Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
Sorry for the double. I don?t have time to read through WS...what is this ?hike? he went on? Was he off school the day he went missing? Who all went on the hike?

On Sunday the 19th, the day before he disappeared, step-mom took Gannon and his little sister (who is 8 or 9) hiking at Garden of the Gods, which is a very busy place. She posted pics, and witnesses have confirmed they were there. I think it's about 30 minutes from their house.* (And this is not a place one could dump a body.)

On Monday, he was supposedly sick and stayed home from school. Step-mom originally said she took him to the doctor, but then changed her story and said she just called the pediatrician's nurse line because he was constipated. Also, she and/or her teenage daughter apparently went to Petco on Monday with Gannon, but he stayed in the car. This is the area they were searching today.

She claims that after school he asked to go play at a friend's house in the neighborhood, and that's when he disappeared. Like you said, he was apparently not seen on any of the doorbell cams or other security cams in the neighborhood.

Where it gets confusing is the conflicting stories about the hike. Step-mom's teenage daughter, at the prompting of her mother, said in an interview she was not on the hike but saw Gannon after the hike at home. But, step-mom's mother told some convoluted story on fb about how the teenage daughter was there on "the first hike," with their small dogs, but the dogs get tired easily, so they took the dogs home, then went on ANOTHER hike without the teenager? It makes me think something happened to him Sunday afternoon after the "first" hike.

Another weird thing is that step-mom called some carpet repair people Monday and claims Gannon knocked over a candle and burned the carpet. Many people think there was blood on the carpet that she tried to cover by burning it.

The teen daughter's car was taken by police the other day. Step-mom claims she and teen daughter have not been allowed to be at the house since like Tuesday.

The crime lab people were back at the house today collecting more evidence.

I'm pretty certain he's deceased. I hope they can find him. Very sad.

Also ... bio mom and step-mom used to be bffs. Dad and step-mom had an affair that led to bio parents' divorce.