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Thread: Daniel Shaver (27) was murdered by a Mesa, Arizona police officer named Philip Brailsford

  1. #1
    Captain of Fuckery captainjillian's Avatar
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    Daniel Shaver (27) was murdered by a Mesa, Arizona police officer named Philip Brailsford

    Ok! It's way after the fact but I can't believe we don't have a thread on this because I have been following it since it happened, as Daniel and his family are local to me and we have a few mutual friends. I'll try to do it justice.

    Here is a little write up about the case:
    If you have the stomach for it, I want you to watch one of the most outrageous and infuriating videos I?ve ever seen. It shows the police shooting of Daniel Shaver in Mesa, Arizona. He was crawling on his hands and knees, crying, and begging police not to shoot him. An officer shot him anyway.

    The background is simple. Shaver was a traveling pest control worker. He was in his hotel room (a La Quinta Inn) showing off to guests a pellet gun he used for work. Police responded to a 911 call claiming that a man was pointing a rifle out a window. When police arrived, Shaver was alone with a woman. They had been drinking. The police ordered them out of the room, and they came out, raised their hands, and got on their knees. So far, things seem routine. Police responded to a call from a concerned bystander, they were concerned that the suspect may have a gun, so they demanded to clearly see Shaver?s hands. That?s entirely fair and appropriate.

    Then, however, things got strange ? very strange ? rather than asking Shaver and his friend to keep their hands visible while police (who, at this point, had guns pointing straight at both of them) approached and applied handcuffs, they ask them to crawl towards police in a highly-specific way. The Washington Post?s account is decent, but you have to watch the video truly grasp the strangeness of the requests: Langley tells Shaver to keep his legs crossed and push himself up into a kneeling position. As Shaver pushes himself up, his legs come uncrossed, prompting the officer to scream at him. ?I?m sorry,? Shaver says, placing his hands near his waist, prompting another round of screaming. ?You do that again, we?re shooting you, do you understand?? Langley yells. ?Please do not shoot me,? Shaver begs, his hands up straight in the air.

    At the officer?s command, Shaver then crawls down the hallway, sobbing. At one point, he reaches back ? possibly to pull up his shorts ? and Brailsford opens fire, striking Shaver five times. In fact, the Post actually sugarcoats the encounter. At one point an officer tells him ?do not put your hands down for any reason,? even saying, ?If you think you?re going to fall, you better fall on your face.? Then he says, ?Crawl towards me.? How he can crawl without putting his hands down, I don?t know. As the sobbing man crawls, he reaches back towards his pants (perhaps to pull them up) and is immediately shot dead. He had no weapon. He had done nothing wrong. And now he?s dead. Essentially, what the police told an innocent, law-abiding, intoxicated American was this: Follow my highly-specific, very strange instructions or die. There was no need to make him crawl. The police were in command of the situation. At no point is there a visible weapon. I have seen soldiers deal with al Qaeda terrorists with more professionalism and poise.

    When a man is prone, his hands are visible, and your gun is trained upon him, he is in your power. At trial, the officer testified that he though the suspect was reaching for his gun, and that if he had a chance to do things over, he?d make the same decision again. In other words, he presented the classic defense. He was afraid, so he fired. I?ve written about this before. Juries time and again acquit frightened cops, regardless of whether the cop botched the situation or whether his fear was objectively reasonable. I wrote this after the Philando Castile verdict: Legally, it?s not enough for an officer to show that he was actually afraid for his life. He has to show that ?a reasonably prudent person? would also have the same fear. Clever defense lawyers twist this standard into a line of argument that goes something like this: The officer was afraid, and he can explain to you the reasons why he was afraid. Therefore, it was reasonable that he was afraid. But real fear isn?t always reasonable fear.

    That?s especially true when the police ? through their own incompetence ? create their own fear. Philando Castile was shot even as he followed his killer?s instructions. Shaver died trying his best to comply with a highly unusual, complicated set of commands while under extreme duress. Scared cops still need to be competent cops, and members of the public shouldn?t face death because a police officer can?t keep his emotions in check. Finally, I know that police have a dangerous job, but they?re not at war. As I noted above, it?s infuriating to see civilian police exercise less discipline than I?ve seen from soldiers in infinitely more dangerous situations. Not one of the men I deployed with would have handled a terrorist detention the way these officers treated American citizens. Arizona law defines second-degree murder as killing a person without premeditation ?under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to human life, the person recklessly engages in conduct that creates a grave risk of death and thereby causes the death of another person.? In this instance, the charge fit the crime. The jury?s verdict was a gross miscarriage of justice. My heart breaks for Daniel Shaver?s family. May God have mercy on his soul.


    Here is the Wikipedia entry on the incident:

    Here is a link to the a current news story on it that was written after the trial:

    That news link has the bodycam video, and you will cry. Super NSFL, you basically watch an unarmed, confused, and scared man beg for his life and then watch him get shot multiple times.

    Daniel left behind a wife and 2 daughters, who are understandably shattered and wondering how the hell this cop was acquitted.

    I also do want to mention that a lot of people don't realize it but the cop yelling in the video is not the cop that shot Daniel, it was his Sergeant, whose name is Charles Langley. Both fucking suck.

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  2. #2
    Captain of Fuckery captainjillian's Avatar
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    Daniel Shaver and his daughters

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  3. #3
    Captain of Fuckery captainjillian's Avatar
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    Photo of Philip Brailsford's AR-15 rifle, complete with the inscription "You're Fucked"
    How professional....not.

    The little pussy himself, Philip Brailsford.

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  4. #4
    Captain of Fuckery captainjillian's Avatar
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    Sorry for the triple post, here is the gun photo.

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  5. #5
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    This whole thing was a disgrace.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  6. #6
    Senior Citizen Nomad's Avatar
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    This guy was itching to kill somebody. It was just a matter of time for this prick. You're a special kind of piece of shit to have something like that written on your gun, too.
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  7. #7
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    Awful 🙁

    That poor man 🙁

  8. #8
    Senior Member Queena's Avatar
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    I saw this. Is there not a group that fights all types of police shootings? I know that my friends and I of all races were sharing this because there's no way that this guy should have walked.

    That officer looks like a pissant ass coward who was itching to kill someone. Why do the police need AR-15's against American citizens???? He looks like he was picked on in school, and he's looking to prove how manly he is now.

  9. #9
    Senior Member jlawrence's Avatar
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    That officer looks like a pissant ass coward who was itching to kill someone. Why do the police need AR-15's against American citizens???? He looks like he was picked on in school, and he's looking to prove how manly he is now.
    You're a special kind of piece of shit to have something like that written on your gun, too.
    Bingo. Along with that robotic, vacant stare we see all too often and the "look how tough I am tats" somebody should have seen it coming from way back. Somebody probably did.

  10. #10
    is full of himself Mortis's Avatar
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    I watched the video, and though I usually take a different view from most of you, I do believe it was at the very least manslaughter. You have to hold police to a standard. Shavers demeanor was one of fear and cooperation to the best of his ability in the face of the inane instructions.
    Brailsford was not the cop yelling at the poor guy

    Tattoo's don't necessarily mean "look how tough I am". I have put horrifically ferocious looking tats on small girls and nice guys as well. Not saying the cop isn't a douchebag, he even looks like one, but it's not the tatts.

    I do think the officer shouting the idiotic and confusing instructions was also culpable. I'm sure his demeanor and obvious asshole-ness set the tone and caused an overly excited state among the cops there.

  11. #11
    man that video was horrifying, I'm in tears. I think I would be murdered too if I was in that situation because I suck at understanding instructions when under stress. Those poor little girls lost their dad in such a stupid way. And wtf is that written in that gun, it looks like something that a mass murderer, a school shooter, would like not a police officer.

  12. #12
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    Just watched the video and that was awful. There is absolutely no reason to have shot this poor man. One cop could have easily cuffed him while the other covered him. The cops were in control the whole time and should have handled this situation better. Shame on them.

  13. #13
    Senior Member nerdmiga's Avatar
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    I remember reading about this a while back, but couldn't remember how I'd stumbled upon it. We recently had a lockdown (false alarm) report of an armed shooter in my school and I was prepping the students in my room about how to handle police when they came to evacuate us (hands up... nothing in hands, if you have a phone put it in your pocket or your bra, don't grab anything, and follow orders). I told my husband jokingly, "I wore the wrong pants for this" because they were having trouble staying up when I was crouched on the floor waiting to be evacuated. He said, "Well hopefully you don't encounter a trigger happy cop looking to kill someone when you try to pull up your pants" and then told me about the Daniel Shaver video. He told me not to watch it because it was disturbing. He said, "There wasn't a single thing this man was going to do to prevent him from being shot. They were going to shoot him anyway."

    My husband usually doesn't take sides in these kinds of things, but it was haunting hearing him say that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nerdmiga View Post
    I remember reading about this a while back, but couldn't remember how I'd stumbled upon it. We recently had a lockdown (false alarm) report of an armed shooter in my school and I was prepping the students in my room about how to handle police when they came to evacuate us (hands up... nothing in hands, if you have a phone put it in your pocket or your bra, don't grab anything, and follow orders). I told my husband jokingly, "I wore the wrong pants for this" because they were having trouble staying up when I was crouched on the floor waiting to be evacuated. He said, "Well hopefully you don't encounter a trigger happy cop looking to kill someone when you try to pull up your pants" and then told me about the Daniel Shaver video. He told me not to watch it because it was disturbing. He said, "There wasn't a single thing this man was going to do to prevent him from being shot. They were going to shoot him anyway."

    My husband usually doesn't take sides in these kinds of things, but it was haunting hearing him say that.
    Having a friend who is friends with his wife I can tell you, it only got worse after the shooting. The treatment she received from that entire city was an absolute travesty. I wish I could go in more detail, but trust and believe, that entire city let this entire family done. First by murdering a loving father. Second the treatment or lack of treatment the wife received.

    Sadly I am pro police and this just goes to show.... you can have millions of fantastic great cops, who take pride in their work and believe in community policing, but assholes like this entire team that were on the floor at the time of the murder all deserve to addressed to, for their negative and awful actions.

    RIP Daniel, your family is fighting for your honor now. Mark Geragos will not let your family down.

  15. #15
    Senior Member nerdmiga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristmas View Post

    Sadly I am pro police and this just goes to show.... you can have millions of fantastic great cops, who take pride in their work and believe in community policing, but assholes like this entire team that were on the floor at the time of the murder all deserve to addressed to, for their negative and awful actions.

    RIP Daniel, your family is fighting for your honor now. Mark Geragos will not let your family down.
    It only takes one bad cop to kill you. :(

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    I live in Phoenix and every time we turned on the news this was on. It is disgusting to say the least. We have police officers in our family and I agree, it only takes one asshole to make them all look bad. I've seen the edited video on the news but can't bring myself to watch the entire video. What I saw on the news still haunts me. I don't know how Daniels wife moves on from something like this but I truly hope she can find peace one day. Even tho the chicken shit walked, I hope his life is forever changed and he never finds peace within himself.

  17. #17
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJN View Post
    I live in Phoenix and every time we turned on the news this was on. It is disgusting to say the least. We have police officers in our family and I agree, it only takes one asshole to make them all look bad. I've seen the edited video on the news but can't bring myself to watch the entire video. What I saw on the news still haunts me. I don't know how Daniels wife moves on from something like this but I truly hope she can find peace one day. Even tho the chicken shit walked, I hope his life is forever changed and he never finds peace within himself.
    The kind of gun licking Sociopath that gets "You're Fucked" etched on to his rifle doesn't give a flying fuck that he killed an unarmed, innocent Man.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  18. #18
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    The female witness is suing the Mesa PD.

    "Monique Portillo, a 33-year-old discount-store manager, found herself in the hallway of the Mesa La Quinta Inn & Suites with red laser dots on her body, thinking she was about to die."

  19. #19
    Senior Citizen Nomad's Avatar
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    I hate this story so much. I've watched the video. I've seen this man pleading for his life and it makes me wanna puke every time I see it played. I want to hear some kind of remorse - something - from the bastard who shot him, but we never will because he doesn't feel anything at all.

    This gets me as much as the video of the man who was running - no, jogging - away from the cops when they shot him in the back.
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    The man got shot because he was uncoordinated. It's so horrible.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by terps1990 View Post
    The man got shot because he was uncoordinated. It's so horrible.
    Yeah, his clumsiness is the cause. Not the asshole cop.

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    A little update in the news today....

    "MESA, AZ - Mesa police say they've been subpoenaed by the U.S. Justice Department in a civil rights investigation involving a former officer who was acquitted in the fatal shooting an unarmed man late last year. "

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