Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
Hahaha If I voted Republican my mom would smother me in my sleep.

Only Republican I ever voted for was Rick Lazio when he ran against Hillary. I did that just so she didn't literally get 100% of the Black vote.

I remember Al Sharpton was on The Chris Rock Show, they wee talking about that shit, and when it came up that Hillary got like 99.2% of the Black vote Al said "yea, we're still looking for that guy." and I fucking laughed my ass off.
fucking amazing. i can totally get behind that kind of strategic voting, too. its just more difficult to do in a purple state. this is why voting third party isn't an option, may as well vote for romney. it just feels soooo dirty to vote for obama. not to mention the whole feeling that the election is really just for show. my head and my heart can't agree on this one.