Quote Originally Posted by Monter View Post
It isnt as much the force of the fall as where you hit.
A blow to the temple can be easily fatal, or just that perfect storm of where he was hit and how his brain was effected.
Thats why i was questioning because if it was say the temple area, it would have been noticeable I suppose. Or maybe he did fall hard enough to blackout beforehand and just didnt realize he had blacked out? I dont think we have heard where he fell yet either, Im thinking it was most likely at home, maybe in the shower.......
Quote Originally Posted by krazegirl View Post
I need to stop laughing at people when they fall. I would feel bad if they died later and I had just laughed at them.
Ive been guilty of this too and i would feel terrible also. Bodhi had this ginormous noggin when he was a baby and he was always falling and hitting his head.

Ive hit my head on the lower corners of my truck doors and omg thats sooo painful. I could be helping my husband work on something under the truck and when i went to stand up, i would hit my head super hard. Very scary.