Forensic police spend four hours combing the Melbourne home of murdered 15-month-old toddler Sanaya Sahib as her mother is taken in by police for 'welfare reasons'

-Toddler Sanaya Sahib was found dead in a Melbourne creek on Sunday
-Her mother, Sofina Nikat, said her daughter was snatched from her pram
-Police spent four hours scouring family home after discovery of her body
-Ms Nikat, 22, was taken by welfare workers to speak with investigators
-The pair were staying with family as Ms Nikat separates from her partner

Detectives investigating the death of a toddler, who was found dead in a creek after she was snatched from her pram, have spent four hours scouring the family home as welfare workers took the child's mother to police who she was helping with their inquiries.
Police are continuing to speak to family members of the 15-month-old Sanaya Sahib whose mother Sofina Nikat, 22, told investigators a man who smelt of alcohol and not wearing any shoes took her daughter as they walked through Olympic Park in Heidelberg West, in Melbourne's north.
Ms Nikat was seen leaving her home with two welfare workers on each arm as she was escorted to speak with police on Sunday, Ten News reported.

The man, who Ms Nikat said followed herself and Sanaya in the park before pushing her to the ground and running off with her daughter about 10am on Saturday, was described as African in appearance, between 20 and 30 years old and about 1.8 metres tall.
But the mother did not see his face.

Less than 24 hours later, the toddler's body was found 'partially submerged' in Darebin Creek just before 3am on Sunday by a family who had seen social media posts about her disappearance and wanted to help.
They were looking for the child so early in the morning because they themselves had been victims of a child disappearance, but lucky for them their loved one was returned.

No one has been arrested and the investigation will continue, a Victoria Police spokeswoman said.
Detective Senior Sergeant Stuart Bailey said on Sunday it was not known how long the toddler's body had been in the water, and appealed for anyone who saw the incident, the child or her blue and yellow pram to come forward.
'It is obviously extremely concerning for Victoria Police if this is a random abduction,' he told reporters.
'But we're not closing off any lines of inquiry.'
It is believed Sanaya and her mother, from Mitcham in Melbourne's east, were staying with family in Heidelberg West near the former 1956 Olympic Village following a separation from the tot's father.
Both parents are said to be extremely distressed and have been helping police.

The body is yet to be formerly identified and a post-mortem examination was due to be carried out on Sunday night.
Locals said they were shocked at the grisly incident, which shook the tight-knit community.
'It's really scary. You would hope someone would have seen it,' local Sophie said, according to the Herald Sun.
'It's so scary that it could happen with so many people around. I don't want to say it's an unsafe neighbourhood, but it definitely makes you more mindful.'
Other residents have started to lay flowers at the park in tribute to the baby girl.

Sanaya's uncle Habib Ali claims the mother arrived home after her child was snatched, holding grave concerns and was screaming 'somebody took my child, somebody took my child', 9News reported.
Following the discovery of her body, Mr Ali told Ten News the family were 'shocked, worried and devastated'.
Ms Nikat was reportedly sitting on a bench when she noticed an African man in his mid 30s keeping a close eye on her, the Herald Sun reported.
'She said someone was standing and watching her...but she didn't make anything of it,' Mr Ali said.
Although Ms Nikat lived in Mitcham, about 20 minutes north-east of Heidelberg, Mr Ali said his sister visited frequently as he and his family were helping her through a separation with her partner.

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