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Thread: Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend

  1. #76
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    Re: Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend

    [quote author=nestlequikie link=topic=6904.msg1649448#msg1649448 date=1276755393]
    The site is called MyDeathSpace, not MyPuppyRainbowLollipopSpace.  You aren't going to find everyone here to your liking.

    [/quote]  Ohhh, can we rename these forums? Pleaseeeeeeeee  :lol: MyPuppyRainbowLollipopSpace sounds fun.

  2. #77
    Moderator nestlequikie's Avatar
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    Re: Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend

    [quote author=Lauryn link=topic=6904.msg1649508#msg1649508 date=1276760852]
      Ohhh, can we rename these forums? Pleaseeeeeeeee  :lol: MyPuppyRainbowLollipopSpace sounds fun.

    I thought it would get my point across. 


    I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to. - Donnie Darko

  3. #78
    Senior Member MrBoddy2005's Avatar
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    Re: Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend

    Why Can't Everyone Just Ignore Hyper? He's A Douchebag
    Oh God, Stop The Voices *SCREAM*

  4. #79
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Re: Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend

    [quote author=I AM HER link=topic=6904.msg1649465#msg1649465 date=1276756193]
    I'm not a retard, i know this isn't a "MyPuppyRainbowLollipopSpace".

    Just sometimes it's nice to know other people aren't cruel, especially strangers.

    "I am sure there are enough people that are interested in what you have to say to make it worth your while to post." <- obviously not, if it means getting treated like a retard and like shit in the process.

    i think what i knew would of been more interesting for others... Because what I'm looking for is definitely not here.
    [/quote] Glad I went to bed instead of waiting up for this.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  5. #80
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    Re: Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend

    Are you a relative of one of the murderers I AM HER?  What happened in this case anyway, did they receive jail time?
    My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.....

  6. #81
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    Re: Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend

    nm...  Both girls were sentenced to life imprisonment with a non-parole period of 15 years.
    My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.....

  7. #82
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    Re: Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend

    [quote author=I AM HER link=topic=6904.msg1649411#msg1649411 date=1276751231]
    Do you think some people don't deserve love or rehabilitation? It's so much harder trust me when it's someone that has affected you like that.
    Not just a mate you see down the road or a cousin you barely see.

    If one of your friend's, family or partner murdered someone - would you stand by them?

    Although it depends on the situation i guess...
    [/quote]That is what I meant. I can't imagine your dilemma. I guess it would really depend on my feelings about the person beforehand. We don't get to pick our relatives, unfortunately, and there are quite a few of them I would not stand by.

  8. #83
    Riotous Defective snowfallsoon's Avatar
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    Re: Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend

    Hi I AM HER.

    Well, seems as the case is over, the girls have been sentenced, so can you talk about it? wWy did they do it?
    Did the girls really kill kittens first and say they just wanted to know what it would be like? Or did they have some

    You don't need to pay attention to everyone here, it's easier if you just ignore the people who bug you.
    I'd really like to know the story behind this though.

  9. #84
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    I'd never even heard of this case til I clicked this thread.

    Found a few articles with info that wasn't posted at the time. It sounds like the 2 girls who killed Eliza Jane were in state care - one was orphaned by age 10, the other came from a "loving Christian home" & the mother claims that after her daughter began living on the street, child protection unfairly instructed her to have no contact with her. Police seem to believe the girl from the "good Christian home" was the driving force behind the crime so I doubt her family life was as wonderful as her mum insists.

    Anyway, with this info the accommodation situation make a bit more sense. Female high school students living with a 30 yr old male "landlord" isn't exactly the norm. It's strange that Eliza ended up in the same living arrangements if she wasn't also homeless teen though? Seems there's still a lot of info missing & if it's the result of child protection privacy laws we'll probably never know the truth

    Anyway, here's some articles with detail that wasn't posted at the time :

    Eliza Davis

    Experts are baffled at why two teenage girls made a cold-blooded pact to murder a 15-year-old friend, who they strangled and buried beneath her home, a court has heard.

    The two 17-year-old girls, who cannot be named, appeared at Perth Children's Court for a sentencing hearing today after pleading guilty to murdering Eliza Jane Davis in the West Australian coal mining town of Collie on June 18, 2006.

    Their two defence lawyers pointed to the girls' troubled pasts or drug use as mitigation for the murder.

    Prosecutor Simon Stone has also told the court it appears the sadistic pair just wanted to experience killing someone.

    However, the court heard today that psychologists and psychiatrists had failed to fathom why the then 16-year-olds woke up together one Sunday morning, decided to kill Eliza, planned the deed and carried it out in such a cold-blooded fashion.

    Defence lawyer Gillian Braddock, SC, said her vulnerable client, who had lost both parents by the time she was 10, appeared to have been led by her co-accused, who has been described as a disturbed and angry young woman with a fascination with death.

    "Nobody has been able to provide an explanation," Ms Braddock said.

    "It does seem that (my client) may not have offended on her own."

    But both girls played active roles in the murder - one strangling Eliza with speaker wire, while the other pressed a chemical-soaked cloth to Eliza's mouth as the girl struggled and begged for her life.

    The girls reported Eliza missing after they buried her beneath her house and pretended to help her family look for the dead girl.

    "We knew it was wrong, but it didn't feel wrong at all, it just felt right," one of the girls said in her police interview.

    She said they did not really expect to get away with murder but felt killing Eliza was worth the risk.

    Defence lawyer Michael Clarke said his client's unhappy and drug-riddled life was out of control by the time the murder occurred.

    "The homicide was a misplaced type of aggression, perhaps an act of desperation, to resolve the crisis," Mr Clarke said.

    Mr Clarke said his client had expressed remorse by way of her guilty plea.

    But Mr Stone said that at no time had the girl admitted feeling sorry about the killing of Eliza.

    He told the court yesterday that one of the girls had described watching Eliza's reactions change from anger, to fear, to the realisation that she was going to die, but did nothing to stop the murder.

    The trio had taken cannabis and the methamphetamine ice at a party the night before but it was not enough to affect their sense of right and wrong, Mr Stone said.

    Mr Stone conceded both girls had serious mental health issues, but called for them to be sentenced to life in prison.

    The pair had an "enmeshed" relationship that could still be dangerous for others in custody unless they were separated, he has said.

    Children's Court President Denis Reynolds reserved his decision until May 9,

  10. #85
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    THE shattered mother of a confessed killer says she mourns for the parents of the teenage victim and wants her daughter to pay for the cold-hearted crime.

    Speaking exclusively to The Sunday Times, the deeply religious woman says she is tormented by the fact that her daughter was the one who strangled 15-year-old Collie schoolgirl Eliza Jane Davis, tightening speaker wire around her throat until she died.

    But the single mother says despite maternal love, her daughter and her teenage accomplice should face a harsh penalty for taking the life of their "friend''.

    The two girls, who have already pleaded guilty to the wilful murder of Eliza, will be sentenced on Wednesday. Prosecutors have called for a minimum 15-year jail term.

    While the law prevents the two juvenile offenders from being named publicly, for clarity The Sunday Times will call them Michelle and Renae. They have both turned 17 since the murder.

    "I still can't believe this has happened,'' Michelle's mother said in an emotional interview. "In my brain and in my heart, it just won't accept that they would turn on a girl like that. It doesn't seem real.

    "Every day I cry for Erin (Eliza's mother). I just think, `My God, what does that mother have to go through?'

    "It just breaks my heart. I still can't get it around my head that my child has done this.

    "I can't believe it because the child I carried and raised is such a beautiful child.''

    Michelle's mother and older sister have revealed that:

    Michelle sent text messages to their mobile phones, saying ``Goodbye. Sorry. I love you'', just minutes before she walked into Collie police station and confessed her part in the murder.

    The girls have unrestrained contact with each other at Rangeview Detention Centre, where they will remain at least until they turn 18 and are transferred to Bandyup Women's Prison.

    Michelle admitted to her mother that "there is a lot more to the story and you don't want to know''.

    She cared for Michelle's accomplice, Renae, for several months after her mother died in a car crash and foster caring arrangements fell through.

    Perth Children's Court has heard chilling details about the killing, including how the then 16-year-olds turned on Eliza as she flicked through old school yearbooks on June 18 last year.

    As Michelle used speaker wire to strangle Eliza in a frenzied attack, Renae held a chemical-soaked cloth over Eliza's face.

    When Eliza's struggles ceased, the pair buried her body in a shallow grave under a house in Wallsend St, Collie, that Eliza and Michelle had been sharing.

    The night before, the three girls had partied together, taking the amphetamine, ice.

    Four nights after the killing, the two girls separately walked into police stations, in Collie and Clarkson, and confessed to killing Eliza.

    Michelle's mother, who visits her daughter at Rangeview every week, said the murder had devastated her family and even after a year she was still in a state of shock and disbelief.

    "Some days, I'm crying my eyes out from the time I get up to the time I go to bed,'' she said. ``Other days, I'm just numb.

    "I never used to take any medication, I never used to take an aspirin, or anything, and now I'm on sleeping tablets and anti-depressants. I'm just a mess.

    "I wish no mother would ever have to go through this. It's living absolute hell.

    "I pray that the truth will come out. Whether it is good or bad, I'd like to know the truth rather than hearing `maybe' and `perhaps'.''

    Michelle's mother said she could not understand how her slightly built, naive, ``sweetheart'' daughter's life spiralled out of control.

    Michelle was the youngest of four children brought up in a loving, Christian home. As she grew up she took up modelling, learnt the guitar and became fond of animals.

    But by the age of 14, Michelle started smoking cannabis, experimented with self-harm, took myriad drugs and became embroiled in the emerging ``Emo'' culture with Renae, who had become a friend at primary school.

    But when Michelle's mother refused to take in one of her daughter's friends for a night after the pair wagged school, Michelle said: ``If she's going to be on the streets, then so am I.''

    Michelle's mother said: "And with that she went into her room, packed her bag and took off ... basically from that day on things started to go downhill.''

    She said she felt helpless to regain control over her daughter, despite repeated pleas to police and the Collie Family Centre for help.

    She claims she was told by a counsellor she was not to have anything to do with her daughter, but was not given any reasons.

    She says she was also told there was nothing to gain by forcing her daughter back home because she was only two months shy of her 16th birthday and would be free to leave then.

    "I just felt so helpless. All my parental control was taken away from me,'' she said. ``Anyone in the community that knew me, knew my standing. I wasn't down at the pub getting drunk every night.

    They knew that I brought my kids up in a Christian, loving environment.''

    In November 2005, the Collie Family Centre found a "safe house'' for Michelle -- a caravan on the front lawn of a foster carer's house -- which she shared with Eliza.

    But that lasted just a few weeks and the girls had to leave. Michelle then camped on friends' couches and squatted in abandoned buildings.

    "She was basically living in the gutter,'' her mother said. ``They were living in disused places with no electricity, no running water. It was shocking and there was nothing I could do.''

    Three months before Eliza's death, Michelle's mother moved to Perth so her other daughter could start university.

    On several occasions she and her daughter tried to persuade Michelle to join them. Michelle would stay a week or two, but the attraction of drug and alcohol-fuelled parties in Collie was too strong and she would return to the coalmining town.

    Michelle's sister says she has nightmares about the crime and will never return to Collie.

    "We don't condone what she's done, but we just can't believe she's done it,'' her sister said. "I don't think she would ever have done it without drugs.

    "When it first happened ... we would just burst in to tears; it was like she (Michelle) had died.

    "I'll never go back (to Collie). I'll never set foot in that town again. It's almost like that place took my sister away. I hate it.''

  11. #86
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    It's unlikely there'll be more info released on the case for sometime, if ever -

    The mother of murdered Collie girl Eliza Davis broke her five-year silence yesterday to promise to "move mountains" to stop a play she believes is based on her daughter's death.

    Erin Davis said yesterday she had heard about Black Swan State Theatre Company's production of The Damned when her son recently received an email from a friend.

    "He said Year 11s and 12s from Bunbury Senior High School were going to see the play," Ms Davis said.

    "I contacted the school and the principal was really good. He said he wasn't aware (and) he made the decision then and there that they wouldn't be attending."

    Ms Davis said she then spoke to senior managers at Black Swan. They told her the play was fictional but she said it was obviously about Eliza.

    "High schools in Bunbury were going to see the play and those children were also advised it was based on the murder of Eliza Jane Davis," she said. "I think myself, my family, we've been through enough.

    "For them to sell tickets over my daughter's death and murder and to turn around and make a play about it, I think that is really sick."

    Ms Davis said she was haunted by her daughter's murder and still believed a third or fourth person may have helped the 16-year-old killers murder Eliza and bury her body under a Collie house in 2006.

    The Damned, which opens on Saturday night, tells how two 16-year-old girls, confess to murdering a girl named Melody in a small WA town.

    In the original script for The Damned, playwright Reg Cribb named the victim Eliza-Jane and the story was set in Boyup.

    Writing about The Damned for the National Play Festival in March, Cribb said the play was "very loosely based" on Eliza's murder and the 2006 murder of Stacey Mitchell, who was found dead in a bin in Lathlain.

    Black Swan general manager Shane Colquhoun said yesterday the play was fictional and inspired by a number of high profile cases. He said it treated the issues sensitively.

    Taxpayer-funded ScreenWest has provided $20,000 to director Andrew Lewis and Cribb to turn The Damned into a movie script.

    Arts Minister John Day said Black Swan was an independent theatre company and its decisions regarding artistic programming and content were entirely a matter for them.

    THE mother of murdered teen Eliza Jane Davis has spoken out about a proposed documentary based on the crime.

    Two friends killed Eliza in a Collie house in 2006.

    The then 16-year-old murderers were sentenced to life in prison with a 15-year non-parole period.

    Erin Davis, Eliza's mother said on her Facebook page this week that a detective called to tell her about the documentary.

    "All you people are sick , if you have a daughter, think about her being strangled by her so-called friends," Ms Davis wrote.

    "Not one of you would like to walk in my shoes. My whole life has turned to sh...

    "I bet if it was any of your daughters you would want to see and know the truth.

    "You have no right to exploit me and my daughter and need to think of the lives you are tormenting."

    Ms Davis made reference to the 2011 Swan State Theatre Company play The Damned, which she said was based on Eliza's murder.

    The play was centralised around a girl called Melody, who is killed by two female friends, strangled with a speaker wire and disposed of under a house.

    The murderers, Natasha and Kylie, then walk into police stations, 250 kilometres apart, to confess their crime.

    The play was also influenced by a murder in Lathlain shortly after Eliza's murder, when a teenage girl was killed by a lesbian couple.

    Ms Davis was particularly angry about the fact that the state government provide funding to the theatre company.

    "You make me sick ... making money off people making this sh.., this is wrong," she said.

    "... there should be laws to protect victims of crime."

    Mrs Davis was also critical of Premier Colin Barnett and his government.

    "I work my guts out, pay tax and you can get up there and donate tax money to a theatre company to go and make a play about the murder of my daughter.

    She said police would not show her information about her daughter's autopsy.

    "How and where are this company getting information from if I, the mother, can't see it?" she asked.

    WA Police spokesman Neil Stanbury said they would not cooperate with the producers of the documentary.

    WA Police had the best interests of victims of crime in mind, he said.

    A Swan State Theatre Company spokesperson said the company was not involved with the new documentary.

    Ms Davis has been contacted for further comment.

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