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Thread: Paul Weeks (38) is one of 239 people missing after a Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared while en route to China

  1. #401
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    When you're such a lowlife fraudster even FOX won't associate with you

    Fury over plan to make movie linking MH370 to organ harvesting conspiracy

    A FORMER network executive who claims she has ?proof? backing up her gruesome MH370 theory is raising funds for a movie.

    Marnie O?Neill@marnieoneill7 31, 20189:29AM

    New findings in report on MH370 mystery

    WHEN former Fox executive Darlene Lieblich Tipton lost her job 46 days after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 vanished with 239 people on board, she was initially greeted with a mixture of sympathy and pity.

    Ms Tipton claimed she had just been sacked as vice president of the network?s standards and practices department for using her work email to organise a fundraiser for families of those on board.

    The truth was far less noble. Ms Tipton had contacted Sarah Bajc, the girlfriend of American MH370 passenger Philip Wood, claiming she and her husband Ken Tipton had proof those on board were ?alive?.

    In a series of increasingly bizarre emails, she claimed Ken had ?visions? of passengers during a stint in hospital for spinal surgery. She promised to reveal the plane?s location and raise millions for Ms Bajc on the condition she agreed to waive all future compensation claims.

    Ms Bajc, an intelligent, rational person who has been interviewed by in the past, was shocked by the approaches and alerted Fox, according to pilot and MH370 author Christine Negroni, who documented the bizarre episode in her blog.

    Sarah Bajc and her partner of nine years, American Philip Wood, who was on board missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. Picture Facebook/Sarah.BajcSource:Supplied

    Veteran Fox news executive Darlene Tipton poses with an Emmy Award Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

    Ms Bajc warned that someone ?posing as a management person working for Fox, or at worst an actual management person at Fox who is capitalizing (sic) on her role with you? had contacted her with the strange claims, Ms Negroni recalled.

    Fox responded by firing Ms Tipton, an Emmy award-winning network veteran of 24 years.

    Undeterred, Ms Tipton went ahead with several online fundraisers, including one called Finding Philip Wood which raised $US100,000 ($A135,000) without the consent of his family or Ms Bajc or any indication as to what the money would be used for.

    Now Ms Tipton is back with another money-making scheme; she?s crowd-funding to make a $US27million ($A36 million) movie claiming MH370 was deliberately disappeared to cover up China?s involvement in organ harvesting.

    Ms Tipton claims the body parts were harvested from members of the Falun Gong group, which is outlawed in China where it?s been labelled a ?cult?, as part of an ?on demand? organ transplant scheme for rich people.

    To make matters worse, she has been using the publicity generated by the Malaysian Government?s final report into the missing plane ? which was released yesterday ? to spruik her movie, titled ?Malaysia 370?.

    And it appears to be working. To date Ms Tipson has raised more than $US760,000 ($A1.02 million) from well-meaning members of the public.

    Darlene and Ken Tipton?s Malaysia 370 website has raised almost $US800,000 from public donations. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

    Darlene and Ken Tipton have told relatives of those lost on MH370 that they know where the plane is and even have mobile phone footage from those on-board. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

    ?Malaysia 370 ... exposes the horrific persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese government and how it is inextricably tied to the missing aeroplane,? she says of the film?s synopsis.

    ?In China millions of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience have been arrested and sentenced to forced labour camps where tens of thousands have endured tortuous and barbaric harvesting of their organs while fully awake with no anaesthesia.

    ?Their organs are then transplanted into waiting patients, typically foreigners, who have paid high fees.?

    Ms Tipton cites a 2017 Vision Times article quoting exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, claiming ?it backs up the information and cell phone video? from inside the missing plane.

    She has also changed the story of her sacking to suit her new movie-making idea, now insisting Fox sacked her because it was afraid she would ?jeopardise business relations and film financing operations with China?.

    Darlene?s husband Ken Tipton claimed to have had ?visions? of passengers on board MH370. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

    Veteran Fox news executive Darlene Tipton was fired after her bizarre approach to Sarah Bajc, the partner of MH370 passenger Philip Wood. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

    Not only does Ms Tipton repeat her outrageous claims about passengers being alive ? she embellishes them.

    ?Darlene Lieblich Tipton was a vice president at Fox Cable Networks in Los Angeles,? the website states.

    ?During this time, Darlene and a few others were at a private meeting to discuss the contents of a thumb drive. The drive contained detailed information and previously unseen video footage regarding the disappearance of Malaysia Flight #370.

    ?The information and cell phone video, some of which came from inside and outside the plane from March 8-12 of 2014 and some that was taken in a hospital, explained in detail what happened to Malaysia Flight #370, why it happened, and who was responsible.

    ?No one was more shocked than Darlene, and if she hadn?t seen it herself she wouldn?t have believed it,? the website continues.

    ?She insisted that the information and footage should be released to the public as soon as possible, despite overwhelming pressure to keep the information confidential so as not to jeopardise business relations and film financing options with China.

    ?This was unacceptable to Darlene and she secretly made a copy of the thumb drive to be uploaded to YouTube. A few hours before the planned upload to YouTube and just short of 25 years at Fox, Darlene was fired.?

    The new fundraiser has not gone down well with MH370 watchers and investigators, with Ms Tipton coming under fire after spruiking her latest fundraiser on Twitter in the lead-up to the release of Malaysia?s so called final report into the missing aircraft.

    ?If you have relevant information that would help us find #MH370, disclose it,? wrote Dr Victor Iannello, a member of the Independent Group of aviation experts who advised the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) during the first search.

    ?Wait, the plane has not been found yet and no one knows what happened that night to MH370,? said former pilot Edward Baker.

    ?I presume this is a work of fiction? There?s no way of knowing what the passengers and crew did, or did not do.? has contacted Ms Tipton for comment.

  2. #402
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    New theory that it crashed of Christmas Island (where the red crab tide happens every year & where Australia had a notorious immigration detention centre until Oct 2018)

    This theory comes just after claims in November that relatives of MH370 victims located more debris around Madagascar

    (I have a headache & can't be fucked pasting the articles & pix - will fix it later)

  3. #403
    Senior Member Jumaki15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    New theory that it crashed of Christmas Island (where the red crab tide happens every year & where Australia had a notorious immigration detention centre until Oct 2018)

    This theory comes just after claims in November that relatives of MH370 victims located more debris around Madagascar

    (I have a headache & can't be fucked pasting the articles & pix - will fix it later)
    I got you

    The most extensive search in aviation history has failed to find Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 after it mysteriously diverted course on March 8, 2014. Now an engineer at a top Danish university has claimed we?ve been looking in the wrong place.

    He has come up with a possible new flight plan that conforms with the data we have. And it looks nothing like those that guided search efforts before.

    It puts MH370?s probable crash site off Christmas Island, south of Jakarta. And he speculates the missing aircraft?s new possible track means a hijacker could have ?bailed out?.

    The confirmed track of Flight MH370 as recorded by military and civilian radars before it disappeared.

    When it comes to finding MH370, There?s never been much to go on.

    Shortly after the Boeing 777 took off, its radar transponders and communications systems were all shut down. It was a sinister, deliberate act. It meant that, once out of ground-based radar range, nobody could ?see? where the aircraft was.

    But whoever tried to make the aircraft invisible overlooked one thing: engine monitoring sensors that would automatically report to overhead satellites.

    Searchers used these signals, along with inferred flight speeds and courses, to mark-out a broad patch of the Southern Ocean far to the southwest of Perth as the most likely place MH370 went down.

    But, despite extensive surface and subsurface searches, nothing has been found.

    Now, Professor Martin Kristensen, an engineer at Aarhaus University in Denmark, has published a new mathematical analysis of MH370?s radar and satellite data.
    Full version of article


    We know that instead of heading north to Vietnam, flight MH370 deviated to the east. It was tracked by military radar until it passed out of range into the Andaman Sea, apparently headed towards India.

    From this point, only the ?handshake? calls to the Inmarsat 3F1 satellite sitting above the Indian Ocean reveal the Boeing was still in the air.

    The fractional time difference between when the ?handshake? was sent, and when it was received by Inmarsat, offered investigators a clue. That time gap revealed how far the aircraft was from the satellite at the time it was made.

    But little more.

    So each of the hourly calls allowed a planet-spanning circle to be plotted, with the Inmarsat at its centre. MH370 was somewhere on those circles at the time each signal was received.

    The vast bulk of the circle could be eliminated through simple math: how far along each arc could the aircraft ? flying at its maximum speed and within the range of the fuel it carried ? have been capable of reaching in the time since its last confirmed position?

    Problem is, each of the seven recorded ?handshakes? produced a broader and broader range of possibilities.

    However, most of these could also be eliminated.

    Those arcs extended over land and populated areas ? also covered by civilian and commercial radars. MH370 hadn?t been detected along any of these paths.

    Which is why investigators plotted possible tracks that took the Boeing 777 out to sea.

    But the ?handshakes? held one more clue.

    It?s called ?Doppler shift?.

    It?s the minuscule ?stretching? of a signal as its source moves towards or away from the receiver.


    The Doppler shift reveals the relative velocity of MH370 and Inmarsat at the time each ?handshake? was made. And the satellite was in an orbit that kept it almost stationary over the Indian Ocean.

    Once again, it?s not a smoking gun.

    There?s a broad range of relative velocities that can be produced by an aircraft flying at different angles, at different speeds.

    But it does offer another set of boundaries within which MH370 must have followed.

    It all comes down to probabilities.

    And that?s where Kristensen comes in.

    He built a mathematical model that takes into account all of these limiting elements.

    His argument is that MH370 can only have gone down where the boundaries of speed, fuel, ?handshake? signals and doppler shift all ?overlap?.

    ?We find four independent solutions with the final part of the flight following a great circle,? his research paper declares.

    Figure 74, on page 99 from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau's final report shows the "x marks the spot" moment, where the flight meets the famous 7th arc (the final attempted satellite handshake with the airliner) Picture: ATSB

    Two of these could immediately be dismissed.

    One was over India. The other China. Both would have taken the Boeing through radar and mobile phone networks. And neither site would produced the debris found washed up on Indian Ocean shores.

    A third location conforms with the area already searched. But, despite two extensive ? and expensive ? searches, no trace of the aircraft has been found there.

    But the fourth probable site has not been investigated.

    ?Our best solution leads to an entirely different location agreeing with other data from debris, acoustics and an eyewitness report, providing a clear conclusion where to find the plane,? Kristensen said.


    The final patch of the Earth?s surface which lines up with all of MH370?s flight parameters sits in the Indian Ocean to the southwest of Australia?s Christmas Island.

    It seems counterintuitive.

    To get there, MH370 must have done an abrupt U-turn in the Bay of Bengal, and then flown along the south coast of Indonesia.

    ?We propose instead a new, focused search zone of 3500 km2 centred at (13.279˚ South, 106.964˚ East) with slightly elliptical shape along the 7th arc and a total length of 140km and width of 30km,? Kristensen?s report reads.

    ?The probability of finding the plane there is above 90 per cent?.

    The proposed new course followed by Flight MH370 before it crashed into the Indian Ocean. Picture: Kristensen et al

    Departing from his math, Kristensen points to the unexplained nature of the barnacles found on MH370s debris as conforming with a crash in the nutrient-poor but warm waters off Indonesia, before entering the colder West Australian Current.

    ?However the line of circumstantial evidence does not stop here where some readers may already be convinced,? his report adds.

    Kristensen refers to an eyewitness account from a fishing boat to the north of Bandar Aceh, at Indonesia?s extreme western end, that night. It reported a westward-flying aircraft diving to a lower altitude and making a turn southward. This account was just one among many such sightings ? including from the Maldives far to India?s south.

    But this one fits with Kristensen?s plots.

    After this, though, he indulges in some wild speculation.


    Kristensen argues that the course and behaviour of MH370 points towards a carefully planned attempt to deliberately conceal the aircraft?s course.

    ?There is also something special about the Christmas Island route going through the intertropical convergence zone where satellite detection and long-range radar are hampered by tropical thunderstorms, indicating intelligent planning,? he writes.

    ?Most likely the perpetrator(s) also knew about the handshakes and deliberately directed and timed the flight to get close to the worst possible mathematical data-entanglement with satellite movement through spatial correlation, making it almost impossible to find the plane because this allows for a multitude of solutions with similar fitting quality.?

    Why take such drastic action?

    ?The only plausible explanations are that they wanted to land in Banda Aceh or abort the flight by parachute,? Kristensen writes.

    ?Since the aeroplane did not land, the only option is parachuting.

    ?In order to do this they had to fly low and slow ? to open a hatch and get out.

    ?They programmed a return to normal flying-height into the autopilot before jumping.

    ?Therefore the plane returned to 11km height after Bandar Aceh without a pressurized cabin (due to the leak through the open hatch) causing death for everybody on board who might still have been alive.?

  4. #404
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    Relatives claim to have found MH370 debris

    Relatives of people who went missing on Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in 2014 have retrieved what they believe are new pieces of debris from the aircraft and will present them to the Malaysian government this week.

    Flight MH370 was on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board, including six Australians, when it disappeared and became one of the world's greatest aviation mysteries.

    Malaysian and international investigators believe the jet veered thousands of miles off course from its scheduled route before eventually plunging into the Indian Ocean.

    But no one knows why.

    In all, 27 pieces of aircraft debris have been collected from various places around the world but only three wing fragments that washed up along the Indian Ocean coast have been confirmed to be from MH370.

    The next of kin said in a brief statement on Wednesday they would meet Malaysia's transport minister on Friday "to hand over newly recovered debris".

    Calvin Shim, whose wife was a crew member on the plane, told Reuters that the group planned to hand over five pieces of debris found off Madagascar, where some debris has been found before.

    The most recent discovery was in August, he said.

    In May, Malaysia called off a three-month search by US firm Ocean Infinity, which spanned 112,000 sq km in the southern Indian Ocean and ended with no significant findings.

    It was the second major search after Australia, China and Malaysia ended a fruitless $A200 million search across an area of 120,000 sq km last year.

    Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad had said in May that the country would consider resuming the search only if new clues come to light.

    In July, investigators released a 495-page report, saying the plane's controls were likely deliberately manipulated to take it off course but they were not able to determine who was responsible.

  5. #405
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    Thankyou. I'm out of reps so you'll have to make do with a smiley

    I didn't think of this the other night, but in the very first days after it went down, some guy on an offshore oil rig near Vietnam was insisting he saw MH370 on fire but no-one took him seriously. He ended up being sacked when his claims were leaked

    His sighting doesn't really seem to fit with the new theory either though - unless the plane could"ve flown for hours while it was on fire. You'd think someone else would've noticed a burning passenger plane if that happened because presumably it would've passed Indonesia again when it turned off course.

  6. #406
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    Thankyou. I'm out of reps so you'll have to make do with a smiley

    No problem. I am apparently out of them for any of the currently active users. Well, at least the ones I'd actually send rep to.

  7. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  8. #408
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    There's a new series on Netflix about this case. It's really informative and eye opening. Highly recommend. RBW, you and Hubby would love it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  9. #409
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    I can't believe it's been 10 years!

  10. #410
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    I can't believe it's been 10 years!
    Oh, I didn't realize it has been that long.

  11. #411
    Scoopski Potatoes Nic B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    I can't believe it's been 10 years!
    Happy Anniversary!!!!

    Oh, wait...

    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses View Post
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??
    Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
    Happy Birthday! I hid a dead body in your backyard to celebrate. Good luck finding it under the cement. You can only use a stick to look for it.

  12. #412
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    Never have I been a blue, calm sea...I have always been a storm.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    Happy Anniversary!!!!

    Oh, wait...

  13. #413
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    Its a big ocean and very deep, I think they will find it eventually.

  14. #414
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    10 years?! That's insane. It really doesn't feel like it's been that long at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  15. #415
    Moderator puzzld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

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