyd. But some activists doubt that Trump has suddenly evolved on the issue of police brutality and instead see election year political calculations.

    ?This is the first race-tinged case that I?ve ever heard him address? as president, said the Rev. Al Sharpton, a civil rights activist and Trump critic who has known the president for decades. ?So therefore he cannot be upset when people feel that it?s empty words because it is so out of character.?

    Trump has been silent on a number of high-profile police-involved killings, including that of Stephon Clark, a black man shot by Sacramento, California, police in 2018.

    ?This is something that is a local matter and that?s something that we feel should be left up to the local authorities,? then-White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said at the time.

    Trump has never addressed the 2014 death of Eric Garner, who was placed in a chokehold by police trying to arrest him for selling loose cigarettes. Video of the encounter was viewed millions of times online, and Garner?s dying words, ?I can?t breathe,? became a rallying cry for the Black Lives Matter movement. Trump has, however, invoked those words on several occasions to mock political rivals, even bringing his hands to his neck for dramatic effect.

    Trump has a long history of injecting himself into racially sensitive cases. In 1989, he took out full-page newspaper ads calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, five young men of color who were wrongly convicted of a brutal assault on a jogger. Trump has never apologized, telling reporters last year: ?You have people on both sides of that.?

    Trump also spent years railing against NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality. And he has even appeared to advocate for the rougher treatment of people in police custody, speaking dismissively of the police practice of shielding the heads of handcuffed suspects as they are being placed in patrol cars.

    But Trump?s tone has changed in recent weeks as he has repeatedly expressed dismay at footage of the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, the 25-year-old black man fatally shot in February in Georgia while jogging.

    ?You know, my heart goes out to the parents and the family and the friends,? he told reporters this month. ?It?s a heartbreaking thing.?

    The president has notably left open the possibility of some other explanation, saying: ?it could be something that we didn?t see on tape.?

    Trump and his allies have been even clearer on the death of Floyd, who can be heard and seen on tape pleading that he couldn?t breathe before he slowly stops talking and moving.

    Trump ?was very upset when he saw that video,? White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Thursday. ?He wants justice to be served.?

    Trump?s conservative allies also rallied to the cause.

    Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity said he is ?a big supporter of law enforcement? but expressed outrage Wednesday, telling his audience: ?The lack of training here is breathtaking.?

    ?We got to get to the very bottom of how this poor individual was treated, and the death of him on the video itself is shocking from what I saw,? Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said.

    Even conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, who once called Black Lives Matter a ?terrorist group,? said Floyd?s death was totally ?unjustified? and he was ?so mad.?

    The outpouring comes as the Trump campaign has sought to chip into the advantage Democrats have with black voters. The campaign hopes either to win enough black support to keep pivotal states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin in play or minimize enthusiasm for Democratic rival Joe Biden. There could be a small window after Biden last week told a prominent black radio host that African Americans who back Trump ?ain?t black,? a gaffe he later said he regretted.

    Trump and his allies have seized on that and other Biden statements, even though Biden, who served as vice president under the nation?s first black president, remains deeply popular among black voters, who helped him secure the Democratic nomination.

    Indeed, a recent Fox News poll found that just 14% of African Americans who are registered to vote have a favorable opinion of Trump, versus 75% who have a favorable view of Biden.

    Chris White, the longtime director of the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality, questioned the sincerity of Republicans? response to the deaths of Arbery and Floyd. The White House and Department of Justice have long had the power to address these issues.

    ?Any time we hear politicians speaking about dealing with police brutality in the middle of election year, it?s just meaningless rhetoric that has a hollow promise,? he said.

    Sharpton credited both the magnitude of outrage in response to Floyd?s death as well as the upcoming election for the changed approach. But he doubted many black voters will be swayed with an approach they may see as too little, too late.

    ?It?s like a father that misses a kid?s graduation of high school, graduation of college,? he said. ?He can?t be upset when the kid looks at him suspiciously when he?s there when he graduates with his Ph.D.?

  11. #61
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    CNN)Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney posted a photo of former Vice President Dick Cheney sporting a face mask on Friday and took a shot at the manhood of people who refuse to wear face coverings in a seeming jab at President Donald Trump.
    Liz Cheney, the No. 3 House Republican, posted the photo her father as lawmakers push harder for their constituents to wear face masks to limit the spread of coronavirus. Trump has been loath to wear a mask, despite the advice of public health experts.
    "Dick Cheney says WEAR A MASK. #realmenwearmasks," the younger Cheney tweeted Friday along with a photo of her father wearing a mask.

    Masks remain a sticking point for some politicians, most notably Trump, even as the number of coronavirus cases climbs past 2.4 million, according to data from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that everyone "should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public, for example to the grocery store or to pick up other necessities."

    But Trump has continued to defy health recommendations and has been reluctant to be seen wearing a mask in public. He recently told The Wall Street Journal that masks are "a double-edged sword" and also suggested that masks are being worn as a political statement, rather than a health precaution, to show disapproval of him.
    Some Republican governors, such as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, have resisted mandating face masks be worn in public in their states despite new coronavirus peaks in their states. Experts say wearing a face mask or other face covering could reduce the transmission of Covid-19 by as much as 50%.
    Cheney's comments on Friday were not her first to run counter to the President's decisions in combating the coronavirus.
    Cheney said in March that the US must address its health care crisis in order to restore the economy, as some of Trump's allies pushed to reopen the country despite the threat of the coronavirus pandemic.
    "There will be no normally functioning economy if our hospitals are overwhelmed and thousands of Americans of all ages, including our doctors and nurses, lay dying because we have failed to do what's necessary to stop the virus," Cheney wrote on Twitter.
    In April, Cheney pushed back against a false claim by Trump that he has "total" authority to decide to lift restrictions governors have imposed amid the coronavirus pandemic.
    "The federal government does not have absolute power," Cheney tweeted at the time, though she did not mention the President explicitly.
    The Wyoming Republican invoked the 10th Amendment to the Constitution in her tweet, saying, "'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.' United States Constitution, Amendment X."

    Cheney is not alone in calling for mask-wearing. Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, whose state of Florida has seen a recent surge of coronavirus cases, said Wednesday that "everyone should just wear a damn mask."
    Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden said Friday that if elected president, he would make wearing a face covering in public mandatory. Last month, Trump and the White House had mocked Biden for wearing a mask outdoors to a Memorial Day event, leading Biden to fire back in an interview with CNN, calling Trump "an absolute fool."

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    SAN DIEGO — A San Diego woman’s social media post shaming a Starbucks barista for telling her to wear a mask has backfired. As of Tuesday night, the post had more than 122,000 comments from across the world, many defending the employee.

    “This is a minimum wage job he is trying to get through his day,” said former Starbucks partner Courtney White

    She stopped at the 4227 Genesee Avenue Starbucks on Tuesday to support the employee identified as Lenin Gutierrez.

    “Shame on her for shaming him for doing his job,” said White.

    In a prerecorded video, Lenin Gutierrez, the Starbucks barista, thanked the thousands of people who donated more than $12,000 to a GoFundMe to tip him after a San Diego woman berated him on social media for telling her to put on a mask inside the Clairemont coffee shop.

    “I just wanted to say thank you for all of the love and support and what everyone is doing - it's an honor to see all this happen,” said Gutierrez.

    The viral post started on Monday when the woman posted and tagged the Genesee store writing:

    “Meet lenen [sic] from Starbucks who refused to serve me cause I'm not wearing a mask. Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption."

    Backlash from the post created more than 40,000 shares calling the woman a “Karen” and praising Lenin. A Karen is described as a pejorative term for a woman perceived to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is considered appropriate or necessary.

    “What Lenin did was the right thing, he was just doing his job and didn't deserve to be berated in the store,” said GoFundMe organizer Matt Cowan.

    The Irvine man said he doesn’t know Lenin and is promising him every penny raised online.

    “I wanted to put money in the tip jar, and that is kind of what led to me making a virtual tip jar,” said Cowan

    People as far as Australia have donated, Mikayla Zerafa wrote, "From Australia to you, Lenen! [sic] I wish I could’ve offered more but I’m out of work due to COVID. I appreciate people like yourself who are making sure proper health practices are in place and being adhered to. I apologise [sic] that you unfortunately have had to deal with ignorant Karen’s who believe they’re above the polices there to keep people safe. Keep up the great work"

    The Starbucks store’s Facebook page and Yelp have been inundated with positive reviews and support for Lenin. Yelp posted it disabled comments until this cools down.

    Under Governor Gavin Newsom’s orders, you can be exempt from wearing a mask for medical reasons. The woman’s Facebook page is filled with anti-mask memes. She did not return requests for comments but responded to many on her post defending herself and her beliefs. A relative confirms she is not a COVID-19 believer and doesn’t believe masks protect against the virus.

    “I want to remind everyone to be kind to one another and to love each other and always remember to wear a mask,” said Gutierrez.

    Starbucks e-mailed a statement, “We want everyone to feel welcome in our stores. We respectfully request customers follow social distancing and safety protocols recommended by public health officials, including wearing a facial covering when visiting our stores.

    More information on what customers can expect in our stores can be found on our At a Glance page”

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    Apparently Kanye West for President rumors is at play here.

  15. #65
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    I really hope people see thru this BS. Kanye is trying to get the black vote, which would take away from Bernie's vote... this leaves Trump with the most votes and winning again. Total fucking political move. Both him and his wife has been buddy buddy with Trump during his presidency, no way he is doing this is an attempt to beat him.
    I can be your *ADDICTION* if you wanna get hooked on something!!

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by nclexusgirl View Post
    I really hope people see thru this BS. Kanye is trying to get the black vote, which would take away from Bernie's vote... this leaves Trump with the most votes and winning again. Total fucking political move. Both him and his wife has been buddy buddy with Trump during his presidency, no way he is doing this is an attempt to beat him.
    Bernie dropped out. Most of us have traded Trump to anyone but us. We're not voting for his nutty ass. Plus he wouldn't make the ballots in a few states.

  17. #67
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    I do think Kanye's attempt is an attempt to divide black votes, but as Queena said, I don't think he will be able to get on the ballot in most places. Even though his POS wife is a 'billionaire' we've seen enough true billionaires run and drop out. It takes more than just money to run an election.

  18. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    So Kanye says he is running for President.
    Hes insane

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  19. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    I do think Kanye's attempt is an attempt to divide black votes, but as Queena said, I don't think he will be able to get on the ballot in most places. Even though his POS wife is a 'billionaire' we've seen enough true billionaires run and drop out. It takes more than just money to run an election.

    But Kanye West made the announcement sound like it was from the Onion though. I figured it was more to do with him wanting to be a political pundit somewhere though but where needed to be determined.

  20. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Queena View Post
    Bernie dropped out. Most of us have traded Trump to anyone but us. We're not voting for his nutty ass. Plus he wouldn't make the ballots in a few states.
    totally meant Biden. The Kardashian following and the people Kim "won over" by helping get poc out of jail/prison are the people they are counting on to listen and vote Kanye. Everything is just so fucked up.
    I can be your *ADDICTION* if you wanna get hooked on something!!

  21. #71
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    Kanye West’s presidential bid has dinged Democratic presumptive Joe Biden’s odds to win the 2020 election, according to one of the largest online sportsbooks.

    According to Bet Online, political betting markets opened Sunday with West added at +10000 (100/1) odds to win the 2020 election. Those are the same odds 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has, though she is not in the race and has thrown her support behind Biden.

    From Saturday to Sunday, Biden — the outright favorite — moved from -180 (5/9) to -160 (5/8) odds, according to Bet Online. Republican and incumbent Donald Trump’s odds to win improved with West’s weekend announcement, moving from +150 (3/2) to +130 (13/10).

    Also Read: Kanye West Announces 'I Am Running for President of the United States! #2020VISION'

    “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States ! #2020VISION,” West tweeted on the Fourth of July.

    This isn’t the first time he has said he’s running to become the commander in chief, either. In 2015, while accepting the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at MTV’s Video Music Awards, he told a stunned audience, “As you probably could have guessed by this moment, in 2020 I have decided to run for president.”

    Read original story Kanye West’s Presidential Bid Hurts Joe Biden’s Odds to Win, According to Betting Site At TheWrap

  22. #72
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    On Saturday, just four months before the 2020 election, musician, provocateur and former ardent Donald Trump supporter Kanye West tweeted that he was launching his own bid to become president.

    “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States! #2020VISION,” West wrote on Independence Day.

    His tweet was boosted by his wife, reality star and entrepreneur Kim Kardashian, and was endorsed by Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. Fellow artists like rapper 2Chainz griped that he’s upset he voted in Georgia’s primary elections, implying that he’d rather have waited to cast his ballot for West, but that won’t be possible in many states where deadlines have already passed for names to be added to preprinted voting forms.

    So far, however, there’s little indication that West intends to follow through with his campaign announcement. No official FEC filing has been made under West’s name this year (back in 2015, however, a parody filing was made by Kanye “Deez Nuts” West).

    In 2020, West would be forced to run as an independent, as Joe Biden has already become the presumptive Democratic nominee and Republicans are unlikely to substitute him for Trump. Deadlines to appear on several states ballots as an independent are also quickly approaching, and the chance to run in six major states, including delegate-rich Texas and New York, have already passed. West would have to assemble a campaign and file paperwork at breakneck speed to even be considered a viable candidate in the most traditional sense.

    Of course, a West win could be possible (though, again, highly improbable) through a series of grassroots, write-in-ballots, which is more pie-in-the-sky thought exercise than anything else.

    Making his prospects even dimmer, write-in ballots aren’t even possible in eight states, and even if he were able to win the popular vote in other states, he would have had to file before Election Day with many other states for it to matter.

    So what’s West’s ploy, then? Is his last-minute campaign a bid to peel votes away from Biden? Or is the whole endeavor simply a PR stunt?

    West has always found his way into presidential politics. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, West declared live on television controversially that “George W. Bush doesn’t care about Black people.” West spoke openly about what he believed to be the president’s failure to reach ailing Black families in Louisiana in the aftermath of the deadly storm.

    After West interrupted Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, President Obama called him a “jackass.”

    In 2012, West accused Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes.

    In 2018, West made fresh waves by coming out in support of Trump, calling the Republican president “his brother” who he said possesses “dragon energy.” In 2019 his defense of Trump became much sharper, accusing Democrats of controlling the Black community and teasing his own future run with a simple “2024.”

    West and wife Kardashian helped promote criminal justice reform legislation and have visited the White House on a handful of occasions.

    The Biden campaign has yet to make any public comment about West’s announcement to run for president. When asked for comment by ABC News, the Trump campaign simply said: “God bless America.”
    I say Kanye is trying to flip flop the presidential issue to keep the press speculating on a ploy to somewhere after November 2020.

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    NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump is wielding America’s racial tensions as a reelection weapon, fiercely denouncing the racial justice movement on a near-daily basis with language stoking white resentment and aiming to drive his supporters to the polls.

    The incendiary discourse is alarming many in his own party and running contrary to the advice of some in his inner circle, who believe it risks alienating independent and suburban voters. It’s a pattern that harks back to cultural divisions Trump similarly exploited in his victorious 2016 campaign.

    “It’s not about who is the object of the derision or the vitriol. The actual issue is understanding the appeal to white resentment and white fear,” said Eddie Glaude, chair of the Department of African American studies at Princeton University. “It’s all rooted in this panic about the place of white people in this new America.”

    Though Trump has long aired racially divisive language and grievances in the public sphere, his willingness to do so from behind the presidential seal — and on his Twitter account — has reached a breakneck pace in recent days as the nation grapples with racial injustice.

    The president tweeted — and later deleted — a video of a supporter yelling “white power.” He referred to the Black Lives Matter mantra as a “symbol of hate.” He took a swipe at NASCAR for removing the Confederate flag from its races and falsely suggested a Black driver had carried out a racially charged hoax. He mused about overturning a suburban fair-housing regulation and spoke approvingly of the current branding of the Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians, team nicknames that many consider offensive to Native Americans.

    Most notably, he has engaged in a full-throated defense of the Confederate legacy, which he at times has cloaked within tributes to the Founding Fathers, including during a pair of high-profile Fourth of July weekend speeches.

    “Those who seek to erase our heritage want Americans to forget our pride and our great dignity, so that we can no longer understand ourselves or America’s destiny,” Trump said Friday at the base of Mount Rushmore. “In toppling the heroes of 1776, they seek to dissolve the bonds of love and loyalty that we feel for our country, and that we feel for each other. Their goal is not a better America; their goal is the end of America.”

    In defending Thomas Jefferson and George Washington that night, Trump did not mention the Confederacy. Instead, he painted racial justice demonstrators with a broad brush that made no distinction between the many who oppose honoring the Confederacy and the relatively few who question celebrating Founders who owned slaves.

    But Trump has repeatedly called for the preservation of statues of the Confederacy and the names of its generals on military bases — all assailed in the protests that have swept from coast to coast in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.

    His comments are an apparent descendant, a half-century later, of Richard Nixon’s coded outreach to white voters known as the Southern Strategy. Trump himself has embraced Nixon’s phrase “the Silent Majority” to describe his own supporters.

    By all accounts, the president’s actions are, at times, born of impulse and an instinctive reaction to what he sees on television. However, according to current and former Trump campaign officials, his overarching strategy is an appeal to white voters — some of them racist and some who fear being left behind by a government seemingly consumed with helping others. Those officials were not authorized to publicly discuss such private matters and commented only on condition of anonymity.

    The belief is that his appeals will generate enthusiasm among the same disaffected white voters who made up the president’s base of supporters four years ago.

    But many in Trump’s orbit are sounding the alarm that 2020 is not 2016.

    White House advisers Kellyanne Conway and Jared Kushner, according to the officials, have both warned that some of the racist rhetoric, including the use of China-blaming “kung flu” to describe the COVID-19 pandemic, could turn off swaths of voters. And some believe there was more of an audience for inflammatory rhetoric about immigration four years ago, particularly as polls show the Black Lives Matter movement gaining widespread support.

    “The 2016 debate about immigration was about the future of sovereignty, the American worker, and our culture. The issues that involve race now are completely different,” said Sam Nunberg, a former Trump campaign adviser.

    “It’s not easy to conflate people who want to tear down the statues of the Confederacy and the few who want to get George Washington,” said Nunberg. “I don’t think it’s a winning argument in a time of a pandemic. This doesn’t affect people’s daily lives. This is a dumb issue to fight.”

    Four months before Election Day, Republicans are nervously watching polls that show Trump slipping behind his Democratic rival Joe Biden. They have grown increasingly worried that his focus on racial rancor could force GOP senators locked in tough campaigns to distance themselves from their party’s president.

    “Defending the Confederacy and racial dog whistles is not going to help win the suburbs. He is solely focused on a small part of his base when he should be looking to grow his support,” said Alex Conant, a Republican strategist who advised Sen. Marco Rubio’s presidential bid. “If Joe Biden proposed tearing down Mount Rushmore, that would be a huge opening for Trump. But Biden is not doing that.”

    Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., said GOP candidates “need to do what they need to do to win. And in some states, he will be a benefit in some parts of the country. In other parts of the country, less so.”

    The Trump campaign dismisses accusations of racism.

    “President Trump’s Mount Rushmore address was a defining speech highlighting America’s highest ideals of freedom and individual liberty,” said campaign spokesman Ken Farnaso. “He both educated citizens on our shared history and pushed for a more united front combating those who want to create chaos.”

    Democrats have charged that the president’s recent rhetoric is consistent with Trump’s history, including his call in the 1980s for the death penalty for Black teenagers later exonerated for the rape of a jogger in Central Park and for questioning whether the nation’s first Black president, Barack Obama, was born in the United States.

    “We are beyond dog whistles with this president,” said TJ Ducklo, the Biden campaign’s national press secretary. “Donald Trump openly embraces racist rhetoric and sends blatant signals of support for the causes of white supremacists — and he does it from the highest office in the land.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post

    Kanye West says he no longer supports Trump and that he had coronavirus
    Please Explain its Jibberish at this point.

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    SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — Lisa C Alexander was trending on Twitter Saturday after a video surfaced on social media showing her confront a man for writing “Black Lives Matter” on his property.

    Alexander, a skincare CEO, approached James Juanillo Tuesday, June 9 around 4 p.m. in front of his home in Pacific Heights.

    Juanillo spoke with KRON4’s Haaziq Madyun Saturday afternoon to share his side of the story.

    After Alexander assumed he was vandalizing private property, Juanillo explained to KRON4 that he has lived in his home since 2002.

    A video of the encounter has reached more than 10.4 million views on Twitter.

    Now the target of the Karen rant comes forward

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