Quote Originally Posted by Queena View Post
Ive been in Starbucks and have seen people of all races wait for people before ordering coffee. I think that they explained that. If I go to Olive Garden, I can wait in the lobby for the rest of my party before being seated and ordering. I've been to Starbucks and have waited for people to show up. I didn't get arrested. I know people who have worked as district managers for Starbucks, and they say that this is not the policy of Starbucks. They say that Starbucks doesn't have a no loitering policy, because they are a coffee shop. They have people who will sit there all day and use free internet, and not even buy coffee. So go on with the apologies. This manager was wrong. I'll say that at their racist, at the least bias. I'm willing to bet racist. They should be fired, but they shouldn't worry. The police force is always willing to hire their type.
The police commissioner is a black man and even he said that the officers didn't do anything wrong.

Let us say that Starbucks doesn't have a 'No Loitering' policy. Instead, let's say that the manager was wary of two young fellas sitting around not ordering anything and asked them to order or leave (we don't know because we are only showed the arrest on video, not the before or after altercation) and they resisted. Maybe the manager asked a few times and they refused to 'order or leave'. If people assume the police were called simply because they were black, then the police show up and ask the young men to leave (because that is what was asked by the Starbucks manager), do people really think that the police would have left without arresting the defiant fellas JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE WHITE? I don't get it.

"Young men, Starbucks asked you to leave."
"But, we are white."
"Oh, sorry, be on your way then."

Was it ever proven that the dudes said, "Is it okay if we sit and wait for our friend? We will order coffee when he gets here."? It almost sounds like a social experiment

"Have two young black men enter a Starbucks and refuse to order anything. Then have them proclaim they are waiting for a WHITE friend who shows up conveniently as they are being arrested. Have said young men dress in sloppy sweat pants and the 'white friend' dress in business attire and see how public reacts."

I dunno guys. Seems like a non issue if you have worked in the service industry. Please, correct me where I am wrong.