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Thread: The Vigilante Justice Thread

  1. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    This is why I hate those fb groups. Plus every single person running them looks like they should be investigated for the very crimes they accuse others of committing.

    If you present yourself as a rabid anti-paedophilia vigilante, I'm going to go right ahead & assume you're trying to camouflage your own sex offence tendencies
    True and also usually the vigilantes I seen are usually more insane than even the "Original Victims" that the alleged vigilantes are allegedly "Protecting". It's like we need to see the brains in Vigilantes to see what lead them to insanity.

  2. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by KambingSociety View Post
    True and also usually the vigilantes I seen are usually more insane than even the "Original Victims" that the alleged vigilantes are allegedly "Protecting". It's like we need to see the brains in Vigilantes to see what lead them to insanity.
    Wait, wait, wait.

    Aren't you who claimed, on multiple vigilante posts (and threads I am pretty sure), that were posted by you that, "Like usual, it's going to end up "blame the hero"?!

  3. #228
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    I actually have a real vigilante article to post

    He lures alleged child predators and shames them. Now one of his targets is dead
    Shane Erdmann started the online vigilante operation POPSquad, one of many similar groups tapping into a hunger for vengeance.

    Thursday, January 3rd 2019, 12:24 PM EST
    Updated: Thursday, January 3rd 2019, 1:27 PM EST

    Shane Erdmann, who uses the alias "Incognito," inside his office in Bristol, Connecticut. Ron Antonelli / for NBC News

    Shane Erdmann, who uses the alias "Incognito," inside his office in Bristol, Connecticut. Ron Antonelli / for NBC News

    On a cool evening in October, Alain Malcolm, 20, walked into a vacant two-story colonial house in Bristol, Connecticut. Two members of a local internet vigilante group ? who regularly try to expose and shame alleged child predators they entice online ? were waiting for him.

    Malcolm was tall and handsome. The oldest son of Jamaican immigrants, he wholly subscribed to the idea of the American dream. In high school, Malcolm was vice president of the Future Business Leaders of America club, assistant captain of the tennis and swim teams and a member of the student council and Model United Nations. He started a social marketing business at 15.

    After graduating in 2016, Malcolm filled his Instagram and Facebook feeds with photos of New York high-rises, bathroom selfies in three-piece suits and links to news articles in which he was featured. He went to community college while working as a junior buyer for a local circuit-board manufacturer and was the subject of a Connecticut Public Television series that profiled recent high school graduates. Earlier this year, he was named one of Litchfield County?s 40 Leaders Under 40.

    Alain Malcolm's entry in his high school yearbook.Ron Antonelli / for NBC News

    Malcolm was also gay, which was difficult growing up in a religious family in Torrington, a sleepy former mill town in the northwest part of the state, friends said.

    ?It?s not easy to be black, Jamaican, a Jehovah?s Witness and gay in Torrington, Connecticut,? said Allie Morrissey, a friend of Malcolm?s.

    Starting in high school, Malcolm used apps like Tinder and Grindr to meet men from around the state, friends said. On that October night, he had come to Bristol to meet someone younger, purportedly a 14-year-old boy ?going on 15,? according to a video posted by the digital vigilante group known as POPSquad.

    When Malcolm arrived, he found that there was no boy ? there was only POPSquad. For the 126th time in two years, the group ? an acronym for Prey on Predators ? had catfished a man on the internet, posing as an underage teen on hookup apps and luring him into a meetup, this time at an empty home whose owner allows it to be used for the group?s stings, according to POPSquad.

    Like the others before him, Malcolm was greeted by Shane Erdmann, 31, better known by his alias ?Incognito,? who questioned and berated Malcolm as the camera rolled. (The entire encounter was posted on Facebook the next day, though it was later removed. NBC News spoke to three people who watched it ? two friends of Malcolm?s and one POPSquad fan ? and described its contents.)

    Confronting Malcolm with copies of the alleged sexual online messages sent to a POPSquad member, Erdmann asked: Why had Malcolm come? What disgusting things was he planning to do? What would his family think?

    ?I don?t have anything to live for,? Malcolm said as he stared at the ground.

    Although his targets may initially believe otherwise, Erdmann isn?t with the police, and Malcolm wasn?t required to talk with POPSquad. As Malcolm walked to his car, Erdmann followed to film his license plate, reading the numbers aloud, ?for the camera,? Erdmann said.

    ?Your family is going to see this. How do you feel?? Erdmann asked, according to people who saw the video.

    Malcolm honked twice as he sped away, driving 30 minutes back home to his parents? house in Torrington, where he hanged himself.


    POPSquad is one of dozens of similar online groups across the country unified by what they say is a mission to expose and shame people they allege are or could become sexual predators, according to an NBC News review of these groups on Facebook. The idea isn?t new ? the NBC News ?Dateline? show mined the same territory in its special series, ?To Catch a Predator,? from 2004 to 2007. Ratings soared, and the network described it as a public service, but in three years the series was over, after drawing negative news coverage, advertiser wariness and a lawsuit from the family of a target who killed himself, which was later settled, with both parties saying only that it had ?been amicably resolved."

    There have been several copycats of ?To Catch a Predator,? including Ontario construction worker Justin Payne, who ensnared dozens of men by 2015. In British Columbia, Ryan LaForge made a name (and a criminal record, pleading guilty to two counts of assault) with his group, Creep Catchers, and in Michigan, Zach Sweers caught potential predators under the name ?Anxiety War? until 2016, when he settled two civil lawsuits from targets.

    Now, thanks in part to social media, these groups have multiplied rapidly in recent months, propelled by a rabid and growing fanbase, according to law enforcement officials and Facebook data.

    The NBC News review found more than 30 similar operations on Facebook across 23 states. Most have formed in the last year, finding an audience and influence on Facebook, where hundreds of thousands of users like and follow them, watch videos of their stings and support their efforts with donations and the purchase of branded merchandise.

    Truckers Against Predators, started in June by a St. Louis truck driver, Anthony Greene, has quickly become the genre?s most popular group, with 92,000 Facebook followers, according to NBC News? review of the groups. Greene, who uses a team of decoys to fish for potential predators to berate in gas station parking lots, said he was inspired by Shane Coyle, who runs Facebook?s second-most-popular predator hunter group, Prank Call Mafia. Coyle, a former MTV reality show contestant with a criminal record unrelated to the group, disguises his voice like a minor to lure men to Florida meetups.

    Sometimes, though not often, a sting by these groups ends in an arrest of the potential predator by local police. In the two years since Erdmann founded POPSquad, the group has recorded over 131 stings and claims to have been involved in 14 arrests, all of which NBC News has confirmed, though not all of the men were charged with crimes related to POPSquad?s videos.

    Nonetheless, many law enforcement officers object to the groups and consider them dangerous vigilantes.

    Even when police don?t get involved, the predator hunters and their loyal followers are ready to exact their own form of justice on social media, making sure that the alleged predator?s video is seen by his family, friends and employers.

    Frank Norris, 32, a POPSquad follower from Cheshire, Connecticut, is one self-appointed enforcer.

    ?I?ve called state police, I?ve called family members and I say, ?This is your family member,? so they can distance themselves,? Norris said of the men caught on POPSquad?s videos. ?I think it?s disgusting. I think it?s a huge problem. That's why I?m active. You want to shame these people.?

    These online hunters are tapping into a hunger for vengeance, said Steven Kohm, a cultural criminologist at the University of Winnipeg.

    ?Criminal justice used to be emotional and participatory,? Kohm said. ?Over the last 100 years, it?s become mostly hidden and dominated by professionals. People are yearning to reconnect with the punitive emotional core of the justice system. These groups focusing on the pedophile, a universally reviled category, helps them connect with the lost aspect of the justice system.?

    Kohm linked the hunters to the popularity of internet sleuthing, at a time of deep mistrust in authority. It appears to be the same impulse that fueled Qanon, "pizzagate" and other popular conspiracy theories obsessively ?investigated? by online groups.

    ?It?s a mob-justice vigilante mentality,? Kohm said.


  4. #229
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    Facebook is a key piece of the groups? strategy.

    ?These kind of stories, visceral and violent, are more likely to be shared on Facebook,? said Mitali Thakor, an assistant professor at Wesleyan University and expert on digital vigilantism and online child exploitation.

    Facebook?s focus on local stories and groups could also amplify the predator hunters? content, Thakor said.

    ?You?re more likely to see these kind of local stories because Facebook suggests content based on location, and because it?s hyper-localized it seems real and relevant, like this content is from your community newspaper.?

    Facebook told NBC News that it is aware of these groups and does not ban them outright, although much of what they do appears to violate Facebook?s rules against shaming or cyberbullying.

    ?We want people to use Facebook and our products to raise awareness about threats to public safety, including those who may pose harm to children,? a company spokesperson said in a statement to NBC News. ?However, we do not want people to use Facebook to facilitate vigilante violence. That?s why we have policies against threatening real-world harm and to protect people?s privacy if they are being publicly shamed. We will remove content that violates these policies when it is reported.?

    Facebook does not allow posts that ?reveal personally identifiable information" or amount to cyberbullying, the spokesperson said. The company reviews posts when they are flagged.

    After an inquiry from NBC News, Facebook temporarily suspended several predator hunter accounts, removed some individual posts and deleted at least one group entirely. Some groups voluntarily removed their own pages to escape what they saw as a purge. POPSquad appeared to be unaffected.

    Anthony Greene of Truckers Against Predators was among the users disciplined by Facebook. In a Facebook Live video, Greene told his followers he was locked out of his account, in "Facebook jail" for the next 30 days.

    "Things will be all right,? Greene said. ?We're 90,000 strong, guys. There's nothing anybody can do to stop us.?


    On Oct. 20, a day after filming Malcolm?s panicked response to the sting, POPSquad labeled him No. 126 and posted the video on Facebook, to 17,000 followers.

    It didn?t take long for the POPSquad video to reach Torrington. At the same time, news of Malcolm?s death the previous evening was making its way through town and into the comments on POPSquad?s Facebook page. Even after locals commented that Malcolm had died and linked to his obituary, many POPSquad fans responded with glee.

    ?The comments were awful,? said Morrissey, 20, a high school friend of Malcolm?s who saw the video online. ?Terrible things like: ?We?re so happy he killed himself. Thank you God for taking another disgusting person off the Earth.??

    Marielle Franco, left, and Allie Morrissey were friends of Alain Malcolm.Ron Antonelli / for NBC News

    ?It wasn?t even people our age,? added Marielle Franco, 20, another friend. ?It was like people my mom?s age.?

    POPSquad took down the video after less than 24 hours and replaced it with a post in which the group vowed to continue its work ?without hesitation.?

    ?It will be natural to feel sad if something happens to a predator, but remember. He is not the innocent,? the post said. ?He is not a victim. He tried to create a victim. This catch was no different than all the others before it and his actions are his and his alone.?

    Erdmann declined to comment on the video of Malcolm and responded to NBC News? follow-up questions with a threat to sue.

    Malcolm?s family did not respond to requests for comment.

    There is an open investigation into Malcolm?s death, according to Torrington Police Department Lt. Bart Barone.

    ?We?re still trying to get in touch with POPSquad and see what the whole thing was about,? Barone said. ?It really was a sad situation. He was a young kid.?


    Erdmann, who is thin and covered in tattoos, runs POPSquad from an abandoned factory in Bristol, Connecticut. He and four volunteer team members work in an office lit by black lights and security monitors to catfish potential predators, edit videos and maintain the POPSquad website.

    A former self-described ?hustler,? and staple of the early-aughts Connecticut rap scene, Erdmann later hyped WakeUpNow, a Utah-based multilevel marketing company that targeted the hip-hop community. He is currently on probation for an unrelated 2016 felony drug conviction and now makes money from selling original music along with POPSquad hats and sweatshirts, and soliciting donations from his followers.

    ?I've been an entrepreneur for a long time,? Erdmann said. "I?m using the same entrepreneur skill sets that I was when I got into trouble, but not the same products. I create the product now."

    While Erdmann wouldn?t talk about Malcolm on the record, he was eager to rattle off the names of POPSquad targets and their number on his list.

    Among his highest profile catches that ended in related arrests and guilty pleas: Scott Backer, No. 5, a former associate dean of students at Wesleyan who pleaded guilty to enticing a minor and was sentenced to probation after Erdmann confronted him in a Walmart girls section; James Batt, No. 33, a high school special education teacher whom Erdmann filmed at a Dunkin? Donuts and who pleaded guilty to child pornography possession; Cole Sutton, No. 46, a school photographer who pleaded guilty to risk of injury to a minor and is serving a five-year suspended sentence; and Keith Dubin, No. 60, who pleaded guilty to risk of injury to a minor and possession of child pornography and is serving an 18-month sentence.

  5. #230
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    But POPSquad's very involvement may hinder prosecution.

    "It was one of the reasons why they gave my client some leniency,? Backer?s attorney, Anthony Spinella, said of the state's attorney in Hartford who prosecuted the case, who declined to comment. ?Putting these vigilantes on the stand would have been be a nightmare.?

    Lawyers for the other men did not respond to requests for comment.

    These operations have been the subject of dozens of local news stories that praise POPSquad?s work. Although Erdmann?s identity is known to the police, he operates under his ?Incognito? alias and refuses to be photographed without a mask. Local television and print reporters cover his exploits without revealing his identity.

    In Bristol, where most of POPSquad?s stings are conducted, the police and local government walk a fine line, using POPSquad?s work without officially supporting his tactics.

    ?As a community, we understand that parents and families are hypersensitive to predatory behaviors and keeping their kids safe,? Bristol Mayor Ellen Zoppo-Sassu said in a statement. ?Our Police Department has an active Criminal Investigation Unit that has many active cases of their own, and also have received leads from POPSquad which we pursue as well."

    Erdmann said he feels Bristol police don?t appreciate his talent or his results.

    ?Nobody out here does it. And the ones who are doing it, aren?t doing it right. Even the cops,? Erdmann said. ?In this field, sex crimes, no one can hold a candle to me. And that?s a problem.?

    Referring to Erdmann, Bristol Police Lt. Richard Guerrera told NBC News: ?We don?t have a working relationship with him. We don?t advise him, he doesn?t call us, he does his thing and if a report is made, we investigate it.?

    Things don?t always go smoothly. In August 2017, a man who allegedly came to a Planet Fitness parking lot at midnight to meet a 14-year-old girl found Erdmann instead. When the target, Jordan Malmstrom, 33, realized Erdmann was filming, he attacked, according to a police report of the incident. Police wrote that Malmstrom punched Erdmann repeatedly and stole his camera. As Malmstrom sped away, his car clipped Erdmann?s leg.

    Malmstrom was arrested in February and charged with assault, larceny and enticing a minor. He pleaded not guilty. At a December hearing, a prosecutor told the judge the state was no longer willing to pursue the case, and the charges were dropped. Malmstrom?s lawyer, David Kamins, told NBC News that the state noted in remarks to the judge that Erdmann had been uncooperative. The state's attorney declined to comment on the case.


    Beyond Bristol, groups like POPSquad have met resistance from law enforcement agencies concerned that untrained civilians ? many with criminal records of their own, like Erdmann ? are confronting targets in stings that may threaten public safety and have unintended consequences.

    "It?s detrimental to what we're trying to do,? said David Frattare, Ohio?s director of state investigations for the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, a national group of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies that investigate online child sexual exploitation. ?We spend an inordinate amount of effort to train officers to conduct these investigations in a secure and safe way that will maintain the evidence and end in prosecution."

    In the past six months, Frattare said he has seen a "resurgence" in online child-predator hunting groups not seen since the early 2000s. These online vigilantes, who often show up in police-style gear and use language that gives the false impression that they are members of law enforcement, have been a topic of conversation at meetings with the other 60 commanders who lead the national program.

    "They're seeing these groups spring up in their areas,? said Frattare, who advises local law enforcement to discourage the vigilantes. ?We've tried to let them know some of the dangers they're facing by going out and putting themselves in harm?s way. They aren't trained."

    "Sooner or later there's going to be someone who gets hurt," Frattare added.

    Erdmann says he?s not concerned about his own safety, or the safety of the people he targets. This month, his probation on the drug conviction ends and he says he?ll likely leave Connecticut for bigger things: international stings, seminars across the country, and if all goes well, a POPSquad television show. He signed a contract earlier this year with a reality show development agency, Smartmonkey Productions, but no one?s bitten yet.

    For now, his audience is online.

    ?It?s a cult following,? Erdmann said. ?There?s two types of people who don?t like POPSquad: We either caught you or you know somebody that we caught.?

  6. #231
    Senior Member Jumaki15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    It's a cult following, Erdmann said. There's two types of people who don't like POPSquad: We either caught you or you know somebody that we caught.
    Not true. I don't like them. Never have ever considered luring an underage person online. Also, if someone I know was caught, they deserve whatever punishment they get; but just from the actual authorities after an appearance in front of a judge. Not people whose massive egos fuels their bullshit.

    Fuck these people as much as the people they target. Who gave them moral superiority over anyone? They have a bloated sense of self-importance as their main motivation, much more so than actually doing good. If anything, they fuck up any case the police do have against any of these people they target. And dear god, I want that Incognito douchebag to play in traffic so badly. Why the hell do you have to cover your face if you're on the up and up? Comic book vigilantes do it to protect people they care about super villains. I highly doubt these dudes are dealing with fucking Thanos.

    The same thing happened with a guy from To Catch a Predator

    I'm by no means defending the guys they lure in any possible way. All parties involved are motherfucks.


    Eat a dick, Incognito. Your "costume" and alias are terrible.

  7. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jumaki15 View Post
    Wait, wait, wait.

    Aren't you who claimed, on multiple vigilante posts (and threads I am pretty sure), that were posted by you that, "Like usual, it's going to end up "blame the hero"?!
    Yes that's true

  8. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by KambingSociety View Post
    Yes that's true
    And you see no hypocrisy in those conflicting statements?

  9. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jumaki15 View Post
    And you see no hypocrisy in those conflicting statements?

    I do see that and agree with you in this case.

    And here is another vigilante talk but this time in the UK.

    . The daughter of a man who took his own life after being filmed by vigilantes has spoken out about the harrowing moment she saw a Facebook video naming her father as a paedophile.

    Michael Duff was one of eight men who committed suicide in the past six years after being shamed on the internet in 'paedophile hunter stings'.

    He was questioned by police after footage allegedly showing him attempting to meet a 15-year-old for sex was posted online by a paedophile vigilante group known as 'True Justice'.

    The 67-year-old was questioned on suspicion of attempting to meet a girl under 16 following grooming and released on bail.

    His body was found two days later in July 2015, at his home in Tyne and Wear.

    His daughter Lesley Henderson only found out her father had allegedly messaged a young girl when a friend warned her about a video circulating on social media.

    She told the Victoria Derbyshire programme: 'My friend said, "look, I don't really know how to say this to you Lesley, but there's a video going round on Facebook - it's your dad".

    'It was on Facebook and I could already see mutual friends had viewed it, so there was nothing I could do.'

    She told her daughter, then 15, 'your grandad's a paedophile' and showed her the video - something she later regretted.

    Someone she knew then posted footage of him being carried from his house to an ambulance in a body bag on Facebook.

    Lesley on her wedding day, with her father Michael Duff. She did not speak to him again after the footage emerged
    Lesley and her daughter did not speak to Michael again after the allegations were made and she says she will never know the truth behind the claims.

    She said she never suspected he 'had another side which might lead him to contact a child'.

    His death has left his family with unanswered questions regarding his alleged actions.

    Lesley had not spoken to her father since the allegations were made
    Lesley had not spoken to her father since the allegations were made

    Lesley told the BBC: 'This could have been a one-off thing where he's done something stupid.

    'I know people would say, 'well the thought was there', but the reality is he may not have actually committed any crime at all.

    'We don't know, because as soon as he [took his own life] the case was closed.

    'I don't know what was on my dad's computer, if anything, and I'm never going to know because somebody deemed to put it all over Facebook rather than letting police deal with it.'

    The case was later referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission and officers contacted those who uploaded the video and asked them to remove it as it 'formed part of a live investigation'.

    The True Justice website later deleted the video.

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    Update on this that Blighted Star put out over Vigilante hunters

    A barrister has hit out at so-called 'paedophile hunter' vigilante groups who ensnare online perverts by pretending to be children.

    At Gloucester Crown Court Nicholas Wragg, representing, Benjamin Willis, 41, of St James' Square, Cheltenham, said there had been eight recent suicides by men caught by such groups.

    Willis was before the court after he admitted attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child aged 13 between September 1, 2017 and May 1, 2018.

    In fact 'Amy', whom he was talking to online, was not a girl but an adult male paedophile hunter, the court heard.

    'He would ask for videos and photos'
    Prosecutor Neil Treharne told Judge Michaal Cullum that Willis was using a dating app which has set a minimum age of 17.

    “A conversation began between the defendant and 'Amy',” Mr Treharne said. “By the third message she said 'I am 13'.

    “The defendant said 'Can I have a naughty picture and I will do the same?'

    “He gave his name and address,” the prosecutor continued. “The conversation moved onto Whats App messaging.

    “Many times she reiterated she was only 13. Numerous times.

    “The communication became different. He would say 'I love you. How has your day gone?'

    “He would ask for videos and photos.

    'Can I have a picture of you at school?'
    “'Can I have another sexy picture? I will do the same. Can I have a picture of you at the school, sexy?'”

    Mr Treharne said that 'Amy' did not send any photos of a 'sexual nature' and all the images sent to the defendant were of a fully clothed girl.

    In March 2018, the prosecutor said, Willis sent Amy a picture of his naked torso and then asked 'Can you show me your t**s. Knickers on?'

    Willis later sent a video clip of himself naked.

    Mr Treharne said Amy had 'not asked for any sexual images

    In May the male controlling the Amy persona handed the devices he had used to communicate with Willis to police - leading to the defendant's arrest.

    Mr Treharne confirmed that Willis had no previous convictions.

    Mr Wragg, on behalf of Willis, told Judge Cullum that his client had Asperger's and schizophrenia.

    “The defendant is vulnerable," he said.

    'Too much encouragement'
    “He has a childlike nature. He is very na?ve. There are sparkles of intelligence that come through.”

    Turning to criticise the 'paedophile hunter' groups, Mr Wragg said: “This is a topical issue.

    “There have been eight suicides mentioned in the press with vigilantes catching people in recent years.”

    He suggested that while normally 'vigilantes try not to encourage' there was in this case 'perhaps too much encouragement'.

    He said that the groups often arrange to meet the individual, and then film them before 'broadcasting it over YouTube'.

    “It would have backfired disgracefully because he is so vulnerable,” Mr Wragg said. “They must have known there would be a backlash.

    “They showed a shred of humanity and reported him to the police instead.”

    'He had an intense craving for a relationship'
    Giving context to the offence, the barrister said: “At the time he had an intense craving for a relationship. He was very, very lonely.

    “He had a sexual interest, as everyone is entitled to have, but I would suggest caution that it amounts to a sexual interest in children.

    “His online conversations with adult people of the opposite sex who were attractive would be quickly blocked.

    “Suddenly he sees Amy, in his childlike way, he communicates. Things went very well with her.

    “He was having a relationship with someone finally.”

    'Kidnapped 20 years ago. Drugged and robbed'
    Mr Wragg said his client was "kidnapped 20 years ago. Drugged and robbed".

    “For years afterwards that affected him. He is so generous with his money he attracts people.

    “He has support. His family are incredibly supportive. They have been pragmatic.

    “I am sure Your Honour would take into account his naivety and vulnerability.

    “In one message he said 'I Love You'. That should result in nothing more than a sense of sadness,” the barrister suggested.

    “He wanted to cook her a Sunday dinner because he likes roast potatoes.”

    “He knows exactly why he is here. It is most unlikely he will offend again.

    “It has been a torrid experience for him and his family.”

    'You have not been in trouble before'
    Imposing a three-year community order with 40 rehabilitation activity sessions, Judge Cullum said: “Now aged 41, you have not been in trouble before.

    “For a period of some months you had written communication with someone you thought was a 13-year-old girl in a sexual way, sending pictures of yourself

    “There was no girl, it was a group trying to catch out men communicating with children.

    “I am satisfied it started out seeking normal adult relationship

    “When you were tricked into communicating with a 13-year-old, you should have stopped immediately

    “But you did not. You made comments that you were interested in her sexually.

    “That is serious. It is an offence, and one with a maximum sentence of two years' imprisonment.

    “You are diagnosed as having autism and schizophrenia. You receive medication for that.

    “You have a mental health history I do not repeat in open court,” the judge said.

    'This really damages young girls'
    “It is very important you do not do this again. This sort of thing really damages young girls.”

    The judge told Willis the community order was "to assist you to not get into this situation".

    “To train you to spot what the problems might be, and how you might avoid them.

    “That is really important for society and for you.”

    Willis was barred from working with children last week. He was also made subject to the sex offender register for five years.

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    Jonathan Hussain accused of a vigilante attack

    Vigilante violence landed this thug a lengthy jail term after he carried out a "savage" attack on a man who had been found not guilty of sexual abuse.

    For years, Jonathan Hussain bore a grudge against the man because he didn't agree with the fact he had been found innocent over indecent assault claims.

    When he bumped into the man by chance at a local shop, Hussain decided to lie in wait for him, psych himself up then attack him.

    Newcastle Crown Court heard Hussain knocked him to the floor, stamped on him then launched a flying kick at his head in shocking scenes.

    Now the 31-year-old of Trevelyan Drive, Westerhope, Newcastle, has been jailed for six years and five months for attempted GBH with intent.

    Referring to the acquittal of the victim, who was accused of indecent assault, Judge Stephen Earl told Hussain: "One thing you can't do, and what you did, is decide the courts got it wrong and take matters into your own hands.

    "Your record includes matters where you decided to take matters into your own hands in a vigilante style.

    "I understand you are largely a very different person now but this anger still festers in you."

    The judge added: "You meted out a beating which was, quite frankly, savage."

    The court heard it was on May 12 that Hussain went to a convenience store, on Stamfordham Road, in Westerhope.

    The victim was leaving the shop as Hussain went in and there was an exchange between them.

    Judge Earl said: "It's said you called him a nonce and said you were going to kill him, you say there were words spoken.

    "Whatever did take place took place briefly in the doorway.

    "There's no aggression from him towards you, quite the opposite."

    Hussain then waited for the victim down a side street.

    udge Earl said: "Fortunately you are captured on CCTV at the rear of the shop and you are what can be only be described as pumping yourself up for what is to come and that's an assault on this man.

    "You took the law into your own hands and decided this man was going to get punished and you were the man to do it. That's what this is about."

    The court heard Hussain could be seen taking his top off, putting it down and picking it back up again as he waited for the victim.

    Judge Earl said: "Because he didn't come out quickly you are peering out, psyching yourself up. What's coming is a serious beating."

    When the man leaves the store carrying his shopping, he posed "no threat at all" to Hussain.

    The judge said: "You came out of the back lane and assaulted him and you continued to assault him until he was put to the ground.

    "You also used your feet to stamp on him."

    Hussain's father arrived on the scene and pulled his son away but he then ran back towards the victim, who was lying prone on the ground, and launched a flying kick to his head.

    The man suffered serious injuries which he says have changed his life, his confidence is shattered and he feels trapped in his own home. His lower lip remains numb.

    The court heard Hussain has, for a number of years, been a "fine and upstanding member of the community".

    References portray him as a well-respected and pleasant family man and he has a disabled child.

    As well as the prison sentence, Hussain was given a restraining order forbidding him from contacting the victim or his son.

  12. #237
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    Mava Fundakubi, 52 Killed by Mob over a rape allegation. Apparently the dead man was innocent.

    A Port Elizabeth man who was beaten to death by an angry mob after being accused of raping a seven-year-old girl was innocent, police say.

    Mava Fundakubi, 52, was killed near his house in De Vos Crescent in Shukushukuma, Motherwell, on Saturday night.

    The murder stems from a seven-year-old girl living in the same street as Fundakubi alleging that she had been raped by him. The minor allegedly led an angry mob to Fundakubi.

    Police have since issued a warning to residents to not take the law into their own hands – as innocent people are being killed.

    Police spokesperson Captain Andre Beetge said that the examiner’s report revealed that the girl had not been raped or molested.

    “After consultation with doctors and the girl, it was found that she was not sexually assaulted at all. The reason for the claims is now being investigated,” he said.

    Asked why the residents thought Fundakubi had been involved, Beetge said that it was unknown.

    “The killing happened when the mother had taken the daughter to hospital. What triggered the community to target him is still being investigated,” he said.

    “The suspicion that he raped her is proven to be false and detectives are now looking into a possible ulterior motive.”

    Beetge added that interviews with the family and girl had not revealed why they had suspected Fundakubi.

    Asked about the ulterior motive, Beetge said that it was subject to investigation and that all avenues as to why he was attacked were being looked into.

  13. #238
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    And now a similar story is happening in the UK where Men are posing as vigilante groups to rob people they accuse of being Pedos

  14. #239
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    The first page of this sub is 25% vigilante

    The world needs a viglante vigilante to end the plague

  15. #240
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    Another take

    We take a closer look at this documentary that investigates the rise of vigilante groups who, without official endorsement from the police, target suspected paedophiles. What Channel is it on? BBC Three. When Can I watch it? It's available from 10am on Sunday, January 27. How can I watch it? BBC Three is available online through computers, laptops and mobile phones - or your telly! It's also available to watch through BBC iPlayer. What's it all about? With access to two UK-based paedophile hunting groups, Guardians Of The North from Sunderland and Predator Exposure in Leeds, journalist Livvy Haydock observes their methods and stings to discover first-hand whether these groups are helping or hindering the police in their attempts to administer justice. What's the background? The police have publicly said that they are struggling to tackle the increase in online child sex predators. The hunters say they are trying to help tackle the threat. Read more: Bats Balls And Bradford Girls: What channel is it on? Can I stream it and what's it all about? OK, so what's going on? While some of the evidence that the hunters gather is used in some cases to charge suspects, the police are concerned about people being wrongly targeted and hurt. As well as some groups naming and shaming people online before police can assess any evidence. Do we go behind the secnes? Livvy speaks to founders and members of the hunter groups, their decoys used to catch suspected paedophiles online, the former head of the Crown Prosecution Service in the North West, and relatives of those wrongly accused. What will I find out? By taking the law into their own hands, are the hunters actually making potential convictions more difficult for the police? Or are they helping capture predators who might otherwise slip through the net?

    Read more at:

  16. #241
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    More on the Vigilante incident in Africa a 36 year old man has been detained for killing another man he accused of being a rapist.

    The father of a seven-year-old girl who claimed she was raped by a neighbour has been charged with murder after telling police he took part in a vigilante attack that left an innocent man dead.

    Mava Fundakubi, 52, was severely assaulted by a mob at the weekend in Motherwell, Port Elizabeth, after the community suspected that he had raped the child.

    While she and her mother were at the Motherwell Health Centre, the man was dragged into the street and beaten to death by a large group of people.

    Police spokesperson Capt Andre Beetge said later that an examination had revealed that the child had not been raped, molested or sexually assaulted. A manhunt was launched to identify people who took part in the assault.
    'Rapist' killed in vigilante attack was innocent - Eastern Cape police
    A Port Elizabeth man who was beaten to death by an angry mob after being accused of raping a seven-year-old girl was innocent, police say.

    "The 36-year-old father of the seven-year-old girl handed himself over to police yesterday [Tuesday] claiming that he approached Mr Fundakubi at his house and that he assaulted Mr Fundakubi in the street while being joined by other persons," Beetge said on Wednesday.

    "He was arrested and charged for the murder while police are continuing to identify and search for the accomplices."

    Motherwell police cluster commander, Maj-Gen Dawie Rabie, said vigilantism would not be tolerated. "An innocent man was killed by the community - based on a rumour which they did not even try to verify.

    "We are urging our communities to give information about suspected crimes to the police and not to take the law into their own hands. I am urging our community to identify these killers in order for the law to be enforced so these murderers to be brought before court."

  17. #242
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    A BAYSWATER woman has been hit with three further charges, including aggravated assault, after she allegedly led a group of kids on a vigilante rampage this month.

    The woman and between six to eight kids allegedly assaulted two men on Langley Street, Bayswater on January 9, with the belief the first man they confronted was linked to a police investigation.

    However, the group realised they confronted the wrong man and went on to allegedly attack the second man who was their real target.

    Both men were taken to hospital and sustained injuries.

    Bayswater Police initially charged the woman with disorderly conduct, but after further investigation, they have now added three more charges.

    Officer-in-charge John Waghorn said she had been charged with aggravated assault causing grievous bodily harm, aggravated common assault and being armed in a way that might cause fear.

    She is due to appear before Perth Magistrates Court on January 29.
    Who knows if this is real since no names has been released.

  18. #243
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    And the IRA in Ireland and its persistant issues.

  19. #244
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    a summary execution has taken place.

    Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) yesterday expressed concern over the recent recovery of bullet-hit bodies of two accused in rape cases along with notes -- citing their identities and the rape incidents -- found beside them.

    In a statement, the rights group called for reviewing the incidents immediately and strengthening lawful punishment process for any offense.

    Police recovered the bullet-hit body of Ripon, a main accused in a case for rapping a girl, in Ashulia outside the capital on January 17, ASK said citing media reports.

    A piece of paper citing Ripon's identity and rape incident was tied to his throat, it said.

    His family claimed some men in plainclothes identifying themselves as detectives picked him up. However, Detective Branch of Police has denied the claim.

    In a separate incident on Saturday, a bullet-hit body of an accused in a rape case was recovered in Kathalia of Jhalakathi. A similar note was strung to the corpse's throat.

    ASK is concerned over two similar incidents taking place within the span of a short time, the statement said.

    “ASK thinks fair investigation into both the incidents is required that will unearth the truth,” it said.

    According to the country's constitution and basic principles of human rights, any individual has the right to get justice in lawful way, ASK said.

    “Such extra-judicial killing sends wrong message to the society. It also creates distrust in people's mind over rule of law, law enforcement agencies, the judiciary and above all the state which is not good for the state at all,” it said.

  20. #245
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    An editorial on alleged vigilante justice and extra judicial killings in Bangladesh. Yes this allegedly involves Vigilantes and in some cases Law Enforcement killing people they accuse of being a rapists.

  21. #246
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    Another take on the alleged vigilante killer in Bangladesh

    An unidentified man, known as 'Hercules' in the media, has gone on a murdering spree in Bangladesh. On his target are the rapists and rape accused of the country. On Friday, police found the body of another rape accused with a note around his neck, which read "I am Pirojpur Bhandaria’s [victim’s name ] rapist Rakib. This is the punishment for rape. Rapists beware. Hercules

    The police were alerted about the body by locals in the area. The deceased, Rakib, was one of the alleged suspects in a case filed over the gangrape of a madrasa student in Bhandaria Upazila in the country. He is the third rape accused to be murdered in the same manner by a person who leaves a note with the bodies, mentioning their crime and signs himself as "Hercules".

    All of Hercules's victims have rape cases lodged against them, and they have all been shot dead with notes later tied to their necks for the police to find. According to The Daily Star, Rakib was a law student at a private university in the capital. He and another accused Sajal are said to have gang-raped the madrasa student on January 14 while she was on her way to her grandparents' house. On January 24th, police found the body of Sajal with a similar note hanging around his neck. His note read, "I am Sajal. I am the rapist of [victim's name]. This is my punishment.”

    Before these two cases, police found the dead body of one Ripon on January 17th in Savar. Ripon's body too had a note saying, "I am the prime accused in a rape case". Ripon was the mastermind in the gang rape and murder of a female garment worker, in Savar on the outskirts of Dhaka. While citizens are rejoicing, Sheepa Hafiza, executive director of rights group Ain O Salish Kendra, said killing people “extra-judicially” and leaving a note could not be acceptable. "The country's law enforcement agencies are well capable of conducting fair investigation into each incident and leading it to trial process," she added.

    If that was really the case though.

  22. #247
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    Victoria Police’s risk-averse approach to policing is not only letting down the community but also emboldening criminals and leading to dangerous vigilantism.

    This is what happens when a police force becomes a police service after years of being weakened and politicised by practices adopted by former chief commissioner Christine Nixon and her successors.

    We often hear police command speak of a zero-tolerance approach to lawless thugs but their actions don’t match the tough rhetoric.

    There have been a number of high-profile incidents in recent years — and many others that received no media coverage but frustrated police officers just the same — where rampaging youths have not been apprehended despite committing offences in full view of the police.

    Last Monday, youths armed with baseball bats were pictured at Wyndham Vale train station, reportedly looking for African-Australians who had the previous day assaulted two of their friends in broad daylight.

    We cannot have gangs of vigilantes roaming train stations accusing every young male of African appearance of being involved in criminal acts against their mates.

    It is a situation that is fraught with danger and simply unacceptable in a civilised society that values law and order and due process.

    The latest trouble started when two teenage boys, Xavier and Ricky, were set upon by a group of 20 African-Australian youths who robbed and bashed the pair outside Wyndham Vale station despite the presence of armed protective services officers.

    “He’s turned to jelly,” Xavier’s father, Anthony Ferrari told the Herald Sun. “They made him unclip his necklace. They then made him access his Apple ID on the phone to disable his Apple ID, and then made him disable his face recognition and fingerprint ID on the iPhone.”

    This isn’t simply a white-versus-black clash. Both victims come from ethnically diverse backgrounds, though most of the vigilante mob following the attack were caucasian.

    One of the baseball-wielding gang claimed that the weapon was for protection after threats were posted on Facebook.

    The 14-year-old victim, Xavier, who was reportedly covered in bruises after the assault, expressed his disappointment that two PSOs did not do more to stop the attack and arrest the offenders.

    Xavier’s father says he spoke with the officers after the incident and was told they were outnumbered, 20 to two.

    The PSOs have also copped criticism from members of the public but Victoria Police Transit Safety detective Inspector Andrew Gustke was full of praise for the “fantastic job” they did.

    “They’ve done exactly what they should do,” he said.

    “They have then been approached by the first victim who was assaulted by these offenders ... while talking to this victim it is our understanding the second robbery was taking place.”

    Are police, including PSOs, so risk averse that they will watch an attack unfold rather than rush in to assist victims?

    One could possibly make the argument that it’s best to wait for back-up if a large number of offenders are damaging property, but when teenage boys are being robbed and assaulted, then trained officers who are armed with guns should intervene immediately.

    Victoria Police seem to have a greater aversion to use of force than they do to the word “gangs”. But you cannot have effective policing without conflict and some level of risk.

    Read full piece here.

  23. #248
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    Apparently this vigilante serial killer called Hercules is real.

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    Phil Hoban 43 a vigilante under investigation.

    A PAEDOPHILE hunter who appeared on a BBC documentary spoke of his fury yesterday after gun cops arrested him in a dawn raid.

    Officers swooped on Phill Hoban, 43, and other members of Predator Exposure over claims of false imprisonment, assault and public order offences.

    It is alleged they acted unlawfully when they detained two suspected paedos after separate online stings in August and January.

    Armed police dragged members of the Leeds-based group from their homes before quizzing them for six hours on Monday.

    Dad-of-five Phill, 43, who featured last month on BBC3 documentary ‘Paedophile Hunters: The Rise Of The Vigilantes’, slammed the arrests.

    He said the move was designed to shut the group down - despite it being responsible for bringing more than 70 child sex offenders to justice.

    Fuming Phill said: "I was immediately grabbed straight away and arrested and handcuffed behind my back in front of my family, they wouldn’t even let me put my bike away.

    "There were armed police and police with tasers to arrest me on historic assault and false imprisonment allegations. It was heavy handed."

    He said officers seized his mobile phone, his kids’ iPads, clothing, including his coat and trainers and took him to the cells at Wakefield Police Station.

    He and his team have since been released on bail.

    Predator Exposure record and live stream all their vigilante stings, in which they confront a suspected paedophile engaging in online sex chat with a decoy.

    The group make a citizens arrest and phone the police to arrest and take the suspects away.

    Phill claims the two incidents he was questioned about and followed the same method all their 70 plus stings have done.

    He added: "The police are not interested in justice. Our arrests are a tactic to try and make us stop exposing paedophiles.

    "I was handcuffed behind my back by armed police. I would have attended a police station voluntarily and they know that.

    "The have arrested us now because we are the biggest group in the country with the biggest following and they want to get the message out to other groups to stop.

    "But the police are not doing enough to catch the paedophiles themselves.

    "And yet they have enough resources to send eight police officers to five homes to arrest innocent members of the public."

    Phill and his colleagues have been bailed to Friday, when they may learn whether they will be charged.

    A defiant a Phill said: "If they take us to court, they take us to court, but there will be uproar because we have many supporters and we have taken 70 odd paedophiles off the streets and protected hundreds of kids."

    The police spokeswoman said: "The arrests were made in relation to alleged offences in the Wakefield area on August 11, 2018 and Leeds on January 13, 2019 in which members of the public were allegedly detained.

    "Three men and two women were arrested. They have since all been released on bail. Enquiries are ongoing."

    The paedophile hunting group have been responsible for bringing a number of offenders to justice through online stings in the past year.

    In March, Irish television sports producer Kieran Creaven was jailed for 18 months after Leeds Crown Court heard how he travelled from Dublin to meet a “girl” he had groomed.

    The fictional teenager had been created by the group.

    Then the 55-year-old turned up for the meeting outside the Queens Hotel, he was confronted by members of the group, who streamed the encounter live on the internet.

    Creaven, who works for Irish broadcaster RTE, pleaded guilty to attempting to meet a child following grooming for a sexual purpose and of attempting to cause or incite a child to engage in sexual activity, namely kissing and cuddling.

    In recent years cops have tried to work with the vigilante groups as judges have praised their work in nailing paedos.

    But the police spokeswoman urged the groups to stop.

  25. #250
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    A vigilante group named Hercules is allegedly involved in killing offenders in Bangladesh.

    He has been identified as Rakib Hasan, one of the men accused of gang-raping a madrasa student in a case filed with police in Bhandaria.

    Rakib is the second person accused in the case to be found dead with a note hung around his neck.

    The note read: I am Rakib who raped … in Pirojpur’s Bhandaria. This is the fate of rapists. Rapists beware -- Hercules.”

    The body was discovered on a field next to a brickfield at Razapur Upazila’s Angaria village around 12pm Friday, said Razapur Police Inspector Jahid Hossain.
    Police found multiple wounds on his head, face and back, the inspector told “We are trying to confirm his identity.”

    Six days earlier, Sajal Jomaddar, another suspect in the Bhandaria gang-rape case, was found dead in the district.

    His body was dumped on a paddy field and the note hung around his neck had read: “I am in this state because I raped a madrasa student”.

    A madrasa student was gang-raped in a betel-leaf farm at Bhandaria’s Hetalia village on the morning of Jan 12.

    Her family filed a case with police on Jan 17.

    The case named Rakib Hasan, 28, of Bhitabari village in Shialkathi Union, and Sajal Jomaddar, 28, of Nodmula village.

    The murder was almost identical to the previous two incidents, one in the same upazila and the other in Savar

    Police have recovered the body of another gang-rape suspect along with a note from Angaria under Rajapur Sadar union in Jalakathi.

    The deceased, identified as Rakib, is the second suspect in a case filed over the gang-rape of a madrasa student in Bhandaria upazila to be found dead.

    This body recovered on Friday also had a printed note tied around the neck which read: “I am Pirojpur Bhandaria’s [victim’s name ] rapist Rakib. This is the punishment for rape. Rapists beware. Hercules.”

    Rajapur police station OC (Investigation) Moinuddin confirmed the matter and said: “Locals informed the police after spotting the body. Police will further investigate the incident.”

    This is almost identical to the previous two incidents, one in the same upazila and the other in Savar, where the rape suspects were shot dead and left with a note tied to their necks.

    On January 26, police recovered the body of Sajal Jomaddar, 28, from a rice field in Boltala village, along with a note which read: “I am Sajal. I am the rapist of [victim's name]. This is my punishment.” Sajal and Rakib were both accused in the same case.

    On January 18, the dead body of one Ripon, was found in Amin Model Town in Savar. When police arrived to take custody of the body, they found a note saying: "I am the prime accused in a rape case" around his neck. Ripon was the mastermind in a case filed over gang-raping a 14-year-old RMG worker who died on January 8.

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