They arent supposed to discuss that stuff. Even the garments are a very private thing.

i would tell anyone that is interested that if there is a temple being built near you or whatever, they always have like an 'open house' type of day. People of all religions can actually tour the temple before it's closed to only select people.

Besides all the weird stuff, the temples are amazingly beautiful. There is marble everywhere. The baptismal fonts that are held up by the oxen are gorgeous. i know a lot of the older members, retired people that go and help when there is a new temple built.

Ive got to look but there are some really interesting facts about the temples and how some of them were built. I thinkt he statues of Moroni, who i affectionatley refer to as 'that macaroni guy' are suppossedly made of gold. Im not sure if thats true or not but every temple has one.

The mormom tabernachle is stunning!