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Thread: Fun Time Breastfeeding Pic on Time Magazine Stirs Debate

  1. #101
    Senior Member Natasha_XO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFavoriteDaughter View Post
    You know, I will most likely breastfeed and probably have my kid sleep in bed with me at points. I just want to give a big FUCK YOU to the mothers ahead of time that will judge me if I decide to formula feed and have the kid in their own bed from day one. L has strong opinions on these things as well and as the father, he has a right to how much attachment there will be in our parenting.
    Your opinions will change and so will L's. I'm not saying your opinions will align with mine, they most assuredly won't, but HA, I remember my opinions before Millie, hell, even before Avi. I really wish I hadn't been such a judgmental asshole, eating my words.

  2. #102
    Senior Member Natasha_XO's Avatar
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    Thanks for holding it down, Ang. represent.

  3. #103
    Balls okac's Avatar
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    The only person who ever spanked me was my father. This, among other things taught me that he was an abusive asshole.
    My mother never spanked me and I was a great kid, very respectful. When parenting is done correctly and consistently you dont need to be harming your child to 'show them'.

    Also I dont care how long someone breast feeds, it may weird me out but thats only because I'm not exposed to it.

    And one more, I think its fucked up that anyone would tell someone to cover up their feeding baby. If youre so disgusted watching a baby eat then put a damn blanket over your own face. Covering should be the moms decision.
    I don't sell crack, I'm a prostitute.

  4. #104
    The Dude abides. strmmrgrrl's Avatar
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    My father was raised Jehovah's Witness (not sure it has anything to do with it) and did not believe in hitting/spanking. Nor did my nana (his mother) but she would chase a mo fo down with a broom.

    My mum on the other hand did spank (with a wooden spoon), but I had to have done something really bad. On only two occasions did I receive a serious beatdown - once when I threw my first (and only!) temper tantrum and another when my father bet me a dollar I wouldn't whack her across the ass with a wiffle ball bat (c'mon! A WHOLE DOLLAR!!!). My mum came from a different culture. She was whooped at home AND at school. Her father's father was even more violent to his kids.

    I'm still on the fence with spanking. I think some situations call for a whack on the butt. The problem nowadays is there's no middle ground. People are either insanely violent towards their kids or overly passive to where the kids run amok and put themselves and others in danger. BUT, and this has been proven with a lot of the mamas here, true discipline trumps beatings. It just takes the patience and hard work that a lot of parents are too lazy to dish out (i.e. asking your waitress to put your kids in their place).
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Getting arrested for coke in Vegas is like being found eating a chocolate bar in the willy wonka factory.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by White trash bitchy blonde View Post
    Yes. I am certifiable. I find it hilarious that I beat the shit out of my kid. As a matter of fact, I would beat the shit out of a strangers child. I hate kids, they all fucking suck, those little rat bastards.
    When my children cry, I drink their tears. Fuck you.
    Thanks for smiting me because I pointed out that beating your children is wrong. I'm pretty sure it's against the law, too. But it's definitely lazy parenting.

    And who cares how long your husband thinks mothers should breast feed? His opinion doesn't count. The only one that matters is the one of the mother who is breast feeding.

  6. #106
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by okac View Post
    The only person who ever spanked me was my father. This, among other things taught me that he was an abusive asshole.
    My mother never spanked me and I was a great kid, very respectful. When parenting is done correctly and consistently you dont need to be harming your child to 'show them'.

    Also I dont care how long someone breast feeds, it may weird me out but thats only because I'm not exposed to it.

    And one more, I think its fucked up that anyone would tell someone to cover up their feeding baby. If youre so disgusted watching a baby eat then put a damn blanket over your own face. Covering should be the moms decision.
    Ditto to the abuse statement. Sorry, WTBB. Popping your kid in the mouth is fucked up and abusive. The point of spanking as discipline is that it's supposed to be a light, harmless swat that alarms a child and makes them associate something dangerous they're doing with pain. When you punch and smack your kids out of frustration, they know it. And that isn't a good track to put them on as far as teaching anger resolution.

    I was a well behaved child because I loved my mom and didn't want to disappoint her, not because I was afraid of her.

  7. #107
    wibbly wobbly timey wimey Seraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicachinacochina View Post
    Thanks for smiting me because I pointed out that beating your children is wrong. I'm pretty sure it's against the law, too. But it's definitely lazy parenting.

    And who cares how long your husband thinks mothers should breast feed? His opinion doesn't count. The only one that matters is the one of the mother who is breast feeding.
    She didn't smite you. I did. Ever since you got here all you've done is spout shit. I simply forgot to sign my name on there.

  8. #108
    Senior Member McMama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ditto to the abuse statement. Sorry, WTBB. Popping your kid in the mouth is fucked up and abusive. The point of spanking as discipline is that it's supposed to be a light, harmless swat that alarms a child and makes them associate something dangerous they're doing with pain. When you punch and smack your kids out of frustration, they know it. And that isn't a good track to put them on as far as teaching anger resolution.

    I was a well behaved child because I loved my mom and didn't want to disappoint her, not because I was afraid of her.
    I hope this is how my daughter views our relationship

    As for the article, I fully support BFing--extended, for two weeks, whatever. Pictures like this are taken for shock value. To me, if you're so comfortable with what you're doing you don't have to make an outrageous, over the top statement. You live what you believe and you shouldn't feel the need to explain yourself to others. Some mothers choose to keep BF'ing beyond the standard 2 year recommendation. Cool. No "look at me" magazine cover needed.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    She didn't smite you. I did. Ever since you got here all you've done is spout shit. I simply forgot to sign my name on there.
    Huh? Please read my posts because that's simply not true.

    Anyway, I stand by what I wrote. Beating your children is wrong. If that's spouting shit, I'm guilty as charged!

  10. #110
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    Yeahhhh, I didnt smite you but whatever. My husbands opinion is important of course because this is his child also. Chica, I dont know you and I really could give two shits to what your opinion is anyways. Go fuck yourself.

    I was brought up in a home where i was spanked. I spank. My kids are fine and they are really good kids. I really don't need anyone to tell me im right or wrong on this and im not an abusive asshole so there goes that theory. Just because one person took it to another level doesnt mean everyone else has.
    Spanking is always going to be a hot issue with people, just like arguing about breast feeding and whether a pit bull is safe around your kids.

    Meh, it's mothers day and im in a raw mood so I dont wanna spout off anything else.

  11. #111
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    Oh and spanking being illegal? Nope. Not here.

  12. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by White trash bitchy blonde View Post
    Yeahhhh, I didnt smite you but whatever. My husbands opinion is important of course because this is his child also. Chica, I dont know you and I really could give two shits to what your opinion is anyways. Go fuck yourself.

    I was brought up in a home where i was spanked. I spank. My kids are fine and they are really good kids. I really don't need anyone to tell me im right or wrong on this and im not an abusive asshole so there goes that theory. Just because one person took it to another level doesnt mean everyone else has.
    Spanking is always going to be a hot issue with people, just like arguing about breast feeding and whether a pit bull is safe around your kids.

    Meh, it's mothers day and im in a raw mood so I dont wanna spout off anything else.
    That is twice that you've directed the word 'fuck' at me. Get a grip. I don't know you either but what I see here is an angry, violent person who is set off by the tiniest criticism. It's not healthy.

  13. #113
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    Let me be the first to tell you that this is personally a hard day for me. Am I an angry person right now? Yeah, I'm dealing with things right now that are beyond my control. Like I said, go fuck yourself. There's another one for you. I don't take out my issues on my children.
    I think my spanking ideals are a little misunderstood. I do not spank my kid add un beating them. That is not me and I have never harmed my children to the extent that people think I'm taking it.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by White trash bitchy blonde View Post
    Let me be the first to tell you that this is personally a hard day for me. Am I an angry person right now? Yeah, I'm dealing with things right now that are beyond my control. Like I said, go fuck yourself. There's another one for you. I don't take out my issues on my children.
    I think my spanking ideals are a little misunderstood. I do not spank my kid add un beating them. That is not me and I have never harmed my children to the extent that people think I'm taking it.
    I knew you'd be back because I can tell you have no self control ;). Okac and bowieluva said the exact same thing I did but you curse me. Why? Because you don't know me? Whatever. Your You Tube channel name is 'imameanmomma.' You've admitted to spanking and 'popping' your kid in the mouth. Don't blame me for how you are perceived.

  15. #115
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    I'm not blaming you for how I am viewed, not at all. Lol on my youtube.

  16. #116
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    Also, please take the time to go thru any and all videos and share with the class the ones where I beat the shit out of my kids. They are def worth watching.

  17. #117
    Senior Member Feetprints's Avatar
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    Don't feel special, lady, WTBB just really likes the word "fuck" ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
    SMH. White people! Always trying to help and shit.

  18. #118
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    This is true.

  19. #119
    Chin Checker g r ee n ey e s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha_XO View Post
    All of the baby girls I know self weaned well before two. I have lamented and feel immense guilt that I had no support and wasn't able to nurse Millie for as long as she needed. Avi is super attached and that is just his personality type, I don't know that it has anything to do with his gender.
    I tried finding more info on the different sexes and how they are weaned and I couldn't seem to find much of anything. I went to different Attachment Parenting websites to educate myself better as to what the difference is between girls and boys and why it seems that boys tend to be nursed much longer than girls, and there was nothing. I am sure to a certain extent some kids nurse longer than others just because that is the way it worked out. I was just noticing how many mothers made comments on these websites (and on websites that talked about the Time article) about BF past 3 years and they were all boys.

    I should have prefaced that I don't have issues with breast feeding in general, I am not a parent but I hope to eventually plan to be one day and for me I think it creates a level of dependence that I don't want my child to have.

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha_XO View Post
    You could just not look. I mean, have you tried covering your head while eating? Or a 6 month old's?
    I am not saying to smother the baby with a pillow so I don't have to see a breast in public, a light blanket or receiving cloth to give the minimal privacy is not going to stop the baby from nursing. No one is being oppressed because I don't feel comfortable with breasts exposed in a public setting. I am in no way saying starve the baby because breast feeding in public is wrong.. I just really really don't want to see a random woman's breast without warning as I am about to take a bite of my sandwich. I mean, I could not look.. if I had the choice.

    I mean no disrespect Natasha, I know we see things differently on this.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonDancer View Post
    And apparently you fuck the mods here.

  20. #120
    Senior Member TheFavoriteDaughter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha_XO View Post
    Your opinions will change and so will L's. I'm not saying your opinions will align with mine, they most assuredly won't, but HA, I remember my opinions before Millie, hell, even before Avi. I really wish I hadn't been such a judgmental asshole, eating my words.
    That's why I said if I decide to do one or the other. I don't have definitive opinions about how I will parent and I don't think it came off that way at all. For all anyone knows, L might think the child needs to be in the bed from day one until they're ready to leave. The only thing he has said is that he wants me to breastfeed. Then he went and told his fucking mother while she was drunk that I might not. She cried, cried, about how I wouldn't be giving her future grandchildren everything they deserve. How is that fair? Yeah, you've got the Ron's of the world being dicks about breastfeeding. But the the biggest judgmental and vocal assholes are breastfeeding supporters. You may have faced opposition but there is nothing like a breastfeeding mother up on her soapbox.

    Oh, and chin whatever. It's completely up to the mother? Are you kidding me? What a great marriage that must be if one parent is the final word on how children are raised. Real healthy

    Oh, and this is mean, but I don't really care if your child is comfortable or not. They are not my child. I still have the right to not want to look at someone's nipple.
    Last edited by TheFavoriteDaughter; 05-14-2012 at 09:09 AM.
    Suzanne Knight (21) brutally raped and devoured 3 toddlers while on a meth binge before hanging herself Marky69: If those toddlers didnt want to be eaten then they shouldnt of looked so god damned delicious. RIP Suzanne

  21. #121
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    I admit to never being hypnotically compelled to gazing helplessly at a woman's exposed nipple while breastfeeding. I do think that is a personal problem and not the mother's responsibility.

  22. #122
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFavoriteDaughter View Post
    That's why I said if I decide to do one or the other. I don't have definitive opinions about how I will parent and I don't think it came off that way at all. For all anyone knows, L might think the child needs to be in the bed from day one until they're ready to leave. The only thing he has said is that he wants me to breastfeed. Then he went and told his fucking mother while she was drunk that I might not. She cried, cried, about how I wouldn't be giving her future grandchildren everything they deserve. How is that fair? Yeah, you've got the Ron's of the world being dicks about breastfeeding. But the the biggest judgmental and vocal assholes are breastfeeding supporters. You may have faced opposition but there is nothing like a breastfeeding mother up on her soapbox.

    Oh, and chin whatever. It's completely up to the mother? Are you kidding me? What a great marriage that must be if one parent is the final word on how children are raised. Real healthy

    Oh, and this is mean, but I don't really care if your child is comfortable or not. They are not my child. I still have the right to not want to look at someone's nipple.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

  23. #123
    Senior Member TheFavoriteDaughter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    I admit to never being hypnotically compelled to gazing helplessly at a woman's exposed nipple while breastfeeding. I do think that is a personal problem and not the mother's responsibility.
    It's not like I'm staring People forget that breasts, before becoming a mother, are not used for food. So for someone that has never given nourishment to a child, it is a little difficult to look at a boob when it's generally something you show in your bedroom.
    And I hate when someone says, "They're glands. Society has sexualized them!" Um, no the wonderful sensation I get when they're fondled is what has sexualized them.
    Suzanne Knight (21) brutally raped and devoured 3 toddlers while on a meth binge before hanging herself Marky69: If those toddlers didnt want to be eaten then they shouldnt of looked so god damned delicious. RIP Suzanne

  24. #124
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFavoriteDaughter View Post
    It's not like I'm staring People forget that breasts, before becoming a mother, are not used for food. So for someone that has never given nourishment to a child, it is a little difficult to look at a boob when it's generally something you show in your bedroom.
    And I hate when someone says, "They're glands. Society has sexualized them!" Um, no the wonderful sensation I get when they're fondled is what has sexualized them.
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TheFavoriteDaughter again.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

  25. #125
    Chin Checker g r ee n ey e s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    I admit to never being hypnotically compelled to gazing helplessly at a woman's exposed nipple while breastfeeding. I do think that is a personal problem and not the mother's responsibility.
    I mean, staring is not the issue as much as visually assaulted. If you were to walk around a corner and see a guy peeing and you happened to see peen, it would be the same effect, imo. It happens, it's whatever.. but you really didn't need to see peen. It like.. whyyy did I have to see the peen??

    But you live, no one screams "Oh my god it's a titty/peen and how dare you have one of those!!"..

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonDancer View Post
    And apparently you fuck the mods here.

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