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Thread: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

  1. #51551
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poppym View Post
    I would bet ANYTHING that Jodi saw this photograph, and the defense was not allowed to bring it in on hearsay! She can testify (and by that I mean lie) to his pedo, spiderman blah, but without evidence, she wouldn't be able to bring something like that in. Didn't she hint at Travis being abused as a child on the stand? Was she going to accuse his Father of this?
    The first thing she said about the "incident" was she was upset with the idea someone could have hurt Travis when he was a little boy.

  2. #51552
    Senior Member AlisonL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coconut View Post
    You are going to see a very different situation when Alice testifies. She will hold together more strongly and I think she will be able to mitigate some of Jodi's guilt. Just watch...

    I think a lot of peole are taking what I'm saying the wrong way. I'm just saying that the defense is going to do a lot better with this testimony, it's well supported by Travis's own words and even their sex photos and the phone call.

    It's not abuse in the classic sense of physical beating. But there is some very muddy water here about the way he treated her like a sex toy, the crude and cruel things he wrote to her, and how it could cause her to snap and kill him. I don't think that's what happened but in a trial like this the impact of her testimony could be huge. Especially in a sexually conservative community. This is the defense ace in the hole and it will help their case.
    I haven't taken anything the wrong way. Perhaps the issue is in your delivery and the way you are wording things. Not trying to be rude or cause any issue. I think JA was the aggressor in this relationship 100% A filthy phone recording doesn't mean jack shit compared to what that psycho did. The defense's expert can say whatever she wants, I'm truly of the opinion that the damage has been done and can not/will not be repaired. Honestly, I would hate to see what would happen if texts between my hubby and I were ever released. They are filthy dirty and make me blush on a regular basis. Doesn't make me abused. Doesn't make me battered. Doesn't make me his sex slave (he wishes haha). The texts/phone calls/messages/emails/etc that Travis and JA shared were consensual. I respect that we all have different opinions and agree to disagree, but this has turned nuts to me.

  3. #51553
    Senior Member Sneakers the Wonder Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HelloItsMe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by HelloItsMe View Post
    Sorry, I should have commented with this. This link is a video uploaded by Tawnidilly. Shows more of Flores interrogation of Jodi. Includes interesting gun info from Flores.
    I want to see the whole four hours of these crazy tapes. The media outlets have them and are just doling it out to us like crack dealer hooks his buyers . A little bit at a time. I WANT IT ALL NOW! I'm not afraid to admit I'm addicted and I can't stop!

    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia View Post

    Me thinks some of Stabby's twisted ideas came from this photo.
    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia View Post
    I should have added that this a photo of TA as a child with his father.
    Quote Originally Posted by bete noire View Post
    That's simply all kinds of fucked up!
    After all, she has probably seen the picture.

    I showed this to the bf and after he got over being disgusted at the thought of her using his own pic against him, he wondered if maybe there was an incident in those spidey underwear... where someone touched HIM (not necessarily the dad, just someone)... leaving him with the dislike he clearly has for the character.
    Quote Originally Posted by MartyT View Post
    Or maybe he showed her the pic and she thought it was cute? She was the one to have liked the spiderman movies so much she cried. There may be nothing more to it than that? Just another sick arias spin. She did mention a picture of TAs dad that he kept on a shelf in his closet. Probably not that one but she is a magpie thief, gathering bits to build her nest of lies from everywhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by poppym View Post
    I would bet ANYTHING that Jodi saw this photograph, and the defense was not allowed to bring it in on hearsay! She can testify (and by that I mean lie) to his pedo, spiderman blah, but without evidence, she wouldn't be able to bring something like that in. Didn't she hint at Travis being abused as a child on the stand? Was she going to accuse his Father of this?
    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    The first thing she said about the "incident" was she was upset with the idea someone could have hurt Travis when he was a little boy.
    ^ All of that. I hate that Bitch more every day!

    Quote Originally Posted by Harlette View Post
    first we have no idea what kind of witness she is going to be, and secondly, every thing she is basing her expert testimony is from what jodi told her, and jodo doesn't tell the truth - the jury knows that, so idk how much that is going to help?
    Everybody thought Samuels was a good witness at the start too (talking heads/analysts, etc), look at what happened to him. Stabby told a bunch of proven lies to Alyce, the President of the She-Woman Men Hater's Club of America and Abroad. JM dropped some hints about these lies during his cross of Stabby.

  4. #51554
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    SWEET BABY JESUS, nobody said Travis was a saint!!! Gawd, so sick of hearing that in some small way, directly or indirectly, Travis asked for this. He was a normal 30 yr old guy who thought with his dick, just like most guys under the age of 100 do 90% of the time. Let's be wouldn't have mattered what Travis said or didn't say, or how he said it. She couldn't have him, so nobody else could either.

    Travis was human, and in no way should there be an altar for him. But, I believe he truly had a good heart, truly wanted to be better, truly had light and goodness in him despite the fact that he kept falling down and making the wrong choices (JUST LIKE ALL OF US DO.)

    Somehow, it just seems completely fucked up to see anything that remotely equates the soul that was/ is Travis to that of Jodi's. Sorry, epic fail in my book.

  5. #51555
    Senior Member Morticia's Avatar
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    I'm guessing that after Boss Fog wakes up tomorrow with a huge hangover, he going to send himself a book.

  6. #51556
    Senior Member AlisonL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by queenaevadamthng View Post
    [*Originally Posted by*coconut*I think it's incorrect to characterize Jodi as a stalker. She was welcome in parts of Travis's life, but shut out from others. He told his friends she was a stalker, but continued to nurture an unhealthy relationship with her long after they "broke up".If she really was a stalker, he would have wanted no contact with her. He would have gotten restraining orders or protective orders against her. I think she would have gotten the message if that happened and moved on. Except Travis kept leaving the door open for her to come back in his life, mainly through sex.To anyone who thinks I'm trying to defend Jodi, or say that Travis deserved it, I'm not. I am just trying to figure out why he couldn't let go of her -*I believe they actually had a very strong connection that neither of them could handle. Sex was a big part of that. But Travis perpetuated the relationship too, not just Jodi.]

    I totally DISAGREE. JA barged het way into TA's life even after things had ended. Who the hell sleeps under a Christmas tree or hides in someones closet? ..Yes, he continued to have sex with her. He was a single man with normal manly needs. She flashed her shit at him like the billboard in Times Square. At the risk of sounding sexist it was like hanging steak in front of a starving animal. Some men don't have wilpower when it comes to sex. From several accounts she didn't take no for an answer. Even if he tried to say no she wouldn't leave him alone. Do you think to an extent that he maybe didn't want to be mean or hurt her feelings until she finally pushed him too far? This poor abused JA is an insult to all battered women out there in the world that are truly abused.
    Great points!!! A few years back, my (now former) very best friend in the world got a divorce. She was an amazing woman, mother, and friend. She ended up pursuing a mutual friend of ours. . I mean she literally proceeded to chase a man that did NOT want to date her. She kept pushing and pushing and finally he gave in and slept with her...after telling her no thank you for months. He had told her from the get-go he didn't want to be in a relationship; that he wasn't ready. She told me that she kept hoping that when he was ready, he would choose her. Guess what? He didn't. She pushed herself on him and gave him what she THOUGHT he wanted. It backfired on her and she ended up alone. He told her no over and over and over again. She would just show up at his house or call him and basically force and bully him into letting her go to his home. It was truly embarrassing to watch. I kept telling her she needed to tone it down and back off. She refused to listen, citing the reason above. When he finally did start seeing people she was PISSSSSSED. Even though she had been screwing other guys the whole time. It was a ridiculous double standard. He had NO obligation to her, had told her he didn't want to date her. Even if he just went to dinner with another woman, she would flip her shit. She would buy sexy little lingerie and show up at his house and flash her goods. Honestly, now that I think back, it's quite a bit like the JA scenario, minus the murder (thus the reason I shared it). Seriously, I am now completely creeped out after typing this and seeing the similarities. Guess I should be glad we no longer speak lol.

  7. #51557
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    Dear diary entry will be posted tomorrow.

    I'm having some trouble getting it smuggled out of jail. ;) Jodi keeps upping the amount of toblerones and tootsie roll pops.

    Really I'm just exhausted and need to go to bed. Night all. Be kind to each other. :)
    "You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." D. Moynihan
    See my profile page for the location of my "Dear Diary" posts in the Jodi thread.

  8. #51558
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    I posted this earlier and it got lost in the hoopla of today's discussion of the trial. I was in a relationship that kinds reminds me of TA & JA's relationship. It was pretty toxic and ended badly and seemed to take a life of it's own afterwards. I played the JA part in the relationship. I even threatened to kill both of 'em (her and her now husband, who has the same last name as me, no relation). IMHO, Jodi BOTH had it predetermined and it was a snap decision to kill poor Travis. Predetermined in the sense that I think she has fantasized about killing an ex of her's for a while. Day dreaming about it but keeping it as just that, a fantasy. Something was said or done on June 4 that brought that fantasy into reality. Hell, I can even imagine after the relationship she was in before TA, her saying to herself: "If one more MF'ing guy treats me like shit, I'm gonna kill 'em!" Snap decision in the sense that something was said or done that day and she made a split-second decision. It wasn't Cancun, either. We'll probably never know what it was.

  9. #51559
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlisonL View Post
    Great points!!! A few years back, my (now former) very best friend in the world got a divorce. She was an amazing woman, mother, and friend. She ended up pursuing a mutual friend of ours. . I mean she literally proceeded to chase a man that did NOT want to date her. She kept pushing and pushing and finally he gave in and slept with her...after telling her no thank you for months. He had told her from the get-go he didn't want to be in a relationship; that he wasn't ready. She told me that she kept hoping that when he was ready, he would choose her. Guess what? He didn't. She pushed herself on him and gave him what she THOUGHT he wanted. It backfired on her and she ended up alone. He told her no over and over and over again. She would just show up at his house or call him and basically force and bully him into letting her go to his home. It was truly embarrassing to watch. I kept telling her she needed to tone it down and back off. She refused to listen, citing the reason above. When he finally did start seeing people she was PISSSSSSED. Even though she had been screwing other guys the whole time. It was a ridiculous double standard. He had NO obligation to her, had told her he didn't want to date her. Even if he just went to dinner with another woman, she would flip her shit. She would buy sexy little lingerie and show up at his house and flash her goods. Honestly, now that I think back, it's quite a bit like the JA scenario, minus the murder (thus the reason I shared it). Seriously, I am now completely creeped out after typing this and seeing the similarities. Guess I should be glad we no longer speak lol.
    Sounds a lot like Jodi. Glad your guy friend is still alive!
    "You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." D. Moynihan
    See my profile page for the location of my "Dear Diary" posts in the Jodi thread.

  10. #51560
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgathaAppleswine View Post
    My ex was into humiliation. I am far more familiar with it than most people are. There is NOTHING in Jodi's testimony that showed that Travis was into public humiliation. In fact, wasn't Stabby "his dirty little secret"?

    Travis said a few things in anger. We all have. I can recall quite a few gems of my own that I have spoken or written that I regret deeply.

    Travis has done some things that were not the actions of a chaste man. Who hasn't done some sexual things they regret later? Good grief.


    Now, if the latest witness were to interview Travis Alexander....oh wait. She can't. Because he's dead. That is why taking a handful of texts and one recorded phone call, and trying to twist that into abuse is so laughable.

    No other proof exists.

    Sadly, we have mountains of proof to show us what Stabby was capable of when she gets angry.

    Agree. The sex talk that the media makes out to be so heinous....for some and even many couples is quite normal. The problem is that these conversations were meant to be private. Arias saved them and used them to her advantage..... Why did she save them? Because she was in love with him....( as much as a psychopath COULD love, that is) . The fact that she saved them could lead one to believe that she was indeed planning to use them against Travis, just in case he did not give her what she wanted,which was devotion and ultimately marriage. It soon came to pass that she finally realized that Travis was not interested in a serious emotional commitment. Who could be with an empty vessel? So....she murdered him with the knowledge that she had ..."back up".

  11. #51561
    Senior Member bryanwasdrunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deicide View Post
    I posted this earlier and it got lost in the hoopla of today's discussion of the trial. I was in a relationship that kinds reminds me of TA & JA's relationship. It was pretty toxic and ended badly and seemed to take a life of it's own afterwards. I played the JA part in the relationship. I even threatened to kill both of 'em (her and her now husband, who has the same last name as me, no relation). IMHO, Jodi BOTH had it predetermined and it was a snap decision to kill poor Travis. Predetermined in the sense that I think she has fantasized about killing an ex of her's for a while. Day dreaming about it but keeping it as just that, a fantasy. Something was said or done on June 4 that brought that fantasy into reality. Hell, I can even imagine after the relationship she was in before TA, her saying to herself: "If one more MF'ing guy treats me like shit, I'm gonna kill 'em!" Snap decision in the sense that something was said or done that day and she made a split-second decision. It wasn't Cancun, either. We'll probably never know what it was.
    She staged a burglary to get an untraceable weapon, brought multiple weapons with her, and went through extreme measures to avoid detection of ever having stepped foot in Arizona. It was a snap decision alright, but one she made days in advanced with aforethought of malice. In other words not a snap decision.
    Ma'am, what is hard to explain about a person breathing or not breathing? what is so difficult? why is that a difficult concept for you?

  12. #51562
    Senior Member BLue's Avatar
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    Question: after the jury has the verdict, how long does it take to know the sentence???

    Sorry for my ignorance about it, but here in Mexico we dont have trials lol
    "Well, God is not here. We can't subpoena him"

  13. #51563
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    Quote Originally Posted by coconut View Post
    We all want that, even me.

    I've been very consistent in my opinions on this case, you might be surprised how much we agree. Jodi planned to kill him and she carried out her plan pretty well. Samuels has been completely discredited. Jodi is a horrible liar. Travis didn't deserve to die. A lot of people loved Travis. They both enjoyed the sex and there was no rape. They're both pervy Mormons. I doubt there was any substantial physical abuse. Travis did not attack Jodi physically (maybe emotionally?) on the day he died. There is nothing LaViolette can say that will justify the murder.

    All that stuff is obvious. What is less obvious is how the jury will interpret what is put before them. I still predict she will be found guilty of second degree murder. Not because that's fair but because of the emotions and distractions that have been allowed into the case. I think LaViolette will have some impact on the verdict, even knowing that Jodi consented and enjoyed their sex life.

    Where we might differ? I'm not that impressed by Martinez, I think his work is adequate but not outstanding. Not very worthy of praise. I don't have a high opinion of Travis. If he was my little brother, I would have pulled him aside. He was thinking with his dick and it led to a dark ending. I think Travis's character is an area for more discussion. I know it's a sensitive topic but it's out in the open now. I've got two concepts for you:

    1. Like attracts like. Jodi attracts Travis.
    Jodi & Travis were more alike than we might want to admit. They were a very good match for each other and that is why the attraction was so strong and so intense.
    -Jodi was a scammer (BMW). Travis was a scammer (PPL).
    -Jodi used Travis (for attention?). Travis used Jodi (sex).
    -Jodi was a liar (crazy stories). Travis was a liar (I'm a virgin).
    -Jodi kept up a facade. Travis kept up a facade.
    -Jodi was a whore (used sex to manipulate). Travis was a whore (let sex rule his life).
    -Jodi was narcissitic (mug shot). Travis was narcissistic (motivational speaker).
    -Jodi was into kinky sex. Jodi was into kinky sex.
    -Jodi was spiritually seeking. Travis was spiritually seeking.

    They found a lot of common ground, and even if they "broke up", their relationship never ended until she killed him.

    2. A good man would have handled Jodi very differently
    If Travis was such a great guy, why didn't he end the relationship completely and positively? Jodi had obvious emotional problems and attachment issues throughout their relationship. It continued after the breakup. She was fucked up, crazy, desperate, vulnerable, horny, whatever. What does Mr. Wonderful do? Does he say:

    "Look Jodi, we shared some great times but we don't make each other happy. I can't fulfill your dreams, there's another man out there who can give you what you are after. You have a lot to offer and I'm sure the right person will pick up on that. I would love to stay friends but it's just impossible. For both of us we need to stop talking and break off all contact. Because I care about you and you're a great person, it's for the best. I'm sorry but that's the way it's got to be and this is non-negotiable. If you ever cared about me, you will understand someday. Have a great life, I will pray for you."

    Nope, he keeps sexting her and fucking her in the ass. At the same time he's keeping up the facade of being a temple-worthy Mormon and trying to find a wife. He left the door open because he wanted sex on tap, sex he couldn't get from his polite Mormon girlfriends. He probably would have still been fucking her after he got married. Call him a normal horny male if you want, I call that being a douchebag.

    I've had crazy, vulnerable basketcase women throw themselves at me, and I sidestepped that mess. No pussy in the world is worth that kind of aggravation. His boys tried to talk sense into him but he was too cocky.
    I don't disagree with any of this! It is a shrewd and accurate observation that you have regarding their character's. Never-the-less, you haven't addressed some of the points that were put to you, and I think I have asked you twice. How is this relevant?

    It wasn't that Travis was not a 'good man' as you say, it's that he was a HUMAN man! Just a human being! You compare their traits, which is interesting in itself, but I don't see "-Jodi is capable of nearly decapitating someone. Travis is capable of nearly decapitating someone." I mean, do you really believe this?

    (God Forbid) If I was murdered, that someone would be more interested in the flaws I have had in this lifetime, than that of the person who murdered me, because I tell you, I would come off a lot worse than Travis Alexander!

    Is Jodi not more interesting to you than Travis? She is to me! She's the one I can't understand! His behavior is something I know! Falsely representing yourself, being big-headed or hating yourself (they're both the same in my book), using someone, loving someone, caring, dismissing, disrespecting, having sexual fantasies, addiction, privacy, secrets, being good at something, failing in relationships, wanting what I can't have etc. I can identify with ALL of that!

    But what I cannot reach (thankfully) is the action she took! It's Jodi's behavior that perplexes me! And it is Jodi that is on trial here, and the Jury knows that! Especially this Jury, as they have shown through their questioning. I honestly think that in the end, none of these attorney's (including Juan), will be able to sway them in their deliberations. Just my opinion!

  14. #51564
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    Quote Originally Posted by TulsaTime View Post
    SWEET BABY JESUS, nobody said Travis was a saint!!! Gawd, so sick of hearing that in some small way, directly or indirectly, Travis asked for this. He was a normal 30 yr old guy who thought with his dick, just like most guys under the age of 100 do 90% of the time. Let's be wouldn't have mattered what Travis said or didn't say, or how he said it. She couldn't have him, so nobody else could either.

    Travis was human, and in no way should there be an altar for him. But, I believe he truly had a good heart, truly wanted to be better, truly had light and goodness in him despite the fact that he kept falling down and making the wrong choices (JUST LIKE ALL OF US DO.)

    Somehow, it just seems completely fucked up to see anything that remotely equates the soul that was/ is Travis to that of Jodi's. Sorry, epic fail in my book.
    Well said!!!

    Simple fact.... Nobody deserves to die like he did! If he wanted to physically abuse her, he could have... He was twice her size. Instead, she leaves the scene with a cpl cuts on her hand and he gets stabbed 29 times, 9 in the back, shot and almost decapitated

    If every man was killed for using a girl for sex (which I don't believe Travis did) or thinking with their dick instead of their head there wouldn't be many men left. He was a 30 yr old virgin before he met her and she would've done anything for him sexually.... Of course he was into it!! He never did anything to her that she didn't agree on.... She never told him to stop!

  15. #51565
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    Quote Originally Posted by TulsaTime View Post
    Awww, I haven't heard that name in a while...Andrew Bagby. Good peeps, just like Travis. (And Andrew's parents? OMG, SAINTS. TOTAL SAINTS. I do not know how they did what they did. )

    This case is different than Bagby.... Travis continued relations with a known stalker. His friends made it clear and warned him...but as someone addicted to sexual relations with Jodi, he CHOSE to ignore obvious signs of danger....Why?

  16. #51566
    Senior Member AgathaAppleswine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coconut View Post
    We all want that, even me.

    I've been very consistent in my opinions on this case, you might be surprised how much we agree. Jodi planned to kill him and she carried out her plan pretty well. Samuels has been completely discredited. Jodi is a horrible liar. Travis didn't deserve to die. A lot of people loved Travis. They both enjoyed the sex and there was no rape. They're both pervy Mormons. I doubt there was any substantial physical abuse. Travis did not attack Jodi physically (maybe emotionally?) on the day he died. There is nothing LaViolette can say that will justify the murder.

    All that stuff is obvious. What is less obvious is how the jury will interpret what is put before them. I still predict she will be found guilty of second degree murder. Not because that's fair but because of the emotions and distractions that have been allowed into the case. I think LaViolette will have some impact on the verdict, even knowing that Jodi consented and enjoyed their sex life.

    Where we might differ? I'm not that impressed by Martinez, I think his work is adequate but not outstanding. Not very worthy of praise. I don't have a high opinion of Travis. If he was my little brother, I would have pulled him aside. He was thinking with his dick and it led to a dark ending. I think Travis's character is an area for more discussion. I know it's a sensitive topic but it's out in the open now. I've got two concepts for you:

    1. Like attracts like. Jodi attracts Travis.
    Jodi & Travis were more alike than we might want to admit. They were a very good match for each other and that is why the attraction was so strong and so intense.
    -Jodi was a scammer (BMW). Travis was a scammer (PPL).
    -Jodi used Travis (for attention?). Travis used Jodi (sex).
    -Jodi was a liar (crazy stories). Travis was a liar (I'm a virgin).
    -Jodi kept up a facade. Travis kept up a facade.
    -Jodi was a whore (used sex to manipulate). Travis was a whore (let sex rule his life).
    -Jodi was narcissitic (mug shot). Travis was narcissistic (motivational speaker).
    -Jodi was into kinky sex. Jodi was into kinky sex.
    -Jodi was spiritually seeking. Travis was spiritually seeking.

    They found a lot of common ground, and even if they "broke up", their relationship never ended until she killed him.

    2. A good man would have handled Jodi very differently
    If Travis was such a great guy, why didn't he end the relationship completely and positively? Jodi had obvious emotional problems and attachment issues throughout their relationship. It continued after the breakup. She was fucked up, crazy, desperate, vulnerable, horny, whatever. What does Mr. Wonderful do? Does he say:

    "Look Jodi, we shared some great times but we don't make each other happy. I can't fulfill your dreams, there's another man out there who can give you what you are after. You have a lot to offer and I'm sure the right person will pick up on that. I would love to stay friends but it's just impossible. For both of us we need to stop talking and break off all contact. Because I care about you and you're a great person, it's for the best. I'm sorry but that's the way it's got to be and this is non-negotiable. If you ever cared about me, you will understand someday. Have a great life, I will pray for you."

    Nope, he keeps sexting her and fucking her in the ass. At the same time he's keeping up the facade of being a temple-worthy Mormon and trying to find a wife. He left the door open because he wanted sex on tap, sex he couldn't get from his polite Mormon girlfriends. He probably would have still been fucking her after he got married. Call him a normal horny male if you want, I call that being a douchebag.

    I've had crazy, vulnerable basketcase women throw themselves at me, and I sidestepped that mess. No pussy in the world is worth that kind of aggravation. His boys tried to talk sense into him but he was too cocky.
    Either Travis deserved to die or he didn't. Make up your mind.

    You keep saying that he didn't deserve to die -- but you keep listing the ways you believe he brought the murder onto himself.

    His death was NOT his fault. It was Jodi's fault.

    Now, I agree that it's possible the jurors might come back with second-degree. Particularly if there is a juror like you, who clearly has some passive-aggressive hatred towards Travis.

    I agree that Juan Martinez sometimes gets bogged down in the details -- but then he usually does that because he's leading us somewhere. I believe he is doing a decent job on cross. I think that he has a lot planned for his rebuttal case, so I think you should stop judging him at the moment on how he hasn't "proved" his case fully. He isn't done, and he still has to play by the defense's rules at the moment.

    Just wait. The gloves are coming off in the rebuttal. He's going to destroy Jodi's case, piece by piece.

    The last part of your statement bothers me the most, because you are being immensely judgmental of Travis. It is impossible to judge who he is properly based on texts that have no context and a phone sex recording. Lots of people talk dirty, and I can't believe that the phone sex has somehow shocked you and made you really think that he was abusing her in some way.

    The problem is, you have been taken in by the defense, just like they want the jury to be taken in by them. You've allowed yourself to be distracted from the facts of the case, and you are now arguing on Jodi's behalf. Which is fine. You can have that opinion. I just happen to think you're wrong, so I will keep pointing out all the flaws that I perceive in your logic. ;-)

    No hard feelings, I promise!

  17. #51567
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    Quote Originally Posted by NCBlonde View Post
    Oh, she's done speaking engagements outside the U.S. And this has fuckall to do with what? She hates men on an international level?

    Is that why she counsels male batterers because she hates them?

  18. #51568
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    My apologies for the multiple posts, I feel like Reuben Feffer in "Along Came Polly" where he is trying his damndest to hit "50!!!!!" Apparently, at 50 posts I can start spreading some herpes and whoredoms and see my reputation...what every girl dreams of!

  19. #51569
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    Quote Originally Posted by coconut View Post
    We all want that, even me.

    I've been very consistent in my opinions on this case, you might be surprised how much we agree. Jodi planned to kill him and she carried out her plan pretty well. Samuels has been completely discredited. Jodi is a horrible liar. Travis didn't deserve to die. A lot of people loved Travis. They both enjoyed the sex and there was no rape. They're both pervy Mormons. I doubt there was any substantial physical abuse. Travis did not attack Jodi physically (maybe emotionally?) on the day he died. There is nothing LaViolette can say that will justify the murder.

    All that stuff is obvious. What is less obvious is how the jury will interpret what is put before them. I still predict she will be found guilty of second degree murder. Not because that's fair but because of the emotions and distractions that have been allowed into the case. I think LaViolette will have some impact on the verdict, even knowing that Jodi consented and enjoyed their sex life.

    Where we might differ? I'm not that impressed by Martinez, I think his work is adequate but not outstanding. Not very worthy of praise. I don't have a high opinion of Travis. If he was my little brother, I would have pulled him aside. He was thinking with his dick and it led to a dark ending. I think Travis's character is an area for more discussion. I know it's a sensitive topic but it's out in the open now. I've got two concepts for you:

    1. Like attracts like. Jodi attracts Travis.
    Jodi & Travis were more alike than we might want to admit. They were a very good match for each other and that is why the attraction was so strong and so intense.
    -Jodi was a scammer (BMW). Travis was a scammer (PPL).
    -Jodi used Travis (for attention?). Travis used Jodi (sex).
    -Jodi was a liar (crazy stories). Travis was a liar (I'm a virgin).
    -Jodi kept up a facade. Travis kept up a facade.
    -Jodi was a whore (used sex to manipulate). Travis was a whore (let sex rule his life).
    -Jodi was narcissitic (mug shot). Travis was narcissistic (motivational speaker).
    -Jodi was into kinky sex. Jodi was into kinky sex.
    -Jodi was spiritually seeking. Travis was spiritually seeking.

    They found a lot of common ground, and even if they "broke up", their relationship never ended until she killed him.

    2. A good man would have handled Jodi very differently
    If Travis was such a great guy, why didn't he end the relationship completely and positively? Jodi had obvious emotional problems and attachment issues throughout their relationship. It continued after the breakup. She was fucked up, crazy, desperate, vulnerable, horny, whatever. What does Mr. Wonderful do? Does he say:

    "Look Jodi, we shared some great times but we don't make each other happy. I can't fulfill your dreams, there's another man out there who can give you what you are after. You have a lot to offer and I'm sure the right person will pick up on that. I would love to stay friends but it's just impossible. For both of us we need to stop talking and break off all contact. Because I care about you and you're a great person, it's for the best. I'm sorry but that's the way it's got to be and this is non-negotiable. If you ever cared about me, you will understand someday. Have a great life, I will pray for you."

    Nope, he keeps sexting her and fucking her in the ass. At the same time he's keeping up the facade of being a temple-worthy Mormon and trying to find a wife. He left the door open because he wanted sex on tap, sex he couldn't get from his polite Mormon girlfriends. He probably would have still been fucking her after he got married. Call him a normal horny male if you want, I call that being a douchebag.

    I've had crazy, vulnerable basketcase women throw themselves at me, and I sidestepped that mess. No pussy in the world is worth that kind of aggravation. His boys tried to talk sense into him but he was too cocky.
    Yes. Travis should have handled her differently. MUCH differently. He played with fire and paid the ultimate price. However, this was not 2nd degree murder. This was a well planned out slaughter. Premeditated, 1st degree murder. I don't care what kind of sex they were having. They were adults. But what makes her even more despicable is her claims of pedophilia, physical abuse, sexual deviancy, etc. This is not the type of "mud" Travis had on him when he died. The only mud he had on him was the mud he'd picked up while he was with Jodi. Jodi killed him out of a jealous RAGE. If she couldn't have him, then NOBODY would. It's bad enough that she killed him, but the way she killed him was heinous. Her self defense claim is ridiculous. No. It is what it is. Premeditated murder in the 1st degree. Nothing less. The only choice this jury will have to make is whether or not to put her to death.
    And, I think saying that he'd be cheating on his wife with Jodi in the future is not a fair assessment of his character. But, we'll never know because she took his life away before he could get married and have a family. She took everything away from him.
    Yes, I wish he would have handled her differently. Or never "handled" her AT ALL. He did much more good in his life for others than she ever did. He was an asset to his community. He enjoyed helping people. (I'm not talking about PPL) He was charitable and quick to lend a helping hand. He was a giver. She was a taker. And in the end, she took it ALL.

    Quote Originally Posted by frankenstein View Post
    P.S.-Has anyone else given a reach-around to a spider-monkey whilst reciting the pledge of allegiance, or is that fairly uncommon?

  20. #51570
    Senior Member Morticia's Avatar
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    I think she had given up on being the one and only when she taped the phone sex conversation. At that point, her only mission was to DESTROY him in any way she could. He was going to call her out on the blackmailing, so her quest of destruction evolved into this heinous scenario. The hate and rage in that bathroom, to me, does not speak of jealousy, but annihilation.

  21. #51571
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    If I told you then I'd have to find a new place to hide
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    Night Kids, play safe and don't catch anything you can't throw back!

  22. #51572
    Senior Member AnnieBelle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLue View Post
    Question: after the jury has the verdict, how long does it take to know the sentence???

    Sorry for my ignorance about it, but here in Mexico we dont have trials lol
    It depends upon the judge.....after the verdict is read, she will set a date for the penalty phase of the trial to begin.

  23. #51573
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VioletPlanet View Post
    Agree. The sex talk that the media makes out to be so heinous....for some and even many couples is quite normal. The problem is that these conversations were meant to be private. Arias saved them and used them to her advantage..... Why did she save them? Because she was in love with him....( as much as a psychopath COULD love, that is) . The fact that she saved them could lead one to believe that she was indeed planning to use them against Travis, just in case he did not give her what she wanted,which was devotion and ultimately marriage. It soon came to pass that she finally realized that Travis was not interested in a serious emotional commitment. Who could be with an empty vessel? So....she murdered him with the knowledge that she had ..."back up".
    I completely agree and I think the fact she recorded their private conversations goes to show what kind of person she is. I had a friend in high school that used to do that all the time. Looking back on it now I think she was a Sociopath. She would get you to say something incriminating and then black mail you with the tape.

  24. #51574
    Senior Member Harlette's Avatar
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    k just read in pretrial laviolette cannot say anything about travis being an abuser, can only talk about jodi, so i don't know how much help she can do know

  25. #51575
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    Am I the only one on here that's surprised that Stabby never tried to stage a pregnancy to hang on to Travis??

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