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Thread: Who's your Daddy?

  1. #1
    Moderator puzzld's Avatar
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    Who's your Daddy?

    Artificial Insemination Nightmare Revealed by DNA Test
    As anyone familiar with my work is well aware, I am an outspoken advocate of direct-to-consumer genetic testing and strongly believe that power lies in the truth of discovery. However, because I have experience with so many cases where DNA testing has unexpectedly uncovered complex family relationships, I always caution those who decide to DNA test to expect unexpected surprises.

    I have never seen a more fitting example of the saying ?truth is stranger than fiction? than in the case that I am about to share with you. The family involved has asked that I publish their experience in the hope that others can be helped by it. Further, they wish to emphasize upfront that this is not intended as a negative DNA testing story and that they are thankful for the knowledge gained through their tests.

    In October of 2012, I was contacted by a genealogist named Paula*. She told me that she and her daughter Ashley* had taken autosomal DNA tests at 23andMe and enjoyed it so much that they had encouraged Paula?s husband and Ashley?s father, Jeff* to test as well. Shockingly, when the results came back, he showed no genetic match to his daughter. (*Names have been withheld at this time for privacy.)

    Paula explained to me that just over twenty years ago; she and her husband were having difficulty conceiving. Their OB/GYN referred them to a fertility clinic associated with the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. (They have since learned that the legal name of the clinic was Reproductive Medical Technologies, but at that time only knew it as the University's clinic.) Paula underwent artificial insemination with her husband?s sperm several times unsuccessfully and they were thrilled when she conceived on what they had decided would be their last try in mid-August of 1991. They have been blessed with their wonderful daughter, Ashley, for the ensuing 21 years. Paula proudly told me that Ashley excels at everything that she tries ? music, dance and even physics - and that she had always expressed an inexplicable desire to learn Russian. Paula had sometimes pondered from whom Ashley had inherited her elegant, long fingers and musical talent, but assumed those traits had somehow skipped a generation or two in Jeff?s or her own family.

    After this discovery the family decided to undergo traditional paternity testing and they were not surprised when the results confirmed 23andMe?s findings. Since they were desirous of knowledge about Ashley?s paternal biological heritage, I advised them to have her tested at the other two major genetic genealogy testing companies, Family Tree DNA and AncestryDNA, in order to search for close paternal relatives. What we all expected to eventually find was another family who had been clients at the same fertility clinic and had their sample accidentally switched with Jeff?s. Paula and Jeff wondered if Jeff might have a child out there somewhere being raised by Ashley?s biological father.

    When Ashley?s results came back at AncestryDNA, Paula immediately noticed that Ashley had a predicted 2nd cousin who was not from Paula?s side of the family. Paula?s family has deep Southwestern United States roots and 23andMe?s Ancestry Composition clearly distinguished between her genetic contribution to Ashley?s genome and this unknown significantly Eastern European biological father.

    Ashley's ancestral makeup with Eastern European represented by green

    Paula bravely told her story to Ashley?s new cousin via AncestryDNA?s messaging system and waited for a reply. It took about a month, but when the reply came, it was not what had been expected. Cheryl* told Paula that her first cousin, Thomas Ray Lippert (his real name), had lived in Salt Lake City and had mentioned to the family that he was a sperm donor. A sperm donor? That was a strange twist since Paula and Jeff had never requested donor sperm. Further discussion revealed that not only had Tom claimed that he was a sperm donor, but he had actually worked at the fertility clinic Paula and Jeff had used.

    When Cheryl shared her cousin?s name and photo with Paula, the memories came flooding back. Paula and Jeff had actually known Tom Lippert. He had worked at the front desk of the clinic and also as a tech in the back. Paula remembered him proudly displaying dozens of photos of babies behind his desk, boasting that he had helped all of their parents conceive. Looking at all of those beautiful babies and Tom?s confidence gave Paula hope that she and Jeff could have the baby that they so desperately wanted as well. She never could have imagined how far Tom apparently would go to ?help? couples conceive. When Paula broke the news to Jeff and showed him Tom?s photo, he told her that he too remembered him and recalled thinking that Tom was a bit odd when he handed him the sample receptacle and the magazine.

    Thomas Lippert as a young man

    Cheryl told Paula that Tom was deceased and had been an only child, but that his mother was still living and offered to arrange for a DNA test to be done to confirm their suspicions. This test eventually confirmed that Tom was indeed Ashley?s biological father.

    Tom's mother's DNA compared to Ashley's DNA, confirming the relationship

    Heartbreakingly, Tom?s now 99-year-old mother was excited at the prospect of having a grandchild since Tom had never fathered any children other than the ones that he told his family had been conceived through his ?donations?. He had even sent his mother a photo of a darling little boy that he claimed was his biological child, but he did not share the boy?s name or his whereabouts.

    An unidentified child Tom Lippert claimed to have fathered through sperm donation

    When Tom?s mother saw the photos of Ashley, her only known grandchild, Cheryl related ?she hugged them to her chest with such joy.? Although Tom?s mother was innocent in all of this, understandably, Paula and her family were initially conflicted as to whether they wanted to get further involved with Tom?s family, but over the past year since this discovery they have proven to be extremely helpful and supportive. Cheryl has been a very good friend to the family and this has helped to ease the difficulty of the situation in which they have all found themselves.

    Paula?s family still held out hope that it was all just a big mistake and that Tom had not intentionally substituted his sperm for Jeff?s, but what they discovered next made that possibility seem increasingly less likely.

    In the second phone call with Paula, Cheryl revealed Tom?s troubled past. Expressing that she wanted to be completely upfront, she told Paula that Tom had served time in prison for kidnapping a female college student. Sickened by this knowledge, Paula searched the Internet for any additional information on him. She was shocked to find an article from People Magazine dated October 20, 1975. What she read was horrifying. The article stated that Tom had been a brilliant law student at Notre Dame Law School and had gone on to a promising early career as a law professor at Southwestern State College. However all that changed, when at 25, he was accused of hatching a bizarre plan to kidnap a young Purdue student and hold her as a prisoner in a ?love experiment?. The student was reportedly kept in a black box and subjected to electro- shock therapy in an attempt to brainwash her into falling in love with Tom. After his arrest by the FBI, Tom hired the famed attorney F. Lee Bailey to defend him. Bailey negotiated a plea bargain for him and Tom pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiracy to kidnap and received a sentence of six years in prison, serving two. (See here and here for more information on the case.)

    F. Lee Bailey with Thomas Lippert (purchased on eBay)

    While Tom?s family disputes some of the charges due to the fact that the victim visited several of their homes and appeared not to be under duress, they concede that whatever the true circumstances, his actions were highly questionable.

    The fact that Tom, a felon convicted of victimizing a young woman, was later hired by a clinic whose patients were vulnerable women desperate to conceive, is simply incomprehensible. Obviously, this was one of the last positions that Tom should have been permitted to hold. Paula discovered that after marrying his third wife and being released from prison, Tom had lived in Minnesota for a few years. He eventually moved to Salt Lake City, taking classes at BYU, and his first job was working in the Reproductive Technologies fertility clinic where he was employed for nine years from 1986-1995. This begs the question: Could he have fathered hundreds of children? Paula realized that those dozens of photos that Tom so proudly displayed behind his desk may have been his biological children. She wondered if she should tell Ashley this distressing news about her biological father. Following her deeply held convictions, she decided that Ashley must know the truth and that they must do everything in their power to alert the other families potentially affected by Tom?s actions.

    Paula and I have discussed the potential implications of this around the Salt Lake City area, where half-siblings may be unknowingly coming into contact with each other and developing romantic relationships. Since Tom claimed to his family that his sperm was also frozen and shipped to other states, families outside of Utah could be affected as well.
    more at link
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  2. #2
    Senior Member debk589's Avatar
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    Holy shit!!! That story is crazy!

  3. #3
    Senior Member kevansvault's Avatar
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    Up your ass should you make the mistake of pissing me off.
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    Holy shit. Further proof that the truth really is stranger than fiction.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  4. #4
    Senior Member debk589's Avatar
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    I'd be willing to bet he fathered a whole litter o babies from that place. That is SO twisted. And I feel terrible for the actual (not biological) fathers of these kids. Augh.

  5. #5
    senior cunt emmieslost's Avatar
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    this shit is crazy. stranger than fiction, indeed.

    i liked 23andme on fb quite some time ago, as i've been thinking about testing. but i see these stories and think the LAST think i want is random relatives i never knew about finding me. does that sound terrible? i wouldn't be surprised if my grandfather (mom's dad) has kids running around he doesn't know about.

  6. #6
    Scoopski Potatoes Nic B's Avatar
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    My first thought was, maybe it's better not to know. But, like it was mentioned, what if 2 people fell in love, not knowing they were related?!? That would be crazy shit!

    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses View Post
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??
    Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
    Happy Birthday! I hid a dead body in your backyard to celebrate. Good luck finding it under the cement. You can only use a stick to look for it.

  7. #7
    Chin Checker g r ee n ey e s's Avatar
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    This is like that Vince Vaughn movie that just came out. Except this dude was creepy enough to want this to happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonDancer View Post
    And apparently you fuck the mods here.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    My first thought was, maybe it's better not to know. But, like it was mentioned, what if 2 people fell in love, not knowing they were related?!? That would be crazy shit!
    I don't know my dad so that's is always a worry with me.

  9. #9
    Senior Member u2addict's Avatar
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    That's an ass load of child support.

    Fibro Fog has taken over. I am in a constant state of dyscognition so please excuse my retardation.
    'The worst things in the world are justified by belief'- Raised by Wolves SOI

    "Your life is short, it's the longest thing you'll ever do/ the worse the curse was that your dreams came true/
    God is a mirror in which each man sees himself/ Hell is place where you don't need anyone's help"

    ~You got to cry with out weeping. Talk without speaking
    Scream without raising your voice~

  10. #10
    Senior Member Queena's Avatar
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    There was fertility doctor that did something like this. Found it.

  11. #11
    Sofa King Tired PunkerDuckie's Avatar
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    That's creepy as hell.
    Quote Originally Posted by UncomfortablyNumb View Post
    I want that fucking meat.

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