Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
Why does no one want to play in this thread??? I think it's a cool thread, but you guys need to post!!!
I think so too, this is the first I've seen it. I'll play... but first... were we separated at birth?!

Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
This is a cool thread, well, the original intent was. Let's play.

I want to go back to Pacific Northwest and take my hubby to see Orcas. I got to see them over 20 years ago, but he didn't get to go on the trip because his boss was a dick, so I went with a friend.

I would also like to go to Palenque and see the tomb of Pakal.

I want to go to Tahiti/Fiji or someplace like that in the South Pacific and go dive there.

My #1 bucket list thing though is to go to Egypt and spend like a month and see all the ancient Egyptian sites and go down the Nile.

Oh, and on a non-travel list, I want to bee-keep one day.
Every one of these is on my bucket list - except I'm not diving in Tahiti/Fiji, me and open water don't mix. I'll sit on the deck of a grass hut overlooking the crystal clear water - book and phoufee drink in hand - and the rest of the time I'll be sampling the specialties at local bars and restaurants.

I have several bucket lists (travel, learning, experiences, adventures) and have ticked off quite a few items since I started keeping lists many decades ago. In some cases, I checked the box and exceeded my expectations (I wanted to visit Europe, never expected to live there). It pays to get old, the longer you live, the more boxes you get to check. My lists are lengthy, varied, and fluid. The world is a big place and there's only so much time, you know? Some things have dropped off as my priorities have changed. I'll never go skydiving like I wanted to do when I was 19yo. The thrill is gone, and WTF was I thinking anyway? I'm terrified of heights. The follies of youth, eh?

On my Travel/Adventure Bucket List, I want to travel the length of the Mississippi River by steamboat (NOLA to St. Paul) and by car (St. Paul to the Headwaters at Pinewood, MN).

On my Experience Bucket List - See the aurora borealis. Hopefully I'll see them in Scotland, I always seem to miss them.

A recent addition to the Learning Bucket List is embroidery. One night I stumbled across a youtube channel that mesmerized me, and now I want to learn to embroider. I especially want to learn ribbon embroidery, but baby steps... I'm no Domestic Goddess. And check her out, she makes it look soooo easy, when I watch her I'm like, "Sheeeeeiiiiiiiiit.... I could do that!"

Quote Originally Posted by InsecureAttachment View Post
I'd like to actually complete my Peace Corps service (waited 10 years to finally apply and then get evacuated week 9 ). I'd like to finally make it to Peru some day too.
Also, I'm not ashamed to admit I have no idea how to sew. Like no clue. I'd like to learn. I guess now is a great time to take that on...but Netflix and getting lost on the internet has composed most of my day recently, so I'm pretty busy.
I feel your pain, Netflix and the internet have been demanding too much of my attention these days. But that is how I found the embroidery lady, so all wasn't lost.

Please tell us more about the Peace Corps. What were you doing and where? I guess you enjoyed it since you want to finish it.