Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
Also I died laughing when Adam Levine licked his hand and stuck it between that girl's legs before the sex scene. Holy realism, batman. You don't see that on cable every day. Even HBO is like 'that's the gross part we don't talk about.'
also - when the doc said 'show me your mossy bank and was holding his dick over his shorts to one side. classic creep.

Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
No, we don't. That was the biggest red herring false lead in the history of TV. Those cards that whore found were postcards of Bettie Paige and other pretty well known bondage scenes.
i thought i also saw photos of chopped upedness, but i was watching on a computer screen... i'm digging the new season, but it's hard to shake my love for the characters of last season...