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Thread: Botham Shem Jean (26) Was Shot By A Dallas Police Officer Who Claims She Mistook His Apartment For Her Own

  1. #26
    Moderator raisedbywolves's Avatar
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    Back when I worked in LE, many apartment complexes would give officers free or reduced rent in exchange for acting as a security guard essentially. At some places this merely meant that they wanted the presence of the officer (and vehicle) to curtail crime and issues, and at others they actually wanted them to go out and respond to other resident's complaints.

    This could open up a whole different can of worms for her, the department, and the apartment complex if it's true.

  2. #27
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Oh wow, that kind of arrangement never even occurred to me. I was actually giving her the benefit of the doubt on parts of this & thinking that if a call really was made to him, it probably came from office staff or something - because how would she have his number if there was no connection between them?

    But if they had her doing this as live-in security, presumably she'd be given access to tenant names, apartment numbers & contact details.

    It's going to be even shittier if her noise issues weren't him at all but a plumbing or insulation fail between his floor & her ceiling. His next-door neighbour said she knew nothing about noise complaints, that the only time she heard him in the entire period they'd been neighbours, was ONCE during the NBA playoffs.

  3. #28
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Absolute worst case scenario theory :

    She's acting as live-in security for her building. She's working long hours & noise from the apartment above is driving her crazy, interrupting what little sleep she can get. She starts fantasising about committing acts of violence against the source of her irritation.

    She knows who lives in that apartment & she knows her uniform gives her the ability to murder him with impunity. So one day, when she's already in a filthy mood after her shift, she storms up to his apartment in a rage & she shuts him up so she can start getting some real fucking sleep.

    I don't know what happened in this case, I just know it's starting to look really, really bad

  4. #29
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    The "emphasis mine" notations in this article belong to the author, not me.

    Maybe the brother-in-law's hand sign explanation is true, but it's a hell of an unfortunate coincidence given the All Lives Matter tshirt her mother was wearing in the other pic

    So Barrett Brown, the author of the article above, has been having a Twitter slapfight with a Dallas mayor's chief policy communications advisor because the the guy didn't like his article.
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  5. #30
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Barrett also tweeted a Pinterest account belonging to Amber Guyger that they missed when they scrubbed her soc med

    Quite a bit of anti-Kaepernick anti-BLM sentiment in her memes. Big surprise there

    (but of course, her brother-in-law wasn't throwing white power gang signs

    The "trying to sleep" one might be the most ominous if the noise complaint allegations are true
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    Last edited by blighted star; 09-12-2018 at 08:57 PM.

  6. #31
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Also, Barrett Brown's account is well worth a follow just to witness the burns he's dishing out right now
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  7. #32
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    I was going to post last night to say that I've never seen a response to a police killing or death in custody like the massive outpouring of respect & grief for Botham.

    The Price Waterhouse Cooper CEO has issued statements,

    & a #BeLikeBo hastag was started celebrating his life

    I was thinking to myself again yesterday that none of the usual victim smearing tricks are going to work for the police this time & that they must be freaking out as this dawns on them

    & right on cue, within 24hrs of the huge public response to Botham's memorial service, someone within Dallas PD leaked supposed dirt on Botham to FOX4.

    & of course FOX4, being the lowlife scum they are, were only too happy to report it & worsen an already devastating day for his family & friends.

    Both parties have made a huge misjudgment in their desperation. They tried to smear the victim but it's blowing up in their faces.

    The FOX4 tweet with this "developing news" has 20K angry replies so far & it's only been up 3hrs.

    Actually, it just jumped to 22K while I typed this post

    Edit : make that 31K outraged replies & climbing. I don't think I've seen anyone ratioed this hard for a while.
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    Last edited by blighted star; 09-14-2018 at 12:13 AM.

  8. #33
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Family lawyer, Lee Merritt's response to the attempted smear by Dallas PD & FOX4
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  9. #34
    Senior Member Queena's Avatar
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    So well stated.

  10. #35
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    It's really sounding like this was similar to the murder of Jordan Davis. There have been rumours for days that it was over "loud" music - but Botham was a choir singer, he was probably just doing voice warm-ups before church.

    No other neighbours report him being noisy. His immediate next-door neighbour said she only heard him once during the NBA play-offs, so either Amber Guyger was one of those short-fused people who are bothered by ridiculously minor issues, or there was an insulation fail between his apartment & hers only - maybe a bit of both
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  11. #36
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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  12. #37
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    I think I love Barratt Brown
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  13. #38
    Senior Member bermstalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    I'm starting to believe something that other people have suggested as a possibility :

    She lived directly below him. Something was annoying her, maybe he flushed his toilet during the night, maybe they had balconies & something was falling from his onto hers, maybe she thought he walked too heavily or sang too loud.

    Maybe she got home tired & irritable & decided she was going to confront him about the thing that was annoying her. Maybe she actually got to her own apartment door first & some sound from above set her off right there & then.

    Something has to have provoked her visit to his door because her "mistake" story just makes no sense. & it keeps changing every time evidence is found to contradict her version of events.
    I've thought this from the beginning. I think she left her uniform on because she was going to intimidate him with it. She walked up there and banged on his door. I think he eventually opened the door and told her to go pound sand. She probably pulled out her gun then and told him to get on the ground. He was like fk YOU. She shot him.

    "went to the wrong apt" was just the first BS story she could think of.

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  15. #40
    Senior Member kevansvault's Avatar
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    Up your ass should you make the mistake of pissing me off.
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    This is all over the news here. She fucked up. She basically banged the fuck out of the door after hearing noise in what she thought was her apartment, and shot Botham Jean because her stupid ass didn't recognize where exactly she was.

    I get the mistaking someone else's apartment for yours, especially after a shift. Not paying attention. But the difference here is that she didn't give the victim a chance to do anything, she just shot a motherfucker. That's not what police are supposed to do, ever.

    IDK what the fuck is wrong with people, and I for goddamn sure don't understand the people who support her. Personally I'd like to throat punch every single one of them, because a man is dead for no good goddamn reason.

    This will haunt her for the rest of her life, and I hope that it does. I hope that she thinks of that man every day, and one day can stand up to his family and offer them the heartfelt apology that the for goddamn sure deserve.

    The family of Botham Jean deserved better. The DPD deserves better. All that bullshit about how difficult the job is can kiss my entire ass. You chose that shit, and you can get out at any fucking time, so stop with all the chest pounding bravado, because it falls on deaf ears when you fuckers kill innocent citizens just minding their own fucking business.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  16. #41
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Are people actually taking up for her? I can't imagine what their reason for supporting her would be. The PD couldn't wait to fire her ass and go into CYA mode.

    The whole "banging on the door" thing confuses the hell out of me. If it was supposedly her apartment, did she bang on the door bc she couldn't get in? Why would a burglar answer the door and/or be making noise inside the apartment?

    This whole thing doesn't make sense to me. I think she knew it wasn't her apt. I agree with Berm's version of events, it makes the most sense.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    I cannot believe they don't already have this.
    I wrote this in a message, so going to copy and paste it here..

    Saturday they announced that they have subpoenaed ring camera footage for two addresses. Neither of them were on Lamar. So yesterday after going out to lunch with my husband, I made him drive me down there to where the addresses were.... which brings into question. First they said she "walked home from work".. which if this is true, that is why they requested the footage as there was a pathway straight from DPD headquarters, through the town homes that the addresses belong to, there was no way she could have driven through there as it isn't exactly a street. And there are a few bars if she walked that she could have stopped at. But if she drove home from work, per the "drove and parked on the 4th floor" story.... then I have no clue why the Ring videos are important.

    The Ring Camera videos requested are on a street called Arch Place, which actually isn't a street, but more like a driveway for two rows of townhomes. Unfortunately you can't google the addresses as they were under construction at the time google did their "picture thing".

    I have yet to see one person come out and defend Amber Guyger (besides internet trolls). Not one friend, family member etc. has said anything.

    Her firing today was based on "engaged in adverse conduct". This was an internal affairs investigation that lead to her firing and not the criminal investigation. The adverse conduct is supposedly based on her actions that night after shooting (murdering) Botham. Yet, they aren't saying exactly what her adverse conduct is/was if it is indeed based on her actions after shooting Botham. I wish I knew when the Grand Jury was meeting, because her charge could still be upgraded as that decision will be up to the Grand Jury.

    I will fully admit I had high hopes when Chief Hall was hired, but at this point, I am very disappointed in how she has handled this entire thing. And I am not the only one I know that feels this way. Quite frankly I am disappointed with all of DPD right now.

  18. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevansvault View Post
    This is all over the news here. She fucked up. She basically banged the fuck out of the door after hearing noise in what she thought was her apartment, and shot Botham Jean because her stupid ass didn't recognize where exactly she was.

    I get the mistaking someone else's apartment for yours, especially after a shift. Not paying attention. But the difference here is that she didn't give the victim a chance to do anything, she just shot a motherfucker. That's not what police are supposed to do, ever.

    IDK what the fuck is wrong with people, and I for goddamn sure don't understand the people who support her. Personally I'd like to throat punch every single one of them, because a man is dead for no good goddamn reason.

    This will haunt her for the rest of her life, and I hope that it does. I hope that she thinks of that man every day, and one day can stand up to his family and offer them the heartfelt apology that the for goddamn sure deserve.

    The family of Botham Jean deserved better. The DPD deserves better. All that bullshit about how difficult the job is can kiss my entire ass. You chose that shit, and you can get out at any fucking time, so stop with all the chest pounding bravado, because it falls on deaf ears when you fuckers kill innocent citizens just minding their own fucking business.
    I don't think that this will haunt her because she's sorry. She's going to miss the her job, and her status. Let's be honest, she's going to be able to find another job as a police officer. The little hick racist ass towns will hire her in a second. Hell she doesn't have to worry about money either, just start a GoFundMe. There are quite a few people who will pay her just because she killed a nig.

    Bitch doesn't feel and pain for Botham. Her tears are for herself.

  19. #44
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post

    Newly Elected Dallas DA Says The ‘Appropriate Charge’ For Amber Guyger Is Murder

    City audit finds Dallas police may be working too many off duty jobs

    That first update is excellent news

  20. #45
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    Good. I want to see all those ridiculously contradictory police versions of the shooting shredded to pieces, detail by detail in court

  21. #46
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    I know I have mentioned in this thread that this happened just a few miles from me.

    I am glad they charged her with murder. I am seriously saving vacation time as I would love to go to this trial. I worry with this being the good ole boy state, that the jury will think she has been overcharged, however what I got from the press conference yesterday that the jury will be given the opportunity to convict her of murder, or manslaughter or God forbid she isn't convicted.

    I still just find it so odd that not ONE person has come forward and said anything about Guyger, good or bad. It is just so weird to me. You would think if she WAS (to me she isn't) a good person that someone would have spoken to the press and said so. She looks so effin smug in her latest mug shot.

    I hope Botham get's the justice he deserves.

    On a side note (and hopefully I do not insult anyone with this comment) Lee Merritt bothers me. He seems like an opportunist who inserts himself in every tragic case of a police shooting. He just swoops in, get's his camera time. I know he has filed a civil suit for Botham's family. Maybe I am wrong, but that is just the impression I get from him.

  22. #47
    Moderator puzzld's Avatar
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    Breaking: Ex-Dallas officer Amber Guyger sentenced to 10 years in prison for the murder of Botham Jean
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  23. #48
    Senior Member marycontrary's Avatar
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    Joshua Brown, a witness in the trial, was murdered last night. People think he was killed due to his testimony in the case, so I'm posting it here. He was the guy in the dragonball Z shirt.
    Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

  24. #49
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    Killer cop Amanda Guyger's lawyers appeal sentence for Botham Jean murder

    Amber Guyger, the ex-Dallas cop who was convicted in October of murdering her unarmed black neighbor, Botham Jean, is appealing her ten-year prison sentence.

    Guyger has claimed she fired in self-defense in 2018, when she pushed open door to Jean’s apartment — one floor above her own — in the mistaken belief it was her own. She found Jean on his own couch, watching TV and eating ice cream.

    Her attorneys are claiming that there was not enough evidence to fully convict her of murder, according to CNN.

    “She had the right to act in deadly force in self-defense since her belief that deadly force was immediately necessary was reasonable under the circumstances,” her lawyers stated in the appeal.

    The appeal follows Dallas Police Union President Mike Mata dodging indictment on tampering with evidence charges in the case.

    Lawyers for Jean’s family also issued a statement, through their lawyer, expressing their disappointment in the appeal.

    “After admitting her crime and asking Botham Jean’s family for mercy — Guyger’s actions in filing this appeal reflect someone who is not repentant but instead was hoping to play on the families’ sympathies at the time that they were most vulnerable.”

    The statement added, “The jury was instructed on self-defense prior to deliberations and they properly rejected the defense and found Guyger guilty of murder one.”

    Guyger’s lawyers have asked that the appeal be heard through oral argument. A hearing date has not been set.

  25. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    This is the CNN interview with the discussion about the alleged noise complaint ph call to Botham from the downstairs apartment (just in case anyone else has probs getting it to play at the other link)

    Also :
    Crazy how things remain the same in the years after Botham Jean. Ever since that names from Breonna Taylor got killed for the same reasons.

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