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Thread: Jeffrey Crawford missing from WV since June 2011 - Presumed Dead

  1. #226

  2. #227
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    It was on the news the other night about WV being investigated for "political corruptness". There was an investigator on there being interviewed and he said it was disgusting and he would be back. We will see. Something really needs to be done. We know who was involved with these murders, we know who they are, the police know who they are. I guess they have never heard of "INTERROGATION". Maybe it is time for us to do the interrogating!

  3. #228
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    You guys have made some really good suggestions and I want you to know that we are following them, every single one. I don't have alot of free down time after work....I have a houseful of grandkids ages 5 to 11 and it's on the minute I walk in the door! :) I love it though so don't get me wrong! I'm not complaining.
    I was able to speak with Detective Dan yesterday. You guys were right, he is awesome! He was very patient as I tried to the best of my ability to tell him this "crazier than real tv" story. He was able to pull up Jeff's NaMus profile and check a couple of other things for me. He gathered as much information on this situation as I could give him and said that we would talk a little bit later after he has had time to review.
    After speaking to him, I was driving home saying to my sister in law...."He must think I'm a crazy lady....cause trying to tell this story with all the twist and turns is almost impossible". What we need is a way to put the dang details down in a somewhat easy to read and follow format.
    I will keep you guys posted on the progress with Dan. Thanks again and don't quit posting, thinking we don't care! We do....! You guys are helping, more than you know.

  4. #229
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    I can not believe that Clinton Weethee is being let out of jail......but then again, maybe they are letting him out because he isn't able to get into any other trouble behind bars and they need him out breaking the law so that they can use that to get better info from him. Sounds crazy, I know.....but it is a crazy dang town. I hope he doesn't use his free time to set more booby traps for people to walk into and get hurt or even killed.
    Thinking about Clinton makes me wonder......Officer Powell had a sworn statement from Marty saying the Clinton burned Jeffs trailer down. I saw the statement with my own, how can that be ok to not take action against him for it? They named Jeff a murderer based on a statement from somebody....why not charge Clinton with the fire based on Marty's statement? Urgh.....frustrating.

  5. #230
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    I think because Clinton and Marty are still here. They are still living and breathing and can get a lawyer and fight them. It's easy to blame a missing man for a murder. He isn't here to defend himself. They can accuse, say what they want. They can say they know this and thus and report it because Jeff is not here to say any different. Until Jeff appears, it won't go to court. The "evidence" will never be revealed. How do you answer to something you cant see or hear? Jeff is not here to defend himself. How as a family can we defend him??? We can publicly, as we are ,and have been, but where has that got us? No where close to finding Jeff, that's for sure!!

    By law a man is innocent till proven guilty in a court of law, by a fair and speedy rial. Right? That's the way it is. Right? You can be charged with anything, but you have the right to defend yourself in court to those charges. Makes sense.

    Ok. In our situation, they are accusing , they can say what ever they want, anyone can go in and tell them what ever they want. These people, whoever done this or knows anything about this, or could have been involved had 6 weeks to get their stories straight, because our law insisting when they went missing, that they weren't missing and didn't do a thing about it! JEFF IS NOT HERE! HE CAN"T DEFEND HIMSELF!!!! It is his RIGHT!!! I don't think it's right to be able to publicly accuse someone of something when you know they are missing and are not here to answer!! To me that's on the boarder line of slander really. At least on the norm..... they accuse publicly, goes to court publicly, results are shown after publicly. When you are missing, they accuse and the buck stops there!!! Their word!! Only word heard!!! NOT FAIR!!! I think their opinions should have been kept to themselves till Jeff was found and if found alive, THEN publicly accuse!!! That way it's not just their words being heard, but the person is here to defend themselves and let their words be heard!! Jeff needs to be HEARD!!! We need rights for the missing!!! I mean really, it's been almost 2yrs since all this. Jeff hasn't magically appeared on their desk for them, as they are waiting for , because they did nothing and are doing nothing to find him!! SO, they can accuse him of what ever they want!! I think after so much time has gone by, we as a family should be able to defend him somehow!!! Is Jeff always going to be labeled! That's not right!!! You know we have a double whammy here!!! We are grieving a missing loved one who became missing under terrible circumstances, with his homed burned, 2 that were missing with him found dead. That enough is hard to swallow everyday! Then they want to accuse him, so we have to swallow that too!! OK I"M FULL!!! DONE SWALLOWING!!!! I WANT ANSWERS AND I WANT TO CLEAR JEFF"S NAME!!!! All I'm saying is they should not have the right to accuse someone that they don't even know is alive or not! Why not deal with the fact he is missing first! Then when you got him here, ACCUSE! If that is their opinion fine, why not wait till they know what happened to him , before they announce accusations. Why not let people come in hear and search for him. Wouldn't that only be helpful to them. I don't understand! Fine accuse, but how can you accuse and then call it done. Why not keep trying to find him, then.... THEY ARE NOT! NEVER HAVE!!! It's just makes their job easier in my opinion. You see heat off their back, case solved for them and it looks like to public they got this. Well they don't!!! Jeff still has a family out here that will defend him everyday till their dying day if need be! We know Jeff was not capable of doing something like this. THE GIRL'S FAMILY'S don't think he did this!!! I feel like they have placed the scarlett letter on us all!!! Where are OUR rights!!!! What are our rights!!!!

  6. #231
    Member closureneeded's Avatar
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    How about the statement of Marty forging the title!! They never publicly accused him of stealing the car!!

  7. #232
    Member closureneeded's Avatar
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    A few reminders from our US CONSTITUTION

    5th Amendment

    Just No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.a few words from our US Constitution.

    6th Amendment

    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

    The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution affords criminal defendants seven discrete personal liberties: (1) the right to a Speedy Trial; (2) the right to a public trial; (3) the right to an impartial jury; (4) the right to be informed of pending charges; (5) the right to confront and to cross-examine adverse witnesses; (6) the right to compel favorable witnesses to testify at trial through the subpoena power of the judiciary; and (7) the right to legal counsel. Ratified in 1791, the Sixth Amendment originally applied only to criminal actions brought by the federal government.

    The 1st Amendment: One I plan to keep on exercising!!!!


    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

  8. #233
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    What do you think about the possibility that a Jr. Siders had something to do with this? A lot of people are saying that could be a possibility, since he did murder Mike Oliver in such a heinous manner.

  9. #234
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    Well... let me tell ya. Marty's mother Bessie was said to be spending some time with Junior around the time this happened. Just what I had been told. So, what other person but him, would be perfect, to tell Marty how to kill someone and get away with it. He sure did. Also funny how Mike Oliver was cut up into different pieces and scattered from Ky to Wv, which makes me wonder what was done with the burnt chainsaw that was in the remains of the trailer. Was it used as a tool in the murders.

  10. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by closureneeded View Post
    Well... let me tell ya. Marty's mother Bessie was said to be spending some time with Junior around the time this happened. Just what I had been told. So, what other person but him, would be perfect, to tell Marty how to kill someone and get away with it. He sure did. Also funny how Mike Oliver was cut up into different pieces and scattered from Ky to Wv, which makes me wonder what was done with the burnt chainsaw that was in the remains of the trailer. Was it used as a tool in the murders.
    Yeah, that's sure suspicious... he's an evil person from what I've heard. Also heard that ol' Crazy Dave who took the fall for the crime wouldn't hurt a soul unless he fell on em drunk. But, back to our case here - I agree... if anyone knows how to murder someone and get away with it... Siders knows.

    Isn't it true that he can't cross the river unless he wants to be tried over there? You'd think someone would have dumped his ass off on the curb of the police station by now....

  11. #236
    Member closureneeded's Avatar
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    I have heard that . Don't know if it's true or not.

  12. #237
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    First off I want to say to all the friends & family members touched by this case, that I feel horribly for you. The loss of someone you love in such a sudden & horrible way is all kinds of fucked up. But the shit you're enduring from every official who should be helping you through this? I don't know what to say to that.

    I can't imagine how completely fucking awful this is for you. I'm on the other side of the world & I feel your pain & want to do something to help. I don't understand how local officials can turn their backs on you like this. Being in Australia I'm never going to completely get how all these departments etc interconnect. What I can see though is a complete refusal to acknowledge their responsibility to victims of crime - & it can't get much more serious than murder?

    Like I said, there's probably details I'll never fully understand. But given that you are hitting brick walls every way you turn, what about trying non-official means of getting action? Is there any possibility of bringing it to the attention of some of the people involved in exposing Steubenville's attempted coverup?

  13. #238
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    What was Steubenville's attempted cover up?

  14. #239
    Member closureneeded's Avatar
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    I googled it. WOW!

  15. #240
    Senior Member Harlette's Avatar
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    here is the thread - anonymous stepped in and exposed the cops and footballcoaches covering it up

  16. #241
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    June 16 will be two years since Jeffrey, Ashley and Tonda went missing. Ashley and Tonda have been found, but their murders are still unsolved. Jeffrey still has not been found. Is there still an investigation going on? Who knows. Will we keep looking for answers, absolutely!!! Pray for us please!!!

  17. #242
    Senior Member Feetprints's Avatar
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    I'm glad you guys got in touch with LaWoo, he's a great guy. I hope you guys are able to get some answers soon, at least some updates on the investigation or something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    SMH. White people! Always trying to help and shit.

  18. #243
    Senior Member WooFrigginHoo's Avatar
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    Bumping, although there's nothing to add. No updates, not even on the fb page. Hell, even the crazies on topix haven't been commenting. He's still wanted on the state police site for the murder of his wife and her cousin though.

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