Interesting article:

Great comment:
Responsible gun owners should take a step back and look at what's happening. I'm a member of the NRA, I hunt and I'm a competitive shooter.

On a regular basis, at different ranges, there'll be a bunch of 20-30yr old idiots showing off their latest toy in the parking lot over a beer. There's always a 40-50yr old "enthusiast" who is being adored for whatever idiotic crap he's told those kids and how he has 100 different versions of XYZ and how he can get them a "kit" to convert their new toys.

Seriously, it isn't screaming liberals that are at fault here. The fault lies with idiots who leave their guns all over the place, people that sell guns to crazy people, people with absolutely no comprehension of the power of a weapon, and criminals.

The voices of responsible gun owners is being leveraged by idiots, crazies, criminals and all those that make money from them.

Responsible gun owners need to get together and come up with a responsible approach to stopping the idiots and criminals from getting their hands on guns of any sort. AND they need to make it clear that they are NOT terrified of the secret underground black panther government, and they are not really certain that they need a 100round clip to defend their home from a prowler, and they are not really 100% sure that the kid in newton would have just come back with a baseball bat and killed those 20 kids.

Seriously people. Let's not get played.