Double post but I don't care:

I'm the first person that will point out when racism is being used as an empty excuse. You can ask Queena herself that I DON'T let the "racist card" be used in instances where it isn't warranted. We had an EPIC argument that involved Sonic on here years ago over this same subject.

In this instance, it's perfectly clear that they were treated differently not because they didn't order anything, not because they were being disruptive but BECAUSE THEY WERE BLACK. By BOTH the Manager AND the Police and it's disgusting.

I have personally gone in to many a Starbucks without purchasing a God damned thing and given the code to use the bathroom. I've PERSONALLY WITNESSED homeless try the same and be denied. They're absolutely decisive on WHO is allowed to do that. That's not "policy", it's a fucking FACT.

So stop with the crap. We all know what happened here and it needs to be addressed.

If you deny anything different, then you're an ignorant dick that obviously never had the misfortune of being singled out for something that you had zero control over.

Don't be that person.