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Thread: Adrian Langlais (2) was murdered and an investigation is ongoing

  1. #576
    Well I have to say. I know a lot more then you guys do. And it's no bullshit. With the power of this forum. All you guys can bring down the killer. The right one. And give Adrian piece. I am willing to allow all of you to look at this different if you let me. So many question that you can ask yourself and bring to light to help this case get closed

  2. #577
    For instance. The same searches were found on Jessica's phone hours before they were on her boyfriends. on the 17th of March. Jessica was laughing it up on Facebook with a friend.

  3. #578
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Southern, you really are a piece of work. You claim to know so much about this case, yet you weren't there. You present yourself as some know it all that is giving us the honor of your presence and offering counsel to us, yet has no grasp of the English language. What a joke

    I'm assuming you speak fluent American.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  4. #579
    I have friends in many places. We can just say that

  5. #580
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    You haven't actually given any proof tho, at this point it's just the ramblings of an anonymous person on the interwebz, who clearly has an invested interest in defending Christian.

    Why anyone would want to defend either of these baby killers is beyond me. Disgusting.

  6. #581
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Southern Love View Post
    I have friends in many places. We can just say that
    Okay lol. Yeah. Uh huh. Yep.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  7. #582
    Senior Member marycontrary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Southern Love View Post
    lol you guys are so full of it. The bit marks were jessica's. That will come out in the trial, shhhh don't tell anyone i told you. lol I read the police report. Have you ever heard of, of a liar. The abuse happened while the boyfriend was at work. He was told a lie about what happened, he was told i just have an accident prone baby. He was there for only 5-7 month. If you look at the time line, John had the baby until the boyfriend came into the picture, Jessica had never been alone with Adrian until Christian came into the picture. Working different shift, left Jessica home with adrian for the first time since he was born. Just as i posted earlier, You must be at the house to do what you have been accused of. Jessica drilled into christians head on the way to the hospital the afternoon he picked her ass up from work, going to the hospital, i promise all he did was fall out of his crib, Lie, the babies bed had been turned into a toddler bed, NO MORE CRIB. Please please tell me you believe me, that's what happened, Jessica said.
    Are you saying he lied to police for Jessica? According to police reports both of them were home when the incident occurred. The police reports called it a playpen, not a crib and it was only 27 inches tall. When you lie to police, don't expect anyone to believe any other stories you tell. Southern Love, your buddy is going to jail for a long time. He's implicated himself in his statements to police.

  8. #583
    My dear. I'm not here to prove my worth to you or anyone on the English language. But I can say. I get my point across. You believe what you want. But I assure you. I know what happened.

  9. #584
    You ever heard of stress. It does a lot to a mind. Days get mixed up.

  10. #585
    I have a god damn Intrest in getting the right person in jail for this.

  11. #586
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    Sigh. You don't. Need to. Put so many. Full stops.

    Until you start actually providing substantial proof and not just hearsay, you're just another loon defending a baby killer.

  12. #587
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Southern Love View Post
    My dear. I'm not here to prove my worth to you or anyone on the English language. But I can say. I get my point across. You believe what you want. But I assure you. I know what happened.
    That's a matter of opinion
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  13. #588
    Senior Member marycontrary's Avatar
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    Does this mean Christian is pulling a Jodi arias and has a new version of how this went down? Give me a break. He said baby was fine in the morning and after they took Jessica to work he was playing. So, whats the story, did Jessica ask him to lie for her? There isn't one word in his statement that is true. I'm not surprised that Jessica searched on her phone too.

    With the power of this forum. All you guys can bring down the killer. The right one. And give Adrian piece.
    You are delusional

  14. #589
    No he didn't lie to the police, The boyfriend was recalling other days.

  15. #590
    Quote Originally Posted by marycontrary View Post
    Christian gave statements to the police about the night that Adrian was injured. He admits to disciplining Adrian over not eating his meal. For starters, who forces a toddler to eat? He admits to "spanking" Adrian. Who spanks a toddler over food? He admits to putting Adrian in time out twice over it. Even if the child had not been injured, all of this is excessive over a meal. He fabricated a story where Adrian was fine other than vomiting a couple times. The morning that Adrian went to the hospital, he describes Adrian as playing and having fun. Yet, he had used his cell phone to look up symptoms of brain death and head injuries.

    Jessica may be a piece of shit mother who did not protect or get help for her child, but her story makes more sense and is truthful, even when she implicates herself in not getting medical care for the injured child.

    There is physical evidence as well...bite marks. I'm pretty certain they can determine who bit the child. I have no idea why Jessica didn't break it off with Christian when he first began being abusive to Adrian. She had no problems getting new boyfriends, as she had several relationships after she conceived Adrian till he died. She had no difficulties kicking other men to the curb, but she keeps the one who was harming her child. Unfortunately, it seems to be a common theme..mothers who allow their boyfriends to abuse their children.

    Christian is an idiot who makes statements that he was disciplining Adrian and it was he that put him in the room where Adrian was injured. The monster stands by his story that Adrian fell out of the pack and play, which is ridiculous. It's also telling that Christian described Adrian as being pretty pissed about the time out. Those are words used to describe a conflict with an adult, not a toddler. Toddlers have tantrums, they don't get "pissed" off at people. It's clear from his descriptions of events that he was angry at a toddler for not eating a meal.

    Southern Love, did you read the statements and do you actually believe Christian's story of events? If Jessica did this, why doesn't Christian implicate her. Never once did Christian say that Jessica was involved in this discipline or put her alone in that room with the child. When he takes the child for the 2nd time out and a spanking, the child goes silent. It's not rocket science to figure out what happened.

    The events described in the police report are not of the day in question. March 17th is when the abuse of Adrian took place, that caused him to pass away. The events that took place on March 17th were for a fact inflicted by and only by Jessica the mother of Adrian. Fact

  16. #591
    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    "The girls in this forum"? So you actually didn't read the whole thread at all. Had you done so, you couldn't have missed the multiple, lengthy posts from John & other guys who know the people involved.

    & if you didn't read the thread & you're saying shit like "you will be surprised at what you can learn by asking people that were around these people, face to face is amazing, you can be lied to in print all day", you probably haven't read the statements either.

    If you had read this thread, you'd also know that John himself said he didn't have Adrian 24/7. Sometimes he only had him 4 days a week. You'd know Adrian had stayed on & off with his mother all along but the abuse didn't start until Christian came into their lives.

    But none of that really matters for the sake of this argument. What does matter is that this poor kid's injuries were EXTREME & VISIBLE. Even if we accept your argument & believe that Christian is not the one who inflicted them Christian still watched a grievously injured toddler suffer for 14 hours without lifting a finger to help him.
    Most people wouldn't treat a stray dog like that.

    Some people lose control & kill - it's over in seconds. Christian did something much colder & far more calculating - he watched a toddler struggle to hold onto life for FOURTEEN HOURS.

    HMMMMM? Think about THAT.

    How about you count down 14 hrs so you really grasp what this excuse for a man did

    & yeah, yeah, yeah- we know she did it too, but no idiot's turned up here yet defending her
    For one i'm not an idiot, Just sick and tired of seeing people kicking the crap out of people for no reason. If the boyfriend did it, send him to the chair. If the mother did it send her to the chair. But the fact still remains, the wrong person is in jail for murder. You guys don't want facts. I have put in more than one post, the biggest fact you could ever ask for and in your blind rants, about spelling and grammar, have just read over it. Your drive to point fingers has made you all in here into a mob. Your minds are clouded by judgment not justice. Adrian lost his life at the hands of his mother.

  17. #592
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  18. #593
    Quote Originally Posted by hazydaze View Post
    Sigh. You don't. Need to. Put so many. Full stops.

    Until you start actually providing substantial proof and not just hearsay, you're just another loon defending a baby killer.
    i actually have provided substantial proof, but everyone still just seems to read over it in there blind rants about, punctuation and spelling. This only proves no one wants facts, they only want to join here to try and belittle people. Sorry it doesn't hurt my feelings, it only shows the petty childish behavior and the willingness to join the masses on an issue, of someones life, being accused of something they didn't do. Wanting to be so right to a fault, and not reading the facts as they are placed in front of you.

  19. #594
    [QUOTE=blighted star;3652812]Mate,


    Both responsible yes, only one killer, the mother. If you join a relationship, and don't know the persons complete past, you have started this relationship with, and you come home from work and the baby has a scratch on his head, and the mother tells you he is just accident prone. your going to believe it right. You just met the girl and the baby, right. So you have just now started believing a lie. Because the mother actually, swung the car keys at the baby in anger and put a cut on him. This is the perpetuation of a snow ball of lies. If this abuse only happens when you are not home, and you are lied to every time, this becomes your truth, He is just and accident prone baby.

  20. #595
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    With the power of this forum. All you guys can bring down the killer. The right one. And give Adrian piece.

    I'm sure you're not trying to be funny but ffs, if you're going to try using "compliments" like that at least do it at WS where 90% of posters actually believe they're superdooper web detectives

    & one more time, just in case it still hasn't penetrated :

    I don't know which of them inflicted his injuries but I do know that BOTH OF THEM KNOWINGLY LET HIM SUFFER FOR FOURTEEN HOURS

    & that, my friend is the huge factor that you are completely failing to grasp. Neither of them deserves a pass.

    Also YOU are filling this thread shit & drama. This thread could've have stood as a memorial to a little boy who left this world far too soon, instead it has pages & pages of idiots DEFENDING the arsehole who spent 14 hours watching him slowly die.

    I doubt THAT brings the poor kid any peace

  21. #596
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    This is starting to remind me of the Tostee thread.

    You haven't provided any proof, just "I know people" and "I know the truth". Not a single ounce of actual, tangible proof.

  22. #597
    Quote Originally Posted by hazydaze View Post
    This is starting to remind me of the Tostee thread.

    You haven't provided any proof, just "I know people" and "I know the truth". Not a single ounce of actual, tangible proof.

    Read back hazydaze, or get off the weed. If you are being accused of something, then you have to be there to do the crime. Read the post and find were i have posted this. It has been posted so many times, just worded different. You guys know for sure that the boyfriend was at that house on March 17th to abuse Adrian. Well i know for sure i know the answer to that question. For a fact i know that answer. But do you all

  23. #598
    Quote Originally Posted by Southern Love View Post
    Read back hazydaze, or get off the weed. If you are being accused of something, then you have to be there to do the crime. Read the post and find were i have posted this. It has been posted so many times, just worded different. You guys know for sure that the boyfriend was at that house on March 17th to abuse Adrian. Well i know for sure i know the answer to that question. For a fact i know that answer. But do you all
    well i'm waiting

  24. #599
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    Oh you mean the part where you said he wasn't there, without providing any proof? Case closed everybody, nothing to see here.

    I'd say the reason Jessica stayed with the child abuser is the same reason you're defending a baby killer - cause people are fucked in the head.

  25. #600
    Quote Originally Posted by hazydaze View Post
    Oh you mean the part where you said he wasn't there, without providing any proof? Case closed everybody, nothing to see here.

    I'd say the reason Jessica stayed with the child abuser is the same reason you're defending a baby killer - cause people are fucked in the head.
    LOL, as i stated, no one wants facts, your just here to be a part of something, because your lives are pathetic. The proof you want is in the facts of that day. Just like i said, get off the computer and into the real world, in today age, everything is on camera, and can be traced.

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