180 Posts

Posted - 09/26/2012 : 21:02:00 Show Profile Reply with Quote

Ok, no big surprise that you have an oval-shaped pattern turning brown colors...

There is a lot of redness on the nose compared to the forehead however.

I have read here that others have put a dab of the salve on a part of their arm or leg to see what sort of reaction occurs to skin without cancer and determine if there is any allergics involved.

As you know, you can be allergic to dust, vegetables or whatever...

I think one of the most important things I did was get vaseline all over the wound and keep after it and get warm water on it several times a day as well but, for sure in the morning.

Before you came to this site, you followed the directions that came with the package right?
What is the full name of the product you bought and does it indicate DMSO as an ingredient ?

Be Well Always,



A thought for medical professionals if you are inclined.

This is going to sound bizarre but, if you don't have both wounds biopsied yet, I'd get 2 cleaned out glass bottles from spaghetti sauce or whatever and pour enough rubbing alcohol into them in order to cover the lumps that falls out in case you do want to know what it was that fell off. Make sure to keep them covered.

Edited by - bonder on 09/26/2012 21:17:28

Thomas Haugen
84 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2012 : 08:41:02 Show Profile Reply with Quote


Your nose wound looks like your immune system is in full response against the cancer cells as the redness/swelling indicates. Dead cancer cells are (deconstructed) and the intercellular stuff also is carried away through the bloodstream. As others have stated, the main cancer mass may come off your nose in one glob. Afterwards your nose prolly will have a depression(there's a medical term for it) where the mass was, and the new skin prolly will be redder than normal.

The good news is most skin cancers don't get as deep as you fear, so you may heal without needing extensive surgery. Google Mohs Surgery and then click on Images and you'll see lots of people who got a lot of scalpel work but none of them (IFAIK) got into the nasal passages. If you can heal up the wound by keeping it moist, then over the following months the depression prolly will start to fill in with healthy flesh and on the surface the skin will gradually lose the redness. My wound on the end of my nose became barely noticeable after a year in this exact process. Solid paste makeup will be your friend after the skin heals.

About your forehead, you now know why others have advised against treating more than one spot at a time. A strong immune system might be able to respond well to multiple wounds, but then again, maybe not. On the other hand there is the desire to get these hideous cancers over and done with and get your face back to normal. Your forehead doesn't look like the experience of others. That's why Bonder and Anivoc are asking what salve you used.

Some quacks added sulfuric acid to their salve formulas which kills normal cells. Buying known formulas and testing them on healthy skin appears to be the best Caveat Emptor.

59 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2012 : 19:45:02 Show Profile Reply with Quote

Bonder- Well, crap! Why do you mention seeking professional advice? Do you think I have hurt myself here with this recipe?? You don't think my forehead is reacting from skin cancer, just possibly from sensitivity to what has been put on it?
Now I am wigging out a bit. I'm going to feel like and idiot for doing this to myself if I am now scarred for life!? Oh boy....
180 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2012 : 23:43:28 Show Profile Reply with Quote


Here is the deal when you self-medicate...

You run the risk of over-doing it and while I think you will heal like everyone else,the (double dose) you put on may not be much fun for a while fore sure so, I'd be a jerk not to remind you that one can go to emc and ask their opinion, reflect on what they suggest and decide if you just want to wait it out or have them do something for you to make things easier

Nobody says you have to go to a surgeon tonight and have surgery but, always keep in mind that those guys see people with burns, cuts etc. every day.

Zinc chloride is no party favor and while we are talking about a small chance, you must consider that you might be sensitive to it.


Longer to heal is more accurate in my opinion which is why it is imperative that you watch what goes into your system and keep things moist

Nobody wants bad news but, you came here for truthful information good and bad...

I think the (good news) Is what Haugen said about no nasal passage issues typically.

Be Well Always,


i may or may not have had nightmares about this.