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Thread: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

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    S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    The young mother called police with a story out of any parent's nightmares.

    Amanda Reagan Smith says a knife-wielding carjacker forced her to drive to a secluded, wooded area in Greenville, S.C. Once there, he pushed her out, locked the car doors and pressed a pillow to the face of her 7-year-old son.

    The 26-year-old former nursing student said she shattered one of the car windows and struggled with the assailant. But when deputies arrived, little Devon Epps was dead on the ground next to the car, his mother on a cell phone with a 911 dispatcher. An autopsy indicted the boy had been strangled.

    Now, more than a month after the Aug. 12 killing, the case remains unsolved. And the worry that once filled Greenville has sharpened into questions about his mother's account. The case has also revived vivid memories of another mother named Smith — Susan Smith — who told a similar tale.

    In the hours after the killing, police dogs and helicopters searched the woods where Amanda Reagan Smith said the attacker had fled. Sketches of a suspect she described were posted in businesses and neighborhoods.

    Sheriff's deputies say they are pursuing more than 60 leads in Devon's death, and forensic tests are still being performed on the car where his mother said he was killed.

    "It's one of those situations where we are just having to exhaust every lead that comes in," sheriff's Lt. Shea Smith said. "We're not calling the mother a suspect at this time, but certainly we are looking at the whole investigation. We're not ruling out any possibility at this point."

    In 1994, about an hour east of Greenville, a woman named Susan Smith reported that she had been carjacked by a man who escaped with her sons.

    Smith went on national television to beg for the boys' safe return. Days later, she confessed to strapping them into their car seats and letting her vehicle roll into a lake, where they drowned. She was sentenced to life in prison.

    Attorney Tommy Pope, who as a prosecutor sought the death penalty for Susan Smith, said the most recent carjacking scenario gives "pause for concern."

    "Arguably if the goal was to have the car, he had the car," Pope said in an interview. "A child would be the least likely target in that scenario. Stranger things have happened, but it begs a number of questions."

    Andrea Regan Smith's relatives declined to comment when reached by The Associated Press and refused to have her talk about the case.

    In an obituary, they wrote: "Devon, you are such a joy in our lives. You will be greatly missed and remain forever in our hearts. Love, Mama and family."

    Records obtained by The Associated Press show the boy nearly perished in a house fire just a few months before he was killed.

    On May 1, Devon Epps was hospitalized for smoke inhalation after a fire that started in the bedroom where he was sleeping destroyed a third of home where he and his mother lived. Smith told authorities she had "left a lamp turned on as well as a night light," according to a police report. The fire was ruled accidental, and authorities have not reopened that case.

    Smith attended Greenville Technical College as a nursing student from 2003 to 2006, according to the school, which declined to provide more information about her. Police say it's unclear whether she was employed at the time of the killing.

    Parents are no longer afraid of a killer on the loose in Greenville, a city of 56,000.

    "A lot of people have their own ideas of who they feel did it," said Amoretta Dogan, volunteer chairwoman of the Parent Teacher Association at Devon's former elementary school.

    Smith's neighbor Debra Drinkard said she didn't know the mother and son well because they had lived on her street only a few months. The two stayed to themselves, she said.

    "I was just mostly him and her," said Drinkard, who lived across the street. "There's a lot of unanswered questions. Whether she's telling the truth I couldn't say ... but the account does seem strange."

    Soon after the slaying, a television reporter interviewing the boy's father, David Epps, told him that some members of his own family thought the sketch based on Amanda Reagan Smith's description looked a little like an older version of David Epps himself.

    Looking at the sketch, Epps said the revelation was "weird." He was in jail at the time of the killing for failure to pay child support, police said.

    "God will have his vengeance and the person who's guilty will eventually be revealed," Epps told Greenville television station WYFF.

    Lt. Smith said the relationship between David Epps and Smith at the time of the killing is unclear. Attempts by the AP to reach David Epps were unsuccessful. A phone number listed in his name was unpublished.

    Pope, the former prosecutor, said it's human nature to think that only a stranger could kill a child.

    "We feel better if it's a carjacker — the boogeyman that comes to do it," he said. "That we can kind of prepare for and protect for.";_ylt=ArBzUHkhF4ssB_XS1LZZyMms0NUE

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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    The general consensus is that the mother did it herself or is possibly covering up for someone else (like her girlfriend) who killed him.

    She has a myspace. Or did--I don't know if it's still up. It was changed to a memorial page the day after he died. Previously it was a "i love to party" page.
    A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.

  3. #3
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    Pretty fucked up that the sketch looks like an older version of her ex. 

  4. #4
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    [quote author=turtlenads link=topic=10083.msg543659#msg543659 date=1190319408]
    The general consensus is that the mother did it herself or is possibly covering up for someone else (like her girlfriend) who killed him.

    She has a myspace. Or did--I don't know if it's still up. It was changed to a memorial page the day after he died. Previously it was a "i love to party" page.

    Close, crazysexyluv

  5. #5
    Senior Member Just Me's Avatar
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    I just find it odd that she was carjacked and all the person wanted to do was kill her son

  6. #6
    Senior Member leapfreak's Avatar
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    This whole story is strange.  Why would someone carjack her, push her out and kill her son?  If they were going to start killing people, why not kill both of them so they are no witnesses.  If they just want the car, why not push them both out?  Plus her description of the carjacker looks just like her ex.

    Nothing in the story seems to add up.

    RIP Devon

  7. #7
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    Seems super shady that first there was a fire in his room and then next he was randomly suffocated by a carjacker.  I try to keep an open mind when reading stories like this, but this doesn't sit right with me...

    /seems super shady = accidental alliteration

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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    [quote author=s+ link=topic=10083.msg544002#msg544002 date=1190363666]
    Seems super shady that first there was a fire in his room and then next he was randomly suffocated by a carjacker.  I try to keep an open mind when reading stories like this, but this doesn't sit right with me...

    /seems super shady = accidental alliteration
    Yeah, the fire makes it sound like she was trying to get rid of him.

    I suppose it's possible that the father may have had something to do with it (I know he was in jail at the time, but it's possible he could have had someone do it for him).  He wasn't paying child support- maybe he thought if his son was dead he would be free.  I mean, if you don't pay child support to the point of being put in jail for it...that just speaks volumes to me.

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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    I remember the Susan Smith case vividly. They were searching Charlotte night and day. York is literally about an hour from here. It has tainted the way we see child abduction cases horribly.

    Another case that is interesting around is area is Asha Degree.

    The law enforcement community has exhausted every thing possible for this one.
    <br />&quot;If you aren&#039;t going to use the head on your shoulders, I will remove it by any means necessary .&quot; <br />

  10. #10
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    [quote author=hunibuni link=topic=10083.msg544120#msg544120 date=1190384629]
    I remember the Susan Smith case vividly. They were searching Charlotte night and day. York is literally about an hour from here. It has tainted the way we see child abduction cases horribly. Another case that is interesting around is area is Asha Degree.

    The law enforcement community has exhausted every thing possible for this one.


    I'm in Columbia.
    A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.

  11. #11
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    so, her son almost dies in an &quot;accidental fire&quot; that started in his room two months before he is suffocated by a complete stranger who hijacks them only to kill the boy and leave the car?

    riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.&nbsp; and i'm mary fucking poppins.&nbsp; i hope they find enough evidence to convict her and send her to prison for life.&nbsp; :x
    Don&#39;t argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.<br /><br />[quote author=bowieluva link=action=profile;u=5553 date=1236809919]<br />ALEX IS WATCHING YOU THROUGH A HOLE IN HIS FACE [/quote]

  12. #12
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    Another case of Some Puerto Rican Guy.

  13. #13
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    Well the father wasn't paying child support! What better way to off someone not bringing in any money.

    This story does seem shady but if there is a strangler what a better way to torture someone by killing their child in front of them. Who knows what will be dug up. That mother should still be held a suspect, women are very good at crocodile tears. INDEED.
    <br />Kitty loves MDS.

  14. #14
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    [quote author=bowieluva link=topic=10083.msg544289#msg544289 date=1190397521]
    Another case of Some Puerto Rican Guy.
    [/quote]at least it isn't another black guy as in Susan Smith's case.

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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    [quote author=beautiful.disaster link=topic=10083.msg544231#msg544231 date=1190394624]
    so, her son almost dies in an &quot;accidental fire&quot; that started in his room two months before he is suffocated by a complete stranger who hijacks them only to kill the boy and leave the car?

    riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.&nbsp; and i'm mary fucking poppins.&nbsp; i hope they find enough evidence to convict her and send her to prison for life.&nbsp; :x

    see, i'm with beautiful on this 'un

  16. #16
    Senior Member Just Me's Avatar
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    [quote author=s+ link=topic=10083.msg544478#msg544478 date=1190407393]
    see, i'm with beautiful on this 'un
    [/quote]Well I am with both of you on this.
    I think she is guilty in some way it is just trying to find out how.

  17. #17
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    found this and it is a very interesting read

    Have You Heard about the Bizarre Murder of Devon Epps, Most People Haven’t … It’s About Time People Have

    Has anyone heard of 7 year old Devon Chad Epps from Greenville County, SC and the Devon_Eppsbizarre manner in how he was murdered? Most have not as the main stream media for some reason has managed to keep it off the TV screen in lieu of “pop tart” reports. Sometimes when one reads a story it just does not seem right, nor pass the smell test, nor even seem believable. The murder of Devon Epps is just one of those stories. 7 year old Devon Epps was supposedly murdered according to his mother by a knife wielding car jacker. The car jacker then allegedly smothered Devon Epps in the back seat of her car. Devon Epps was murdered and the child died from asphyxia due to neck compression — strangulation.

    &nbsp; &nbsp; The Greenville County Sheriff’s Office got a call at about 11 p.m. Sunday from a woman who said she had been stopped at the intersection of Jacobs Road and the Interstate 85 Frontage Road.The woman told investigators that the man approached her car at the stop sign around 10:30 p.m.

    &nbsp; &nbsp;

    &nbsp; &nbsp; She told investigators that the man had a knife or knife-like weapon when he got into the passenger door of her two-door car. Investigators said the woman told them the man forced the woman’s son into the back seat of the car and ordered the woman to drive around. (WYFF4)

    Some on the internet, Rapid Eye Reality, have been following this case for quite some time. His skepticism of the story that was told, in many ways parallels that vast majority of people that have read and followed the case of the murder of Devon Epps as well. Crimeblogs has also done tremendous work on the analysis of this murder.

    The case of the murder of Devon Epps has been discussed at great lengths on the Greenville on-line forums.&nbsp; The local accounts and inside information are very well apparent by those close to where this crime took place.

    The events of Devon Epps, if one is to believe them as described by Devon’s mother Amanda Reagan Smith as to what she told investigators:

    &nbsp; &nbsp; * Amanda and Devon Epps were stopped at Jacobs Road and Interstate 85 that Sunday night when a scruffy-looking white man carrying a knife ordered the mother from her car.
    &nbsp; &nbsp; * Investigators said the woman told them the man forced the woman’s son into the back seat of the car and ordered the woman to drive around.
    &nbsp; &nbsp; * Amanda was able to get out of the car but when she did, the suspect locked the doors and that’s when he got into the back of the car
    &nbsp; &nbsp; * The man locked himself in the car with Devon. Then&nbsp; he smothered the boy, holding a pillow over the child’s face.
    &nbsp; &nbsp; * Devon Epps was taken to a hospital, where he was declared deceased. Amanda Reagan Smith was injured as well. She was treated and released from the hospital that night.
    &nbsp; &nbsp; * The woman had non-life threatening injuries, deputies said.

    Does this sound believable or like the many similar cases where a family members entire family is murdered yet they survive virtually unscathed? The story certainly sounds suspect.

    UPDATE I: What makes this case even more bizarre is maybe the fire that occurred at the home of Devon Epps three months earlier that nearly killed him. According to investigators, they never determined whether it was accidental or arson.

    &nbsp; &nbsp; Family members tell us back in May the fire started in Devon’s room, destroying everything.&nbsp; “He lost all of his clothes, all of his toys,” says Diane. Diane says the little boy told her an amazing story of how he survived.&nbsp; “He was trying to grab the door and it was so hot,” she says.&nbsp; “He grabbed at something to open the door and he finally got out and he went in there to wake his momma up.”&nbsp; She says it was a miracle he lived to tell the story, only to have his little life extinguished three months later.

    To make matters even more strange, take a good look at Amanda Reagan Smith’s MySpace account. Well it will have to be the cached one since it looks like she has deleted the old one. No wonder after taking a look at it.

    UPDATE II: Investigators confident boy’s slaying will be solved. But authorities not saying how close they may be to an arrest

    Investigators looking into the murder of 7 year old Devon Epps have stated that they are confident that the case will be solved. With all the information that has been provided to police, there are so many tests that can be done and putting the pieces together to see whether a story actually holds water.

    &nbsp; &nbsp; Nearly a month has passed since 7-year-old Devon Epps was killed and numerous leads have been followed, but authorities can’t say whether they are any closer to making an arrest than they were when the investigation began.

    &nbsp; &nbsp; Still, Greenville County Sheriff Steve Loftis said Friday he’s confident that the case will be solved.

    &nbsp; &nbsp; “I don’t want to speculate on how close we are,” Loftis said. “It’s difficult to put an exact time frame on it, because we just have to follow the leads, follow the tips and see where the investigation goes.” But, Loftis said, “I feel confident we’ll make an arrest.”

    UPDATE III: Mother Of Murdered 7-year-old Involved In Car Accident

    Cars certainly seem to be an issue with Amanda Reagan Smith. First her son according to her accounts was murdered by a car-jacker in the back seat of her vehicle at Jacobs Road and Interstate 85. Now Amanda Smith has a car accident, rear ending another vehicle. Is the pressure starting to set in?

    &nbsp; &nbsp; Authorities tell us Amanda Reagan Smith ran her 2007 Kia into the back of a van on Highway 176 in Spartanburg.&nbsp; Highway patrol officials say Smith rear-ended the van as it slowed down for a traffic light.

    heres the link..there are some pics of the boy and a video of the father

    it also mentions crime blogs so here is that link as well

  18. #18
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    A SEVEN year old?!? That is a big kid. My kid's ten and I can't imagine trying to strangle him - he'd probably run, fight, scream, yell or kick my ass. Though, at 11pm, maybe she took advantage of the fact that Devon would be tired?

    I just can't comprehend it. If it wasn't her, I'll be amazed.

    Rest in peace, Devon.
    With all this talk of thinking outside the box, I am beginning to wonder what&#039;s left inside the box. -Me

  19. #19
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    [quote author=JustGretch link=topic=10083.msg544605#msg544605 date=1190419176]
    A SEVEN year old?!? That is a big kid. My kid's ten and I can't imagine trying to strangle him - he'd probably run, fight, scream, yell or kick my ass. Though, at 11pm, maybe she took advantage of the fact that Devon would be tired?

    I just can't comprehend it. If it wasn't her, I'll be amazed.

    Rest in peace, Devon.
    well, that woman who drowned all her of them was like ten and fought like hell, but she overwhelmed him.&nbsp; I think part of it might be they don't really expect their parents to hurt them.

  20. #20
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    Sorry to bump but i found this-

    The death of a child on a lonely road


    The latest chapter in a national string of strange, sad events is currently unfolding in Greenville County, where the death of 7-year-old Devon Epps has local law enforcement in a quandary. Or does it?

    The mystery began on August 12, when Amanda Reagan Smith drove her black Honda Civic to the deserted intersection a block off Interstate 85. Smith told police she had her son in the car when she halted at a stop sign. A man with a knife jumped in the passenger door, ordering her to drive to a nearby stretch of road and get out of the car. Smith says she watched as he locked the doors then covered the boy’s face with a pillow. When help finally arrived on the scene, the attacker was long gone and Devon Epps was dead. The cause of death was listed as asphyxia due to neck compression.

    Amanda Smith gave police a description of the man she says attacked her. They produced a sketch of a white man, late 30’s to early 40’s with reddish hair, 6 feet tall and weighing around 225 pounds. Initial reports said the sketch resembles a homeless man known to frequent the area, but no suspect has been identified. Others suggested the sketch resembled Devon’s father, David Chad Epps, but he has an airtight alibi. On the night his son was killed, David Epps was locked up in the Greenville County Detention Center on charges arising from an unrelated family matter.

    As we go to press, it’s been 16 days since the death of Devon Epps and the case has reached an apparent dead end. Media reports continue, primarily in the Greenville News where crime reporter Paul Alongi has filed a succession of stories that keep the story alive despite the lack of any visible progress in the investigation. One headline told of the DNA testing of the pillow from the car. Now there’s a news bulletin – they’re actually going to test a piece of evidence from the crime scene. Stop the presses!

    Then yesterday (Aug. 27), the News featured a front-page headline “Sheriff thinks Epps case will be solved.” A source inside the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office tells The Beat this prediction by Sheriff Steve Loftis was based not on any hard information about the case, but the general knowledge that the vast majority of homicides are ultimately solved and there was no reason at this juncture to conclude this one would be any different.

    What these media reports must necessarily tip-toe around is the obvious fact that the mother’s story just doesn’t make sense. A decade after the Susan Smith case turned our collective stomachs with the sheer depravity of her murderous acts, there is an element of deep distrust aroused by many stories without nearly as many suspicious elements as this one.

    For many years, Brad Willis was a reporter for WYFF television in Greenville, covering crime and politics – and the gray areas where the two often intersect. A couple of years ago, he quit the media rat race, grew a beard and pursued an interest in poker, both as a player and journalist covering such activities for magazines and websites. But he has not been able to suppress his newsman’s curiosity to know things, even at arm’s length.

    These impulses are now relegated to, described as the blog of Brad Willis. Freed from news directors and assignment editors looking over his shoulder, Willis is quite candid in expressing his view of this case. Like a lot of people, he is disturbed by what he sees.

    The first red flag raised by Willis concerns the lack of national media coverage of the story. “I don’t care where it happens,” he writes. “If a maniacal killer randomly kills a seven year old boy and then goes on the run, it’s going to be national news. The networks would descend on our idyllic little community… That’s not happening.”

    He offers an explanation: “As a guy who worked in news for a decade and covered the cop shop for more than half of that time, I can tell you why. There is not a person in the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office or any of the local news outlets that believes the mother’s story. Speculation has run in just about every direction, but most of the time it circles back around to the mom.”

    Willis is blunt in his assessment: “If there was even a 40% chance this mother was telling the truth, here’s what Greenville, South Carolina would look like right now: The Greenville County Sheriff’s Office would have a command post running 24/7. Other agencies from the state and neighboring counties would be helping conduct the manhunt under Sheriff Steve Loftis’ direction. Every news outlet would be leading with the story in every newscast. The composite photo would be on the door of every business in the area. Finally, based on the Sheriff’s Office’s reputation, I’d venture to say the killer would have been caught by now.”

    At the end of his blog posting, Willis delivers the conclusion that many believe but will not – or cannot – report: “It’s pretty clear that if you read between the lines, you’ll see that the cops and, by extension, media, believe the mom killed her own kid then made up an elaborate story in a sad effort to cover her madness. Right now, the cops and media are going through the motions of reporting the nuts and bolts of the story and making it appear as though they are giving the mother’s story some credit. However, every single step they take makes it clear to the trained eye that they are ready to arrest her today.”

    Meanwhile, the public burning of Amanda Smith has already begun. Her MySpace page, in which she frankly presents herself as a single woman looking for a good time, is read like tea leaves in search of clues to her character, as is her police record - a bunch of speeding tickets and a fraudulent check to Wal-Mart. These fail to persuade that she is much different than the rest of us – at least not yet. But whatever happened on that lonely stretch of road, the death of Devon Epps is yet another American tragedy.

    Found here

    So they are pretty sure its the mum, have they arrested her?

    Kinda makes you hope it is her,if not this boys killer is not even being hunted.

  21. #21
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    [quote author=Lozz*in*Wonderland link=topic=10083.msg554122#msg554122 date=1191245603]
    Found here

    So they are pretty sure its the mum, have they arrested her?

    Kinda makes you hope it is her,if not this boys killer is not even being hunted.

    Interesting article.&nbsp; Thanks.&nbsp; I wonder if there have been any more recent articles on this.&nbsp; It would be good to know if they did arrest the mother or not.

  22. #22
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    Another thread on this murder with a post by someone &quot;claiming&quot; that &quot;Devon is a distant relative of mine&quot;

    It also has a transcript from Devons aunty on the &quot;Nancy Grace&quot; show (that i have heard you guys talk about!!)

    She seems to think it was the mum too-

    GRACE: Joining us right now is the aunt of Devon Epps, the little boy who perished in the car that day. To Diane Jacques. Ms. Jacques, thank you for being with us.


    GRACE: What was your reaction when you learned that little Devon was dead, a 7-year-old boy dead?

    JACQUES: Oh, it was hard. It was hard to accept. I didn`t even believe it until I actually seen that he was really gone.

    GRACE: Did you talk to the mom?

    JACQUES: Just for a brief minute.

    GRACE: What did she say?

    JACQUES: No emotion. Nothing, really.

    GRACE: Did she tell you what happened?

    JACQUES: Well, her and my brother had a conversation, and you know, there weren`t a whole lot of words said, you know? And she just more or less told (ph) my brother, you know, some things was left, you know, unsaid, you know?

    GRACE: No, I don`t know. What do you mean? She said some things are left unsaid? What did she say to your brother?

    JACQUES: That was the exact words that she had told him, that, you know, some things are, you know, are left, you know, better, you know, not known or unsaid, you know, and there was a lot of things that, you know, he -- you know, just him (ph) not to know, you know? And he kept asking her questions, you know, and questions over again. And so she just, you know, told him, you know, to quit asking so many questions.

    GRACE: What about the fire? What do you know about that fire?

    JACQUES: I was told two different stories, and that made me suspicious of it.

    GRACE: Who told you two different stories?

    JACQUES: Well, his mom came up with a story to begin with. And then when I had talked to Devon -- because, you know, me and Devon were real close. He was more like a grandson to me than, you know, an aunt. But when I had talked to Devon, you know, he had told me about, you know, him, you know, waking up coughing, and you know, he couldn`t breathe.

    And he was trying to find his way into the -- you know, to get out. And he kept trying to go to the door, you know, to find the door handle to get out. And it was so hot, he said, you know, he couldn`t, you know, hardly get to the door handle because it was so hot. And he finally got something to open the door up.

    And then when he went in there to -- you know, he finally got out and went to the bedroom to wake his mother up, you know, he said, you know, he said, Di, he said, you know, that`s what he called me, Di -- he said, Di, he said, I didn`t think my mama was going to ever wake up, you know? And so you know, there`s too many, you know, different stories...


    GRACE: What was the other story about the fire, other than the one little Devon told you?

    JACQUES: Well, Amanda had told me that -- you know, that it was caught by some covers that had fell on a night-light and that she was the one heard him coughing, and she was the one that got up and kicked the door down and went in there and got Devon. And you know...

    GRACE: That`s a drastically different story

    Still digging too see if i can find anything newer.

  23. #23
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    Just way to many &quot;you knows&quot; you know?

  24. #24
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    [quote author=Onthedarkside link=topic=10083.msg554141#msg554141 date=1191247267]
    Just way to many &quot;you knows&quot; you know?

    I saw the interview and couldn't believe the amount of 'you know's.&nbsp; It was painful and I thought that Nancy would actually cut her mike it was so bad.

  25. #25
    Senior Member Hayalet's Avatar
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    Re: S.C. boy's slaying raises suspicions

    That's just a small part of the interview, the rest of the you know's where too much to handle.

    Is Nancy Grace the kind of person that would make you nervous?

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