Quote Originally Posted by Cat Pajamas View Post
I've had this happen to me. I weighed 130 lbs at the time and a (stranger) girl asked me how far along I was. I just looked at her and said, "yeah, I drink a lot of beer. I'm not pregnant.". The worst part is that she insisted that I must be and that I should really take a pregnancy test.
omg. I know it's not funny, but I still laughed a little. I didn't think it was funny, right when it happened, to me. But, I laugh at it now. I was always tall and skinny and am just now getting use to being the chubby girl. I have gained all of my weight in my midsection, so I can understand why someone would think I'm pregnant, but it's still not ok to ask a stranger when you're due. I have NOT gained any tit weight and I would think that would be a give-a-way that I am not pregnant.