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Thread: UK Teen, Nora Quoirin (15) found dead after going missing while on vacation at a resort in Malaysia

  1. #1
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    UK Teen, Nora Quoirin (15) found dead after going missing while on vacation at a resort in Malaysia

    This is a gated resort consisting of private cabins & pools built into a steep hillside, surounded by a jungle nature reserve. The cabins don't lock up, they've just got big wooden shutters that open up their walls to allow a good view of the scenery - which is abso!utely fuckng spectacular.

    Nora has special needs, & I was thinking she might've woken alone & followed an animal down the hillside into the jungle, but that was before I saw these latest details - I knew a window had been found open, but I didn't know that it had been propped in some way, or that her family are 100% certain that she wasn't capable of doing it herself

    It's hard to know whether they're right because kids - even special needs kids - are great at suddenly behaving in completely unexpected ways. It'll depend on how significant her conditions are, which at this point hasn't really been made clear, but the way she's clenching her fists in the pic with her mum does make me wonder if they mean she's literally incapable of using her hands to open them

    BRIT 'SNATCH' FEARS Nora Quoirin?s family believe ?vulnerable? Brit girl, 15, WAS snatched from Malaysia holiday chalet but cops insist case is ?not abduction?
    Richard WheatstoneNeal Baker
    5 Aug 2019, 12:00Updated: 5 Aug 2019, 14:10

    THE family of a 'vulnerable' Brit schoolgirl, 15, who vanished in Malaysia believe she was snatched - despite cops saying there was "no abduction".

    Describing the cops' statement as "very strange", Nora Quoirin's family insisted the most likely scenario is that she was taken from the chalet where they were staying.

    Nora Quoirin, 15, vanished from her room while on holiday in Malaysia

    Nora Quoirin, right, with mum Meabh. The teenager's disappearance is not being treated as an abduction cops sayCredit: PA:Press Association

    Nora's distraught parents woke at 7am on Sunday morning to find her room empty - and a window propped open.

    A member of staff at the hotel told The Sun Online there is 'no way of knowing' if the window was opened from the outside or the inside. The area is not covered by CCTV.

    Around 200 police are now searching for the teen in thick forest and jungle near the family's accommodation.

    At a press conference this morning, cops insisted the case is still being treated as a missing person case at this stage.

    But Nora's family described that statement as "strange" and directly contradicting what police had told them.


    Speaking on behalf of the family, Matthew Searle of the Lucie Blackman Trust (LBT), told The Sun Online: "The family were told directly by the police that this is being treated as a missing person case and an abduction case - so it is very strange that the police have come out with this.

    "Nora's family are extremely concerned and believe at this stage that the most likely scenario is that she was abducted.

    "She would not have been able to open the window on her own and it was found propped open.

    "They also know Nora would not walked off anywhere on her own.

    Elaborating on why the family believe Nora was snatched, Mr Searle told SunOnline: "There's no sign of a struggle in the room but we still believe she was taken.

    "The room was accessible to members of the public and there is also no security due to the nature of the resort.

    "The accommodation leads straight out onto the open jungle so there is a lot of concern about where she could have been taken or where she is now.

    Mr Searle said Nora's mum and dad are out helping the search team now and have been involved in the physical search around the hotel.

    "Thankfully the police have around 200 officers on the case now, which is far more than were out yesterday.

    "The case really seems to have catapulted in terms of the police response over the last 24 hours."


    The teen had only arrived a day earlier with her parents and two siblings at the resort - in a nature reserve near Seremban, 39 miles south of the capital Kuala Lumpur.

    It was the start of a two-week "trip of a lifetime" with her mum, dad and two siblings, a family friend said.

    Nora's mum Meabh is originally from Belfast while her father is French - with her parents having lived in London for around 20 years.

    Speaking from Belfast, the girl's aunt Aisling Agnew said: "Nora is a child with special needs and has learning and developmental disabilities which make her especially vulnerable and we fear for her safety.

    This is a very vulnerable young girl missing in a remote location

    Matthew Searle, Lucie Blackman Trust

    "Nora would not know how to get help and would never leave her family voluntarily. We now consider this a criminal matter."

    LBT said this morning that a heavy police presence has been deployed - including sniffer dogs - as part of the desperate search.

    Mr Searle added: "This is a very vulnerable young girl missing in a remote location.

    "It is possible she has been seen or taken in by somebody and is unable to communicate, so we urge everyone who can to share our appeal poster and social media appeals.

    "Sadly it is also possible that N?ra has been the victim of serious crime ? we urge anyone with any information to come forward."


    A member of staff at The Dusun Hotel told The Sun Online today: "The window was open but there is no way of telling whether it was opened from the inside or the outside.

    "We searched our entire property yesterday and we are continuing to help police today. We pray she is safe.

    "It is thick jungle around the hotel so the search is very difficult and very slow as we make our way through it."

    Family friend Catherine Cook told the BBC: "[The family] had just arrived - it was going to be a trip of a lifetime.

    "They checked into their hotel, the Dusun - it looked beautiful with little cottages and an infinity pool.

    "They went to bed, but this morning Nora was not in her room and the window was open."

    Catherine added that the girl's parents were "frantic" - and later said: "It's out of character for Nora to go wandering off."


    The Dusun is a 12-acre orchard resort next to the Berembun Forest Reserve - 4,000 acres of protected virgin forest rising to 3,900 feet.

    The forest has wild boar, deer, giant millipedes, monkeys and leeches, according to the resort's website.

    There are two small villages near the resort where the majority of residents work in farming of the local land.

    Nora is understood to have been travelling on an Irish passport.


    State deputy police chief SAC Che Zakaria Othman said: "We have covered areas near the resort and would expand to nearby areas as we get more personnel.

    "We continued with our search-and-rescue operation through the night but up to this morning, we have yet to find Nora.

    "The team that has been sent into the jungle is led by personnel from the Forestry Department and the Orang Asli."

    A spokesman for Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs said: "We are aware of the case and providing consular assistance."

    The family has set up an email address where information can be passed on at

    The LBT has also provided a hotline and email address for information.

    People can remain anonymous and can call +448000988485 or email

    Around 200 officers are believed to be involved in the searchCredit: Reuters

    A typical room at The Dusun Hotel, where Nora vanishedCredit: The Dusun

    The Dusun Resort is a 12-acre orchard resort close to the Berembun Forest Reserve in Malaysia

  2. #2
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    There are lots of pix of the resort here

    Her Malaysian missing poster

    Last edited by blighted star; 08-06-2019 at 03:34 AM.

  3. #3
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    ?Extremely distressed? resort staff hunted for Belfast woman?s missing daughter until 3am
    Lauren Harte
    By Lauren Harte

    August 6 2019

    Distressed staff and managers at a Malaysian resort helped search dense jungle until the early hours of the morning as they joined police and sniffer dogs in a bid to find a Belfast woman?s missing daughter.

    The distraught family of missing 15-year-old schoolgirl Nora Quoirin have also made social media appeals for help in locating her.

    The vulnerable teenager, who has learning difficulties, went missing at the Dusan resort in a nature reserve near Seremban, 39 miles south of the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur.

    Nora, whose mother Meabh is originally from Belfast and whose father is French, is understood to have been travelling on an Irish passport along with her two siblings.

    Her father, Sebastien, raised the alarm when he discovered her missing from her room on Sunday at around 6.30am local time and found the window was open, prompting fears she was taken overnight.

    The family of five have lived in London for around 20 years. They had reportedly only just arrived in the country for what was ?going to be a trip of a lifetime?.

    Malaysian police said yesterday there are no signs of foul play in her disappearance.

    The proprietor of the Dusan, Haanim Bamadhaj, said that the resort has never faced a case of this kind since it was established 30 years ago.

    ?The safety of our guests is definitely our top priority,? she told Malaysia?s New Straits Times. ?We are (deeply) affected by this incident and will extend our help and assistance to the family members and the authorities to help find our missing guest.?

    She added that management and staff are working with the police to locate the missing girl and giving all support possible to her family.

    ?Yesterday, our staff conducted a search operation at our property before joining in the police searches, which (encompasses) the surrounding area, until 3am this morning.

    ?We (too) are extremely distressed and worried.

    ?We pray for her safety and appeal to the community in the surrounding Pantai Hills area with information on the missing girl to contact the Pantai police station immediately.?

    When asked whether the search team had found any trace of Quoirin, Ms Bamadhaj declined to divulge details.

    ?I don?t want to compromise the safety of the girl,?
    she said.

    ?Let the authorities do their job first. In the meantime, we will assist the police to ensure that the girl can be found.?

    Che Zakaria Bin Othman, deputy police chief of Negeri Sembilan, said: ?So far there?s no indication of foul play, however investigations are still ongoing.?

    However, missing persons charity the Lucie Blackman Trust (LBT) had previously said Nora?s disappearance was being treated as an abduction.

    Her aunt Aisling Agnew, a flautist from Belfast, said yesterday that Nora?s parents and relatives in both Ireland and France are distraught.

    Members of general operations force in Malaysia join the search

    ?Nora is a child with special needs and has learning and developmental disabilities which make her especially vulnerable and we fear for her safety,? she said.

    ?Nora would not know how to get help and would never leave her family voluntarily. We now consider this a criminal matter.

    ?We are appealing to everyone to assist the local police in any way they can and to pass on any information that would help locate our beloved Nora without delay.?

    Yesterday a major jungle search involving more than 100 people and police along with sniffer dogs was continuing around the 12-acre resort.

    The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs is providing consular assistance to the family.

    Social media posts by friends and family appealing for help in locating Nora have been shared thousands of times.

    A Twitter page @FindNora has been set up, urging people to use the hashtag #FindingNora to share information far and wide leading to her safe return, alongside an email address

    The Lucie Blackman Trust has provided a hotline and email address for information where people can remain anonymous by calling +44 8000 988 485 or emailing

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    ?open to the public??? her room?
    I doubt Malaysia will be forthcoming with worrying news, they sure failed to impress (and continue) with transparenxy regarding the flight. That was a shit show.

    But damn that is a gorgeous resort.

    I hope this isn?t going to be another McCann case (never know, fingers pointing, not that the parents might be involved...don?t see any reason to think that at this point.)

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    Added: grandfather states girl needed to be protected at all times, very vulnerable and fearful. Fingerprints found outside window?3 hours ago. May not be anything but old guests but at least its something...more here

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    After this length of time, there's very little hope of her being alive unless she was abducted Which is a pretty horrible thing for her family to have to contemplate

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    This case is getting a ton of coverage. It is arguably the most interesting at this time. I agree that it has been too long to be very hopeful. Peter Gamble is involved now. The parents have shut down media and interviews with their children. I do not find this suspicious as most yet because of how the Malaysian police fought with them in the press about abduction and her daughter was cited as saying, ?I think she went out the window.? Why ask a child?s *opinion*? She is very young, like 11. It sounds like they may have bern asking leading questions to support their hypothesis that she left of her own. There could be surreptitious reasons, that?s true, but Malaysia may also be protecting their tourism reputation. However, so much fraud was uncovered during the plane search and several international events in ?17 and ?18 that I feel they are unreliable. Actually, anyone who counts on tourism dollars is unreliable to some degree. There is a gofundme page and I did wonder if the parents misrepresented the police?s position (early consideration of abduction) to add weight to the need. At this time I do not really distrust the parents. That said, Id love someone else to take a look into all the strange aspects (fight over abduction?way more compelling of a case fir this than, say, Barbara Thomas,), not begging press or abductor to come forward (they became hostile and insulted by press visit (cultural?), slow release of details about what she might be wearing, (just now saying undergarments?no clothes are taken, no word on shoes) and severity of disability (translation problem?) Grandfather says mild (mayor of city in France), parents say more severe...pressing urgency? You would do and say what was needed Id inagine or what you presumed was needed. Sorry for typos.

    Motorcyclist said he saw a ?woman? bathing in the river Sunday night. Who was he, I wonder? Who is this man who has been involved (Pak or?) since the beginning and did they rule him out first? Gofundme is for family to fly out, no promises on funds. Family looks well off, are well travelled. Could she have bern abducted for money?

    I hope people do not start turning on this family for their atypical behavior. It could just be frustration with Malaysian police.

    Girl slept with siblings, downstairs window opened, not bedroom. Family says too timid to go in back garden without hand held. I doubt that. But I also doubt she left on her own. Either foul play from within or without. But that is based on family?s claims and supposed severity of disability. I generally think it is unlikely to run off late in night out of window. Why not door? I think this may actually be one of the trafficking cases. I hope someone else chimes in. Parents are on social media.

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  10. #10
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    I was hoping they'd do this in case she did walk outside & get lost, but jfc it must be fucking heartbreaking to hear it playing in the distance

    Voice recording of missing British teenager's mother played as rescuers search jungle
    Updated 46 minutes ago

    VIDEO: The voice of Nora's mother echoes through the jungle during the search for the teen. (Photo: AP). (ABC News)

    RELATED STORY: Police join hunt for London teen missing from Malaysian jungle resort
    Malaysian rescuers have stepped up their search for a 15-year-old London girl who vanished from a nature resort six days ago, playing voice recordings of her mother as they comb the hilly forest terrain.

    Key points:

    Police are treating Nora Quoirin as a missing person but have not ruled out a possible criminal element in her disappearance

    More than 260 people are involved in the large-scale search operation

    Investigators have questioned 20 people since the teenager disappeared

    "Nora darling, Nora, Nora, mummy's here", the voice of Meabh Quoirin rang out through loudspeakers carried by rescuers on Friday (local time), piercing the jungle silence.

    The family of Nora Anne Quoirin discovered her missing from the Dusun eco-resort, in southern Negeri Sembilan state, Sunday morning.

    Police believe the teen climbed out through an open window in the living room and is still in the vicinity of the resort.

    They are treating her as a missing person but have not ruled out a criminal element in her disappearance.

    Her family however, say Nora, who has learning and developmental disabilities, would not have wandered off on her own and has been abducted.

    More than 260 people are involved in the search operation, which also includes aerial searches, drones, sniffer dogs and indigenous trackers.

    Investigators have questioned 20 people and said a forensic team was analysing fingerprints found in the cottage where the girl went missing.

    Resort window could have been opened from outside

    Negeri Sembilan deputy police chief Che Zakaria Othman said two dozen members of a special police commando unit were brought in on Friday to bolster the search.

    Rescuers are also using thermal detectors, and posters of the girl have been circulated in the district, he said.

    Mr Zakaria said investigators had not found any footprints of the girl.

    He said the aluminium window that was found open could possibly have been opened from the outside if it was not locked.

    The teenager's parents are an Irish-French couple and have lived in London for about 20 years, according to the Lucie Blackman Trust, a British charity that supports people involved in crises overseas.

    She arrived with her family on Saturday for a two-week stay at the Dusun, a small resort located in a durian orchard next to a forest reserve 63 kilometres south of Kuala Lumpur.

    Mr Zakaria said the girl's mother flew in to Malaysia from Singapore, while her husband and children arrived from London the same day.

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    Thank you for posting that. I have repeatedly read that ?her? (bare, seemingly female) footprints were found, but police say no footprints. They must have reason to think she?s nearby. And now tracing email and phone calls from owners. I can?t see her being taken in the house (unless person was already inside.) I think window was red herring unless she did leave and didn?t know door was unlocked. The only circumstance I can see her voluntarily leaving (and I don?t know her of course) is if a child came to the window and seemed non threatening, etc, pool dip. But no theories sound compelling and maybe that?s because of the single minded focus. Emails and phone calls...tell us more. Poor family. I cannot stop thinking of her and her family.

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    Im wondering if theyre dropping food and water like searchers have done in the past for lost hikers/trekkers. At least water. Also no reward? Could she have been kidnapped and family is allowing this subterfuge (with police knowledge) so as to get her back/transfer money? She does not look physically incapacitated in photos nor any sign of assistive ambulatory devices seen nearby. If they can?t find her in the jungle, what then? This family won?t accept that. Malaysia will take a huge hit for refusal to consider kidnapping. There will be international consequences. And God forbid they interfere with family?s continued efforts with new agencies/detectives. Two gofundme?s now, one nearing 100k. I think the family has a post-search game plan.

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    From Jim Gamble?s page:

    The Search for N?ra Quoirin
    by Ineqe Safeguarding Group August 08, 2019

    The Search for N?ra Quoirin

    15-year-old N?ra Quoirin hasn?t been seen since Sunday 4th August when she went missing from a resort around 40 miles from the Malaysian capital. Hundreds of officers and volunteers along with her family have joined the search to find her.

    The CEO of Ineqe Safeguarding Group, Jim Gamble QPM spoke live on BBC Radio Ulster about the case this morning:

    ?Let?s be clear, this is a very unique case, children go missing in proximity to their homes all the time and return. But children who go missing whilst abroad face very different and unique circumstances.

    ?I know from having contact with the family from the very early days through to today, that it is about holding on to hope. You cannot underestimate the positive power there is in people knowing others are praying for them or have them in their thoughts.?

    When we see stories about missing children in the media, we can often feel powerless and want to help, but aren?t sure how we can.


    Retweet and share posts from the twitter account maintained by N?ra?s family @findingNoraq.
    Encourage others to share posts/blogs/articles from the media and N?ra?s family to raise awareness.
    Critically, support the search by donating to N?ra?s GoFundMe page.
    Share this article so others can find out how they can help.
    Call +44800 098 8485 or email if you have any information about N?ra's disappearance.

    Nora Quinn mystery has chilling echoes of Madeleine McCann and Ben Needham's disappearances (USA Today Post, 8th August)
    Missing N?ra Quoirin: Searchers to play relative's voice recording (BBC News, 8th August)- Police believe N?ra is in the local area.
    Former Northern Ireland police officer among those advising family of missing teenager, N?ra Quoirin (The Irish News, 7th August)
    Missing N?ra Quoirin: Malaysia police 'rule nothing out' in search (BBC News, 7th August)- Extended Quoirin family release a statement.
    BBC Radio London (7th August) ? Jim Gamble live on air talking about supporting N?ra?s Family (Starts @ 2hrs 37mins).
    N?ra Quoirin: Malaysian police expand search for missing Briton, 15 (The Guardian, 6th August)- Helicopter and sniffer dogs deployed in search for N?ra.
    BBC Radio Ulster Evening Extra (6th August)- Jim Gamble live on air talking about the search for N?ra Quoirin (starts @ 48mins).
    N?ra Quoirin: Malaysian Police Hunt for missing London teenager (Sky News, 6th August)- Jim Gamble talks live on air about the disappearance of N?ra Quoirin.

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    Those are links (ran together on cut and paste)...can be accessed here:

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    Quick updates: Malaysia scaling down search/closing it out.
    Scotland Yard is involved.
    Parents asked (I believe by Malaysians) to offer $100k reward for *information*
    Someone remembers ?hearing a van? in the jungle that night, now. Hearing?I had one for 13 years and unless theyre talking about a sliding door I think thats very sketchy.

  16. #16
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    Nora Quoirin: Body found in Malaysia search for missing girl

    A body has been found in the search for a vulnerable 15-year-old girl who went missing in Malaysia.

    Nora Quoirin, who has special needs, disappeared from her room at the Dusan resort on 4 August.

    Malaysian police confirmed rescuers had found a body on Tuesday near where Nora was reported missing.

    Missing persons charity the Lucie Blackman Trust said the body had not been identified but was "likely" to be the teenager, from London.

    About 350 people had been searching for Nora in dense jungle near the resort.

    BBC correspondent Howard Johnson said the body had been found just over a mile (2km) away from the Dusan.

    Malaysian police confirmed rescuers had found a body near to the resort

    Authorities had been treating Nora's disappearance as a missing persons case, but her family believe she may have been abducted.

    On Monday, her parents put up a 50,000 Malaysian ringgit (?10,000 reward) for help to find their daughter.

    While announcing the reward, they described the 15-year-old as being "so precious to us", adding their "hearts are breaking".

  17. #17
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    I've been following this case, and honestly, I didn't expect a happy ending. I really hope she just left on her own, and didn't meet with foul play. Utterly devasting.

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    Shaman?s put there yesterday said a ?genie took her because of her special needs? and that he was begging ?the genie to bring her back? in any form and the price was between him and the spirits. He felt she was to be found in the next 24 hours. On international news. Isn?t that ....,excellent timing.

  19. #19
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    Body identified by parents. It?s The Sun. Waiting on a less tabloidy confirmation as well, despite accuracy of previous reports. Too sad.

  20. #20
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    Ooooh it was a tip from a caller. Someone wanted that 10k. WTH knows that and doesn?t speak up in advance.

  21. #21
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    A tip from a caller ?

    What the fuck is wrong with people!????

    You see some horrible shit, like a dead or dying young girl, you call it the fuck in, and do what (if anything) you can to help.

    For fuck's sake I want off this planet.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  22. #22
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    WTF. I didn't realise she was only dressed in her underwear when she disappeared.

    Nora Quoirin died from ?gastrointestinal bleeding?, autopsy reveals

    A day after Nora Quoirin?s body was found naked, police ruled out foul play after finding she suffered from ?extreme stress and hunger?.

    Tariq Tahir and Georgia Diebelius

    A vulnerable teen who disappeared from a Malaysian rainforest resort died from internal bleeding due to starvation and stress, and there is no suspicion of foul play, police said.

    State police chief Mohamad Mat Yusop told reporters Nora Quoirin died from ?gastrointestinal bleeding? and she had suffered ?extreme stress? and ?hunger?.

    ?For the time being, there is no suspicion of foul play,? he told reporters after a post-mortem examination.

    She is believed to have died two to three days after disappearing, he said.

    ?There is no indication she was raped,? he said.

    The 15-year-old?s naked body was discovered on Tuesday in a ravine in dense jungle following a 10-day hunt involving hundreds of people.

    She went missing from the Dusun Resort, not far from Kuala Lumpur, on August 4, a day after checking in for a holiday with her London-based family.

    Her family believed the teen, who had learning difficulties, had been abducted but police classified her disappearance as a missing persons case.

    Earlier, police said the initial post-mortem examination proved inconclusive.

    Nora?s parents were desperate for answers over their beloved daughter?s death, amid claims she could have been abducted and her body dumped later.

    Parents Meabh, 45, and Sebastien, 47, identified the body as that of their missing eldest daughter and later paid an emotional tribute.

    It comes as:

    ? Hikers who found Nora?s remains say ?she looked like she was sleeping?;

    ? Her family demands to know whether her body was dumped in a ravine;

    ? Cops admit they may have missed her on the first search of the Malaysian jungle; and

    ? A volunteer believes her body must have been moved as it was left out in the open.

    The devastating discovery came more than a week after Nora went missing on August 4.

    Four pathologists have been working on the examination of her body but are yet to determine her cause of death.


    Two investigators from the OCRVP are in Malaysia and have joined with police officers from France and Ireland.

    A lawyer representing the family in France told French newspaper Le Parisien that the parents filed a complaint ?for kidnapping? and were convinced Nora?s disappearance was of ?criminal? origin.

    Nora?s parents are also asking questions as to why police may have initially missed her body and if it could have been moved there at a later date.

    A volunteer hiker who was part of a group of who found the body said it must have been dumped there after an initial sweep by search parties failed to spot it.

    Local media reported that a forensic team also went back to the area where the body was found to comb for evidence.

    Paying tribute to the teenager who had ?truly touched the world?, her family said: ?The cruelty of her being taken away is unbearable. Our hearts are broken.?


    Police say they will provide another update outside the hospital tomorrow morning.

    Speaking outside Tuanku Jaafar Hospital, Negri Sembilan police deputy chief SAC Che Zakaria Othman said: ?Since the four-member team are still carrying out their work, there is nothing we can say for the moment.

    ?So we will only make an official announcement tomorrow.?

    Earlier today, prosecutors in France began a probe into whether Nora was kidnapped before her body was found in the jungle.

    The 15-year-old?s dad is French.

    The probe is being handled by the OCRVP division of the Police Nationale, which is responsible for fighting serious and organised crime, judicial sources told

    The family?s spokesman, Matthew Searle, of the Lucie Blackman Trust, said they still had ?a large amount of questions?.

    He said: ?One of those questions is, has the body been there all the time or is there a criminal involvement? Was the body dumped there afterwards??

    The body was found in an area that had previously been searched, admitted Malaysia?s Deputy Inspector General of Police Mazn Mazlan.


    It is understood Nora had been wearing underwear when she went missing ? but police said when she was found she was ?completely naked?.

    A volunteer taking part in the search, Sean Yeap, revealed that the body had not been covered in any foliage.

    He also commented that if the police and volunteers had walked through the area she would have been spotted as it was one of the areas first searched.

    He told the MailOnline: ?I think maybe she was elsewhere and could have walked to the stream perhaps to drink some water.?

    Mr Mazlan confirmed a criminal investigation was still ongoing alongside a missing persons inquiry.

    He said he could not comment on whether someone else could have been involved in the tragedy or whether Nora had suffered any injuries.


    A statement from the devastated family thanked everyone who had helped search and tried their best to find their daughter.

    They said: ?We thank the local people here and those far and wide for their prayers and support at this time.

    ?Nora has brought people together, especially from France, Ireland, Britain and Malaysia, united in their love and support for her and her family.

    ?To all our friends and family at home, we can?t thank you enough for all your love.

    ?Nora is at the heart of our family. She is the truest, most precious girl and we love her infinitely.

    ?We will always love our Nora.?

    Nora?s parents visited the site where her body was found and later identified her body at the Tuanku Jaafar Hospital at around 7pm local time after it was taken there by helicopter.

    The family?s lawyer, Sankara Nair, said to media yesterday that the family was ?distraught and highly traumatised?.

    The officer who has been leading the hunt, Datuk Mazlan Mansor, earlier said Nora?s body was discovered in a stream running through a ravine ?and she was found completely naked?.

    He said the area had already been searched but a group of volunteers helping with the hunt came across the body after being tipped off.

    The waterfall near where the teen's body was tragically found after more than a week searching.Source:Supplied

    ?The stream was about 1.2km deep in the ravine,? he said.

    The teenager was discovered missing from her bedroom at the Dusun eco-resort in southern Negeri Sembilan state on the morning of Sunday, August 4, with the window left open.

    Her parents have always insisted their daughter, who was born with a debilitating brain condition, wouldn?t have wandered off alone, so they believed she was abducted.

    She was on family holiday with her sister Innes, 12, and brother Maurice, 8, at the time of her disappearance.

    A volunteer searcher told the MailOnline that Nora had told her parents she was ?excited? about seeing a waterfall.

    Nora?s parents are an Irish-French couple who have lived in London for about 20 years.

    The teen had only arrived the day earlier with her parents and two siblings at the resort ? in a nature reserve near Seremban, 63 kilometres south of the capital Kuala Lumpur.

    It was the start of a two-week ?trip of a lifetime?, a family friend said.

    Nora?s parents discovered her missing from her room at the Dusun resort last Sunday morning after putting her to bed the night before wearing only her undergarments.

    The Dusun is a five-hectare orchard resort next to the Berembun Forest Reserve ? 1619 hectares of protected virgin forest rising to 1189 metres.

    The 15-year-old's naked remains were discovered by hikers yesterday near an isolated jungle waterfall nine days after she vanished from the resort where she was staying.Source:Supplied

    There are two small villages near the resort where the majority of residents work in farming of the local land.

    Nearly 350 people were involved in a massive search operation that included sniffer dogs, elite commando forces and thermal detectors.

    Shamans were even brought in to pray for her safe return, and video footage showed them praying cross-legged on the jungle floor.

  23. #23
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    Nah, I'm side eyeing like hell, I just don't know who to aim it at yet
    Something is fishy with this story.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  24. #24
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    Why do they keep calling this a trip of a lifetime? It sounds so phony, like calling Sherri Papini ?supermom.? And disingenuous. This family traveled a lot and to some exotic places, not some sketchy shack in a weird jungle with horrible reviews and a couple of pools. It is so stupid to act like this shit show was meant to be so epic in their lives. So she had a few scratches to her legs, bruises? But how many? Enough tearing to look like this child who had one hemisphere of her brain with no lateralization was able to hear and actively look for the waterfall at dark or dawn almost 2 hours away uphill through treacherous jungle barefoot by herself. And die a horrible death but look like she was sleeping. And die of STARVATION in a radical THREE days which is unprecedented unless you are also refusing or totally unable to drink water as well, and then your cause if death is dehydration. No one dies of starvation in 3 days. So much busy work masking such a high degree if willful incompetence, outrageous timing of insistence for 100k, to only receive 10k...after a shaman said the jinn would RETURN HER AS THEY FOUND HER THE VERY NEXT DAY.

  25. #25
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    I don?t mean to be gross, but they said she looked like she was sleeping. Wouldn?t her body be decomposing pretty badly if she was in the jungle deceased for that long?

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

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