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Thread: The Weird Dream Thread

  1. #1
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    The Weird Dream Thread

    This is my first thread so take it easy. My latest weird dream was about natural disasters that kept happening. First a bus accident...i couldn't get anybody to help the crash victims. Then when we got to the hospital [which was a really 70's style] , a woman was coding in the floor. Once again, I couldnt get any help for her. It ended in a zombie apocalypse. 
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  2. #2
    Senior Member WhiskeyGirl's Avatar
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    I don't think bus accidents or a zombie apocalypse would count as a natural disaster...

  3. #3
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    that's just a little bit of the dream. there was earthquakes during floods caused by huge storms and all sorts of stuff.
    Some people wear Superman Pajamas...Superman wears Ray Lewis pajamas.

  4. #4

    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    i had the wierdest dream yesterday afternoon my babyhad a nap about 3pm so i decided to have a nap with her, n my dream was off key seriously

    i went into a shop, well i knew the shop it was the newsagents where i lived when i was a kid on the frontline, i aint been there for about 15 years at least,

    my baby loves anything to do with ducks and we saw these bathducks for sale and she wanted them so ilooked at the price and found they were really expensive so i said to her no cos i could buy them in town cheaper n the woman inthe shop said she would knock me some money so i said okay and got out money, i paid the correct amount for what i bought but the woman made some kind of mistake n gave me like 90 pounds in change so i ducked out of the shop quicktime.

    I was just back at my dads house then counting my money feeling bad but also happy i had money debateing what to spend it on or whether i should take it back to the shop when there was a knock on the door.....

    at the door was 4 teenagers and when i opened the door they barged their way into the house and went upstairs.....i was shouting at my older kids to come out of the front room n go outside quickley dont even stop to put on their shoes.....well these teenagers looked liek they were tripping on acid or something so i got us all out of the house the baby was on myhip and i was phoneing the police and it was the same block my dad lives on but it was different yesterday the real weather was freezeing cold, misty and raining, but in my dream was boling hot and dry and sunny no clouds.

    i was telling the police these teenagers were in my dads robbing his house i think and they said they would soon come but they didnt........well the teenagers came out of my dads house and they got out some guns and were thretening everybody and all the neighbours were out too, and calling police who still didnt come and then suddenlyi was in this old building that had loads of secret passages and i was looking for a hidden doorway, and there were names above the doors that i cant remember now but in my dream they made sense i knew what names they were, well i found it the secret doorway and then i was out on the street running but i dont know where i was going and then i was back at my dads and he came home n i thought he would be going mad about the teenagers breaking in but he was not even mad at all.......

    then i woke up.........

  5. #5
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    that's just one big mess happening all at once...i bet you woke up in a panic. i loved duckies too when i was wee. :]
    Some people wear Superman Pajamas...Superman wears Ray Lewis pajamas.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Evon's Avatar
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    I have reoccurring dreams about tidal waves. I'm deathly afraid of them so I assume that's why I dream about them. Another reoccurring dream not having control of my body, which in the dream causes me to stumble around. Everyone in the dream always thinks I'm drunk but I always tell them I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't control my body. Just last week, I woke up and couldn't move and thought I was dying. Apparently it's called sleep paralysis and happens when you wake up before the REM cycle is complete. By far one of the most weirdest, and scariest things to happen to me.

  7. #7
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    [quote author=Evon link=topic=27165.msg1724446#msg1724446 date=1285706105]
    I have reoccurring dreams about tidal waves. I'm deathly afraid of them so I assume that's why I dream about them. Another reoccurring dream not having control of my body, which in the dream causes me to stumble around. Everyone in the dream always thinks I'm drunk but I always tell them I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't control my body. Just last week, I woke up and couldn't move and thought I was dying. Apparently it's called sleep paralysis and happens when you wake up before the REM cycle is complete. By far one of the most weirdest, and scariest things to happen to me.


    have you ever had that feeling that you're 100% OUTSIDE of your body & when you regain consciousness you can feel yourself literally go *plop* back onto your bed?
    Some people wear Superman Pajamas...Superman wears Ray Lewis pajamas.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Bella's Avatar
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    Last night I had a dream that we lived in the downstairs of some house with no furniture.

    Two blue birds came in. One was a blue jay, the other wasn't. The blue jay was trying to kill the other one, and split it open all the way down the rib cage.

    My husband tried to put our daughter on the dying bird side saddle like a horse. 

    Then, the alarm went off. I woke up with a cut on my forehead and on my lip. I have NO idea why my husband wants to sleep anywhere near me, especially when I go through the night terrors.

    I had two last week that I can't even bear to think about.  :-(

  9. #9
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    I'm beginning to think this thread was a good idea.

    Once I dreamed I was going to stay with relatives...that just happened to bear a resemblance to the Addams family. They had this awful, sinister cat that was kind of like the description of Mrs. Norris from Harry Potter. It ate my younger brother whole. Then it turned into dust. Jeez, that dream was before I had even started elementary school. Freaked me out pretty badly.
    Some people wear Superman Pajamas...Superman wears Ray Lewis pajamas.

  10. #10
    Senior Member yellowCake1's Avatar
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    There are two other dream threads. One is special and the other is floating around here somewhere for you non premies. Anyways I had a weird dream the other night I was hanging out with Dax Shepard and we were spray painting everything. Making graffiti art all over the city. It was cool

  11. #11
    Salty. angelaiscaustic's Avatar
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    I dreamed Olivia Newton John got shot last night.  Talk about weird.

  12. #12
    Senior Member damn_brat's Avatar
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    I always have this recurring dream of being pregnant in the shower, and when I look down, I see that I'm bleeding heavily enough for the blood to pool around my feet. That's all the dream ever is. It terrifies me every time.

  13. #13
    Senior Member Evon's Avatar
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    [quote author=Zombify link=topic=27165.msg1724575#msg1724575 date=1285721886]
    have you ever had that feeling that you're 100% OUTSIDE of your body & when you regain consciousness you can feel yourself literally go *plop* back onto your bed?
    No I haven't, but I've heard many instances of it. They say a majority of the time when sleep paralysis happens is when you're on your back and I'm a side sleeper. When all this happened I was sleeping on my back. I really just felt like I was going to die and someone was holding my arms down as if they were on top of me.
    I don't remember my dream from last night, which sucks.

  14. #14
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    [quote author=Evon link=topic=27165.msg1725631#msg1725631 date=1285813978]
    No I haven't, but I've heard many instances of it. They say a majority of the time when sleep paralysis happens is when you're on your back and I'm a side sleeper. When all this happened I was sleeping on my back. I really just felt like I was going to die and someone was holding my arms down as if they were on top of me.
    I don't remember my dream from last night, which sucks.

    *shudders* that scares me. sleep walking does too. I dreamed that America was being bombed and my grandmother was screaming to get in the basement. My fiance' was telling me I needed to go with my old high school crush because "you'll be safe with him..just GO!!" Crush told me he loved me and I was his. It's kind of a "WTF?!?!" moment for me because we never dated in HS. Just flirted and were good friends. All of a sudden, he's telling me I'm stuck within him forever and my fiance' is just lettin me go. I'm getting pretty good at recalling my dreams.
    Some people wear Superman Pajamas...Superman wears Ray Lewis pajamas.

  15. #15
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    Last night I dreamed that when I got to the bottom of my coffee can there I turned up a web and a spider crawled out.

  16. #16

    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    [quote author=Evon link=topic=27165.msg1724446#msg1724446 date=1285706105]
    I have reoccurring dreams about tidal waves. I'm deathly afraid of them so I assume that's why I dream about them. Another reoccurring dream not having control of my body, which in the dream causes me to stumble around. Everyone in the dream always thinks I'm drunk but I always tell them I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't control my body. Just last week, I woke up and couldn't move and thought I was dying. Apparently it's called sleep paralysis and happens when you wake up before the REM cycle is complete. By far one of the most weirdest, and scariest things to happen to me.


    OMG that happened to me once in 2001, I Will never forget it cos it was so scary........i was in jamaica in montego bay at bayshore inn, and i woke up in the middle of the night i was unable to move at all and i could see holding me down to the bed a disembodied hand, no arm nothing above the wrist just a big hairy hand......and i was unable to move or even make a noise to scream was awful.....then suddenly it dissappeared and the door knob turned but did not open and then suddenly i could move again i was terrified to go sleep again all night and when i told people the next day they were laughing at me like i was crazy

  17. #17
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    Earlier this week, I dreamed a She-male was chasing me and flopping out its...yeah. *shudders*
    Some people wear Superman Pajamas...Superman wears Ray Lewis pajamas.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Rhythmisasadist's Avatar
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    Re: The Weird Dream Thread

    I have dreams about people stealing my baby during tornados. I don't have a kid so I guess I imagine what it looks like.

  19. #19
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    I'm bumping this because I had the weirdest dream ever last night. I dreamt I was on a school camp (but I was the age I am now, 30). And there was this random couple there who had a kid that had been killed by a snake. They had the dead snake with them and I started eating it raw, as payback for the kid dying. And I also had a vanilla milkshake. About halfway through the snake, I started feeling really sick and had to throw it in the river. And I woke up feeling physically nauseous, and still feel sick now (230pm).

  20. #20
    Senior Member hamdinger125's Avatar
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    Did anyone else have horrifying dreams while pregnant? I would dream the most terrible things. Like that I saw a man get severely burned. And I think I saw someone being raped in one of my dreams once. It only happened while I was expecting.

    And sleep paralysis- been there, done that. To me it feels like someone or something is crushing my chest and I can't move or breathe.

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