Quote Originally Posted by morbidT View Post
Nope, but who knows with this case. Unless the courts have required something else her date of death will remain December 12th no matter when her heart stops.

And since you brought up the head shot. I don't understand why the only thing that kills zombies is a head shot. On The Walking Dead the dude at the CDC showed how the brain has no activity so zombies are brain dead. Why is trauma to the head necessary if there is no brain activity? The trauma should be done to the brain stem.

I've had organ donors crash and we performed CPR. They crashed because they were dead and we did CPR to keep the oxygen perfusion for the organ procurement.
i always thought decapitation should do the trick. but i digress.

this situation is sad but silly. at some point they have to realize she's dead. i also thought it was odd and upsetting that there was so much comparison to black kids who were violently killed and swept under the rug on the facebook. this is clearly a case of a bad thing happening by accident or random chance.