My goofy dog who fancies herself a to be a very large throw on my couch decided a few days ago that she would go visiting. She has never ever left the yard. Other than playing frisbee, which she hides when she doesn't want to play anymore, she goes out does her business and can open the front door and let herself back in which is usually all but 5 minutes. So anyhoo, we let her out her morning potty and an hour went by, no Karma. My husband is freaking out and pacing. We go out and canvas the neighborhood. Drive out to the highway, search the woods, yelled, called, and whistled...nothing. Three hours my husband is crying (yeah I know, what a puss) I was still holding out that she was hanging out on someone else's couch for a bit. Then at four hours she lets herself in the front door, gives us the "Sup" nod and gets on the couch. She raises her head and is looking totally put out at my husband who is really carrying on at this point like he's a fucking idiot.