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Thread: Arias Trial: Chit Chat

  1. #126
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PunkerDuckie View Post
    Are the autopsy photos posted somewhere? Just curious. For science.
    I think bermstalker has some on her blog.

  2. #127
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    I think bermstalker has some on her blog.
    Actually they are in the links thread, sorry.

  3. #128
    Senior Member Metis212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    I can't tell the difference between a sheltie and a collie-they look a lot alike to me. I'm sorry to hear about your other little guy 19 years is a long time to spend with a companion animal, that must have been hard to say good bye. It's illegal to have a pet turtle where I live, they are considered an endangered species. My mom had one when she was young and said they are a blast, so I'm kind of jealous.
    Spike, the red eared slider isn't illegal. They sell them at petsmart here. They live up to 50 years, so I will have to leave him in my will. he is like a water dog, swims over to see me, eats out of my hand, and lets me pet him. I think people buy them when they are cute and little, but they get pretty big. They are the messiest eaters ever. So people release them into ponds where they eat everything and multiple like bunnies. Spike scares Lucy regularly cause dives off his rock making lots of noise and he clunks around.

  4. #129
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metis212 View Post
    Spike, the red eared slider isn't illegal. They sell them at petsmart here. They live up to 50 years, so I will have to leave him in my will. he is like a water dog, swims over to see me, eats out of my hand, and lets me pet him. I think people buy them when they are cute and little, but they get pretty big. They are the messiest eaters ever. So people release them into ponds where they eat everything and multiple like bunnies. Spike scares Lucy regularly cause dives off his rock making lots of noise and he clunks around.
    That's cool I didn't know turtles acted like pets. I have seen YouTube videos of them eating-it's pretty entertaining.

  5. #130
    Senior Member Freaktab's Avatar
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    Okay. So, I realize that this isn't exactly big news, but.... Damn.
    I was just perusing the JAII site and those people are just, well, fucking crazy. Stabby is going to jail, but those people live among us and probably will breed.

    I fear for the human race when I see shit like that.

  6. #131
    Senior Member bermstalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockabillychick View Post
    If she gets convicted of Murder 1, what do you think will be the evidence that convicts her? If you were on the jury what would stand out most to you?
    (I'm bored, I want to see your opinions)
    ETA: keeping in mind use only the evidence that the jury saw, don't include our personal digging into the case.
    Other than the graphic autopsy photos, I think Jodi's own words on the stand is the biggest piece of evidence. Just the fact that her personality switches so much when she was on the stand from one minute to the next, definitely proves that Dr. DeMarte was right. I think the jury is probably feeling "something is very wrong with that girl"
    The fact that she talks so much in great detail-would prove to me that there is no way this girl has a foggy brain about anything. I would never believe it after listening to her. So yes, out of all the evidence- Jodi's own words are what will do her in.

    When Jodi said the gun was in a holster on the stand.....then her defense team has since been trying to back pedal from that statement since- will probably be the one piece that proves to the jury that Travis DID NOT have a gun.

    I think Lisa and Deanne prove that Travis wasn't an abuser of women.

    The sex tape proves that Jodi was a schemer, and she wasn't some innocent woman being sucked in by Travis.

    The video of Jodi laying on Travis lap proves Jodi was not Travis' "dirty little secert"

    Quote Originally Posted by PunkerDuckie View Post
    Are the autopsy photos posted somewhere? Just curious. For science.
    Here are the photos. *Graphic*

    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    I think bermstalker has some on her blog.
    No. I decided not to post any on the blog. They are pretty much posted everywhere anyway. Just doing google image searches and many of them pop up.

  7. #132
    Sofa King Tired PunkerDuckie's Avatar
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    btw if anyone still needs a siggy done I am open to work on more.
    Quote Originally Posted by UncomfortablyNumb View Post
    I want that fucking meat.

  8. #133
    Senior Member carnee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeebee View Post
    Fixed so she doesn't have a wonk eye? I don't know. They do get medical treatment in prison, but I don't know how far that goes.
    I read that some prisoners have sued to be able to have gender reassignment surgery. I believe a few have been done.Yikes! Wonk eye jobs I doubt..

  9. #134
    Senior Member carnee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Should have used your FlowBee

    My sisters EX fiancee (so glad she dumped the dude) cut his hair with the flow bee!! This was a just three years ago. So creepy!
    Last edited by carnee; 04-28-2013 at 05:43 AM.

  10. #135
    Senior Member carnee's Avatar
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    I have to admit, Friday PM, was the first time in my life that I drunk posted to a message board. I'm looking at the first posts and do NOT remember that I posted them.Earlier that day I was talking to my friend about drunk texting and how bad it was. I had two bloody marys at late lunch. Then took my best friend and her 80 year old dad, that were visiting me this week, to a gay bar..very Disney one..Woman who choreographed "Coyote Ugly" owns the place. Bartenders get on bar and boogie wearing jeans and cowboy boots. I had two vodka and sodas. My friend was one of the bartenders and made them STRONG. I am not a big drinker but love my wine. I got home and stayed with her dad so she could walk around. Dad fell asleep on my couch and the rest is really very FOGGY .I pmd a couple peeps.
    I was a message board posting virgin until I came upon MDS. I hope I never do it again! I have not drunk texted since I got hitched. NOW THIS!!!
    JA really does ruin everything!!!

  11. #136
    Senior Member Metis212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockabillychick View Post
    If she gets convicted of Murder 1, what do you think will be the evidence that convicts her? If you were on the jury what would stand out most to you?
    (I'm bored, I want to see your opinions)
    ETA: keeping in mind use only the evidence that the jury saw, don't include our personal digging into the case.

    Jodi's lies, deception, and camouflage of the truth
    • She rented a car that didn't have GPS, selected the color so as not to call attention and rehung its license plate to scramble any video,
    • She took her grandfather's old gun and didn't take other guns or money in the immediate area to make it look like a robbery,
    • Her planned use of gas cans and the lack of evidence that she returned the walmart can
    • She used the excuse of traveling around to see friends and visit places to cover for sneaking over to see Travis,
    • The timing of visiting Travis, it was very close to the cancun trip,
    • Her statements that she didnt mind he was going with another woman,
    • Her depiction of the crime scene and her statements of what Travis did and said that day,
    • the pictures
    • the crime scene clean up
    • The change of her hair color from blonde-to reddish blondish brown - to dark brown
    • The lies surrounding her trip to the salinas nail salon, she obviously got her hair dyed, nails done and a brazilian wax in preparation of seducing Travis
    • The lack of significant injuries and her lies surrounding her ring finger
    • The blood cast-off as high as 6 feet on the blinds in the bathroom
    • The numerous stab wounds on Travis's back and the back of his head

    The build of her anger, rage and devaluation of Travis which began as late as 5-26.
    • her maligning of travis started at least on 5-26 but may have been as early as the beginning of April when she returned home to Yreka
    • Her assignation of Travis's character saying he was a pedofile and a sexual deviant
    • the sex tape had to be for a purpose maybe black mail
    • She did something to travis which made him angry and he told her to get out of his life
    • Travis canceled two trips to be with jodi prior to the cancun trip
    • The crime scene and overkill
    • the phone and texting had dramatically slowed down since she left mesa, further evidence travis was finished with her
    • the last phone call to travis was 9pm on the 3rd, she was making sure he was home

    I am sure there is more, but these are the things that stand out to me --- her lies and her extreme rage

  12. #137
    Senior Member faq_q's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carnee View Post
    I have to admit, Friday PM, was the first time in my life that I drunk posted to a message board. I'm looking at the first posts and do NOT remember that I posted them.Earlier that day I was talking to my friend about drunk texting and how bad it was. I had two bloody marys at late lunch. Then took my best friend and her 80 year old dad, that were visiting me this week, to a gay bar..very Disney one..Woman who choreographed "Coyote Ugly" owns the place. Bartenders get on bar and boogie wearing jeans and cowboy boots. I had two vodka and sodas. My friend was one of the bartenders and made them STRONG. I am not a big drinker but love my wine. I got home and stayed with her dad so she could walk around. Dad fell asleep on my couch and the rest is really very FOGGY .I pmd a couple peeps.
    I was a message board posting virgin until I came upon MDS. I hope I never do it again! I have not drunk texted since I got hitched. NOW THIS!!!
    JA really does ruin everything!!!
    Hehe...I'm sure that plenty of people can attest to drunk posts and PM's on here. Jodi has driven many of people to drink I tend to get a little more aggressive with my own posts when I've had a few too many. It happens! We are all human...well, some of us a little less than others....

    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    I find it hilarious that YOU are acting all high and mighty toward us when you're posting on here just like anyone else and in addition, defending a murderer. A child murderer, at that. Go fuck a Popsicle.

  13. #138
    Senior Member ShellJett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by faq_q View Post
    Hehe...I'm sure that plenty of people can attest to drunk posts and PM's on here. Jodi has driven many of people to drink I tend to get a little more aggressive with my own posts when I've had a few too many. It happens! We are all human...well, some of us a little less than others....
    I don't drink, but do pain meds count? I think we have a lot of pent up anger and frustrations and deal with it in our own ways. I believe if there is anything less than a M1 verdict some of us will be involved in fuckery of some kind. I hope we can get along and band together during closings and deliberations and have something to really celebrate. Personally, I am looking forward to going to my gun club and shooting the shit out of a target. Waiting for my wrist to heal so I can empty 200 rounds into a picture of Stabby. Yes people, I will place a blown up Stabby picture on the target stand, and I will get a photo of it onto MDS if it's the last thing I do. You deserve it.

  14. #139
    Senior Member gypsy1197's Avatar
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    The evidence against the murderess is overwhelming. There may be one or two hold out jurors but it would be fairly easy to bring them over if someone lays out all the evidence. Dying of the hair, renting white car outside of Yreka, 3 gas cans, stolen gun (okay, they can't prove she used the stolen gun...), email of May 26, no cell phone activity while in AZ, crime scene, stabbing in the back and slitting the throat, but the clincher for me is her "testimony". If you discount some of it, throw out all of it.

    One look at the autopsy photos and you can see what a soul less, evil, inhumane being she is. I even prayed in church today that the jury gets it right and also that she gets the DP. Sheesh!

    Metis212 - excellent post, as usual.

  15. #140
    Senior Member faq_q's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShellJett View Post
    I don't drink, but do pain meds count? I think we have a lot of pent up anger and frustrations and deal with it in our own ways. I believe if there is anything less than a M1 verdict some of us will be involved in fuckery of some kind. I hope we can get along and band together during closings and deliberations and have something to really celebrate. Personally, I am looking forward to going to my gun club and shooting the shit out of a target. Waiting for my wrist to heal so I can empty 200 rounds into a picture of Stabby. Yes people, I will place a blown up Stabby picture on the target stand, and I will get a photo of it onto MDS if it's the last thing I do. You deserve it.
    Yeah, the meds count! I really hope also that we can keep our emotions in check when the verdict is read. The bickering lately which I have been a part of myself, I feel bad about. I know that other people have their opinions, and I just hope that it doesn't become a fight fest in here after all we have been through to get to this point. Whether in support of DP, M1 LWOP or murder 2, at least we know that justice will be served and hopefully Travis family can at least get some well needed rest. I want a target! Get me one! I've been meaning to get out and shoot, so much ammo, so little time!

    Quote Originally Posted by gypsy1197 View Post
    The evidence against the murderess is overwhelming. There may be one or two hold out jurors but it would be fairly easy to bring them over if someone lays out all the evidence. Dying of the hair, renting white car outside of Yreka, 3 gas cans, stolen gun (okay, they can't prove she used the stolen gun...), email of May 26, no cell phone activity while in AZ, crime scene, stabbing in the back and slitting the throat, but the clincher for me is her "testimony". If you discount some of it, throw out all of it.

    One look at the autopsy photos and you can see what a soul less, evil, inhumane being she is. I even prayed in church today that the jury gets it right and also that she gets the DP. Sheesh!

    Metis212 - excellent post, as usual.
    I pray for them nightly, I am not a religious junkie, but I do believe in God and I just hope he is with the jury as they come to a decision in this trial. Thy will be done.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    I find it hilarious that YOU are acting all high and mighty toward us when you're posting on here just like anyone else and in addition, defending a murderer. A child murderer, at that. Go fuck a Popsicle.

  16. #141
    Senior Member zeebee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carnee View Post
    I have to admit, Friday PM, was the first time in my life that I drunk posted to a message board. I'm looking at the first posts and do NOT remember that I posted them.Earlier that day I was talking to my friend about drunk texting and how bad it was. I had two bloody marys at late lunch. Then took my best friend and her 80 year old dad, that were visiting me this week, to a gay bar..very Disney one..Woman who choreographed "Coyote Ugly" owns the place. Bartenders get on bar and boogie wearing jeans and cowboy boots. I had two vodka and sodas. My friend was one of the bartenders and made them STRONG. I am not a big drinker but love my wine. I got home and stayed with her dad so she could walk around. Dad fell asleep on my couch and the rest is really very FOGGY .I pmd a couple peeps.
    I was a message board posting virgin until I came upon MDS. I hope I never do it again! I have not drunk texted since I got hitched. NOW THIS!!!
    JA really does ruin everything!!!
    Sounds like you had a blast! I think everyone who drinks can look back to some sort of drunk dialing/texting/posting.
    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  17. #142
    Senior Member Sneakers the Wonder Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermstalker View Post
    Other than the graphic autopsy photos, I think Jodi's own words on the stand is the biggest piece of evidence. Just the fact that her personality switches so much when she was on the stand from one minute to the next, definitely proves that Dr. DeMarte was right. I think the jury is probably feeling "something is very wrong with that girl"
    The fact that she talks so much in great detail-would prove to me that there is no way this girl has a foggy brain about anything. I would never believe it after listening to her. So yes, out of all the evidence- Jodi's own words are what will do her in.

    When Jodi said the gun was in a holster on the stand.....then her defense team has since been trying to back pedal from that statement since- will probably be the one piece that proves to the jury that Travis DID NOT have a gun.

    I think Lisa and Deanne prove that Travis wasn't an abuser of women.

    The sex tape proves that Jodi was a schemer, and she wasn't some innocent woman being sucked in by Travis.

    The video of Jodi laying on Travis lap proves Jodi was not Travis' "dirty little secert"

    Here are the photos. *Graphic*

    No. I decided not to post any on the blog. They are pretty much posted everywhere anyway. Just doing google image searches and many of them pop up.
    Not to mention her telling the jury that she believed the gun to be unloaded in response to a juror question and then when JM got up to do follow up she tried to back pedal. Was Thinking posted a great clip of this on the main thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metis212 View Post
    Jodi's lies, deception, and camouflage of the truth
    • She rented a car that didn't have GPS, selected the color so as not to call attention and rehung its license plate to scramble any video,
    • She took her grandfather's old gun and didn't take other guns or money in the immediate area to make it look like a robbery,
    • Her planned use of gas cans and the lack of evidence that she returned the walmart can
    • She used the excuse of traveling around to see friends and visit places to cover for sneaking over to see Travis,
    • The timing of visiting Travis, it was very close to the cancun trip,
    • Her statements that she didnt mind he was going with another woman,
    • Her depiction of the crime scene and her statements of what Travis did and said that day,
    • the pictures
    • the crime scene clean up
    • The change of her hair color from blonde-to reddish blondish brown - to dark brown
    • The lies surrounding her trip to the salinas nail salon, she obviously got her hair dyed, nails done and a brazilian wax in preparation of seducing Travis
    • The lack of significant injuries and her lies surrounding her ring finger
    • The blood cast-off as high as 6 feet on the blinds in the bathroom
    • The numerous stab wounds on Travis's back and the back of his head

    The build of her anger, rage and devaluation of Travis which began as late as 5-26.
    • her maligning of travis started at least on 5-26 but may have been as early as the beginning of April when she returned home to Yreka
    • Her assignation of Travis's character saying he was a pedofile and a sexual deviant
    • the sex tape had to be for a purpose maybe black mail
    • She did something to travis which made him angry and he told her to get out of his life
    • Travis canceled two trips to be with jodi prior to the cancun trip
    • The crime scene and overkill
    • the phone and texting had dramatically slowed down since she left mesa, further evidence travis was finished with her
    • the last phone call to travis was 9pm on the 3rd, she was making sure he was home

    I am sure there is more, but these are the things that stand out to me --- her lies and her extreme rage
    I think her rage was building when she pulled out of Mesa in her moving truck. I think she thought about killing TA all of the way back to Yreka.

    She was already in deep financial trouble before she met TA. She was putting mortgage payments on her credit card. She was losing her house. Darryl had told her he didn't want any more kids, this after she got the boobies and blonde hair just like his ex wife.

    Darryl may not have cheated on her with other women but he didn't want any more kids and he wanted to move to be closer to his son and thereby his ex wife.

    To Stabby this must have felt like a huge betrayal. Here was someone else in her life putting either their needs or someone else's needs ahead of what she wanted/needed.

    When she felt betrayed by TA after converting to Mormonism, trying to be the perfect whore in the bedroom, moving to Mesa, putting his needs ahead of her own (in her own mind) I think she'd reached the end of her tether.

    She felt betrayed by everyone in her romantic life and by her family.

    Matt McCartney, dirt bag though he was/is, even called her mother and said she need help. I think this is why Sandy Arias went to AZ in an attempt to help her move back to Yreka.

    Another betrayal. She must feel such rage at everyone in her life. Matt McCartney has now betrayed her again by not testifying for her, her "ally, the only one who would never betray her".

    When the jury comes back with M1 she'll be put on suicide watch, dressed in a paper nightie, no pencils, no safety razors.

  18. #143
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    Does anybody know what prison she will go to if convicted of M1? Somebody posted a great recap of Death Row, but I am interested in AZ prisons that house females convicted of murder of any degree really. If anybody knows about the prison system in AZ, I am really trying to get a sense of what her life will be like if she does not get DP. Appreciate it.

    I feel Shooty, oh so Shooty!

  19. #144
    Senior Member ShellJett's Avatar
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    Once again, I am so fucking bored. I want to trash talk Stabby but nobody is around today. I am out of work on disability until the end of July, and if sentencing hasn't finished by then I am getting an extension. It sucks because I live alone and have a shitload of yard work to do. I love gardening and working outside, so I am really getting cray cray. Unrelated to disability, I somehow fucked up my right (dominant) wrist, and every time I do too much before it heals, I start from scratch. A slight movement brings me to my knees in pain. This started during the blizzard in February when I was out trying to shovel to find my cell phone that apparently fell out of my coat pocket when I leaped to freedom from my window. I could not open the front door, and I have a gate in the back that opens out. Same thing, stuck in. Said shoveling caused me to miss parts of the trial, so I guess I can STFU and go back and watch the videos.

    OMFG. The 40 year old guy who lives in the house behind me is riding a little tiny minibike back and forth across the field right behind my fence. Jett is ballistic and is running the fenceline in full attack mode. The sound is killing me, and he looks like such a dick. I am a Harley girl, and this idiot was on the STREET one day riding the MINIBIKE and gave me what he must have thought was a cool wave. I looked right at him and burst out laughing. My neighbors are slightly intimidated by me, I do have quite the mouth. I get so annoyed when I have to close my windows due to the MINIBIKE, so I make sure to really SLAM them. They probably can't hear the slam while riding a MINIBIKE at age 40, but it sure makes me feel better. End rant.

  20. #145
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShellJett View Post
    Once again, I am so fucking bored. I want to trash talk Stabby but nobody is around today. I am out of work on disability until the end of July, and if sentencing hasn't finished by then I am getting an extension. It sucks because I live alone and have a shitload of yard work to do. I love gardening and working outside, so I am really getting cray cray. Unrelated to disability, I somehow fucked up my right (dominant) wrist, and every time I do too much before it heals, I start from scratch. A slight movement brings me to my knees in pain. This started during the blizzard in February when I was out trying to shovel to find my cell phone that apparently fell out of my coat pocket when I leaped to freedom from my window. I could not open the front door, and I have a gate in the back that opens out. Same thing, stuck in. Said shoveling caused me to miss parts of the trial, so I guess I can STFU and go back and watch the videos.

    OMFG. The 40 year old guy who lives in the house behind me is riding a little tiny minibike back and forth across the field right behind my fence. Jett is ballistic and is running the fenceline in full attack mode. The sound is killing me, and he looks like such a dick. I am a Harley girl, and this idiot was on the STREET one day riding the MINIBIKE and gave me what he must have thought was a cool wave. I looked right at him and burst out laughing. My neighbors are slightly intimidated by me, I do have quite the mouth. I get so annoyed when I have to close my windows due to the MINIBIKE, so I make sure to really SLAM them. They probably can't hear the slam while riding a MINIBIKE at age 40, but it sure makes me feel better. End rant.
    Sorry about your injuries :( I'm currently looking for work so I'm with ya on the boredom thing. It is surprising how loud those little motorized bikes are! I live in a cul-de-sac and the kid up the street rides his down the big hill all the time. So annoying! Okay this more than one thread thing is throwing me off! Idk which thread I posted on and when and why and how.

  21. #146
    Senior Member ShellJett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    Sorry about your injuries :( I'm currently looking for work so I'm with ya on the boredom thing. It is surprising how loud those little motorized bikes are! I live in a cul-de-sac and the kid up the street rides his down the big hill all the time. So annoying! Okay this more than one thread thing is throwing me off! Idk which thread I posted on and when and why and how.
    I know, it happens to me all the time. Go to Poll Page if you are bored and see my post. I just got everybody's predictions down on paper and am going to do something with them daily. As long as people participate, my boredom will be lessened.

  22. #147
    Senior Member Freaktab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShellJett View Post
    Once again, I am so fucking bored. I want to trash talk Stabby but nobody is around today. I am out of work on disability until the end of July, and if sentencing hasn't finished by then I am getting an extension. It sucks because I live alone and have a shitload of yard work to do. I love gardening and working outside, so I am really getting cray cray. Unrelated to disability, I somehow fucked up my right (dominant) wrist, and every time I do too much before it heals, I start from scratch. A slight movement brings me to my knees in pain. This started during the blizzard in February when I was out trying to shovel to find my cell phone that apparently fell out of my coat pocket when I leaped to freedom from my window. I could not open the front door, and I have a gate in the back that opens out. Same thing, stuck in. Said shoveling caused me to miss parts of the trial, so I guess I can STFU and go back and watch the videos.

    OMFG. The 40 year old guy who lives in the house behind me is riding a little tiny minibike back and forth across the field right behind my fence. Jett is ballistic and is running the fenceline in full attack mode. The sound is killing me, and he looks like such a dick. I am a Harley girl, and this idiot was on the STREET one day riding the MINIBIKE and gave me what he must have thought was a cool wave. I looked right at him and burst out laughing. My neighbors are slightly intimidated by me, I do have quite the mouth. I get so annoyed when I have to close my windows due to the MINIBIKE, so I make sure to really SLAM them. They probably can't hear the slam while riding a MINIBIKE at age 40, but it sure makes me feel better. End rant.
    Sounds like your neighbor should go bowling with my neighbor.... Sorry to hear about your injuries as well.

    This moron who lives next to me thinks it is okay for his dogs to shit in my yard and not clean it up.... I cannot deal with people who don't take care of their animals. I hear the dogs barking day and night because they need attention and then he comes home, lets them out and they run all over the neighborhood. I am afraid they will get hurt; I have a black lab (Boo Radley) and when his dogs are out there, he won't go outside. Neighborhood drama....

    Hang in there Shell! It's all good!

  23. #148
    Senior Member queenaevadamthng's Avatar
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    I was out on leave from work because I had over 280 hours of comp time that the head honchos wanted off the books. While I was out someone had the bright idea to put an incompetent nit in my place which single handedly made the biggest mess of something that took me 4 years to have to the order that it was. Because the district I work in contracts to this company who wants to get rid of district employees to bring in their own people they are going out of their way to piss us off so we will quit. So anyway I come back to this cluster fuck to be told that this stupid redneck hick is my supervisor(I was in charge before I left on leave) & I have to listen to everything she says. The super powers in charge not only know she has a criminal record, but they also know she has been screwing up deposits, client accounts, not following food safety regulations and mistreating the employees. This trial was a past time I chose while I was out because I was feeling kinda helpless with what was going on at work and it took my mind off of things I couldn't control. I have to say I have really enjoyed the interesting assortment of people I have met through the JA thread. Hopefully you all won't be debating on my trial when I twist off on some poor schmuck that has the misfortune to cross my path in the next month before school lets out for the summer. I am definitely feeling the need to choke a bitch out.

  24. #149
    Senior Member gypsy1197's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by faq_q View Post

    I pray for them nightly, I am not a religious junkie, but I do believe in God and I just hope he is with the jury as they come to a decision in this trial. Thy will be done.

    So do I; this was the first time I prayed in church for the jury to get it right and for justice for Travis and the family. Thy will be done...I agree. And I'm not overly religious either.

    When she is convicted, I'm sure we'll be treated to a whole lot of crying and carrying on by the murderess.

  25. #150
    Senior Member gypsy1197's Avatar
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    Does anyone recall the interview video of the murderess and Flores where she says that the male ninja memorized her address from her driver's license? Was looking through evidence photos and one was of her dl. Gave a P.O. Box for an address. What was he going to do, stake out the post office box waiting for her if she told the police? She is one whacko murderess I tell ya.

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