Hi guys.
This doesn't have an official missing person report or a news article, but someone I know has not been heard from since around August 11th.
Desiree Mikolajewski was originally born as Teddy Mikolajewski, a male, but she has transitioned to a female, Desiree, these past several years.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teddy.mikolajewski?fref=ts
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/Teddymmm (She does have a very overwhelming, exaggerated personality that many might not like or find annoying, but she has always been this way, just a heads up)

Her aunt just reported her missing today.

Her friend mentions that she was on a day ago, I'm assuming she can tell by the chat since she hasn't posted since August 11th.
And yes, her family does address her as "he" and "Teddy" because they never came to terms with it. If I remember correctly, her family may have disowned her also when she started transitioning
I may be jumping the gun by posting this here, but it is strange for her to not post on social media for 3 months when she used to post every single day.

Last post August 11th 1:52PM: My brain is too advanced for the general population. Open your eyes people! Read! absorb every FACT that you can stop filling your brains with mainstream foolishness. I seriously get tired of trying to talk in layman's terms and people are still confused. Thrn they just flat out think I'm making up stuff because it sounds too plausible
August 11th 1:14PM: Can someone please find me the ANONYMOUS hacker group thing about Kendrick Johnson?
August 3rd: Anyone that knows of me. Please help! Can my fb friends please list ANYTHING about me that makes people hate me or jealous or something you JUST don't like about me. GO.

These last 3 posts aren't like her normal status updates. ie other previous statuses;
"My personality is designer and I wear it everyday. Who are you wearing?"
"I got married last night.. The only thing is I can't remember my husbands name."
"So some of the men on my timeline flexing being anti-gay. uhmmm.. But aren't you in MY inbox trying to fuck everyday? THATS GAY!"

She is originally from Valdosta, GA, but has been on and off living in Atlanta, GA.
I've known her for about 10 years now, but we drifted apart probably 6 years ago, so I don't know much about her personal life currently.