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Thread: The Grim Sleeper - Lonnie David Franklin Jr. (10 murders since 1985)

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    The Grim Sleeper - Lonnie David Franklin Jr. (10 murders since 1985)

    Lonnie David Franklin Jr., a 57-year-old black man, was arrested Wednesday, July 7, on suspicion of murder in connection with a string of killings in South Los Angeles dating back nearly three decades. His arrest came after what authorities described as the landmark use of "familial DNA" to track down a suspect.

    Map shows location of Franklin's home [purple marker] and locations where Grim Sleeper's victims were found [in red]. Click for more details.Franklin, a former LAPD mechanic and city trash collector, lived in the heart of the neighborhood where the killings had occurred, but was never detected.

    Three weeks before the arrest, state justice officials made the initial DNA hit. Concerned about privacy violations and getting the results right, they then spent two weeks retesting results and going through the legal checks and balances.

    On June 30, they made the call to Los Angeles Police Department headquarters – letting local officials know there was an urgent need to talk.

    As LAPD officials realized the gravity of the news, Chief Charlie Beck kept the circle tight. No one was to know about the DNA hit until police had a game plan for how to proceed. No information would leak out, not even deputy chiefs were in the loop.

    Within hours of meeting, undercover surveillance officers began watching Franklin. These were round-the-clock teams – 14- to 16-member teams from the Special Investigations Section and Narcotics Surveillance – monitoring every move.
    Franklin spent most of his daylight hours indoors, sources said. He left his house on 81st Street only to run a few mundane errands — to an auto parts store, nothing that would allow detectives to retrieve any DNA samples.

    At night, Franklin became more active. But even those evenings proved fruitless. He would take long, seemingly pointless drives through the city. On some occasions, he drove along Western Avenue, an area known for prostitution. If Franklin picked up a prostitute, police planned to arrest him immediately, fearing that he could potentially strike again.

    But he never did.

    Their big break came Monday when Franklin stopped for pizza near Buena Park, discarding some crust, a fork, napkins and a drinking glass. Detectives moved in quickly, collecting eight items.

    Authorities felt a surge of excitement – and apprehension. Was there enough saliva to extract usable DNA? What if this was another dead end?

    The items were immediately taken to the LAPD's DNA lab, where analysts were put to work. The analysts were not told what case they were working on. But they were given explicit direction to rush the job without cutting any corners.

    Then, authorities could only wait.

    On Tuesday night, the analysts delivered their first news. They had extracted enough DNA to run a test.

    At 7 a.m., the results were in. DNA matched evidence found at the crime scenes.

    At 9:20 a.m., Franklin walked out of his house in the 1700 block of 81st Street in the Manchester Square neighborhood of South Los Angeles to move one of his cars. Two detectives approached him, identified themselves and quickly whisked Franklin away in an awaiting vehicle.

    At 1:47 p.m., Franklin was booked at the downtown Los Angeles jail. He was charged with 10 counts of murder and one count of attempted murder.

    Franklin was a garage attendant at the LAPD's 77th Street Division station in the early 1980s, according to city and police sources. He worked as a garbage collector for the Los Angeles Department of Sanitation during the years that the first eight killings occurred. The string of slayings began with the death of Debra Jackson, a 29-year-old black woman, on Aug. 10, 1985, and ended with the death of Alicia "Monique" Alexander, an 18-year-old black woman, on Sept. 11, 1988.

    Franklin has at least four prior convictions, two for felony possession of stolen property in 1993 and 2003, one for misdemeanor battery in 1997 and one for misdemeanor assault in 1999, according to court records. He was sentenced to a year in jail for the first stolen-property charge and 270 days for the second one.

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    Re: The Grim Sleeper - Lonnie David Franklin Jr. (10 murders since 1985)

    here's bowie's thread on the grim sleeper:

    thanks for posting those pictures.  what's scary is that people who knew him were like, "oh, that guy works on my car.  he's always been cool."  or whatever.  it makes me think that my weird neighbor might be hiding something. 

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    Re: The Grim Sleeper - Lonnie David Franklin Jr. (10 murders since 1985)

    I searched and searched this site but came up empty in regards to this dude. Oh well  :2sad:

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    Re: The Grim Sleeper - Lonnie David Franklin Jr. (10 murders since 1985)

    haha.  it happens to me all the time!

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    Angry Lonnie Williams- Serial Killer- The Grim Sleeper!

    What was so appalling is that this guy was a serial killer for about 20 years or more, but not one time in the 20 -25 years , did the police inform the public that a serial killer was on the loose in that city. During the time and locations that these murders were occurring, I worked as a teacher in a nearby day care center. I saw his orange pinto car in the area, frequently.. and nobody knew. His car was unique because it was a bright Orange pinto, a color that was not common to the pinto cars.Because of the color, one couldn't help but notice it because it was unusual. I thank God that I had my own transportation going to and from work, because he would approach people who were on foot. He was always well dressed, appearing as a friendly harmless man, when he approached his victims.. It is believed that he killed more victims than what he is convicted of killing, as many as 99 women, but many family members hadn't come forward, and many of the pictures that he had of women in his possessions of possible victims, haven't been identified.

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    Lightbulb The Grim Sleeper - Lonnie Franklin

    Grim Sleeper is the nickname for an alleged serial killer in Los Angeles, California, believed to be responsible for at least ten murders, one suspected and one attempted murder in Los Angeles since 1985. The attacker was dubbed the "Grim Sleeper" because he appears to have taken a 14-year hiatus from his crimes, from 1988 to 2002.
    On July 7, 2010, a suspect, Lonnie David Franklin Jr. was arrested. Los Angeles County District Attorney, Steve Cooley, charged him with ten counts of murder, one count of attempted murder, and special circumstance allegations of multiple murders in the case. After police discovered several dead women in alleyways and dumpsters in South Los Angeles, California during the mid-1980s, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and Los Angeles Police Department began investigating the murders setting up the "Southside Slayer" task force.The police thought that the murders were committed by one person labelled the "Southside Slayer".. A separate series of killings commenced with the murder of Debra Jackson, with a different MO involving a firearm. Two decades later the perpetrator of these crimes was named Grim Sleeper due to a long period of apparent inactivity between crimes. in May 2007, the murder of Janecia Peters, 25, was linked through DNA analysis to eleven, possibly twelve, unsolved murders in Los Angeles, the first of which occurred in 1985. The "800 Task Force" was then formed, consisting of seven detectives. After a four-month investigation, Christine Pelisek broke the news of the secret 800 Task Force, the linking of Peters' killing to a string of murders going back 23 years, and the fact that Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Police Chief William J. Bratton had been silent on the killer's existence. The mayor and chief never issued a press release nor warned the South Los Angeles community of the killer's continuing activities.
    In March 2009, Christine Pelisek of the LA Weekly did an extensive interview with Enietra Washington, the sole survivor of the Grim Sleeper's attacks. She described him as "a black man in his early 30s. He looked neat. Tidy. Kind of geeky. He wore a black polo shirt tucked into khaki trousers." She also described him as a "thin, neat, polite and well-groomed African-American guy." He owned "an orange Ford Pinto with a white racing stripe on the hood." "[I]t looked like a Hot Wheels [toy] car," the survivor recalled. He offered her a ride. After she refused, "He told me, ‘That is what is wrong with you black women. You think you are all that.'" He was persistent. After some banter back and forth, she got into his car. She "was impressed by the car’s interior. The gear-shift handle was memorable, pimped out with a ping-pong-sized marble ball. The inside was all-white, with white diamond-patterned upholstery." When she mentioned a party, he deftly invited himself and she said he was welcome to come. He then said that he needed to stop briefly at his uncle's house:"They wound through residential roads in his sporty car, ending up on a street whose name she did not take note of. The polite stranger parked outside a mustard-colored house partly obscured by hedges, got out, walked up to the house, briefly talked to someone inside, and returned about ten minutes later." They began arguing, when "He suddenly pulled a small handgun out of a pocket on the driver’s side of the Pinto, and shot her in the chest as he drove along the residential streets." The killer apparently documented his attacks with a Polaroid camera: "She blacked out, but was startled awake by the bright flash of the camera. The man had taken her picture and sexually assaulted her. She remembers grabbing at him, and the two struggled. She pleaded to be taken to a hospital. He refused. Despite her half-conscious condition, she’s almost certain he told her he couldn’t take her to a hospital because he didn’t want to get caught."
    In September 2008, officials in Los Angeles announced that they were offering $500,000 reward to help catch the killer, who has murdered at least ten women and a man in two sprees over the past twenty years.
    On February 25, 2009, Chief Bratton held a press conference regarding the case at which police formally gave the killer the "Grim Sleeper" nickname chosen by L.A. Weekly. Bratton then released a call from the 1980s made to a 911 operator in which a man reports having seen a body, which later turned out to be a victim of the Grim Sleeper, getting dumped by the killer, with a detailed description and license plate number of a van connected with the now-closed Cosmopolitan Church.
    In December, 2009 the LAPD re-released the original police sketch of the Grim Sleeper, based on the description given to them in 1988 by his only known survivor Enietra Washington: the sketch shows a black male with pockmarks across both cheeks.
    On November 3, 2011, it was reported by Reuters that the police now also considered Lonnie David Franklin a suspect in six more slayings. The police are investigating two of the six additional female victims tied to the case as potential victims and were killed during a 14-year lapse between an initial spate of "Grim Sleeper" murders that ended in 1988 and several more that began in 2002. Of the remaining four slayings, two are of women whose bodies were discovered in the 1980s and two are victims who were reported missing in 2005 but whose bodies were never found, police said. Detectives said they linked Franklin to the six additional killings after reviewing hundreds of old case files and seeking the public's help in identifying a collection of 180 pictures of women and girls that were found in his possession. Arrest
    On July 7, 2010, District Attorney Steve Cooley identified the suspect as 57-year-old Lonnie David Franklin Jr., a mechanic who worked between 1981 and 1989 for the City of Los Angeles in the sanitation department and briefly for the police department. The arrest of Franklin reportedly was due, at least in part, to the use of familial DNA analysis. Police had been unable to find an exact match between DNA found at the crime scenes associated with the Grim Sleeper and any of the profiles in California's DNA profile database. Thus, police searched the database to try to find stored profiles that demonstrated sufficient similarity to the profile from the crime-scene evidence to allow police to infer a familial relationship between the person who left the DNA at the crime scenes and the similar profile stored in the database.
    Police eventually located similar DNA belonging to Franklin's son, Christopher, who had been convicted of a felony weapons charge. According to Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley, detectives then used a piece of discarded pizza with Franklin's DNA to make the link. One Los Angeles undercover police officer pretended to be a waiter at a restaurant where the suspect ate. He collected dishes, silverware, glasses, and pizza crusts to obtain DNA. The identification was used to arrest Franklin after his DNA was obtained and deemed a match. Saliva found on victims' breasts was used to obtain a DNA match thus linking Franklin to the murders.
    Law enforcement missed an opportunity to catch Franklin because his DNA was never collected. In 2003, he was convicted of a felony and was serving three years of supervised probation. When he was on probation, his DNA was supposed to enter the DNA database. In 2004, voters approved of Proposition 69. The law states that DNA must be collected for all people charged with a crime. It also requires the expansion of the DNA database. Authorities collected and sorted through thousands of DNA samples. On July 2005, Franklin was on unsupervised probation. During that time, Franklin's DNA never entered into the system. Probation officers did not collect DNA samples from people that are on unsupervised probation between the periods of November 2004 and August 2005. During that period, the probation department also did not have the resources to immediately collect samples. Officers did not collect samples until August 2005.
    Franklin has a criminal record dating back to 1989. He was convicted of two charges of stolen property, one charge of misdemeanor assault, and one charge of battery. He served time for one of the charges of stolen property. He is charged with 10 murders and 1 attempted murder. He is held without bail and could face the death penalty if convicted. He is not charged in the death of an 11th suspected victim, an African American man. There is no DNA evidence in that case.
    On December 16, 2010, the Los Angeles Police Department released 180 photos of women found in Franklin's home. we don't even know if they are victims, but we do know this: Lonnie Franklin's reign of terror in the city of Los Angeles, which spanned well over two decades, culminating with almost a dozen murder victims, certainly needs to be investigated further," said Chief Charlie Beck of the LAPD. In all, investigators found over 1,000 photos and several hundred hours of video in his home.
    The images show mainly African American women of a wide age range, from teenagers to middle-aged and older, often nude. Police believe Franklin took many of the pictures, which show both conscious and unconscious individuals, and date back up to 30 years. The photos were released in an effort to identify the women with the help of citizens. The known killings began in 1985 in South Los Angeles, California. The Grim Sleeper took a 14 year hiatus after his last murder in 1988 but began murdering again in 2002. His last confirmed murder was in January 2007. All of his victims were found outdoors, a few miles from downtown Los Angeles.
    All but one of his victims were black females.
    ‡‡ Enietra "Margette" was told to use her middle name as her last name for her protection, but has since come forward as Enietra Margette Washington. Attacked on November 20, 1988, she is the only known survivor.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Not your business View Post
    I will out think the fucking pants off of you and you would thank me for helping you out of them.

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    The Dude abides. strmmrgrrl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TupeloHoney View Post
    Oh wow!

    I didn't even realize we had a thread on him. I posted in the documentary thread. Very Very powerful and very sad. Part of the reason he went on for as long as he did was because the authorities didn't give a shit about a "bunch of dead hookers" from a dilapidated community. So infuriating.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Getting arrested for coke in Vegas is like being found eating a chocolate bar in the willy wonka factory.

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    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strmmrgrrl View Post
    Oh wow!

    I didn't even realize we had a thread on him. I posted in the documentary thread. Very Very powerful and very sad. Part of the reason he went on for as long as he did was because the authorities didn't give a shit about a "bunch of dead BLACK hookers" from a dilapidated community. So infuriating.
    Agree. The documentary pissed me off. The authorities held a press conference patting themselves on the back for catching him when it was a journalist that made the connections with the deaths. Fucking assholes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

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    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    Agree. The documentary pissed me off. The authorities held a press conference patting themselves on the back for catching him when it was a journalist that made the connections with the deaths. Fucking assholes.
    Yup. Cockstains.

    And I actually had "women and hookers of color" but MDS was being a dick and I had to try again on my phone. The whole thing sickens me.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Getting arrested for coke in Vegas is like being found eating a chocolate bar in the willy wonka factory.

  12. #12
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Good. Now to hold the Authorities responsible who ignored it so more Black Women were killed then taking credit when he was caught?

    Pipe dream.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  13. #13
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    Totally agree Boston.
    This trial has hardly had any coverage over here (UK) which surprised me. I've had to really hunt to find trial updates.

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    After hearing the verdict I am re-watching the HBO documentary they did on him last summer. I can't believe how brilliant these lazy police officers are...oh wait yes I can. lol

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    A case spanning more than three decades in Los Angeles was finally put to rest last week when the notorious 'Grim Sleeper' serial killer was sentenced to the death penalty.
    However, investigators with the Los Angeles Police Department are still trying to identify 33 women whose photos were found pinned up inside the home of 63-year-old Lonnie Franklin Jr.
    The images were part of a chilling discovery of nearly 1,000 photos of women or teenage girls ? many nude and some who appeared to be unconscious or dead ? hidden in Franklin's house.
    The collection included photographs of several victims, which leads police and prosecutors to believe Franklin left behind many more.

    Read more:
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    The student identification card of Ayellah Marshall, 18, who disappeared in 2006, was found in Franklin's garage along with the Nevada driver's license of Rolenia Morris, 29, who was last seen in 2005.

  16. #16
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Some of those are SUPER creepy. 129 in the first set looks scared
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  17. #17
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    Some of those are SUPER creepy. 129 in the first set looks scared
    Agreed. The unconscious/possibly dead looking people are unnerving. This man is one sick fuck.
    Last edited by Angiebla; 08-15-2016 at 02:34 PM.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

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    I agree, those photos are creepy. I hope people can help to identify who the women are/were.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bewitchingstorm View Post
    I agree, those photos are creepy. I hope people can help to identify who the women are/were.
    After watching the video again, the girls that have been identified where identified by a former hooker (Pam ?)who helped the documentary guy. Of course the police act as if they were so on it and made the discoveries. While this isn't the best documentary, the filmmaker really does bring to light that many many women were in danger and the police did squat. They didn't even put together it being a serial killer, the LA Weekly did that for them.

    Here is a link to this doc:

  20. #20
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    I find it so sad that cases like this are essentially treated differently because of the victims' lifestyles. Of course there is also the added barrier of race given the actual/potential victims were African American, which likely allowed him to kill for so long without being caught. Finally, African American males were widely not recognized to be serial killers. I guess this case, as well as others is changing that particular belief/profile.

  21. #21
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    It was all about race and lifestyle. The police never intended to do anything from the get go. They blatantly ignored it until an article was going to be published and then they tried to cover their assess. LAPD is one of the most racist departments in the country. Sickening.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

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    Convicted Serial Killer (Lonnie D. Franklin Jr.) Known As ?Grim Sleeper? Dies At San Quentin State Prison At Age 67

    SAN QUENTIN (CBSLA) ? Lonnie D. Franklin Jr., a convicted serial killer known as the ?Grim Sleeper,? died at San Quentin State Prison. He was 67.

    Franklin Jr. was found unresponsive in his cell on Saturday night, and was pronounced dead at 7:43 p.m. His cause of death is pending the results of an autopsy. Authorities, however, said there were no signs of trauma.

    Franklin Jr. was on death row for the murders of nine women and one teenage girl committed between 1985 and 2007.

    He was sentenced to death on Aug. 10, 2016, for 10 counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    I hope it was painful. He got off way too easy.
    No kidding!

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    Quote Originally Posted by up2trouble View Post

    SAN QUENTIN (CBSLA) ? Lonnie D. Franklin Jr., a convicted serial killer known as the ?Grim Sleeper,? died at San Quentin State Prison. He was 67.

    Franklin Jr. was found unresponsive in his cell on Saturday night, and was pronounced dead at 7:43 p.m. His cause of death is pending the results of an autopsy. Authorities, however, said there were no signs of trauma.

    Franklin Jr. was on death row for the murders of nine women and one teenage girl committed between 1985 and 2007.

    He was sentenced to death on Aug. 10, 2016, for 10 counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder.
    Well, he didnt end up in jail for anywhere near as long as he should have. Plus he takes to the grave with him the identities of the other women he raped and murdered.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gemini View Post
    Well, he didnt end up in jail for anywhere near as long as he should have. Plus he takes to the grave with him the identities of the other women he raped and murdered.
    If the fucking LAPD had actually given a shit about Black Women, his confessions wouldn't be needed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

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