Quote Originally Posted by kevansvault View Post
See, nowwwww this dog shit motherfucker and his shitass family are "all in this together", but this is a hoax, remember?

So the biggest con man on the planet tested positive for a disease that is a democrat hoax?

Serves this motherfucker right. I hope he suffers, hard. I hope he's left with serious, and i mean serious recurring issues in the wake of it, too.

It couldn't have happened to a more deserving piece of shit. You don't want to follow the guidelines of the experts in infectious disease, then fuck you AND the horse you rode in on.

I'd be wrong if I said those things in hopes it would make him a better person, but tigers can't change their stripes. The people who voted for him are some of the legit dumbest most clueless and heartless sacks of dog shit on this fucking planet, and idgaf if you disagree, the proof is right in front of your eyes. The man gives net zero fucks about anyone but himself and his family.

Welcome back! I hope the orange fucker dies so we don't have to maybe put up with another 4 years with him as president.
I'm sure with him getting the coronavirus this is going to further strain our relations with China since they're the yellow devil (which Trump I'm not sure has said, but he's probably thinking it). If he doesn't die, I hope he can't taste his food then maybe oompa loompa will loose some weight. I just hope he gets the coronavirus that sticks for months and not for a couple of days. I hope president fuckhead will now enforce mask wearing.