Quote Originally Posted by Artemis View Post
I adore appropriately placed ellipses. On a keyboard, I too, have to restrain myself.

My take on the serial comma:
This is probably the only subject that I disagree with Stephen T. Colbert on. The reason I am for them is because they separate each word, which can be important. Scenario 1: someone tells me to go to the store and pick up onions, cookies, and cream. I will return with onions, a pint of cream, and cookies. Scenario 2: they tell me to pick up onions, cookies and cream. I will return with onions and a pint of cookies and cream ice-cream. Not using the last comma almost combines the final two items.
I type medical reports. They almost never talk about cookies and cream. I thought our software was malfunctioning for months until I looked it up and discovered it's okay to put that last comma in.