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Thread: Writer's thread.

  1. #1

    Writer's thread.

    So anyone channeling their morbidity into writing? I am.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Jumaki15's Avatar
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    I spend enough time in front of a computer screen. Definitely not going to sit in front of one all day, and then sit in front of one when I get home all evening lol

  3. #3
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    I write. I've been published. But I don't channel "morbidity" into anything that I do.

    Life's too short to dwell in darkness.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceBeWithMe View Post
    I write. I've been published. But I don't channel "morbidity" into anything that I do.
    What kinda stuff do you write?

    Despite lurking on this page on and off since like 06, I don't think I'm a particularly morbid person.

  5. #5
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    You can find a bunch of my older stuff at

    Poetry, humor, etc. Humor was/is my forte. Was part of The Net-Wits with Bruce Cameron (8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter). Had a monthly column with Amateur Chef magazine, a lot on online work. Just whatever, really.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  6. #6
    Senior Member animosity's Avatar
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    i wanna see it. i remember i used to read stories on the ubersite writing forum and there was an interesting story that a guy was writing about necromancy. necroMANCY, you freaks, not necroPHILIA.
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
    "Say, you know who could handle this penis? MY MOTHER."

  7. #7
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    Actually did some digging back to stuff of mine from, quite possibly, before Christ. Something I did for an online community along with movie reviews and other ridiculous shit. God, I haven't seen some of this in ages.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  8. #8
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Yeah I'm not interested in reading that shit

    I used to write rando stuff-until I realized probably no one cared to read it

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  9. #9
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    Necromancy? Like, magic? I wanna see some of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  10. #10
    Senior Member animosity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceBeWithMe View Post
    Necromancy? Like, magic? I wanna see some of that.
    yeah, i really liked it but now i can't remember the user name or the name of the series. he was on like chapter 6 or something when i lost track.
    Quote Originally Posted by songbirdsong View Post
    "Say, you know who could handle this penis? MY MOTHER."

  11. #11
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    I thought necromancy was romancing the dead?

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  12. #12
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    That's necrophilia.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  13. #13
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceBeWithMe View Post
    That's necrophilia.
    I thought that was sexual attraction to a dead person.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  14. #14
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    Necrophilia is sexual interaction with the deceased. Necromancy is entirely different.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

  15. #15
    I wrote this for well you know who.

    It was another cold november morning and the sun was rising in the sky. The young woman would lean against the tree looking out waiting for the moment. Dressed in a black hoodie and jeans her heart thumped in her chest. She could hear the train whistle in the distance and walked over to the tracks. As the crossing came down she stayed just far enough away so the train couldn't stop. She then stepped on the track and closed her eyes. She was ready for her anguish to be over. But no pain came. Her eyes opened and she found herself in an empty warehouse. A man stood in a suit and a top hat with rounded sunglasses. "Am I..." she began.

    The man chuckled. "No my dear you are not. You are very much alive. Though not by choice." He answered. She blinked and walked toward him. "Why How?" She asked still very confused. The man smiled a toothy smile. "The how is irrelevant. Needless to say it involved manipulating the very forces of time. The why is the crux of it though." He answered.

    "That's not a very good answer." She said irritably. "It wasn't a very good question." he retorted with another wry chuckle producing a cane from behind him walking toward her. He would walk over to her. "You were Chosen. Because you are unique and because the agency needs bodies. Specifically people who were destined to take their own life." He explained.

    "You want my body?" She said stepping back some. The man jabbed her in the stomach lightly with his cane. "No not your body. We need agents. And suicide victims make the perfect candidate." He clarified. She raised an eyebrow "How did you know when to find me?" She asked cautiously He reached into his jacket pulling out an article about her death. She fell backwards. "That.. that's impossible." She said shivering slightly. "Not at all your case was quite unique. Not many people announce their suicide plans BEFORE they do them. You were famous in a way." The man continued as he headed for the door.

    "Well that's vague and cryptic." She remarked turning to follow him. "You aint seen nothing yet." He chuckled throwing open the doors. Her heart nearly stopped at the sight outside and hurried out. She could not believe the sight in front of her. Purple stars twinkled above. Vehicles zipped back and forth above her head. A purple skinned woman with large animalistic eyes walked by.

    She hurried up the man with the cane had already put quite a distance between the both of them. "You still haven't told me your name." She said lacking anything else to say at the moment. "Neither have you Miss R." He countered. "But you already know who I am." She said exasperatedly as he turned to her jabbing her with the cane. "No! I know What. You. Are. Don't speak as if I know you. You chose to take your life and post it. And that's all anyone remembers you as... well except him." The man said irritably. "Him?" She asked quietly.

    He gestured dismissively. "Not important. What is important is what you want to do. Do you want to go back and be just another victim? Or do you want to be productive?" He asked as he continued to walk again. "What do you mean, productive?" She asked following him. "Our organization is in charge of keeping the peace of reality." He explained. "Again not very helpful." She retorted. He paused midstride. "Perhaps you are right. Let me simplify it for you then." He answered spinning his cane and tapping it between her feet causing her to fall into a portal.

    She cried out as she fell and landed hard on her ass. "oww son of a bitch... where am I?!" She groaned looking around. The place she landed looked to be an quiet empty house. She would walk and saw a shadowy specter slowly walking through the hallways toward a bedroom. She snuck close and her a young boy speaking. "It'll be easy right? I just take em and I go to sleep?" He asked. "Yessss...." the Specter hissed. "I don't understand...My dad hates me. I can't see my mom. And even my sister doesn't need me anymore. Why can't things be like before?" "Nobody will ever understand.... you can end your pain now." The specter answered. The boy sniffled some and popped the lid.

    She listened in horror as the boy counted out twenty pills taking each with some vodka that burned him painfully. Only when he passed out did she feel free to move. "S...Stop!" She shouted causing the Specter to turn to her. "Why should I? He seeks the same peace you do. I can release you too from your misery. Rac.." The Specter began. "NOOOO!!!!!!!!!" She screamed her hand forming a blade of light. She lunged and slashed at the Specter's chest causing it to fall back howling in rage. "You little bitch!!" It growled and lunged at her. She dove back into the hallway and ran out the back door the spectre in pursuit. "You think your life was hard you whimpering bitch? I'll show you true suffering." The Specter threatened. She smirked "Wow i've met some assholes in my time. And i've wanted to die plenty of times. But this is the first time I ever wanted to kill something besides myself" She quipped as it charged her.

    She ran toward the playground and ran up the slide turning to kick it in the face. The specter fell back as she plunged the blade into it's chest it stumbled back. "" me...killed? you?" It growled when a lightning bolt plunged from the heavens turning it to ash. "Well that was... neat!" She remarked then with a thought she rushed inside. She hurried to the boys room and drug him to the bathroom stickin her fingers down his throat to make him vomit. "Shit shit shit. Don't die kid!" She cursed as the unconscious boy reflexively vomitted up the half digested medicine.

    She washed his face in the sink and took him back to his bed. As she turned to leave she felt his hand grasp her hoodie. "wh..o?" He asked his eyes unable to open so weak. She looked down to him. "I'm Ra...Rayna....Bl..ood. Rayna Blood." she answered and gently pulled free of him and headed back into the yard. As she stepped into the yard a bright light surrounded her and she found herself back in the warehouse with the cane man. Angrily she stormed towards him.

    "Ok what the fuck happened out there? Where was I? What was that thing? Who was that kid? What is this agency? What was that thing with the sword and lightning?" She demanded. The man chuckled. "Where you were was Florida 1998. That thing as you so delicately put it is a Suicide Demon." He explained. "Bullshit no demon made me..." She began. But he chuckled. "Demons don't make people do anything. They persuade, they seduce, they goad, they degrade, They use any means slippery or seductive. You gave into your demon and never knew it. If it hadn't been for our intervention your soul would be trapped." He continued. "So you're saying suicides go to hell?" She said angrily. He still smiled though and sadly shook his head. "No my dear. Some Suicides do go to heaven but most hate themselves so much they drag themselves down. You would have gone to hell merely because you believed you deserved it. And you didn't. Noone deserves to go to hell just because pain overcame them. Humans were given free will for a reason. As for that boy. I told you there was one who remembers you." He explained.

    "In 2014 he will become fixated on your death. He will perhaps love you in a way he can never understand. But the pain and search for answers will keep him alive. But none of that would be possible if you hadn't saved him when he was a boy." He finished. "I.. I don't understand it makes my head hurt to think about." she answered softly. "Well "Rayna" i'm sure you can guess by now who we work for. And who you particularly work for. Humans call us Angels. We protect them even from themselves. And I hope you'll join us in this." He asked extending his hand. She thought for a moment before taking it. "I still didn't get your name." She remarked as they walked toward the doors. He chuckled and responded "You can call me Yeshua."

    I'm thinking about continuing it her friend liked it and said I could.

  16. #16
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    Please do. I'd like to read more.

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