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Thread: Jodi Ann Arias shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander to death

  1. #37501
    Senior Member elamir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlette View Post
    haha!! i like that article even if i am a dulled american they prolly would have stoned her to death in the town square by now after one of there 2 hour trials
    Generalising about the ME is just as stupid as generalising about any other region, but yeah say you're in Egypt and unless you're Mubarak you wouldn't be getting a trial that is weeks/months long. Virtually nothing by way of appeals process (again unless you're Mubarak) not sure if she'd be given a death sentence, more likely a long prison sentence- in fact I'm not even sure they sentence women to death in Egypt.

  2. #37502
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian 1 View Post
    In the event that I haven't mentioned it before, the sequence of killing blows has been adjudged to be irrelevant with respect to the Aggravating Factor (Cruelty) that has 'qualified' Jodi Arias for the death penalty should she be convicted of Premeditated Murder.

    However, the sequence--did she shoot Travis before she stabbed him--is the lynch pin of Jodi Arias's defense--it holds her story together and is the single most important element of her defense. It is her only chance of getting off if the Jury buys it. Jodi's defense is "self-defense." That justifies Jodi picking up the gun. Then she mitigates the killing of Travis by saying the gun went off "accidentally." That gets her off any premeditation/deliberation. Then she claims that she was immediately overtaken by the 'vapors' (she calls it a fog), and has no memory of the butchery on Travis body that followed the shooting. Then her lawyer and experts come in and back up the memory loss bull by arguing that the shock of the 'accidental shooting' and Travis vicious assault, triggered her 'crocodile brain' (look it up), calling forth unconscious primal impulses that compelled her to pick up the knife and butcher Travis dead or dying body; overkill for which she cannot be held responsible under the special consideration granted to 'abused and battered' women. That gets her off the stabbing and slitting. And once all of that is out of the way, she gets to walk. Of course it's important for Jodi to win the sequence argument--gun before knife. She benefits enormously cause it backs everything else up. It is almost equally important that the Prosecution not allow Jodi to win it.

    None of her defense works if the Jury does not accept that Jodi Arias shot Travis before she stabbed him and slit his throat. It all falls apart if the Jury concludes she stabbed Travis before she shot him. Of course, Team Jodi are not going to let one little thing go by that could lead the Jury to conclude that Jodi stabbed and slit before she shot.
    But the ME said the shot to the head would have knocked him unconscious, and therefore had to come after the defensive wounds on his hands.

    There was the case of the I-5 killer where a girl was shot in the head and was walking around and able to call 911 - but it that case the bullet did not penetrate her skull.

    if by chance, the bullet came first, and it only dazed him, she still would have had time to get the hell out of there. His brain got scrambled! She wanted him dead to be sure he couldn't identify her as his attacker - which in Jodi's mind was the same as killing her.

    I don't see how she has self-defense in any order. Overkill is overkill, not self-defense.

  3. #37503
    Senior Member elamir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poppym View Post
    I think she brought the gun, of course, but I have always thought there was only one bullet! So very interesting point you are making! I also thought that because she only had one bullet, she brought a knife with her! If you can recall, after she was arrested, it was thought that she may have been attempting to flee. A car was packed with her belongings outside her grandparents house, and a 9mm gun was found in her luggage. No ammunition was found, but there was a knife hidden among the boxes. Neither of these weapons relate to TA, but it does say something about her.
    The ammo was found in her car/or grandparents house(?) the gun was found in the engine of a rental car.

  4. #37504
    Senior Member bermstalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luvit View Post
    Don't want to go through 1508 pages for live feed could someone please post it? Ta
    Here's some links to everything.

    Links for live feeds.

    Mobile apps for live stream

    Watch the trial on you mobile device
    ? To watch live video of the Arias trial on your iPhone or iPad, just download the appropriate free app from iTunes. Once the app is installed, just scroll down to the Live Video tile. Tap it to start the stream.
    ? To watch on Android devices, download the free Ustream app from Google Play. In the Ustream app, click the Search button. Search for azfamily. Tap the the 3TV thumbnail and then click play.

    Just a FYI-There are two screen in AZ family for watching it live. You have this link that shows twitter comments during the trial
    You also have the option of scrolling down the page to get the bigger screen. You also have this other screen on AZ family. Usually if the one above gets overloaded, this one works great...but it's without the twitter feeds.

    Itunes app

    A collection of links in this case (facebooks, videos, news sites, pictures, etc..)

    Photos of the crime scene
    Evidence shown in court
    Graphic Crime Scene photos and body photos *Warning, these are graphic

    Blog of the trial. Has recaps for everyday. Just click the calendar to the side for the date you want.
    Or my blog.

    Youtube account that posts the trial videos. User Tawnidilly has these posted pretty fast. She does an amazing job at these.
    Last edited by bermstalker; 03-04-2013 at 02:28 AM.

  5. #37505
    Senior Member Ian 1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oh right View Post
    But the ME said the shot to the head would have knocked him unconscious, and therefore had to come after the defensive wounds on his hands.

    There was the case of the I-5 killer where a girl was shot in the head and was walking around and able to call 911 - but it that case the bullet did not penetrate her skull.

    if by chance, the bullet came first, and it only dazed him, she still would have had time to get the hell out of there. His brain got scrambled! She wanted him dead to be sure he couldn't identify her as his attacker - which in Jodi's mind was the same as killing her.

    I don't see how she has self-defense in any order. Overkill is overkill, not self-defense.
    We are not disagreeing! I merely laid out the progression of Jodi's 'justifiable' (self-defense) homicide defense. First picking up the gun to ward-off the perceived threat to her life from Travis; secondly, the 'accidental' firing of the bullet into Travis's brain; thirdly, Jodi's simultaneous (as soon as the gun goes off) regression into an 'unconscious' state, (the fog); fourthly, Jodi's butchery of Travis's body, (be he immobilized, unconscious, alive or dead) when the stabbing/cutting started. Jodi's scenario does not distinguish between the nature of the defensive cuts to Travis's hands or anything else done with the knife and she offers no explanation, except "I can't remember that part." I'm not saying that what Jodi is offering up is factually related to what the evidence otherwise shows. Just that the scenario is what Jodi is trying to sell to the jury. She is also padding her story with the abuse allegations in an attempt to take advantage of the precedents in law that compel the jury to consider and balance the reaction of a domestic partner who has previously suffered abuse and whose reactions to a threat from the alleged abuser may be rooted in those experiences. In plain words, the reaction may be seen to be an overreaction in the immediate situation, but not an overreaction to the cumulative heightened fears within the abused individual which have been built up as a result of all those earlier instances of abuse. Think of it this way. According to her story, everything Jodi did to defend herself from an attack coming from her 'abuser' was rational and justified in law right up to the moment the gun 'just went off." Instantly that happens, rationality disappears, (for whatever reason--Jodi says 'mortal terror) putting her in some unconscious primitive state and those primitive reactions arising from her 'crocodile brain' impel her to continue to destroy the threat to her life by completely obliterating it--stabbing and cutting. In a sense, at this point Jodi becomes prey and perceives Travis not as simply her abuser, but as a raptor, and she is the prey in the most primitive sense.

    I'm not saying it makes any sense or is in any way related to real facts or truth. Just sayin' that Jodi Arias is using everything available to her in law in her efforts to explain away and escape any consequences for her actions. I don't buy it, but I'm not on the jury. It's just another example of Jodi Arias's tricks of concealing the truth by not lying about the facts. A huge semantic gap!
    "Of all the emotions, the most dangerous emotion is love." P.D James
    "Do you not realize, my son, with how little wisdom this world is run?" Baron von Oxenstiema"

  6. #37506
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    I wasn't disagreeing with you Ian. I was just pointing out that the ME said the bullet to the head would have knocked Travis unconscious.

    Can't give you anymore reps today :)

  7. #37507
    Senior Member gypsy1197's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oh right View Post
    I was just pointing out that the ME said the bullet to the head would have knocked Travis unconscious.

    Totally agree with you Oh Right. On all points of your original post.

  8. #37508
    Senior Member Lilangiepangie's Avatar
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    Newbie here. Been a lurker for about a week now. I am so excited I found this site. Although I work in the Legal field, I do mostly civil matters. I have been obsessed with trials since I was in Jr. High/High School and the OJ Simpson trial was on every single day. (I was home schooled at the time do to terrible asthma and allergies) I am in my mid-thirties now and still find myself obsessed with the next big criminal trial. Thank you to the founders of this site for making a forum for people to share intelligent opinions and questions about such a morbid and sad topic without feeling like someone will mistake you for a future psychopath :) I love that ya'll are so passionate about this case. I used to look forward to the weekend. Now I hate Thursdays since we have no new stuff until Monday. Am I sick? :) So happy Monday to you all. Can't wait to hear what this broad is going to come up with today!

  9. #37509
    Senior Member gypsy1197's Avatar
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    Should have posted this first:

    Good morning everyone!

    Except for the fact that we have to suffer through Nurmi today and listen to the lies he spews, thank goodness we don't have to suffer through hearing Jodi's voice, lies, her drama and droning on and on about nothing. "I don't know if I ate the banana first." Who cares!!!

    Put a fork in her, she's done. Hope the jury is listening...

  10. #37510
    Senior Member NCBlonde's Avatar
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    I was reading up about .25 caliber gunshots to the head. One standout case was Mary Jo Buttafuoco. I'm sure we all remember her. She was shot in the head, point blank by Amy Fisher. She had hearing damage and some facial damage, but didn't die. She did lose consciousness though. But she still lived, with some obvious lingering injuries.

    But, I could imagine then, that Travis could've been shot and been incapacitated.

    On a side note, I can't believe I got smited for this post.

    Quote Originally Posted by NCBlonde View Post
    I really can't imagine what would be left to ask her, but then, we don't know really know how the jurors are feeling about this case. Certainly, the questions will give us some kind of idea where there heads are at.

    I'm anxious for the jury to get their turn, but considering the initial defense presentation of Jodi and how damn long all that bs took, I'm afraid we'll see her on the stand for another week, trying to explain away the damage that Martinez did and the lies he exposed. I for one do not look forward to that at all. I can't really muster up much enthusiasm for the coming week. IF it was to be just trying to explain away all those things, it would probably be one thing, but we all know that the defense can't help but meander all over the place.

    Is there a rule about what Nurmi can address now? Will he be forced to stick to just what Martinez has talked about? I was reading earlier in the week about re-direct and re-cross, and in the cases where re-cross was allowed, it was only allowed to focus on things that the defense had brought up in their re-direct and nothing more. I'm guessing that won't apply to the defense and Nurmi can jump around all over the place, bringing up things that are irrelevant (like Starbucks drinks) and tossing out more lies, in an effort to bore us all to sleep.

    "Well, it's YOUR fog..." - J. Martinez

  11. #37511
    Senior Member NCBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lilangiepangie View Post
    Newbie here. Been a lurker for about a week now. I am so excited I found this site. Although I work in the Legal field, I do mostly civil matters. I have been obsessed with trials since I was in Jr. High/High School and the OJ Simpson trial was on every single day. (I was home schooled at the time do to terrible asthma and allergies) I am in my mid-thirties now and still find myself obsessed with the next big criminal trial. Thank you to the founders of this site for making a forum for people to share intelligent opinions and questions about such a morbid and sad topic without feeling like someone will mistake you for a future psychopath :) I love that ya'll are so passionate about this case. I used to look forward to the weekend. Now I hate Thursdays since we have no new stuff until Monday. Am I sick? :) So happy Monday to you all. Can't wait to hear what this broad is going to come up with today!
    I'm pretty much a newbie too, but welcome! I remember OJ, I was in middle school or so at the time, so I wasn't watching/hearing too much about it. But, I've read up on it over the years. In college, I took some Criminology classes, so I have become more interested in trials, but this is the first I've watched a lot of on tv. I guess I came in about halfway through, but have caught up via YouTube and posting here.

    Quote Originally Posted by gypsy1197 View Post
    Should have posted this first:

    Good morning everyone!

    Except for the fact that we have to suffer through Nurmi today and listen to the lies he spews, thank goodness we don't have to suffer through hearing Jodi's voice, lies, her drama and droning on and on about nothing. "I don't know if I ate the banana first." Who cares!!!

    Put a fork in her, she's done. Hope the jury is listening...
    I really can't imagine what Nurmi can do to salvage Jodi's testimony. I think he's going to have to rely on the experts who will probably claim Jodi had PTSD or something from the alleged childhood abuse. Of course they'll keep up the "Travis was an abuser" bs, because they have nothing else. They only thing they can do is throw everything against the wall and try to generate some kind of sympathy from a juror or two.

    I really dread the defense's re-direct. I'm not sure I'm even going to watch, but instead catch up with recaps. I guess I will tune in and see how it goes. I just cannot take another 9 days of nonsense and irrelevancy from the defense.

    "Well, it's YOUR fog..." - J. Martinez

  12. #37512
    Senior Member Cara's Avatar
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    Oh man, page 1509?? Did I miss anything "noteworthy to report" since Friday night?

  13. #37513
    Senior Member Jem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cara View Post
    Oh man, page 1509?? Did I miss anything "noteworthy to report" since Friday night?
    Sadly, no

  14. #37514
    Senior Member Sylvian's Avatar
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    Back after the weekend and ready to listen to JA rambling on about her life story and nurmi acting like a slug on tranquilizers. /sarcasm

  15. #37515
    Senior Member NCBlonde's Avatar
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    So, looking at my tv guide, it looks as though there is no coverage at all on either TruTv or HLN? Granted, I have been watching on my laptop mostly -- and tv is generally bleeped and misses a lot due to commercials, but I can't believe they're just dropping all coverage of the actual trial.

    "Well, it's YOUR fog..." - J. Martinez

  16. #37516
    Senior Member Obs3ssion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NCBlonde View Post
    So, looking at my tv guide, it looks as though there is no coverage at all on either TruTv or HLN? Granted, I have been watching on my laptop mostly -- and tv is generally bleeped and misses a lot due to commercials, but I can't believe they're just dropping all coverage of the actual trial.
    I'm not sure why it's indicating that (maybe not updated) but I have it on TruTV this morning and they're still covering it. Not sure about HLN this afternoon but I'd be surprised if they drop it today. Sometimes their listings (in the past few weeks) have not been accurate.
    I ant won jak alot from the squatery. The lotery should be the jak squatery cos I aynt jak squating a loty. They should rename the lotery to the jak squatery cos thats all I ever win!!!

  17. #37517
    Senior Member Ian 1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oh right View Post
    I wasn't disagreeing with you Ian. I was just pointing out that the ME said the bullet to the head would have knocked Travis unconscious.

    Can't give you anymore reps today :)
    I know you weren't. Sorry if I sounded testy. You are following the evidence and the ME's testimony is evidence. I was just walking through Jodi's Arias's version to see how she gets to where she wants to be. Remember one of the last things she said to Prosecutor Martinez? She was still kind of in that semi-breakdown mode when Martinez put it to her and she blurted out, I don't agree with his, (meaning the ME's) sequence. She's hangin' on to her story. You and I are agreeing on what really happened based on the evidence.

    Once again, if I sounded testy, I own it.
    "Of all the emotions, the most dangerous emotion is love." P.D James
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  18. #37518
    Senior Member Obs3ssion's Avatar
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    I've been away from MDS most of the last week (too much work to catch up on, dammit) so y'all have probably already discussed - but it really hit me this weekend, watching the Dateline piece and Anderson Cooper's special...she really memorized certain key words in order to keep her story straight. The use of the word "linebacker," repeatedly, is so telling to me.
    I ant won jak alot from the squatery. The lotery should be the jak squatery cos I aynt jak squating a loty. They should rename the lotery to the jak squatery cos thats all I ever win!!!

  19. #37519
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryanwasdrunk View Post
    Al Jazeera has a story on Jodi!

    ( I've actually wondered what would of happened if some woman in a Mid-Eastern country tried to pull shit like Jodi's trying to pull )
    Fairly accurate story (Aljareeza! her infamy has no bounds) , but did I miss some witnesses??? Reporters always seem to screw up something, they need to verify their stories with the 'experts' here at MDS.

    "The defence brought in a slew of Travis' ex-girlfriends who added their words to the portrait of Travis being a domineering, boorish man often disrespectful to women."
    Last edited by Poppycock; 03-04-2013 at 06:51 AM.

  20. #37520
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs3ssion View Post
    I'm not sure why it's indicating that (maybe not updated) but I have it on TruTV this morning and they're still covering it. Not sure about HLN this afternoon but I'd be surprised if they drop it today. Sometimes their listings (in the past few weeks) have not been accurate.
    I just turned on TruTv, and they had the replay of the cross-examination by Martinez. It doesn't look like there will be any live coverage though? Like 50 episodes (ok a bit exaggerated) of some show called All Worked Up? HLN doesn't directly reference anything about the trial, but I suppose they may cover on "Morning Express" or "Raising America"? Those seem more like talk shows though.

    I know all the evening shows, JVM, NG, Dr. Drew, will have some coverage, but it doesn't seem like there will be anything live at all on either network. Just weird timing.

    "Well, it's YOUR fog..." - J. Martinez

  21. #37521
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    In Session is being cut to 2 hours on Trutv for now on so there will not be any live coverage on trutv anymore.
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  22. #37522
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    Quote Originally Posted by NCBlonde View Post
    I just turned on TruTv, and they had the replay of the cross-examination by Martinez. It doesn't look like there will be any live coverage though? Like 50 episodes (ok a bit exaggerated) of some show called All Worked Up?
    Quote Originally Posted by phantompoet View Post
    In Session is being cut to 2 hours on Trutv for now on so there will not be any live coverage on trutv anymore.
    Sure Bad timing for sure. And apparently it's a permanent change. Trutv was already almost useless (so few live trials anymore) - at two hours a day I don't know why they're going to bother anymore.
    I ant won jak alot from the squatery. The lotery should be the jak squatery cos I aynt jak squating a loty. They should rename the lotery to the jak squatery cos thats all I ever win!!!

  23. #37523
    Senior Member debk589's Avatar
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    Eh, I think the good shit is over. I may skip today all together because I don't think I can stomach any more of her useless rambling/Travis bashing/back peddling, which is all today will consist of.

  24. #37524
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnnieBelle View Post
    My guess is because there is no doubt that she murdered Travis. So, I don't believe they could object to that term. I believe what's at stake is the level of culpability, as far as what degree of murder the jury believes she committed?
    Jan Martinez can only say that she "killed" him, not that she "murdered" him. "Murder" would be in cold blood with malice, "killing" would be for self defense. I seem to recall this was an issue the defense brought up before the case made it to trial.

    Also in the court minutes is the defense petitioning the court to disallow Travis being referred to as "victim." They won that too. That is why you never hear Martinez call Travis a victim. One of the expert witnesses did, I think. It is the one and only time I heard it.

    Pretty ridiculous, isn't it? Travis has 27 stab wounds, additional cuts, scrapes, and bruises, a nearly decapitated head, and a gun shot wound in the face. But, don't call him the "victim." The defense's entire case rests on the hope that the jury will think Jodi is the real "victim."

    Quote Originally Posted by Lilangiepangie View Post
    Newbie here. Been a lurker for about a week now. I am so excited I found this site. Although I work in the Legal field, I do mostly civil matters. I have been obsessed with trials since I was in Jr. High/High School and the OJ Simpson trial was on every single day. (I was home schooled at the time do to terrible asthma and allergies) I am in my mid-thirties now and still find myself obsessed with the next big criminal trial. Thank you to the founders of this site for making a forum for people to share intelligent opinions and questions about such a morbid and sad topic without feeling like someone will mistake you for a future psychopath :) I love that ya'll are so passionate about this case. I used to look forward to the weekend. Now I hate Thursdays since we have no new stuff until Monday. Am I sick? :) So happy Monday to you all. Can't wait to hear what this broad is going to come up with today!
    Welcome to you and any other newbies!
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  25. #37525
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    Quote Originally Posted by debk589 View Post
    Eh, I think the good shit is over. I may skip today all together because I don't think I can stomach any more of her useless rambling/Travis bashing/back peddling, which is all today will consist of.
    Yeah, today is going to be pretty frustrating. I expect lots of Travis bashing. I also expect some "prosecutor" bashing. Nurmi's goal is going to be damage control. Make Travis and Martinez out to be the abusers of the poor, sweet, innocent, "victim" Jodi.
    "You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." D. Moynihan
    See my profile page for the location of my "Dear Diary" posts in the Jodi thread.

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