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Thread: Kim Jong-un claims to have cured Aids, Ebola and cancer with single miracle drug

  1. #1
    Senior Member Jumaki15's Avatar
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    Kim Jong-un claims to have cured Aids, Ebola and cancer with single miracle drug

    North Korea has created a wonder drug which not only cures Aids, but also eradicates Ebola and cancer, if the latest proclamation from the country?s news agency is to be believed*.

    (*Hint: It's probably not)

    An announcement says that the miracle cure consists of ginseng grown from fertiliser and a mix of other ingredients- but did not reveal the special combination.

    The dictatorship, which is known for making far-fetched claims about its achievements, says that the medicine will apparently be injectable and will be known by the name of Kumdang-2.
    Flash movie

    In a statement published by Korean Central News Agency of the Democratic People?s Republic of Korea to herald the news, Dr Jon Sung Hun said: ?The researchers insert rare earth elements (REE) into insam (gingseng) by applying the mico-elementary fertilizers of REE to the fields of insam.?

    ?The injection is made of extracts from those complex compounds. As a strong-immuno-activator, the injection has been recognized to prevent different malignant epidemics.?

    The drug?s website cites a medical study in Africa where the drug was tested on HIV positive patients. It records that every single participant in the trial noted an improvement, with 56 per cent being completely cured and 44 per cent noting a considering improvement in their condition.

    The North Korean scientists also revealed that the drug is capable of curing ?a number of cancers?. But did not divulge which ones or provide details of the medical trials which support this claim.

    The dictatorship is known for making outlandish claims about its own prowess. The state claims that Kim Jong Il invented the hamburger and had magical powers which meant he did not need to use the toilet.

    They also claim that he was born atop a North Korean mountain prompting a double rainbow and new star to spontaneously appear. Unfortunately for the state, records show that he was born in Siberia.

    Yesterday the UN revealed that around 10.2 million North Koreans are currently facing famine as the dictatorship experiences its ?worst drought for over a hundred years.?

    Sounds legit.

  2. #2
    NOT SAME CAT Fleta's Avatar
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    I just want to highlight this gem for any skimmers:

    The dictatorship is known for making outlandish claims about its own prowess. The state claims that Kim Jong Il invented the hamburger and had magical powers which meant he did not need to use the toilet.

    They also claim that he was born atop a North Korean mountain prompting a double rainbow and new star to spontaneously appear. Unfortunately for the state, records show that he was born in Siberia.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Music's Avatar
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    That's cute.

  4. #4
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    Oh, the lulz. So many lulz.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Jumaki15's Avatar
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    I love reading about the insane propaganda shit they spout in North Korea. It's amazing. Although, weed is legal there, so they may be onto something.

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