At the request of federal regulators, the maker of painkiller Opana ER is pulling the drug off the market because of abuse. After consulting with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, on Thursday Endo International PLC said it will voluntarily stop selling the pills. They were approved for use in patients with severe, constant pain. When used as intended, the company says the extended-release opioid is safe and effective. Last month, the FDA said it had concluded the drug is too risky. It's the first drug that the FDA has sought to remove from the market due to abuse. Wochit

Endo Pharmaceuticals observed the success of competitor Purdue Pharma and learned from it, says Tennessee AG.
Endo figured its Opana Extended Release opioid could do even better than OxyContin, a lawsuit says.
Opana ER is twice as potent as OxyContin, and Endo looked to expand its share of the market.
Endo even targeted adolescents, meeting with pediatricians and adolescent specialists to pump sales.
Endo Pharmaceuticals already had seen the success Purdue Pharma enjoyed after pushing its OxyContin to vulnerable groups of people.

Endo’s Opana Extended Release, twice as potent as OxyContin, could do even better, pharmaceutical execs thought, by also targeting the already addicted and the elderly.

Endo even decided to target adolescents, a group Purdue didn't dare to pursue.

A lawsuit filed against Endo May 14 by the state makes those claims and more: Tennessee Attorney General Herbert H. Slatery III says that “Endo likely inflicted more harm on Tennessee” — which had the highest prescription rate of Opana Extended Release in the nation —“than any other state.”

Those details became public this month after the Knoxville News Sentinel filed a court motion — and prevailed — to unseal the lawsuit.

The state last year filed a similar lawsuit against Purdue, which outlined its aggressive sales tactics and deceptive marketing strategies.

The lawsuit said that Purdue “laid the groundwork … and provided the marketing blueprint” for Endo, which “wanted its own OxyContin and sought to outdo Purdue in both drug potency and marketing.”

The company lied about the drug’s safety and risk for abuse, turned a blind eye to obvious pill mills and overdose deaths, and targeted and rewarded high-prescribing doctors, the lawsuit said.

And when it came to expanding the customer base, age was no issue.

Opana, right, began to replace OxyContin as addicts' drug of choice about four years ago after a new process made OxyContin more difficult to crush and dissolve for intravenous use. (Photo: Rich Pedroncelli, AP)
Hid risks to elderly
Purdue’s sales reps were trained to visit providers who took care of the elderly and to push OxyContin while minimizing the risks — which included death.

Endo went a step further, claiming Opana Extended Release was a panacea for osteoarthritis, which predominantly affects elderly patients, and that it had fewer drug interactions than competitors.

Neither disclosed the increased risk of respiratory depression, death and other serious health issues.

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Patients overdose from Opana, OxyContin and other opioids when the drugs depress their respiratory systems — in other words, they aren’t taking in enough oxygen. That’s an even bigger problem among the elderly, who often are more at risk for trouble breathing anyway.

And both companies failed to tell providers that low-dose starts of opioid drugs in elderly patients most often lead to higher — and higher-risk — doses of the drugs.

The lawsuit calls Endo’s targeting of the elderly “especially egregious” because the company knew oxymorphone, Opana Extender Release's primary ingredient, was to be used with caution in patients 65 and older.

Not only is the risk of adverse effects greater, but the amount of the drug that remains stable in the system after repeated doses is 40% higher in elderly patients than in younger ones, making a patient more susceptible to overdosing.

Between 2005-2015, the number of opioid-related hospitalizations of Tennessee seniors more than tripled — the sixth-highest rate in the nation.

Opana pills, like many other painkillers, can be ground up and injected. (Photo: MICHAEL HAYMAN)

Endo described the “aging population” as a “Large and Attractive Opportunity” for selling Opana Extended Release, often shortened to Opana ER. It advertised in geriatric journals, trained reps to promote the drug for osteoarthritis, and unveiled campaigns advertising it as “safe and effective.”

One ad campaign featured “Joan,” a 76-year-old retired schoolteacher with osteoarthritis in her hip and spine whose pain was not controlled after three months of increasing doses of a different opioid medication. It stated “Joan,” who took other prescriptions including an antidepressant and blood pressure medications, was safe because Opana ER “has no known” drug interactions at “clinically relevant doses.”

Endo also paid speakers to say “underprescribing” the drug to the elderly “contributes to poor chronic pain management” and to claim nearly half of chronic pain patients “do not achieve adequate relief.”

Opana (Photo: WBIR)

Aiming at adolescents
Both companies targeted the elderly, but Endo also targeted adolescents, the lawsuit asserts.

Call records show pediatricians and adolescent specialists were among the specialists Endo reps visited who had “a suspect need to prescribe extended-release opioids.” (Reps also visited podiatrists, gynecologists, sleep specialists and even medical geneticists.)

Before releasing Opana in 2006, Endo hired a consultant to help it prepare for a “negative environment” and a “PR crisis” around the drug, including media coverage about high levels of abuse and reporters digging into the abuse history of Percocet, an older Endo drug.

Specific situations the company expected included:

The death of a drug abuser — possibly a teenager or celebrity.
Crime reports (such as pharmacy break-ins) attributed to Opana ER.
Parent/anti-drug groups picketing Endo headquarters.
FDA warnings to doctors about abuse potential of Opana ER.
Accusations by the media or the public that Endo put profits over child safety by commercializing “another OxyContin like drug that will addict and kill innocent teenagers.”
“Adolescent misuse of prescription opioids is particularly devastating because it is the time when many individuals, who develop opioid-use disorder, first misuse opioids,” the lawsuit said. “Endo’s push for providers to prescribe more and more of its narcotics has given more young children access to them.”

And it also affected Tennessee children in a less direct way, the lawsuit said: by making addicts of their parents, which increased children’s risk of death, abuse, neglect and involvement with child welfare, overtaxing the family court and foster-care systems.

Studies point to the start of a generational cycle, since children whose parents abuse opioid drugs are significantly more likely to abuse opioids themselves. Research is still out on the long-term problems of babies born dependent on drugs. Tennessee’s overall rate of babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome is three times the national average — but in some parts of East Tennessee, it’s 10 times the national average.

“But for Endo’s actions, opioid use would not have become so widespread in Tennessee, and the enormous public health hazard of opioid overuse, abuse, and addiction that now exists could have been averted or mitigated,” the lawsuit said. “Endo’s actions have and will continue to injure and harm many residents throughout Tennessee.”