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Thread: Gabriel Johnson 8 months old

  1. #276
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    Re: Gabriel Johnson 8 months old

    I hope the baby is found at least as I live in San Antonio, Texas and would be nice to actually find him here about a family that took him in.

  2. #277
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    Re: Gabriel Johnson 8 months old

    I hope there is a good turn out about this story. It reminds me alot about the Casey Anthony story. If in deed she gave it up to another family they have probably become so attached they don't want to loose the baby now. They need to come forward if they do exist.

  3. #278

    Re: Gabriel Johnson 8 months old

    Sorry I am a long time reader, first time post.
    Spent the morning reading all about this poor baby, being a M2B I can't imagine throwing a child away and just not giving a shyt.
    I hope some kind of justice will come out soon, so that the father and family are able to have some peace.

  4. #279
    Senior Member Natasha_XO's Avatar
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    Re: Gabriel Johnson 8 months old

    I hate when this is bumped, I always hope that he's found alive and well. 

  5. #280
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    Re: Gabriel Johnson 8 months old

    Before you shoot me, he hasn't been found.  I thought it was important though, that the original "adoptive mother" was arrested and is due in court and that last week the courts found Elizabeth competent to stand trial!!! I really hope that wasn't a misprint.

    PHOENIX -- One of the key figures in the case of Gabriel Johnson, the Tempe baby who has not been seen since the day after Christmas, was due in Superior Court for a hearing Monday.
    Tammi Smith is the woman who claimed she was in the process of adopting Gabriel before he disappeared.
    Tempe police said Smith was not forthcoming with information during their investigation. Detectives also said Smith provided false information on paternity documents, listing her cousin as Gabriel's father. Smith was charged with custodial interference, conspiracy to commit to custodial interference and forgery. She pleaded not guilty to those charges back in February.
    Gabriel, who was 8 months old when he vanished, has not been seen since Dec. 26, when his mother, Elizabeth Johnson, took him and left the state during a custody battle.
    Johnson first told the baby's father, Logan McQueary, that she killed the child. She later changed her story, saying she gave the baby to a couple in San Antonio, Texas. She claims that she does not know their names.
    While the baby's body has not been found, San Antonio police made the procedural move of declaring the case a homicide and kidnapping. Officers in San Antonio spent quite some time searching a landfill for any sign of the baby. The landfill handles the garbage of the San Antonio hotel where Gabriel was last seen with Johnson.
    Last week, Johnson, who has refused to cooperate with police, was found competent to stand trial.
    Lurker checking in.

  6. #281
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    Re: Gabriel Johnson 8 months old

    Gabriel is one gorgeous baby, that's for sure.
    And you know, I listened to that babysitter's interview twice and I think she's full of shit.  She contradicted herself so many times, and it soon became obvious she wanted only her bit of fame (on NG) -- she was sickening.  Saying things like "He seemed so sad" and "I played with him, I read to him..." and how Gabriel's mother "didn't have any toys for him" in the hotel room.  I wouldn't leave a parrot in her care, let alone my child.  :2upset:
    I call bullshit on everything she said.
    I've just got a feeling that this young mother thought the bio dad was a danger to Gabriel.  I really don't feel like she hurt this child.  The underground is a powerful force, and if they hid this child for what they thought was his own good, I'm sure he won't be found.
    But I don't have the feeling he's dead (ala Caylee Anthony) -- it just doesn't ring true.
    It was a crappy thing to do, sending the father a text saying the baby was dead and "blue" -- I don't dispute that was a sucky thing to do.  But I think it was to throw him off, to not keep searching for his son.
    I don't know these people, this is just my gut feeling.
    And The Smiths (not the awesome band, but the unawesome couple) are not as innocent as they'd like us to believe.  Mrs. Smith used her cousin's name (Craig Cherry) as a "possible biological father" for Gabriel, even though that's an impossibility.  They can't be trusted; a lie is a lie, and where there's one, there's likely more where that came from.
    I just hope this unbelievably gorgeous baby has some kind of a normal and good life.  His name suits him; he looks like an absolute angel.
    Glad to see such interest on MDS about this case, it's definitely worthy of our attention. 
    Tell me, is something eluding you, Sunshine? Is this not what you expected to see? If you wanna find out what's behind this cold eyes you'll just have to claw your way through this disguise...

  7. #282
    Senior Member Bella's Avatar
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    Re: Gabriel Johnson 8 months old

    Elizabeth Johnson, mother of missing baby Gabriel Johnson, was in court again this morning for a pre-trial conference, at which the judge in the case delayed setting a date for trial.

    Johnson's been charged with kidnapping, child abuse, and custodial interference in the disappearance of the baby, who went missing last December.

    Police still don't know if the boy is even alive, and Johnson's been no help in finding him.

    Johnson was in the news again last week when her attorneys withdrew their request for a competency hearing. Johnson was initially found incompetent to stand trial following a psychological evaluation back in June. In August, however, the state went back on its earlier finding and ruled that Johnson is competent.

    Johnson first made headlines in January after not appearing at a December custody hearing over her then-8-month-old son. Johnson disappeared with the baby and went to San Antonio, Texas, where Gabriel was last seen alive.

    While on the run, Johnson sent text messages to the baby's father, Logan McQueary, saying she had killed the baby and put his body in a dumpster.

    She later recanted her claims and said she gave the baby to a random couple she met at a park in San Antonio.

    Initially, Tempe police were optimistic that the baby was still alive but have since changed their tune as tips in the case slowed.

    Johnson's been in the Maricopa County Jail system since her arrest. Initially, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio claimed she was a model inmate.

    Arpaio's tune soon changed after Johnson assaulted two other prisoners, was thrown in the jail's loony bin, and placed on Joe's "loaf" program.

    If you're unfamiliar with Joe's loaf, click here:

  8. #283
    Senior Member Hayalet's Avatar
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    Was meant to start last month but has been pushed to September

    Gabriel's mother competent to stand trial

    Posted: Feb 11, 2012 12:22 AM GST
    Updated: Feb 11, 2012 12:23 AM GST
    By Breann Bierman - email

    PHOENIX (CBS5) -
    The mother of missing baby Gabriel was back in court Friday morning.

    Elizabeth Johnson still didn't offer up any details about where her son might be.

    The judge in the case ruled Friday that as long as she gets her medication, she is competent and will stand trial in September.

    Johnson hired a new attorney, named Marc Victor, who asked for more time to familiarize himself with the case.

    The case could get delayed even further because the judge will soon be transferred out of criminal cases.

    Gabriel would be nearly three years old now.

    Johnson at one point said she killed him but now said she gave him away to strangers in Texas.

    No sign of him has ever surfaced.

  9. #284
    Member Punkrockerchick's Avatar
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    sad this baby boy i dont think is alive why would the people who she gave him to be keeping him away from his father, the father must feel horrible knowing that his son is somewhere out there. I pray that he is still alive and that the mother is telling the truth and gave him to a family but with the news coverage and everything people know about the case why would the parents hide him?? if they loved him that much he be home with his real daddy. so that is why i believe that she overdosed him like the photos they shared with the baby sucking on the medicine bottle.. I pray for this baby and follow the story on facebook so sad.

  10. #285
    Senior Member rachy's Avatar
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    Baby Gabriel's father testifies in Johnson case

    Baby Gabriel's father testified Monday in Maricopa County Superior Court that Elizabeth Johnson told him in phone calls and text messages that she had suffocated the 8-month-old boy, put his body in a diaper bag and placed it in a dumpster in San Antonio.

    Johnson is charged with kidnapping, conspiracy and custodial interference related to the child's 2009 disappearance. The child has never been found.

    Logan McQueary spoke in a low monotone as he detailed his relationship with Johnson.

    There were no surprises in his testimony, and he stuck to the story he has told before -- most recently at the trial this spring of Tammi Smith, who was convicted of forgery and conspiracy to commit custodial interference for trying to adopt the baby against McQueary's wishes.

    Johnson let her gaze wander around the courtroom as McQueary told his tale. She pursed her lips and occasionally shook her head as if to disagree with McQueary's story

    McQueary and Johnson met as schoolchildren and began dating in late 2007, brought together because Johnson's brother shared a house with McQueary, he said.

    She was pregnant months later when the two moved to Arkansas, where McQueary was pursuing a job. McQueary was on probation in Arizona at the time for his part in an auto burglary, and the move violated the terms. When he and Johnson returned to Arizona, he was thrown in jail for four months.

    But he participated in a work release program, and when Johnson was in labor with Gabriel, he sneaked away from work to be with her in the hospital. He could not get out of jail the day the baby was born and instead first saw him a day later.

    McQueary's relationship with Johnson deteriorated. Johnson took the baby to Boston, where she thought she would live with her grandmother. On her way home to Tempe, she met Smith, though McQueary never heard of Smith until later.

    On Dec. 8, 2009, McQueary moved out of the trailer home he shared with Johnson in Tempe, and he took Gabriel with him, he said, at Johnson's request. Johnson had ripped up the baby's clothes and bedding. The two went to stay with McQueary's grandmother in Mesa, he said.

    But later that day, the police called McQueary because Johnson had accused McQueary of kidnapping Gabriel. He brought the baby back to the trailer, and he never saw him again.

    Johnson called him at the store the next day to ask him to sign Gabriel over for adoption by Tammi Smith and her husband.

    "I told her I wanted to be part of Gabriel's life," McQueary said on the witness stand. "I didn't want to put him up for adoption."

    She told him he was never going to see Gabriel again.

    She came to the store he worked at and caused such a scene kicking a closed door that the manager (who also testified Monday) called police.

    Johnson called police, as well, McQueary said, again saying Gabriel had been kidnapped, even though she had given the boy to Smith. When police located Gabriel, McQueary said, they would not tell him where he was.

    McQueary filed for custody and, on Dec. 18, 2009, got shared custody. Johnson was supposed to drop off the baby with him on Dec. 20, but she never showed up, and he had no phone number for her.

    He and his father tracked down the Smiths on the Internet, he said, and Tammi Smith said she would act as a go-between with Johnson. But then, when McQueary realized that Smith was not helping, he obtained Johnson's phone number and called her.

    On Dec. 28, 2009, Johnson sent him a text saying she had killed Gabriel. When he reached her on the phone, she told him, "You made me kill my baby boy."

    "I just kept saying, no you didn't," he said on the witness stand.

    He had recorded the phone calls, and he took them to the police. By the time police arrested Johnson in Miami, Gabriel was gone.

    McQueary finished his testimony in an hour and a half. Johnson's defense attorney had no further questions for him on cross-examination.

  11. #286
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    Elizabeth Johnson, Mother Of Missing Baby Gabriel Johnson, Sentenced To 5 Years
    An Arizona state judge has sentenced Elizabeth Johnson to five years in prison in connection with the Christmastime 2009 disappearance of her son, Gabriel Johnson, then 8 months old.

    Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Joseph Kreamer's decision came Friday, nearly two months after a jury returned a guilty verdict against Elizabeth Johnson for custodial interference and unlawful imprisonment.

    "I wish there was something I could do to bring closure, but there's not," Kreamer said before handing down the sentence.

    Kreamer sentenced Johnson to three and a half years for the custodial interference charge, and one year and nine months for the unlawful imprisonment charge, bringing the total sentence to five years and three months. Kreamer said Johnson would be credited with the 1,062 days she has already served, leaving her about two years to complete behind bars. Upon her release, she must also serve four years probation, Kreamer said.

    Prior to sentencing, Johnson spoke on her own behalf. "I am ashamed of the choices I have made ... I should have known better but at the time I did what I felt was right for [my son]. I regret taking Gabriel away from [his father] and for saying the things I said," Johnson said.

    Johnson said she gave her son away in Texas so he could be with a "real, loving family."

    "I have to live every day without my son and without knowing where he is," a tearful Johnson said. "That is the worst pain and punishment I could ever have ... I am deeply sorry."

    The baby's father, Logan McQueary, 25, also spoke in court, via a phone call to the judge.

    "I don't know what to say that has not already been said ... What Elizabeth has done has not only robbed me but my friends and family ... her actions hurt and changed people and their lives forever [and] I think Elizabeth should be held accountable for her actions," Logan said.

    Prosecutor Angela Andrews announced in court that her office was willing to set aside its recommendation of imprisonment if Johnson would reveal where her child is.

    The defense did not respond to Andrews' offer.

    Andrews described Johnson's actions as "despicable" and said she had caused "amazing pain and suffering" to the victims. "She was a vindictive and scheming woman who used her child as a pawn ... Her actions demonstrated nothing but pure selfishness and vengeance," Andrews said.

    Gabriel was last seen on Dec. 26, 2009, according to police. Johnson, 26, and McQueary shared joint custody. On Dec. 27, the day McQueary was supposed to pick up his son, he said he received an ominous text message apparently from Johnson telling him their baby was dead.

  12. #287
    Senior Member kevansvault's Avatar
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    Up your ass should you make the mistake of pissing me off.
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    Sorry, but she's the kind of whore you dump kerosene on and set ablaze. There are not enough adjectives to describe how horrible a person she is. A living, breathing example of an utterly despicable subhuman piece of shit. Elizabeth Johnson I hope they treat you worse than dogs treat garbage in that prison.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

  13. #288
    Senior Member WooFrigginHoo's Avatar
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    She should have been charged with murder.

  14. #289
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    I think she should have been charged with murder too. I can't believe she's serving such a short term when she said she killed her own baby and they never found him. As far as I'm concerned, she's a disgusting murderer who is getting off scot free. I hope some big bitch beats her dumbass into an unrecognizable pulp. I can't believe they haven't after spraying cleaner into someone's eyes. Here's to hoping she messes with the wrong bitch!

  15. #290
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    She's out of jail -

    Elizabeth Johnson, the mother and main suspect in the disappearance of her 8-month-old son, is now a free woman after spending less than five years behind bars.

    We first reported on the disappearance of Gabriel Johnson back in 2010 after Johnson fled to Texas with him on the eve of a custodial hearing. Since she was a no-show, Johnson lost custodial rights to Gabriel.

    She would tell Gabriel’s father that she’d killed Gabriel, and blamed him for her actions. Authorities would eventually apprehend Johnson in Miami Beach, Florida but Gabriel was not with her. While in custody, Johnson would recant her murder confession and claim to have given Gabriel to a couple at a Texas park.

    However, during an unauthorized, three hour meeting between Johnson and Detective John Salame, Johnson would again confess to killing her son. The detective says he was close to getting the location of the boy’s body when Johnson’s lawyer, who was unaware the jailhouse interview was taking place, walked in and pulled the plug.

    This all worked out in Johnson’s favor since the interview, along with her confession, was not allowed in court during her 2012 trial. Unable to prove she murdered Gabriel, a jury could only find her guilty of conspiracy to commit custodial interference, custodial interference and unlawful imprisonment.

    On Friday, after spending four and a half years behind bars, Johnson was released from Perryville Prison. Her attorney says she is a changed woman.

    “I think from the day that I met Elizabeth to the day she gets released tomorrow, she has changed dramatically,” Mark Victor said. “She’s almost a different person.” Awesome.

    Gabriel remains missing.

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  16. #291
    Senior Member queenaevadamthng's Avatar
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    So now she's out and is free to produce more babies to kill. That is so fucked up.

    "Theoretical physics can prove that an elephant can hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy. But use your eyes, your common sense".... JIM GARRISON

  17. #292
    Senior Member queenaevadamthng's Avatar
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    I hope they find this little guy. Mom is such a sadistic bitch. All the people that loved this little boy... geesh...I don't get how someone could be that evil and vindictive. And it appears that "JoJo" has been able to go on with a happy life.

    You gotta feel for the poor sucker she married. She doesn't strike me as the kind of gal a guy would wanna piss off. Just a hunch, we haven't heard the last of JoJo. Like George Zimmerman, she won't be able to help herself. Someone will wrong her and she will go psycho bitch on them.

    "Theoretical physics can prove that an elephant can hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy. But use your eyes, your common sense".... JIM GARRISON

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