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Thread: Do you believe in ghosts?

  1. #51
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PunkerDuckie View Post
    When my brother was very young (infant), my mom had him in a crib in the living room of the house we grew up in (my parents bought the house from my moms uncle). My dad was in the front yard working on something, and my mom was washing dishes, watching my dad out the kitchen window. My mom felt someone walk up behind her, and put his (she thought it was my dad, it was very firm) hands on her shoulders and press down slightly, (as if you were comforting someone). She remembers feeling very reassured, but then She looked up, saw my dad still outside, and screamed. She turned around and no one was in the house. My dad came running in, to see WTF was going on, and my mom was freaking out. Before they could calm her down, the phone rang. Her cousin, who grew up in our house , had been killed in viet nam, and they'd just notified our family. They were close in age, and raised next door to each other. She thinks he was trying to cushion the blow, by letting her know he was still here.

    She still talks to him periodically, when things happen in the house.
    That's cray/awesome. I have no choice but to believe in ghosts. Too many things have happened within my own life for me to deny them.

    My uncle died from jumping out of his bathroom window. He was a diagnosed schizophrenic, but did everything he could to keep it contained.. He was the best man/husband/father I've ever known regardless of his demons. He used to watch my brother when he was a baby a lot. And then my cousins son when he was born. He was great with small kids.
    Well, after he died the family went to Hilton Head like we did every year, and went to his favorite italian restaurant for his memory. My brother (2yrs at the time) started talking to the corner of the wall and when we asked him who he was talking to he said "Uncle Michael, he's right there." ...that made the dinner table quiet.
    Then about 6mos-1yr after that, my brother and my cousins son were playing at my aunt's house (where he died) when a bunch of the family was over. The kids came running into the kitchen screaming crying that they saw Uncle Michael, but that he looked like a monster. We asked him what they were talking about, and they said all the side of his face and body was messed up. (They were 2-3yrs old. they had no idea how he died.)

    It seemed like he came around when the family was all together. He loved family events. And it makes sense that he channeled through those two. Unfortunately after that, there were no more experiences with him. I'm afraid that maybe the kids reaction to the latest sighting "put him into hiding". (He was a very quiet, meek and humble type.) That was about 14-15yrs ago now.

    <3 I miss him every day. I hope he found peace on the other side, or in another life.

  2. #52
    Senior Member once_again's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrimeGirl View Post
    Thought I'd resurrect this as it's something I'm pretty interested in, at least on a superficial level.

    My house is a pretty interesting bag. It's pretty old (I forget the exact date, but 1600-something) and it used to be the place they brought plague victims to die. So, the estimate is around 150-200 people died here. This, at the very least, makes it an excellent ground for Halloween parties and ghost stories. But there have been the bumps, shadows and plain creepy experiences in certain rooms. I think the two scariest date back several years now. The first involved me and a pal playing with a ouija board, giggling around while we were home alone, until we heard a voice scream at us to "get out" the building. We were so terrified, we hid behind the garden's play area (aka jungle gym) for 3 hours until my mum came home. The second (being a complete freak/glutton for punishment) involved me playing with a ouija board alone in my bedroom. Apparently I'm going to die aged 53 from cancer. While I grant you, this was likely some psychological crap going through my head, it was spooky enough for me to remember all the details of the 'conversation' 14 years later.
    Whatever you do, don't read the Danielle Toal thread.
    Toodle Loo

  3. #53
    Senior Member once_again's Avatar
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    I've been poked in my rib by a ghost once. True story. I spent the night at my cousins house and we were all sleeping on the living room floor. It was freezing in the house, so we were all wrapped up tightly in our blankets. I woke up in the middle of the night, turned on my side and then something jabbed me right in my rib. I looked at both of my cousins and they were sound asleep. I was so scared. I just covered my head and acted like it never happened.

    I also remember my dog used to always bark at this one corner in my bedroom. There wasn't anything there but she would bark in that same corner all of all the time. That used to freak me out.
    Toodle Loo

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by once_again View Post
    Whatever you do, don't read the Danielle Toal thread.
    I've freaking read it!!!! That's what brought it all to the front of my mind again. God, I will be so pissed if I die at 53.

    I have to say, that thread is incredible. After that 12-y-o's death at that precise point, there is no way I'd be getting in any car with any boozer.

    I'm going to become such a neurotic at the age of 50/51, aren't I.

  5. #55
    Senior Member UncomfortablyNumb's Avatar
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    the Danielle one is the one where the Ouija board predicted she and a friend would die and they did?? Creepy ass shit. I can't wait to read this whole thread on my computer later.

    Also, crime...twinz! I am also 28. I will be 29 in June.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shins View Post
    That's cray/awesome. I have no choice but to believe in ghosts. Too many things have happened within my own life for me to deny them.

    My uncle died from jumping out of his bathroom window. He was a diagnosed schizophrenic, but did everything he could to keep it contained.. He was the best man/husband/father I've ever known regardless of his demons. He used to watch my brother when he was a baby a lot. And then my cousins son when he was born. He was great with small kids.
    Well, after he died the family went to Hilton Head like we did every year, and went to his favorite italian restaurant for his memory. My brother (2yrs at the time) started talking to the corner of the wall and when we asked him who he was talking to he said "Uncle Michael, he's right there." ...that made the dinner table quiet.
    Then about 6mos-1yr after that, my brother and my cousins son were playing at my aunt's house (where he died) when a bunch of the family was over. The kids came running into the kitchen screaming crying that they saw Uncle Michael, but that he looked like a monster. We asked him what they were talking about, and they said all the side of his face and body was messed up. (They were 2-3yrs old. they had no idea how he died.)

    It seemed like he came around when the family was all together. He loved family events. And it makes sense that he channeled through those two. Unfortunately after that, there were no more experiences with him. I'm afraid that maybe the kids reaction to the latest sighting "put him into hiding". (He was a very quiet, meek and humble type.) That was about 14-15yrs ago now.

    <3 I miss him every day. I hope he found peace on the other side, or in another life.
    Interesting. I wonder why your wee cousin had no reaction to any disfigurement when he was 2? What was he saying?

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by UncomfortablyNumb View Post
    the Danielle one is the one where the Ouija board predicted she and a friend would die and they did?? Creepy ass shit. I can't wait to read this whole thread on my computer later.

    Also, crime...twinz! I am also 28. I will be 29 in June.
    Yeah. If I remember rightly, they messed around with a board, and they asked when they were going to die. Spirit told friend at the age if 12, in December, in the middle of the night from breathing difficulties. And she did. Danielle was told 23, in a car accident. And she did. Shudder.

    A toast to twin status!

  8. #58
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrimeGirl View Post
    Interesting. I wonder why your wee cousin had no reaction to any disfigurement when he was 2? What was he saying?
    I'm not sure if you read that correctly, or if I don't understand what you're saying.

    They (meaning both my brother and cousins son, who were 2-3 at the time) both freaked out and said he looked like "Uncle Michael, but half of his face and body were messed up."

    I know it sounds crazy. I'm not expecting anyone to believe it.

  9. #59
    Senior Member WooFrigginHoo's Avatar
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    I've had a couple of experiences. Once as a child, my cousin and I experienced something totally weird. We were scared to death. Fast forward 10 years, I asked him if he remembered it and he said, "No." I tried talking about it and he said he didn't want to talk about it! Fast forward another decade, and I'm thinking, well maybe I imagined it. lol

    The last one happened a few years ago. It's sort of embarrassing because I don't really believe in ghosts/hauntings. I watch the ghost shows for laughs. But a lot of strange things were happening in this house after I moved back to this state. I would turn the light off, get into bed and as soon as I got comfortable, the ceiling light would turn completely on. Installed new light switch thing. Still happened!

    I would shut my bedroom door, and it would open, but no one would be there.
    A couple of times, I'd be asleep and wake up because it felt like someone was pulling the blankets.
    I kept feeling like someone was behind me, but no one was.

    So I just figured, it's an old house, nothing paranormal. And that I was just imagining things. I was telling my friend about all of it and she said, "Let's go see a psychic!" I laughed and called her crazy. Then we went to one. lol. I was smiling the whole time, wondering about this wacko.

    So we get to this psychic and he wants to hold my hand. First, he wanted to prove himself. He told me about my first son, what color hair he had, what letter his name started with....etc. He was right on all accounts. I still thought he was a wacko.

    Then after a few minutes, he said he sees an old guy behind me, he's always right there behind me, with darkish hair, leathered face, and he's sneering at me.

    OMG, that creeped me the hell out! I thought right away, it was my creepy dead step-grandfather.

    I asked, "How do I get rid of him?" And psychic guy said, "Just tell him to go away."

    Seriously, I still don't know if I really believe it or not. When I got home, I did actually yell, "Get the hell outta here, grandpa!!"

  10. #60
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    I mean... if nothing's happened since...

    The way I see it, is if you can't prove that it wasn't a ghost doing that stuff, then there's a possibility that was a ghost doing all that stuff.

  11. #61
    Senior Member WooFrigginHoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shins View Post
    I mean... if nothing's happened since...

    The way I see it, is if you can't prove that it wasn't a ghost doing that stuff, then there's a possibility that was a ghost doing all that stuff.

    It still creeps me out though, because my step-grandfather was like the devil himself.

  12. #62
    fun hater Shins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WooFrigginHoo View Post

    It still creeps me out though, because my step-grandfather was like the devil himself.

  13. #63
    Salty. angelaiscaustic's Avatar
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    No ghosts here. I don't think the cats would be as calm as they are.

    I see my uncle and my grandfather in my dreams. More my uncle. They don't speak to me though, which is good bc in my culture, when a dead person speaks to you in your dreams it's a bad omen. Until that happens, I'm glad to see them, since I didn't get to say goodbye to either of them.

  14. #64
    Senior Member UncomfortablyNumb's Avatar
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    I wish my dad would talk to me in the dreams I have of him. They are just always of him dying all over again.

    I read this whole thread and got the heebies.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    She transitioned from a stupid asshole to a dumb bitch.

  15. #65
    Salty. angelaiscaustic's Avatar
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    I dreamt they both visited right after don and I signed the lease on this place. I had fallen asleep on the couch in our old place and in my dream, woke up there to both of them walking in. They sat next to me but continued talking low to eachother, and only acknowledged me when I asked if they wanted coffee (they nodded). Then they got up to leave and looked at don sleeping in the other room and smiled at me. I like to think they were giving their approval of him. Then I actually woke up on the couch.

  16. #66
    Senior Member UncomfortablyNumb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelaiscaustic View Post
    I dreamt they both visited right after don and I signed the lease on this place. I had fallen asleep on the couch in our old place and in my dream, woke up there to both of them walking in. They sat next to me but continued talking low to eachother, and only acknowledged me when I asked if they wanted coffee (they nodded). Then they got up to leave and looked at don sleeping in the other room and smiled at me. I like to think they were giving their approval of him. Then I actually woke up on the couch.
    That made me teary eyed. What a great dream.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    She transitioned from a stupid asshole to a dumb bitch.

  17. #67
    Salty. angelaiscaustic's Avatar
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    Thanks. I know it's probably my subconscious wishing they could've met them, but I like to think what I originally said haha

  18. #68
    Senior Member debk589's Avatar
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    This might sound totally cray, but I swear my dad (who passed away when I was 5 months pregnant), is checking in on my baby boy. My dad was always known for absolutely loving the grandchildren, and would do anything to make them laugh. I can actually remember a couple times where he literally tried to stand on his head to make one of his grandbabies laugh I've been noticing lately when holding Gavin, he'll be really serious; looking completely passed me, at nothing on the complete other side of the room, and then just start cracking up laughing. Hard. Not a giggle, like a deep funny baby laugh, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what the heck he's laughing at! This has happened at least 7 or 8 times. I swear it's my dad, and I'm starting to feel crazy for thinking this.

  19. #69
    Senior Member morbidT's Avatar
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    That's an awesome story! I don't think you should crazy at all. Have you tried to take a pic in the direction the kiddo is looking when all this is happening?

    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    ..... it wasn't anything personal, she just mistook him for a serial killer......

  20. #70
    Salty. angelaiscaustic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by debk589 View Post
    This might sound totally cray, but I swear my dad (who passed away when I was 5 months pregnant), is checking in on my baby boy. My dad was always known for absolutely loving the grandchildren, and would do anything to make them laugh. I can actually remember a couple times where he literally tried to stand on his head to make one of his grandbabies laugh I've been noticing lately when holding Gavin, he'll be really serious; looking completely passed me, at nothing on the complete other side of the room, and then just start cracking up laughing. Hard. Not a giggle, like a deep funny baby laugh, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what the heck he's laughing at! This has happened at least 7 or 8 times. I swear it's my dad, and I'm starting to feel crazy for thinking this.
    Apparently I used to talk to the air right above a photo of my mom's father (I'm named for him, he died 11 months before I was born) up until I was about three. I would speak italian and it sounded like a one sided convo (like I was answering questions). I don't remember it.

  21. #71
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    That's a good idea to try to take a picture -maybe I'll try that and see what happens. The hubbs looked at me like I had three heads when I told him about this- but then Gavin did it the other day while he was holding him and I think it freaked him out.

    Ange that's amazing. I've always read/heard that kids and babies are way more "available" to that kind of stuff, I guess I just never thought I would possibly be seeing it first hand.

  22. #72
    Senior Member morbidT's Avatar
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    I mean, I get you probably don't tote a camera around with you all the time, but if you have your cell phone handy it would be worth a shot to try to snap a few.

    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    ..... it wasn't anything personal, she just mistook him for a serial killer......

  23. #73
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    ok, im going to type this because I cant sleep and stumbled on this thread.

    So when i was 14 or 15, I would play the Ouija with my best friend after school... catholic school - so we would have to hide what we were doing. Long story short: we proved to each other that we were not moving the optical and we "made a friend" on the ouija board. The "friend" had a code in which he would signal to us that he was who we thought he was.
    here is what i remember: his name was Tom.
    he committed suicide in 1994
    he was from hackensack, N J
    he had siblings - family
    he regretted what he did
    He found out that he was buried in Newark, N J
    he shot himself
    he was young - in his twenties

    so we talked to him multiple time - we knew all those things from his life because we asked. We were more interetsted in determining whether he was real or not. One day we asked him to move a playing card - he said he didnt know how, but he promised to learn. Later he told us to look at a lipstick on the dresser, and it fell over and rolled off the dresser - WE WERE SO EXCITED AND HAPPY.
    We would talk to him mostly at my house - he wouldnt always be at my best friend's house - one day he told me that i was special. and i thought that i was going to be famous or something...

    so fast forward to my "boyfriend"
    i met him 11 year ago.
    a few months into our relationship, he told me that his brother committed suicide.
    He did tell me his name, "tom" - still didnt bring me back to my ouije board high school days.
    then one day, my BF invited me to go with him and his family, to his brother's grave site on the anniversary of his burial.
    I saw his tombstone and all the info at the same time - i was in Newark, the family was from Hackensack, his name is Tom, he committed suicide, he died in 1994, he had siblings..
    and it brought me back to it. and i almost passed out. I have not to this day told my BF because he would just flip. He doesnt believe in this bullshit and would get so pissed, so i just keep it to myself.

  24. #74
    Senior Member debk589's Avatar
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    Holy. Shit.

  25. #75
    Salty. angelaiscaustic's Avatar
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    I dunno how you resisted breaking out the ouija again

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