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Thread: Elliot Rodger (22) killed six people because he was enraged about being rejected by women

  1. #426
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    Meh, if they wanna make it, let em make it. No one has to support it though. I don't know how signing anything is gonna stop them unless it's backed by DreamWorks or some shit.

    I mean these guys make their own misogynistic and racist videos games/media already. I just don't give it any of my money.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

  2. #427
    Senior Member HippyZippy's Avatar
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    Holy shit! This guy had some serious issues. I actually fear my step brother is becoming like this. He has never been in a relationship. He is 34 years old and had been playing video games until recently. He started hanging out with a girl who has now rejected him, she moved to Hawaii. And he has not only went there to "visit" her but moved there last month. He has since came back to Vegas, and is completely bitter with the world. He has no handguns but is the most negative frustrated individual I have ever meet. When I was reading this all I could think about was this might be him. We have tried to get him help and expressed to him that there more to life then a female and being anger at the world because you are single all of your life. He is one of the smartest people I have ever met. He is also the most introverted people I have ever met. It's a really awkward situation to be in. Not sure how to handle this. It's been going on for about 6 months now.... crappy
    <br />[quote author=skindeep_curiosity]<br />I&#39;m so glad I love the meat. <br />[/quote]

  3. #428
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    Meh, if they wanna make it, let em make it. No one has to support it though. I don't know how signing anything is gonna stop them unless it's backed by DreamWorks or some shit.

    I mean these guys make their own misogynistic and racist videos games/media already. I just don't give it any of my money.
    Yeah, seriously. At what point does something stop being taboo, really?

  4. #429
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    Just bumping this because I have been watching a Crime channel show called 'Campus Killer - Santa Barbara'. Interesting but I can't find it online to post here.

    On May 23rd, 2014, Elliot Rodger, the privileged son of a Hollywood director, went on a brutal stabbing and shooting spree in Santa Barbara, California, killing six people and injuring 13 before turning the gun on himself. Campus Killer: Santa Barbara tells the story in the killer's own words, using Rodger's online trail as a firsthand account of his descent into homicidal madness.

    Combining Rodger's testimony with analysis from forensic psychologists and other behavioural experts as well as interviews with victims' family members, we will unravel not only the story of his troubled life but also the heartbreaking toll left in the wake of his deranged rampage.


    ELLIOT Rodger was a 22-year-old virgin when he posted a deeply disturbing video promising to ?exact retribution? against sorority girls for rejecting him.

    He was upset, he said, because girls continued to reject him despite his belief that he was ?the supreme gentleman?.

    ?I?ve never even kissed a girl ... It has been very torturous,? he whined in the seven-minute video posted to YouTube in May 2014.

    Instead of blaming himself for his romantic struggles, Rodger blamed the girls ? and not just those who had turned him down, but ?every spoiled, stuck-up, blond sl**? who ?would have rejected me and looked down upon me as an inferior man?.

    The next day he went on a murderous rampage, stabbing and killing three men before driving to a sorority house at the University of California and shooting three female students. He drove to a deli and killed another male student before finally turning the gun on himself.

    His story is at the absolute extreme end of the scale of scorned men taking rejection badly. But its by no means the only story of its kind.

    Almost 18 months on from his killing spree, Rodger?s legacy is everything he would have hated.

    The blog When Women Refuse sprang up in reaction to his crime, as a place for women to share countless stories of what happened to them when they rejected the sexual advances of men. It makes for disturbing ? and revealing ? reading.

    In it, one woman details how she was groped, harassed and eventually locked in a walk-in freezer by a male colleague who would not take no for an answer.

    Another woman tells how a complete stranger, more than 20 years her senior, told her she needed a ?good f***ing? and followed her in a truck when she declared she was underage.

    The blog was started three days after Rodger?s Isla Vista massacre. It was started by self-described feminist Deanna Zandt because she wanted to put gender-based violence on the map.

    ?We still don?t view gender based violence as a large cultural issue ? we tend to think of these as isolated incidences,? she told Think Progress.

    ?We still don?t view it as a larger problem within rape culture.?

    Ms Zandt said she was thrilled with the response.

    ?There?s been a really positive reaction from both men and women. I think it?s been really eye-opening for many people. The most common response has been ?Oh, my God, I had no idea?.?

    The stories can be difficult to read, but because they?re posted anonymously women feel safe sharing them.

    ?I was 18 and working as a waitress at a chain restaurant,? one woman wrote.

    ?He was twenty years my senior and working in the kitchen. He took an interest in me, and by that, I mean that when I talked to him, he would ask me questions and write down my answers.

    ?I lied every time, except about my age, hoping that he?d back off. He would touch me as I walked by and tried to kiss me hello on a few occasions, which I dodged.

    ?When he explicitly asked me to ?hang out? I refused. He told me he?d wait for me in the parking lot after work. I left early that day. The next night, he locked me in a walk-in freezer until I would talk to him.?

    Another woman told a story about a difficult breakup. Her ex threatened to kill her in poems and instead of being criticised he was rewarded with praise for his ?great writing?.

    ?We dated briefly our junior year,? the woman wrote.

    ?He was demeaning and putting me down, so I broke it off. He tried to get me back, including asking mutual friends (all girls) to plead his case with me. They thought he was sweet and that I should forgive him. I refused.

    ?Senior year, his new girlfriend confided that if someone mentioned me around him, he?d shake all over and go into a rage. When he found out we were going to the same college, he threatened to kill me. He published hateful poems about me in the school magazine, and everyone said what great writer he was.?

    On the blog, some women shared pictures of their faces after being attacked by men. Other women told how they were abused mentally, not physically.

    ?When I was roughly about 14 or 15 I had a very close male friend who had a girlfriend,? one woman wrote.

    ?This boy had a crush on me but I ignored it due to the fact he was dating someone else. We were left alone in my basement one evening and he kissed me against my will after I said I didn?t want a romantic relationship with him. He promptly left and I hadn?t from him for a long time.

    ?Months later he messaged me to say that he had tried to kill himself because I rejected him and that I was a disgusting excuse for a human, among other horrible and hurtful things. He never let me forget it. He told everyone else that I came onto him and he rejected me instead. His girlfriend stayed by him and her and her friends harassed me to no end.?

    Ms Zandt said the problem would continue to exist, but progress was being made.

    ?The fact that this conversation is happening now is a huge indicator of the structural connectivity work that online feminists have been doing for years. We?re in a different place than we were five years ago ? We?re creating a space for these discussions.?

    And Elliot Rodgers would?ve hated that.

  5. #430
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    Update Elliot Roger is now at play again due to the Toronto attacks.

  6. #431
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    Damn Elliott Roger is accused of being a martyr for Sexual harassers and Misogynist in death and this shit is coming out as soon as the investigation of the Toronto Van Attacker is coming into play.

  7. #432
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    They finally took his Youtube channel down within the last couple of days.

  8. #433
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    And Somehow the victims of the 2014 UC Santa Barbara attack has now been victimized again due to the Toronto Van Attackers manifesto citing Elliot Roger while the Canadian Victims got rammed on a Downtown Toronto street.

  9. #434
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    All incels should be exterminated I cannot believe people worship this dead loser.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  10. #435
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    The victims of the Toronto Van attack has their names released and yes Elliot Roger is still at play again. This is given that the mass murderer is treating Elliot Roger as his version of Isis leader or Christian jihad leader or Osama Bin Laden type person.

  11. #436
    Senior Member animosity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceBeWithMe View Post
    Agreed. I hate a lot of things, but after about, oh, say 8 or 9 stabs, I'd want to break for cinnamon toast and tea.
    i hate cinnimon toast. i think i could manage 94 stabs at that.

    I pushed restore auto content and this is what it had saved. No context.
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
    "Say, you know who could handle this penis? MY MOTHER."

  12. #437
    Don't forget that his Manifesto is still viewable. One could actually profile his mind and then wreak havoc all over again.

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