I was trying to quote berm's last post and add bold to this part:
>>Reece was sentenced to 25 years in prison but, according to Casey, because of a technicality flaw he only served 10 years and was released in 1996.
But I can't figure out how to quote -and- bold only part of that quote too. And yes, I read several pages on the site about how to do stuff, but I still couldn't find it.

He served ONLY 10 YEARS?! Dammit. If he had served the entire 25 sentence, he would never have been able to get his disgusting paws on Kelli, Tiffany, Jessica, possibly Laura, and God knows how many others. These young ladies wouldn't be Forever 19, or 20, or 12.
It. Just. Breaks. My. Heart.
I live not too far from many of Reece's victims. I remember when these girls disappeared. My step granddaughter works with a friend of Jessica Cain. That friend is pushing 40. Jessica never got the chance (to make it to 40). And I'm pretty much convinced that at least *some* of young women I knew back then crossed paths with this bastard. Who knows? Maybe I saw him. It's just happenstance that one of my nieces weren't on the side of the road with a flat tire when Reece drove by. It's just so random.
Ok RANT OVER. I'm sure many (most? all?) of you guys are empathetic, and it feels good to preach to the choir. When I talk about these kinds of cases irl, most people are uncomfortable about the subject and some even kind of look at me like I'm a ghoul. If that make sense? But if that's so, then HELLO FELLOW GHOULS!