I don't see this ending without bloodshed, but time will tell...
A growing number of Bunkerville residents want to see the armed militiamen guarding rancher Cliven Bundy leave Nevada, according to a letter from Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., to Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie.

Horsford, whose congressional district includes Bunkerville, wrote that his constituents are concerned about Bundy supporters carrying weapons near local churches, schools and elsewhere.

Militia members flocked to Nevada to support Bundy in his fight with the government over his refusal to pay fees for his cattle to graze on federal land.

?I urge you to investigate these reports and to work with local leaders to ensure that their concerns are addressed in a manner that allows the community to move forward without incident,? Horsford wrote to Gillespie.

The letter also says militiamen have a presence on state and local roads as well as federal highways. In some areas, according to the letter, militiamen have set up checkpoints where drivers are stopped and asked to provide a proof of residency.

They?ve been seen carrying high-caliber weapons and keep a round-the-clock security detail on Bundy.

Many of the militiamen, attracted by Bundy?s views on state?s rights and public lands, traveled from across the country to support him in his stand against the Bureau of Land Management.

Bundy owes the BLM $1 million in grazing fees. Earlier this month, the agency called off a roundup of Bundy?s cattle after escalating tensions between federal agents and militia members.
